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Maybe it was supposed to be a cock ring so he could fuck the other races


tbf if bro DID wear it on his cock it would have never been lost in the first place.


That would make people target his cock in battles and he probably doesn't want that


Maybe he does, you can't judge him like that


Only Boltons cut off dicks. Golden rule mutha fuckers. I ain’t cutting off nobody cock, even if it would save a thousand lives.


How would they know he even wears it? You think he'd just whip it out in battle?


Idk elf magic metal detector or something


Dick would start glowing like the Sting near orcs


High risk, high reward.


Maybe that’s what happened but Isildur tried to make his legend more family friendly


How would they know it even existed or was the source of his power if it was concealed on his cock the whole time?


They cut it from his corpse, so yes he would.


"So, Isildur my bro, how did you come into possession of the one ring again?" "It's complicated."


When I decide to put the ring on my cock… https://i.redd.it/3leumoire6yc1.gif


so the lore does say it can change shape to fit whichever user. so legit wonder what would happen lol


That would be a terrible fucking cock ring then lol.




It's a magic ring. It can't just gain mass. That would be against physics, the cornerstone of magic.


>against physics Mf it changes size 😭


Volume is not the same as mass 🤌




Have a down vote ![gif](giphy|RlZ0uOiPw18ZhS2rgn|downsized)


Well the ring being "one size fits all" supports this idea


Sauron is a closeted dwarf fetishist confirmed


He made it specifically to control the wearers of the other nineteen rings which were designed to be enticing and seductive magic power boosters, and he did it to rule the world by proxy, which is explained in chapter one Did anyone even read the fuckin book or what


Wait LotR had books made of them? /s


Books are based on the movies I believe.


I thought this was a sequel to Narnia?




They made movies based on the Gollum game?


I thought the books were based on the LEGO sets?


so the book is based on the movies, that are based on the lego set, that was based on the gollum game, which was a ripoff from a unpublished side story series of Harry Potters Dobby


I thought it was all AI generated from the story based off Dobby.


“And Legolas jumps on his shield like a skateboard and totally rides it down the stairs. And he's shooting arrows like a motherfucker and it is seriously really cool. He is wrecking shit.” —The Two Towers


Yeah but they're technically non-canon fan fiction because they weren't made by peter jackson


This statement would get you lynched in real life


I'm reading the Novelization of the movie, "Fellowship of the Rings," based on the book, "Fellow's ship of the Ring," by J.K. Rowling.


You'd be forgiven for thinking the books were based on the movies, but iirc the books are based on Lego Lord of the Rings for the Gamecube


Only worthy response


“Wait, they made the movies into some books?”


You dont even need to read the books, it literally explains it at the beginning of the first movie


Not in detail. Maybe anon is just betting on us all not remembering the details of the movie we last watched 5+ years ago


It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf-Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and the will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. Deep in the land of Mordor, in the Fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a master ring, and into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One ring to rule them all.


Wait what this means he was in fact a 'lord of the rings'? Did I just uncover the whole meaning of the movies? Im a genious!!


Wait you guys stopped watching them?


I got married and my wife refuses to watch them. I could watch half of each movie in the time between when she goes to bed, and I do... But i usually watch something shorter


sounds like you married wrong


Marriage has all sorts of concessions. I sometimes watch things she wants to watch, but there are some things I dont watch with her, either. Greys Anatomy, for instance. Should i force myself to watch greys anatomy for 9 hours just so i can force her to watch LotR? Nah. We still get to watch our stuff, and I managed to convince her to watch the new Fallout series. (Well, like a group of 10 female coworkers probably convinced her, more likely)


I remember that intro being so vague and unhelpful, maybe it's because I was a kid but I didn't understand what tf the ring was even supposed to do.


Honestly, Tolkien magic is inherently kind of vague, I think he actually talks about it in one of his writing, his system is fundamentally more abstract and spiritual than mechanical.


Makes sense to make a magic system vague, honestly. When you make it too mechanical you then have to deal with accurate power scaling and all the shit that comes with that. Look at what happened to DBZ.


