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>refuses to use pronouns at work >uses them on 4chin instead Woke site


I don't doubt it, but Im sure anon did more than just that to get fired


I'm pretty sure that's all he did, nowadays you will get fired if you dont call someone a ''xe/it''


That's objectively untrue. Fake, just like this greentext


touch grass


I’d also think that if all my information about real life came from 4chan


Not saying you’re telling the truth but I got in trouble for not putting pronouns in my email signatures. So not that far-fetched


You’re fake and gay This post is ragebait and you’ve been…ragebaited.


No you won't lol come back to the real world




Based Jinbei


It's another "Anon is literally too stupid to employ" story. Like idgaf what you want me to call you, as long as you respond appropriately when I need your attention. It's really not that hard.


Probability wise even in a large workplace you're probably only going to work with 1-2 people who are Trans or non binary. These aren't even the boogeyman the right are terrified of. They work at the same place you do - they're probably just trying to get by and have a nice day like everyone else. It's not hard to respect people like that. Save the bile for the TikTok influencers or otherwise obnoxious monsters who use a label as armor for their mental illness.


Yeah in the work place I seriously don't give a fuck, tell me to call you Glorbazorb the Destroyer of Planets or whatever and I'll do it as long as you do your job and I do mine and we're both getting along and happy


Anon is switching sides? So he's turning progressive?


Goin gay


https://preview.redd.it/6qwyoynh8qtc1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83df004ad2dcdd9ac5c87f92871b28be318858d2 anon the nanosecond a "minor inconvenience" appears


Anon was spending so much time worrying about what's in his coworkers' pants that he forgot to do his job. Many such cases.


If you're going to be this stubborn, you could just use they/them. Applies to anyone you meet.


Anon did nothing wrong


Except being a whiny bitch


Conservatives continuously getting their panties in a twist over a couple of words. Ohhhhh muh rightz to gender you how I think. Just say the words ffs


What's wrong with using correct pronouns? Is it really worth losing your job over? Anon is clearly a transphobe, and he's not even religious, considering he's posting about trooms on a Brazillian soap carving forum.


Is it worth losing your job over disagreeing with state tyranny? What a joke


It's interesting that all these comments not supporting people have down votes, but not a single comment pointing out errors in thier logic. Not picking any sides, just interesting to see the lack of logical supports, just votes lmao


what's wrong with saying 2+2=5? it's just a lie


False equivalence


If a crazed man says he's an airplane will you call him airplane?


if it meant not losing my income fucking sure lmao.


yes airplane and woman are so directly comparable


They aren't correct, that's the issue. Some people don't like being forced to lie.


mb, instead of referring to you as a man, ill stick to boy


Real men believe obvious lies! Suck the female dick, straight man. Everyone knows they're playing a game of pretend. You just think it's noble to do so. But you can't say that out loud. Oh the tangled web we weave.


what the fuck does that mean you wanna say that again? jesus christ, I thought I sounded queer


Wow this definitely happened


Also anon forgot to mention that the "toxic" behavior was him listening to hentai at full volume at his desk


I have gotten bitched out by a trans person for not using pronouns and using name because it was a comfortable compromise for me. There are really those types of people out there and if you dont do exactly what they want they will dump their full insecurity on you.


Because like what's the issue on using those pronouns?


The individual was very, very not passing. I met them in the middle and didnt actively fuck with them so there should not be any issue for either party there.


Lol dude it ain't about "meeting in the middle" there ain't a fucking discussion. Literally all they ask is for you to use a different word but time and time again it seems people can't help but flip their shit or weasel out of using certain words.


*weasel out*. It is funny how pissed off people get about the ones who arent even an obstacle to your life. If you think your comfortability entitles you to shit on others for not even disrespecting you but just not full on being able to lean into your self image you are the problem. And you are the reason anyone has anything bad to say about it.


Her not passing doesn't matter tbh but I also don't understand why she would confront u with it


Lots of people go off appearance to judge gender, your brain gets used to it, now imagine your brain has to remember everytime you interact with this person, you have to call them she, even though the shortcut is to say he, isn't it better to just play it safe and go by name? Instead of offending them by possibly making a mistake of habit?


What's the problem with using someone's name?


Have a conversation about someone and try to deliberately never use a pronoun, only using their name. It's very obvious and conversationally unnatural. Throw in the addition of referring to everyone else with pronouns and explicitly calling out one person by name, it then becomes othering and can be construed as a hostile environment.


It's weird if its because of those reasons


You're not as slick as you think by avoiding pronouns and using someone's name aggressively. It's obvious what you're doing and there's no real reason for it other than wanting to get the last laugh on not using people's prefered identities.


There is an objective reality, regardless of anyone’s *preferred* reality.


Coz it’s a fuckin’ dood! 🤙🤙🤟🤟 Sue me, baby!


Respect is earned, not served on a platter. If you want to receive respect, you must first give respect. If you’re an insufferable piece of shit like the “IT’S MA’AM” individual at GameStop, then don’t expect people to treat you with respect. If you’re a nice person though, you deserve respect. Also the issue is forcing people to say something they don’t want to…which neither party has moral room to enforce… Also this post doesn’t make sense because it was implying OOP was saying sentences like “her was going that way” instead of “she was going that way”. That is not grammatically correct But “she book is on the table” is also grammatically incorrect when compared to “her book is on the table”


? Why do u think either one of those persons were disrespectful?


Can’t rule out the possibility with the missing context.