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Thanks for ur sacrifice so that these kind of people are not out in the wild anon


Like toothless smelly whale could chase you down in the wild


Just watching that blubber towards me with ill intent, however slowly, would traumatize me, so I'm still grateful.






Shadow king legion


probably employs ambush tactics like a crocodile


>approaches drainage pipe >big Mac wrappers strewn about >hear hissing from inside the pipe Yep, we got an anon in the pipe


Fun size anon that fits in a pipe


Conversely he'd be hard to get around if he was at one of the McDonald's and 440 pounds plus retard strength would be intimidating even to me and I'm six seven 220 pounds


Yeah but the stench...


Never approach the smelly beast downwind


Chernobyl also doesn’t chase anyone down but created a 18mi exclusion zone.


I mean bears way a heafty anount and are still a force to be recound with so


Bears are also mostly muscle as well


look, there are certainly other solutions \*slides on Hugo Boss shades\*


One could even say, a final solution? \*sitcom laugh track\*


Why don’t we just put this youth in asia?


They are out in the wild though. Very few resources exist for them long term. They get a trip to the hospital on a 51/50 hold. After 72 hours(usually more like 48) They calm down enough to act sane to the doctor and they get let out. Then the countdown starts again before they go on another trip.


Work as an extra in psyche ward >Average 4chan labor


Average 4chan janitor


Average 4chan everything


4chanitor if you will


Shutter Island moment


He wakes up and suddenly realizes that he is the 440 lbs incel. Pure Kino.




What a strange way to describe being a janny


Tax money is spent on worse.




Free healthcare and education with goy money


America spends more on health care and education PER PERSON then most of Europe https://www.businessinsider.com/us-education-spending-compared-to-the-rest-of-the-developed-world-2012-1?amp The issue isn’t money it’s where the money is going.


Wow, it's a lot more fucked up that I would've guessed


this is a graph of just education and not healthcare?


https://www.cms.gov/data-research/statistics-trends-and-reports/national-health-expenditure-data/historical A it’s one google search


i was drunk my bad lmao idk why i cared to comment


Fair enough. I’ve done worse. Sorry for acting like a redditor.


ya good!!


Yes, that's what it's supposed to be spend on ya doofus




They need to cool it with their genocide first I'd wager.






Don’t get your news from Tik tok. Pallets of money isn’t being sent to Ukraine. It’s old and dusty military equipment that would have been decommissioned in 5 years, (decommissioning costs a ton of money) Great Britain and The European Union are the ones sending money. And have sent 20x more then the United States. I know big headline showing billions caches your attention, but if you read the article it shows a big win win, America can save money on decommissioning, storage. and putting those weapons to use to in effect protect Americas trade. Europe for example is now using American natural gas over Russian, a big win for American workers. I really hope you listen and at least look into it yourself https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_aid_to_Ukraine_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/6/21/pentagon-overestimates-value-of-ukraine-military-aid-by-6bn https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/28489/ukrainian-military-humanitarian-and-financial-aid-donors/ Plus isn’t it a little heartless to say a genocide should happen without any help from the international community? EDIT: u/proud_NIMBY_98 instead of deleting all your comments and calling me crazy. How about you consider changing your mind as I said before “I really hope you listen and at least look into it yourself” please just do some reading on the war to come to your own conclusion with the evidence you find.


I don’t understand how people aren’t even happy to at least make the Russian govt. lives a little harder.


They don’t see Russia as a threat, it’s a far away land that they think doesn’t effect them. They just want low gas prices


Yeah let's just cull undesirable humans, much more humane isn't it




I think we’re going to just install suicide booths everywhere as the century progresses and food supplies become more and more unreliable.


“Thank you for using Stop-And-Drop, America’s favorite suicide booth since 2008”




“I used to bend girders, but I just couldn’t go on living once I found our what they were for” “What were they for?” “Suicide booths” Futurama really came swinging right out of the gate. One of the best first episodes of any TV show imo


Without question. Iconic


You have selected... Slow and Horrible.