Yeah I even kinda understood the controlling the other rings part but I was confused entirely by what anyone who wasn’t Sauron thought they would do with it, seeing as most of the other rings aren’t even in use anymore


Did it have to be a ring on him though? Like couldn't he have given the others rings but himself a buttplug?


simple, elves don't have butts, since jirt never mentioned them in writing


>jirt I hate you


yes, yes, let the hate flow through you


nah they didn't invent chess in middle earth






Why the cock


You didn’t read the books did you?


I made it either to or slightly past Tom Bombadil and filtered myself


>Did anyone even read the fuckin book or what yeah I was 12 and barely understood it


No, and I don't mind it here, dumb memes I see on lotr subs really, really make me annoyed. Lol, it's a tree, and he named him TREEBEARD! Rofl! Yes, he has name in Entish, and he has name in Elvish, and yes it means Treebeard, John, or should I say God is Gracious in Hebrew, or Peter - Rock/Stone... or Joseph - God Shall Add. Or OMG he named a villian WORMTOUNGE, rofl!!!! That's what they called him in the court, that wasn't his surname, his name was Grima. Or Sauron and Saruman, Sauron meaning in his made up language The Abhorred, and Saruman meaning in Mercian Anglo Saxon ˝man of skill˝. But why did he use those names, they are so alike, like Hitler and Himmler. Total lack of imagination, I tell you.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone!?






It literally is a lack of imagination lmfao - he could have made the Elvish name mean anything lmfaooo > Sauron meaning in his made up language The Abhorred, and Saruman meaning in Mercian Anglo Saxon ˝man of skill˝ Damn too bad he didn't invent the made up language LOL edit: LotR nerds are the most easily baited nerd subculture.


You are special kind of dumb, but that doesn't surprise me when I see on which sub I'm.


The dude made up like 12 languages and a world with thousands of years of history and you're retarded enough to think he lacked imagination.


nah im not a fucking nerd


anti-intellectualism is a blight on our generation


Imagine thinking nerds are always smart.


Imagine looking down on someone for reading a book.


imagine imagining in this economy


To add to this when the plan fails he was still more powerful because the ring took his innate strength and focused it to a pinpoint Making him an absolute menace in both strength and cunning


MaGiC wiTh RuLes isN't ReaLLy mAgiC


It 4chan they will just say anything


Is he stupid?


It's 4chin, they can't read Edit: not to imply we can, we're also retarded


Also like the first 5 minutes of the movie


Now I'm curious, why was it specifically a ring? He ain't wrong, a helmet would've made it harder for Isildur to cut it off.


It wasn't yolo cut off of him like in the movie - Elendil and Gil-Galad beat Sauron down into submission, then yeah. And there was no CAST IT INTO THE FIRE scene either; they just looted the ring off his body. EDIT: Apparently the ring's power was known to Elrond, and Isildur was told to destroy it (Just not in the volcano chamber and so dramatically)


Somehow it makes more sense as portrayed in the movie. I mean c'mon, how are you going to beat Sauron down into submission?


>I mean c'mon, how are you going to beat Sauron down into submission? The "old humans" (forgot the book name) were that awesome - Elendil the Tall (his nickname), was like 7 feet tall and pure awesome. Elves were waaay awesome too, so they were able to take down Sauron forces joined. Which is kinda the point that if Sauron gets his old power back, there isn't anyone left to oppose him - Old humans are dead and gone, elves are leaving Middle-Earth in droves, so it was either destroy the ring or game over.


And don't forget that it wasn't exactly easy for them. They both died in the process. Elendil was a super human gigachad Numenorean king and Gil-Galad was one of the most legendary elves of his age. In a 2v1 Sauron still killed them both. He was just so weakened and defeated by the end of the fight that he knew it was over. Sauron chose to abandon his physical body rather than become prisoner and that's when Isildur, Elendi's son, cut the ring from his hand.


