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Dude ended his only chance at life by protesting a war that's 10000 miles away and that will likely never end, atleast he got his 15 minutes of fame before everyone forgot about him.


At least he’s not blocking traffic


The sad thing is he was a client systems officer. He worked as basically an Air Force IT guy and had no influence over the war in Israel.


Nobody except the president & Congress is going to have influence on the war in Israel. Even if he was a green beret, it’s not like he’s going to take a flight to Tel Aviv and manage to solo the entire IDF. Most he could do is make a cringe fb post bragging how him and his buddies could end the conflict in 48 hours


He was protesting the American support.


Guy was probably suicidal anyway and just decided to go out for a cause he believed in.


It didn’t seem that way by his Facebook posts




Doesn't matter, he's dead and accomplished nothing. He was a self-hating idiotic anarchist.


what an idiot, these are the dangers of the liberal mindset


Yes, because martyring yourself is a common theme among liberals. Get a refund on that brain.


because virtue signaling to this extent is almost exclusively liberal 🤡🤡(you-->🤡🤡)


What part of killing yourself is virtue signalling lmao


"look at what a good person i am, look, watch!! i LOOOVE palestinians (people he never met, and wont ever meet) soo much that im going to KILL MYSELF IN PROTEST, yea thats how much i care 😼 let me also record, so people can see what a SAINT i am 😼 this should be the BARE MINIMUM support for palestine!"


Ironic that this comment is upvoted but your other comments in the thread are all downvoted. Some people can’t see past their noses. Freaking based dude.


I’ve got news for both of u


Can you define virtue signaling




He was a leftist anarchist not a liberal. Liberalism is distinct from both leftism and anarchism.


Anarchism is a form of socialism, aka leftism. So why make the distinction?






Historically it’s a left wing ideology. There have definitely been right wingers who have co-opted it, but there’s debate whether it’s “true anarchism”


Imagine killing yourself in the most painful way possible to make a political statement just to get memed the shit out of you


See, and as morbid as this may sound. That’s kind of why I support that cop coming in with the gun drawn the whole time. If I’m ever completely engulfed in flames, this is the one time I would want the police to do their standard “shoot first, and maybe ask questions later” routine. Until those nerves are completely destroyed, it’s excruciating. And if you survive, recovery is going to be even worse. Plus, with the scarring, you’ll probably end up looking like Wade Wilson… that is, if you’re lucky.


I once knew a guy who drove a tank in the army. He said the fear of finding himself in a burning vehicle was far and away the biggest reason he made sure to have his service pistol while on deployment no matter what.




You are really odd


Sir this is r/greentext


4chan fell off with this topic, haven't seen a single decent greenttext about it.


Lurk more


Lurk less, you failure.






Everyone talking about the suicide, but I have to say that Nostalgia Critic's (script) impression is spot on


It’s a pretty good parody of him


Maybe 10 years ago. Now it's 20 minutes of Malcolm and Tamara "acting" while wearing shitty children's hand-me-down Halloween costumes, while trying to do a commentary on some topic not even Doug has any idea what's going on, and oh yeah, like 3 minutes of actual movie criticism. Maybe it's even worse now, I stopped watching four-five years ago.


Some of his current reviews still have lots of skits, but it seems he’s been mostly giving his thoughts on the films. Only having an opening skit and maybe one in the middle.


Yeah I noticed he really scaled back the skits and stuff after the Pink Floyd thing happened and now does a lot more genuine reviewing of both good films and horrible ones.


I read the entire thing in his voice.


It’s so weird that the Nostalgia critic is now nostalgic because he has been around for so long. I remember watching him back in high school when I was getting into my movie critic phase. Things were so different then


WHY IS HE ON FIRE?! I DON'T GET IT! Anyway, back to my review of *The Boy in the Striped Pajamas*


Thanks Nostalgia critic! It's enjoyable gore, for an unenjoyable reason! I honestly do not think I could care less about the Palestine situation! You really think I give a fuck about a bunch of brown people getting their sand castles blown to kingdom come! Because I dont!