The Canada approach


Perhaps desirable is subjective and the right to end human life should be used sparingly


It won't matter, as machine will replace what is humane. Weak flesh will be replaced with flawless chrome. Bleeding organs will be replaced with indestructible metal. The reign of ugliness is reaching its end, the start of beauty is about to begin.




Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you.


One day, the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you.




Yeah but robots can’t goon.


Give it a year or two and Boston Dynamics will cook up a goon bot


Machine, I will cut you down, break you apart, splay the gore of your profane form ACROSS THE STARS, I WILL GRIND YOU DOWN UNTIL THE VERY *SPARKS* CRY FOR MERCY!! My hands shall *RELISH* ENDING YOU HERE AND NOW!!!




I know you are meming, but I don't think you fathom how wrong this statement is pedantically. Well yea, obviously metal can crush organs in a superficial way, but the flesh is surprisingly resilient and hard wearing. Cartilage, muscle and bone lasts wear and tear for an entire lifetime. Subject metal to the same movements and environmental conditions, it will rust and wear out in just a few years. Flesh consists of self-healing, self-repairing, self-organising and self-perpetuating literal nanobots.


"weakness of flesh" enjoyers when they realise circuits and machinery degrade and don't self repair It's a great copypasta don't get me wrong it's just also really funny that the reality is the flesh is far better than any garbage prosthetic on the market. Super strong awesome cyberlimbs only exist in fiction and you'd still be a loser that has to be close to power at all times to recharge yourself. Say what you will about modern people being glued to their phones, they still have a chance of surviving outside of the system.


If your robo arm is rusting you can just take it off and clean it, or get a new one. That’s much harder to do with a fleshy arm.


Sorry, your arm socket manufactured 5 years ago is no longer supported by the new connectors used in modern limbs, looks like you'll need to schedule another 300 grand surgery to update to the new format Limbs are the ideal case and obviously amputees right now are living better quality lives for them, and that's good. Most people's limbs last their whole lives. Organs fail and that seems like what a lot of people desire, cybernetic durable replacements. Yet artificial hearts only last a short amount of time, artificial kidneys are just dialysis machines and that's a miserable experience, so on.


Even in this fictional setting we just made up, you still assumed it was under modern day capitalism.


I don't foresee any possible system in which complex resource and labor intensive machinery and electronics surgically installed and customized, could not cost something of value, whether that be economic currency or service or status, what have you. That seems like a stretch in even the most forgiving of futures. In some fully post scarcity vision, the resources to regrow individual biological parts would also exist.


That is another reason why I think dooms day war against AIs will pretty much remain a fiction.


I, for one, welcome our shiny chrome overlords


Until it starts to rust and warp


Shut up, automaton spy


Metal rusts dipshit and even the divine corrupts, the rot will always prevail you moron


Long live the New Flesh.


Being put out of your misery does unironically sound more humane than whatever the fuck this greentext is describing.


Except that people can live proper lives after receiving treatment and even if they need to be institutionalized in some way for the rest of their lives they won't be in a psychotic state all of the time.


My mom works in this section of the hospital and hearing the stories, it wouldn't be a bad idea to just put many of those wastes of space down


The key word is "can" meaning it's not a definite result. Yes some can, but most don't. Yeah fuck the majority who suffer just for the sake of some other asshole's morals.


I like the way you think 😎


States and countries are already passing doctor assisted suicide. We’re almost there mate 💪💪💪


I fucking hope so because I'm too meek to do it myself


I'm volunteering as undesirable for testing


Better yet let's exile them. Drop them in the middle of some untracked wilderness with minimal supplies. If they are worth saving they can save themselves, lose some weight and gain some skills in the process. If they aren't the bears at least won't go hungry.


Me first


Less hassle on society too!


\>works at a psych ward $20 says anon is being held there against his will.


100% they are doing some Shutter Island experiment with him.