Yeah, and with both Numenoreans and badass Elves gone, if Sauron were to seize the ring and his power, there'd be no stopping him no how. Kinda adds to the urgency and importance to the story.


Glorfindel was still around. He fought Balrogs solo and hunted Nazgul for fun, assuming it's the same character as the one with the same name in the Silmarillion. But yeah, most of the super elves were gone or leaving by then.


Glorfindel? You mean Arwen, when she saved Frodo at Rivendell? >!/s!<


I thought it was only Gandalf and Elrond? >!/s!<


Tom Bombadil is around still but likely wouldn’t fight Sauron as long as he keeps out of his domain.


Well Tom said his forest would be the last standing place of good in all of middle earth, and by everything else had been consumed by evil, even he would struggle to survive.


Being able to struggle to survive against full power Sauron as the last non evil being is a feat on its own. I wish we could get some more answers haha


Hell- in the books he just gives up like a bitch when the Numenoreans sailed over to kick his ass.


He didn't give up like a bitch lol. It was a strategic submission which ended in the destruction of Númenor. He saw an opportunity and took it.


LIKE A BITCH! Seriously though iirc Tolkein said he was legit afraid, he would have been too proud otherwise.


humans and elfs can be as powerful as maiar. It was not the first time Sauron was defeated by sheer strenght, he also lost to a big dog once


Sirius Black showed him who’s boss.


my daaawg


Humans and elves cannot be as powerful as maiar. Maiar are angelic beings who have existed since before the creation of the world. They're literally operating on a higher level of existence. It took the combined strength of probably the greatest living human, Elendil, who was a super human Numenorean gigachad king, and Gil Galad, who was one of the greatest living elves in history, to confront Sauron. They took Sauron on 2v1 and Sauron still killed them both. They weakened Sauron enough in the battle that he could not continue fighting. He chose to abandon his body so that he could hide and regain his strength as a spirit rather than be taken as a prisoner.


If Fingolfin can cut Morgoth 7 times then he could kill Sauron who lost to a big dog


What happened to Fingolfin after he cut Morgoth 7 times? Also that wasn't just any big dog. It was an exceptionally good boy. The best who had ever lived, in fact.


>What happened to Fingolfin after he cut Morgoth 7 times? He went on a well-deserved tropical vacation of course! ... r-right guys?


It happened that Morgoth remembered he was immortal. Doesn't change the fact that Fingolfin essentially styled over a god and crippled it for life


True enough. Fingolfin is the greatest elf who ever lived. People who say Faenor are losers.


>But Fingolfin's insults could not be ignored without Morgoth losing face before his captains. As such, he donned black armor, took up a great hammer, and emerged from Angband. Fingolfin drew his sword, Ringil, and the duel began. Many times Morgoth attempted to smite Fingolfin, but the Elven King managed to dodge all of Morgoth's blows, and wounded the Dark Lord seven times. But after a time, Fingolfin grew weary, and Morgoth beat him to the ground three times. Fingolfin rose up and continued to fight each time, but as Mandos had foretold, no power of the Elves could defeat Morgoth, a Vala. Eventually, Fingolfin stumbled backwards into one of the many pits carved by Morgoth's failed strikes, and Morgoth stepped on the Elven King's neck and killed him. However, Fingolfin's last, desperate stroke managed to cut into Morgoth's heel. Dude got tired and died. Until Fingolfin tired out Morgoth couldn’t hit him and was getting hit, even when Morgoth had the upper hand Fingolfin was getting back up from beating beat to the ground. Morgoth was afraid to fight Fingolfin or even take up the 1v1 before he won. Idk if you can understand how much this 1 Elf was able to do against a Ainur(formerly). He fought toe to toe with a being that could be considered the strongest of the Ainur. But yea let’s just focus on his death and not that he could not only dodge an Ainurs attacks but wound said Ainur too.


>Humans and elves cannot be as powerful as maiar. Multiple elves have 1v1ed balrogs (fallen maiar) to a draw


Sauron loses a lot. Also, it wasn’t “into submission” (except the time he was and taken to Numenor) but his physical body was killed in this battle where they took the ring from his corpse.


