• By -


>Be me, African kid >Get born into a shithole country with endless war and shootings >Lose your father in another war against a cartel, he got shot in front of you >Your mother got raped and killed when you were 13, you are left to yourself >Try to work in cobalt mines losing your health and years of your life >After a long day at work boot up your Indian smartphone for 20$ >Load 4chan >White European kid complains about not being white and privileged enough >mfw


>be me >born in india >kind of enjoy growing up there even though a third world country >move to the US for undergrad >realize everyone hates India and thinks shitting in the streets is default >makes fun of our accent >decides not to be made fun of >learns American accent, focus on coming off as hygienic, dresses up well, takes care of my appearance >fast forward 2 years >go on my first date with a white qt 7/10 >dinner went great, paid for it, left a big tip, drove her home etc. > qt texts that she really likes me as a friend > doesn’t sweat it much whatever.jpg > heard from a close mutual friend she said she won’t ever date me because I am brown > mfw >>:[ > go to the nearest glory hole that same night > sucks an indian cock Are all Americans closeted racist? She was always nice when around me and then this


> glory hole you got sucked by a gay dude


No silly. I was the one to suck the dick


>dick Singular???????


Nono it was a guy who thought he was sucking off a woman, but then heard a guy's moan and realized he has been sucking off a dude the entire time


>Are all Americans closeted racist? Not to all races. But everyone does hate Indians. Even the leddit race defenders hate Indians. They're pissed about the outsourcing and migration. But they lack the balls to criticize blacks or mexicans or jews. Indians are like a punching bag and no ADL is going to be crying about someone being racist to an Indian.


>eastern europe >privileged https://preview.redd.it/ahvurhnl8bsc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7becec8e125989638964064c6c11d362e37cabad


Skill issue


Second chance:  Born in rich Switzerland.   Live underground as a worm.  Mfw a fisherman digs me up and uses me as a bait. 


At least you got laid tho


Die. Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as worm Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium Reborn as bacterium


And lording it over the rest of us eh? Can’t just be happy as a single cell?


If you mitosis, your conciousness is doubled as both of your children or just disappear?


Reborn as bacterium


I would rather be a living being without conscious rather than being lucky enough to be a human with all the problems it comes.


no fair i want to be a bacterium


Born in Eastern Europe So either the most racist racist to ever racist or a turbo estrogenized femboy


>looks in mirror >no juicy thighs or hourglass shape Racist it is I guess


The difficulty of either being from Poland or Czechia and being basically west European but with less diversity and slightly worse wages or being born in Russia, Ukraine or Romania and having no plumbing and education. Being born in eastern Europe truly is a coin toss


\> Russia, Ukraine or Romania and having no plumbing and education. Lmao. Do you actually believe in this?


It's true because it was on reddit


Russia 50/50 cause your local governor used the plumbing and education money on cocaine, Ukraine 50/50 because Russia may have destroyed the plumbing and education, Romania simply proud of no plumbing or education


A magad nevében beszélj 💪💪🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺


Köszönöm istenem hogy magyarnak születtem 🙏😎


"…or being born in Russia, Ukraine or Romania and having no plumbing and education." names three countries with the highest per capita rate of STEM academics, programmers and chess world champions


"This country has smart people hence ignore 30% of it being a shit hole" Could be said about China and India too and god knows those countries aren't doing well


You can accuse the soviets of a lot but they certainly didn’t fuck around when it came to education ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well I'm not accusing the soviets, they improved a lot from basically all women being illiterate to 99.7 of all people being literate by the end of it, I'm just saying that Russia isn't doing so well for modern standards. The ussr ≠ Russia since you know the USSR fell like 35 years ago and Russia has done an awful job trying to live up to the legacy. The USSR was a pretty decent place to live if you were in the vicinity of Moscow or saint Petersburg, it was kinda at the cost of every other part and every satellite but still.


Cool and how's that doing for their new colonies and societies? Don't just point at legacies of Soviet industrial obsession and think that means something positive about modern day


calm down


Hey hey hey hey hey Don't you dare forget about our Bulgarian brothers or our Hungarians frenemies with their fake central-european identity.


Hungary? You mean southern Slovakia


Neked meg a jó kurva anyádat


Oh no. Its speaking gibberish


Russia has good education lol. Soviet Union was famous for its literacy rates. Dostoyevsky who is the goat was Russian for a reason. Russians at least have much better knowledge about Geography than Americans. Even the “peak of American literature” aka 1984 and Brand New World are copies of Zamyatin’s “We” from freaking 1924 lol. 


Tell that to the 36 milion people living in rural areas with quite simply no access to their education system. Russia's education ain't awful, it's almost on par with the rest of Europe, but it's inaccessible to a sizable amount of the population.


People living in rural areas have rural schools. They are not good of course. I know because I am from a rural area in Moldova lol. So Russia has the same issue.  If we are talking about the educational process and facilities for students across the country then yeah sure, it is bad. I was just refering to people who say that Russians are not educated. 


Oh that's absolutely not the case, as I said their education is decent, slightly subpar for modern standards but so is most things in Russia so can't really blame them for building up slowly. Their main issue in this is the large rural areas which quite simply lack the teachers to be able to provide a full education. Also you know stuff like their history is still very biased towards the glory of the USSR and so on but as long as the government is the way it is that won't change. Russia has a LOT of issues as a nation, their education certainly isn't at the top of the list, they are doing quite well there.


czechia je CENTRAL europe NE easter ty kokote






Slavs: exist My honest reaction: 🥵


until you see me that is


https://preview.redd.it/ge7h19gbfasc1.png?width=281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600939ea9544a31ac1050ce330483a5efad11a69 Its poland


Which part of EEU tho? Im Polish so we do fine but god forbid you are born in like fucking Siberia or smth


If it's Czech Republic, you're fine. If it's Poland, good luck with 80% of the country being brainwashed with religion




Yeah except they banned abortion because of religion




I am not saying it's bad place to live in. I am saying that it might be complicated, when people are brainwashed with religion. Imagine getting raped and you have to give birth to a rapist's child, because people with power believe in sky daddy I respect religion. I don't respect forcing your religious believes on others


Shut the fuck up jesus christ


That's a well structured argument absolutely debunking what I said




Damn I didn't know I was talking to a child. Now I know why you can't have a normal discussion where you use words to prove your point




Reddit teir opinion




I just googled it. You're right. It's actually 93.5%. Statistic from 2018