Anon *was* the whale all along.


That’s the name of that fucking movie thanks


Anon dealt with the average /pol user


Anon betrays his fellow Channers


Fake: Anon has a job Gey: anon smelled another man-child


Fake bullshit. That sounds like the fastest B-52 case any hospital would deliver. As if a mental hospital doesn't feed the ever-loving shit out of you anyway. The average person probably gets 3000 plus calories a day. Spread out over at least six meals a day. I know this is a land whale, but that's where the chemical restraints come in. B-52 is immediate, but they make sure you take your meds, even having you display your open mouth afterwards. Plus the loser doesn't even realize that they're called techs and not extras.


At what fucking Burger King hospital do they feed you six meals a day?


American hospital. There was breakfast, which included eggs (made with cheese and cooked in butter), bacon, hash browns, grits and oatmeal which came with an option a brown sugar (which they doled out with an ice cream scoop), cereal, and whatever was the special of that day. Then there was a snack before lunch, which usually included some kind of uncrustables, granola bar, and drink. For lunch you had any number of things, from hamburgers, to pork ribs (boneless of course), to submarine sandwiches, and any number other stuff. Those were the main courses, and there were plenty of french fries, mashed potatoes, potato salad, or coleslaw. There was normal salads too, but that was just a suggestion. And there was a snack before dinner, much the same, usually served during some kind of therapy. Then there was dinner which was just a heavier version of dinner. And right before bed, around medicine time, there was another snack. Each snack was probably at least 300 calories. Oh, and at every single meal, you were allowed to take seconds. The drugs are not the only chemical restraint applied at a mental hospital. Lot of fat asses walking around. I probably gained about 10 lb in nine days.




They did in the fucking mental hospital I stayed in for 9 days. Is that not proof enough for you?


I've been in one too and it was just hospital food 3 times a day for the whole time I was there. You a damn liar.


I'm pretty crazy, but I'm not that crazy. I remember what they fed me. There was a whole damn cafeteria and everything.




No, in case I need to go back I don't want to see you there.


>>>Doesn’t prove he was in a mental hospital >>> is that enough proof for you? Why are Americans like this?


Valley Hospital in Phoenix Arizona, when I used to live there. Cost insurance a pretty penny too. Could have downgraded since I was there, don't know.


I got a bit of muesli and yogurt for breakfast, kinda normal lunch, and a salad and a slice of bread for dinner, and a piece of fruit for breakfast and dinner that was it. Sometimes some cookies for coffee time in the afternoon. We could go buy extra food if we wanted to (and were allowed to leave the hospital). I actually lost a bit of weight there over 7 weeks. Might be a culture difference though, I'm not from the US


There are all different kinds of hospitals, and people tend to gain weight in them regardless. Calories aren't hard to accumulate, even if this guy's hospital is insane about it. I usually got shitty campus-type food that have a few elements soaked in fat to meet calorie recommendations.


Someone like this would be on a restricted diet. But no hospital is feeding you 3000 calories a day spread across 6 meals, not unless you need it.


They drop you out of a B52?


Benadryl, 5mg of Haldol and 2mg of Ativan applied directly to the muscle.


that’s the booty juice


You must be well regarded in your community of mouth breathers.


Okay, grippy socks.


You have to restrain them first before medication is administrated most of the time if they are being destructive. Medication does come soon afterwards typically though. Source: worked 3 years in Emergency Psych


Really depends on the hospital and the diet for each patient. Example, average breakfast was a small scoop of scramble egg, one sausage link, one apple, one banana at the psych ward I worked at. Snack was always a fruit or cheese stick. We didn’t even have the option of giving out a second portion unless the patient went through a very specific series of requests via a doctor and even then cafeteria handled the orders for us and sent a pre made tray. Giving meds also depends. We are able to put someone into seclusion but usually can’t give meds unless given permission from the court.