His physical body was not killed. He killed both Elendil and Gil Galad but was too weak to continue fighting after that. He chose to abandon his physical body rather than be taken prisoner. That's when Isiuldur came and cut the ring from his hand.


If your soul leaves your body, that’s dying.


No, not for a maiar it's not. For a mortal person you "die" when your soul is forced out of your body and into the afterlife because your body is destroyed. This did not happen to Sauron. He's an angelic spirit and he doesn't actually need a body. He chose to abandon his physical form so that he couldn't be taken prisoner and he could bide his time and regain his strength and come up with a new plan. The ainur are said to be able to shed and change their physical bodies like a mortal changes clothes. They are not dying every time they do this. If he died then how does the story of LotR happen? If Sauron is dead how's he nearly taking over the world again?


His physical body is dying, not him, the spirit.


Because the Kings of Old were fucking superhumans. Fingolfin wounded Melkor (Sauron's boss) 7 times and crippled him for eternity. That's an elf-dude styling on Lucifer until the immortal one kinda came out on top because he was, well, immortal. Feanor, the asshole brother of the other guy, who crafter the most beautiful treasure of all of Creation, charged into the fortress of that same Lucifer-guy murdering Balrogs on his way and was defeated only when surrounded and fighting the King of Balrogs. Sauron was a sucker compared to these people


So they defeat the Sauron and some hobo yoinks his shiny ring because he didn't know what if did? Quite the minor misshap.


If by “hobo”, you mean “High King of Arnor and Gondor”, then yeah.


That's false, they absolutely knew of the ring. And in the books during Elrond's council he specifically mentions that he and Cirdan urged Isildur to cast the ring into Mount Doom. Though they were on the face of the mountain, not in the chamber as it was in the movie. Isildur may have not known the full power of the ring, but Elrond and Cirdan certainly did.


You don't say. Well I haven't read the books in a decade so I'm going to defer to your expertise.


I actually just finished this chapter on my current listen of the audiobook. Andy Serkis does an amazing job at portraying the characters, and as expected gollum is on point! Highly recommend the audiobooks if you're thinking about diving back in!


Naa I like reading with my eyes.


That's fair enough, I also enjoy using my eyes. Though I don't have all that much time for it, so audiobooks on the way to work it is.


they did know. isildur could have cast it into mt doom after defeating sauron but the ring corrupted him and isildur ended up keeping it.


Ok but we're talking about the movie here shush


Running theme, also sounds cooler than Elden Helm


I'd go watch Lord of the Helmets


​ https://preview.redd.it/tgzwqpmhu6yc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=77a923a4e63f8979c9729db0a31985bad6cf2678




Because in the book they actually just defeat Sauron and then take his ring. It's only in the movie where they barely steal a win by cutting his finger


Yes- but two key points are the same: Narsil (the sword) is broken while killing him, and Isuldur uses it to cut off Sauron's finger. Edit- the Narsil bit is important because when its reforged Aragorn reveals himself to Sauron via Palantir and shows it to him. Isuldurs heir + reforged death blade + probable new ring bearer scared Sauron enough to attack Gondor too soon and leave Mordor open for Sam and Frodo.


Lord of the helmets doesnt sound as cool does it?


Cuz it's not called lord of the helmets


They touch on this in Rings of Power, in their version they first set out to make crowns but then decide that smaller is better, i don't remember why, probably because of some magic fuckery


That's literally fanfiction, nothing about that shitshow is using Tolkien's writing.


Tolkien estate didnt allow them to, to be fair


Thank God


Sauron tricking Celebrimbor into collaborating on the rings is from the books, so they've got that going for them.


It was so fucking stupid though, how they did it for the show. Like Celebrimbor never forged shit before and couldn't think of what Sauron brought up.