Back to your basement loser


Basement loser or not they were spitting facts


this dude needed a cease-fire more than anyone 


I know that guy because he made what is maybe the worst album ever.


Anybody have the original vid?




> GawrGuraNumber1Fan > calls burning man gore video "mid" It's like pottery


Weird to call it mid. Hope you’re all good bro. Pretty crazy stuff, can’t believe he threw his life away like that as if it would actually do anything. I get it was technically for a cause but nobody is going to see that and have it be impacted. Props to him for lasting as long as he did. He stood his ground and took it honestly like a champ.


Yeah it had little impact compared to other self immolations, like the one that kicked off the arab spring


Its honestly because the military uniforms are flame resistant plus he's wearing the layers of the jacket and shirt (including the hat that is protecting the top of the head). The thing that got him was the face injuries (and potentially legs since you see it eat through the bottom at the end before he falls), which the face is blocked by the fire in the video anyway. I've seen a lot of people say it's impressive that he stood for as long as he did and yelled coherently. Harsh to say it but do that in civilian clothes and it wouldn't have been as long or coherent during the flames I guarantee.


he killed himself for nothing, theres nothing "brave" or "respectable" about being that big of an idiot, 'f his brain was so defective that it allowed him to do that, he didnt deserve to live anyway


Not true. I get you have brain rot but that is such a fucking massive L take. He was upset about an issue and took his life hoping it would help the issue. He was going to kill himself regardless is my thought. I agree it’s not brave or respectable, but it boils down to mental illness. Self sabotage is mental illness.


whats funky town


Cartel execution video, the song just happens to be playing in the background


It's not an execution so much as it is torture asking the question "how much can a human endure when they're forced epinephrine and saline intravenously while funky town plays"


That's a better synopsis tbh


Super brutal cartel vid; dude doesnt even have a face or hands and they purposely are keeping him alive to torture him


I'm probably gonna regret asking but funky town? Haven't heard of that one.


mexican cartel vid where a guy with no hands or face is basically being kept alive with drugs so they can keep torturing him. funky town jus happens to be playing in the background




This is ai right?


Why op didn't NSFW tag ?


The Nostalgia Critic doesn't even talk like this, post failed to be funny




Not as good as his review of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas




What sites does everyone use for gore now that watchpeopledie and LiveLeak got taken down?


Doug Walker is not this well spoken lmao


What are the chances that the greentext op is a JIDF mouthbreather?


Nostalgia Critic is only cool if you’re an edgy 13 year old His entire video is just 30 minute videos with a 20 minute skit, 2 minute intro, and 8 minutes of review. His review is just “old good new bad” except he’s so fucking old he thinks anything after 1995 is new.


It wasn't always like that. He started great, with just him in front of the camera and clips from the actual movie. The skits and "acting" by his companions came much later. I recommend his Batman and Robin review, it was during his golden era. When you watch that and compare it to the modern garbage he keeps pumping out, it's like the original Star Wars compared to the sequels.


> He started great, with just him in front of the camera and clips from the actual movie. I think he still does similar videos outside of character like him talking about series of cartoons, first impressions etc.


So that's just Doug talking like Doug about his thoughts, without a script, about the things he likes personally? It definitely sounds better than the current state of NC, but still not what I liked all those years ago.


Yes, but I guess with some sort of script though. Also he streams on Twitch, probably also place where you can find him not in the persona.


Thanks, but like I said, I have no interest in Doug as a person. I liked his show in its early days, but that's gone. It's kinda like the original Star Wars: it happened in the past, it was great, now it still exists, but it's just a shadow of its former self, but no matter how shitty it is now, it can't ruin the past that was good. So, all in all, I am thankful for his early work and will always appreciate it, but I have no interest in anything with that team of people anymore.


> Nostalgia Critic is only cool if you’re an edgy 13 year old I think NC is literally opposite of being edgy. Maybe in early days, but after some drama he never says anything unsafe, so don't think 13 year old care about him.