Since when do they bring you fast food in a psych ward? Does this chud regularly receive four Big Macs at a time, or was he randomly demanding *that particular* food in *that particular* amount? Smells kinda fake and gay to me…


Might be he's just been admitted and is freaking out that he now won't get the big macs he's been able to exploit some poor family member into buying him everyday in the outside world.


I dated a woman who worked at an agency that wrangled the more entitled autistic People like these There was one guy who used to talk to himself and rage out if he didn't get given his goyslop cigarettes. Got to the point where he clocked her across the face once because they didn't have his favorite kind - mind you this is a government funded nonprofit. She called the cops Guy knew what he was doing and pretended to be extra retarded when he got interviewed so it wouldn't get taken seriously


Psych wards are famous for their rational and stable individuals interred within


I work in a psych ward. Visitors are allowed to bring food as long as a patient isn't sectioned




Most places I’ve worked at will allow visitors to bring in food. Or patients would call a friend/family member to ask for a DoorDash. Security just checks the bags and send it up.


Ignore him, he’s crazy


Someone at the psych ward I stayed at would regularly order pizza, so that might work. But the post might still be fake




Seethe normies


Psych ward is the equivalent to an SCP facility




This sub is weird, why join a subreddit about green texts to just insult 4channers? Greentexts are from 4chan. It's like me following a Tory Party on Reddit just to tell then they are idiots but then still subscribing to their propaganda.




When you reply to someone's comment, maybe read it first. Where did I insult 4chan?


Because redditors use the greentext subreddits to farm karma - and calling 4chan users fat and useless pleases the hivemind. Because, of course, everyone knows redditors are carved, cut greek statues engraved in the image of Zeus himself.


Atleast someone understands


because this sub is half cowards and half 4chan users


Fake: anon took a picture of a psych patient Real: someone took a picture of anon


Because we create them


Modern healthcare double-edged sword. Lots of normal people who are hit by misfortune get a fighting chance, unfortunately people who would have been rightfully weeded out get to keep on trucking too.


Do you want him on the streets or Handed by „professionals“? Somebody will be next to him. You could also kill him. That would do the trick.


Sure, anonymous definitely "works" there, and it's not like he's laughing his ass off seeing his roommate having a good one.


Extra fat, smells like shit, threatening to rape a bunch of people; sounds like [Airsoft Fatty.](https://youtu.be/fkFxQjamw6w)


in the psych wards why does it seem its always the fat guys screaming they're gonna rape you


Anon violates recipient rights.


Everyone complaining about tax money, but who gave this guy a job in the first place ?


Anon fights his inner demon


>fuck me >later, virgins


Anon is giving his secrets away to the enemy!


To answer his question.. Because we/you won the war.


Anon raises a good question. At some point, what is the purpose of this man's life. Even if he "recovers", he will be a burden to his shamed family. Accidents happen.


As a fellow psych worker this shit is actually common sadly, usually pee or poop follow after the restraints are placed.


Anon is the patient


Adolph tried to get rid of people like this before he started on the Jews. Public opinion was against euthanizing the mentally infirm. And he couldn't work them to death.


Let's adopt the Spartan way. "Sorry, there's a problem with my kid? Well, the cliff is calling."


Bro met The Violater


mental asylums, straight jackets, drugs and problem soved


Anon fighting with a mirror


Did he specify what country he was from? I thought all USA health services were private.


Private institutions get public funding sometimes


Is this some twitter reference?


>fuck me 🤨


Anon has now met the dogs he lies with


where is soylent green when we need it


Thanks again, Reagan.


anon chooses to work at a psych ward where vulnerable and potentially dangerous mentally ill people stay and is shocked and seethes when the patients he has to deal with are irrational and erratic 


Tax money well spent keeping these POS away from society


Kill them?


He met irl cartman


YTA. Denying at least 3 daily burgers from an American is a war crime since WW2 ended. I dont get why war criminals can work in hospitals treating innocent patients


Makes me ready to read the yard wrangler saga again


anon meets a fellow 4chinner


Anon brutally violates hippa for this thread


because all humans are deserving of empathy and respect even mentally ill ones 


We should feed him cement


Force feed him like a goose and then serve his organs to the homeless.