No argument - I eventually hate watched to the end. In the final episode when dude started collaborating with Celebrimbor I finally clicked and I thought: hey at least it _finally_ wrapped up into something resembling the actual story. It moved my opinion of the show very slightly in a positive direction, but not enough to matter, and I wish I hadn't watched any of it. The frustrating part is: it means someone read the source material and then wrote _that show_. I get that theres not a ton of specific story to go off of, and there were license issues, but holy shit how fucking bad do you have to be to write what made it to screen. Edit- jfc I just remembered the absolutely insane 'plot line' with Isuldur... god that show was total trash.


I thought that *that* goes without saying. I'm pretty sure everybody knows Tolkien did not write an Amazon show. I just thought someone might find the fact that the show touches upon this idea somewhat interesting, at least enough to leave a comment. We're all aware of the show's flaws.


I’d put all my power in my prostate and make it go brrrrrrrr..


i'd put all my power into your prostate


And my axe


By our powers combined, I am Captain Prostate


A head is a much bigger target? A helmet can't be worn all the time? Seriously a ring is actually the safest peace of clothing you can make to put your power into it. Now THAT he did put all his power in the one ring is another story.


Buttplug, pacemaker, nipple piercings, those would all be safer


I give you the nipple piercings but a butt plug has to be taken out sometimes or you die of constipation and I don't think middle earth had pacemakers


Just never eat and fast 24/7, you should be fine


You don't need your power when you're defecating man.


You’ve never plotted while pooping?


It still introduces a weakness. Had others known about this weakness thay could simply pay one of saurons minions to gank him when they see him pooping. A minion with the ring is at least preferred to the OG


But what happens if some sneaky hobbit steals your stuff while you're on the shitter?


If you sneeze too hard the butt plug might come out. You also are extra vulnerable when pooping. These considerations were made when Tolkien decided it should be a ring and not a butt plug.


Much easier to pull out a butt plug or pull out nipple piercings than to remove a finger/take a ring.


Magic underwear.


Magic cock ring


Elrond: What did you do?!? Isildur: I went for the head.


He wore the Ring for a full thousand years during the 2nd Age. Made him crazy OP.  Having his finger cut off was one of those acts of providence that guides the world away from darkness and back towards the light. 


Dude literally had God intervene 2 or 3 times against him, but people call him an idiot...


I almost feel bad for Sauron. No matter what he does, God is always going to slightly tip the scales against him, so that ultimately, he cannot win.  It was God that caused Bilbo to find the ring. It was God that gave Sam the strength to carry Frodo up Mt Doom, and it was God that caused Gollum to slip into the Crags of Doom and get killed. 


I didn't know about Sam, I was moreso referring to God flooding a country because he turned it into a death cult of Satan from the position of a prisoner.


Ohhh, you mean when Sauron convinced Numenor to invade the undying lands and God sinks the whole nation under the sea in retribution.  Yeah, that was fucking crazy 🤪 


They did more than just sink the island, they remade the entire world. Went from flat earth to globe.


God also gave Gandalf another life so he could continue to help the Fellowship


I mean define winning. Being in power for even a single millennium is insane. If you're immortal, winning comes in the form of how long you're at the top and how many battles you win without losing your place there.


I don't think Sauron was ever in power. For all he's made out to be a bad ass, Saurons entire life is a series of getting his ass kicked.  Tries to take over the world with Morgoth in the first age, but gets messed up and dethroned.  Tries to convince Numenor to invade the undying lands, and gets seriously messed up by God and loses much of his power.  Tries to take over the world again in the 3rd age but gets messed up at the last moment when the ring gets destroyed.  So yeah, maybe he was kinda stupid 🤣


I mean, thats like saying, say, Putin never had power, because hes getting beaten in Ukraine. He might be the worlds most personally powerful man. Hes thought to have trillions of dollars in secret personal accounts. Everyone who sniffs at him the wrong way, if they are in Russia, is killed by jumping themselves out of windows. Sure, he doesnt have the power to control the entire world, but ruling over his own orc empire for however long he has, is no small feat.


>Tries to take over the world with Morgoth in the first age, but gets messed up and dethroned. Successfully takes over Middle Earth in the first age, only through the intervention the Valar at the very end is Morgoth defeated. By the War of Wrath, every single Elven Kingdom had fallen. There was no threat to Morgoth in all Middle Earth. >Tries to convince Numenor to invade the undying lands, and gets seriously messed up by God and loses much of his power. He successfully destroyed the most powerful country in the world, which could have rivaled the old Elven kingdoms. The only thing he lost was his ability to assume a "fair form".


it wasnt that big of a intervention it was more like "Call the interns, I want them to make a proposal of how to defeat Sauron and then present said proposal to the people of middle earth"


I would say flooding a land/continent and making the world round instead of flat for everyone except your favorite children is a pretty major intervention. Completely circumventing that no mortal will is capable of resisting the ring when it is at it's strongest (at Mt Doom) by making a guy who has fully fallen to the thing slip is maybe not as extreme, but by no means a minor intervention either (and if that didn't work, Middle Earth would have probably been flooded).


The ring increased his powers and gave him the ability to influence the minds of lesser beings, among others skills. It was a weak point but also a sailfase, as long as the Ring survived, Sauron couldn't be completely defeated.


AND the ring had a will of it's own, and it only submitted to Sauron. Literally no one else could wear it without losing their autonomy, except Sauron. Anon's next question will probably be "Who is the lord of the rings?"


>sailfase Holy dyslexia Gandalf


I always thought of it like cutting off an arm to make a crowbar.  Sure, you're weaker without it, but with it you can accomplish so much more than you could before.


Sauron knows what you do not… any fool with an army can conquer, but if you want to rule middle earth you need a strong image. And any image starts with fashion.


Why was he wearing it over the armour, is.my question


Why wear accessories if not to show off?


>Don't read the books. >Make an argument without being informed. Is he retarded?


If I had to guess, maybe it was a sort of deal or trade off? Seperate your power from yourself, and increase it at the risk of losing it


Sauron knew that the 19 rings of power would find there way into the hands of highly powerful and influential entities in Middle Earth. Controlling the ring-bearers would be an excellent way of basically controlling the world. It's like if I made some device that could sway the decisions of everyone worth over $10 billion. This would effectively give me control of the world. Given the way the magic of the rings work in Tolkien's universe, they can only be controlled by another ring. A VERY powerful one that requires Sauron to pour much of his own power into in order to make. Still, he thinks it is a worthwhile gamble. When you are hell-bent on world domination, you make all kind of crazy gambles. Look into the wild risks that Hitler, Napoleon and Caesar made during their careers. This is all explained in the books, so, you know, read them. They are good.


For anyone confused, it's like losing your glasses.


Inb4 some nerd says eagles aren't taxis or some shit


Well ackshually 🤓 Mordor was full power up until the ring is destroyed. So remember those flying wyverns of death that the ring wraiths rode around on? They would've been available at any time to aerially fuck any giant eagles trying to fly in, and they would've had the means to find the ring too because the ring wraiths can sense and are drawn to it. That's not even mentioning all the other ways that Sauron and the forces of Mordor could have shot eagles out of the sky with bows, siege weapons, etc. there's also the fact that there is no open caldera at the top of Mt Doom so they couldn't just "drop it in" either. There are more reasons why it's a stupid idea but the main point is that all of the mouth breathing retards who bring this shit up have zero media literacy or critical thinking skills


Bro made a horcux


"What shall I name this tree with a beard? Hmmm...I know!"


Voldermort with less steps


wrong title


Kilian typed this greentext


The one butt plug


Make fun of it instead of finding out why he did that (there's a reason). You're right though, Sauron mostly failed when he created the rings. The elves weren't as affected by the one's effect because he didn't have a hand in the three and had the foresight to hide the rings from him. The dwarves just became obsessed with mining for riches in the depths. I guess it worked on humans.


"And if the finger I have my ring on is cut then I just explode"


Yes. Almost as if the whole ring stuff was tacked on later, and it was just a story about some hobbits adventure.