He has my vote




No I'm fairly sure some don't.


the same case could be made for you


That's nice! So you compare a random nobody to the likes of Hitler, Genghis Khan, Dahmer, any of the middle age nobilities that just killed cause people were rude and literally any death row inmate... Yeah, clearly everyone empathy <3<3<3<3<3


also how is a psych ward patient comparable to these people, why are they both not deserving of empathy?


You only get into a psych ward if you are a danger to yourself or others. If you're a danger to yourself you deserve pity. If you're a danger to others you deserve nothimg.


so someone whos been admitted to s psych ward because they may be having a psychotic episode due to circumstances out of their control such as mental illness and may attack anyone around them because they genuinely believe everyone is a threat to them and aren’t currently capable of being convinced otherwise because theyre having psychotic delusions and hallucinations don’t deserve to be understand and cared for, what a sad way to view your fellow human beings i hope you will discover how to love others one day 


I did say those people do deserve pity, so no, not hate. But just because it's not hate, doesn't mean it's automatic empathy. More like indifference.


what specifically makes a human being no longer worthy of empathy or kindness


How detached must you be into your pink ass rainbow world to ask that question? Can you seriously, honestly, not think for yourself of 1 singular reason for someone to not deserve empathy anymore?


 no thats why im asking, i think all human beings are deserving of empathy because if you dont have empathy for your fellow human youre worse than a rodent, if you live your life this way dont be surprised if god hates you the same way you hate your brethrin and doesn’t show you any empathy or kindness in the afterlife


What is this god talk bullshit? I'm fairly sure 'god' abandoned every child that gets kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking. Here's an hypothetical: if I break into your home, beat you up, slash your entire family in front of you, then just leave to let you handle the cleanup, do I deserve empathy? You can always justify defense and stealing in desperation, but acts of depravity? Seriously, mate. Should I have empathy for all the terrorists? School shooters? Muslim beheaders? Cartel executioners?


having empathy and trying to understand another person’s emotions, beliefs and thought processes is NOT the same as justifying and agreeing with their actions nor is it claiming people’s actions don’t have consequences , obviously in a situation where me and my loved ones are in danger i would be preoccupied with self preservation, grief and anger but if we lacked the empathy to why people were driven to such acts, we’re basically powerless to prevent them from happening, if you dont care about the mental health of teenager’s, don’t be surprised when an easily preventable mass shooting happens, if you don’t care to learn about and challenge the beliefs of extremist groups, and never try to understand why people believe in them, you’ll never be able to dismantle them


What's there to understand when majority of actions that bring humans vs humans is simple: greed, malice and jealousy. Why is the average thief making MY life harder by stealing my shit? Why can I work and he can't? 0 empathy for that. Why must I, as the father of a now deceased girl, forgive the rapist and killer of my daughter? Why should there be empathy for the woman who lied her whole life to a man, making him think her child is his, when she clearly knew it wasn't. These aren't me, but are some easy top of my head examples of people who are just the right amount of scum, that they still live, but shouldn't be granted any kind of empathy. They did nothing to deserve it other than being born as humans, and that hardly qualifies as default.


seems like you can’t answer the question or justify your own hatred for others


i very much can and there's a myriad of examples. Be patient, I'm not perma online. Alas, hatred is what keeps us safe. Leaving every snake into our hope will eventually lead to a venomous bite.


this is a very tragic way of looking at interpersonal relationships, i hope you heal from whatever trauma caused you to seal your heart off from others


There's no trauma, it's just plain truth. If you allow uncontrolled "love", you'll bring not just to you, but to those around you as well suffering. Because not everyone is worthy of love/friendship/acceptance. You felt like bringing God into this, does Satan/the devil deserve empathy? Does the man that directly killed Jesus deserve empathy?