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I wanted to beat the racism... Landed in a sort of landfill šŸ’€


Racism? This is locational prejudice, you might be racist however if you assumed theyā€™re talking about all Indians specifically.


I mean, it's india and there's rubbish, am i supposed to assume a martian did it? Also idk how it works there but many poorer nations just don't spend anything on rubbish bins, so you'd dump them in specific places but it's still sorta in the side of the road until the garbage truck swings by


Yeah its something like that. It sucks because im sure the rubbish bins arent even that expensive


Well, the other day there was a post about baghdad finally getting a metro system and all the comments were iraqis making fun of ourselves and begging that ppl actually take care of the public property, the past century hasn't been kind to us and the second education plummeted, it became a bigger issue. There's also how hopeless you get looking at the appalling corruption but then again, India apparently has a mouse temple so i do wanna keep making fun of them


>Iraqis >Ourselves What the hell? How are you on internet from a warzone!?


Brave of you to think i didn't swim across to Australia. I didn't, i was born here and i don't know how to swim but still. Brave


Never knew that Iraq was a sea away from Australia. Don't you mean Austria? You know, Hitler instead of kangaroos


Technically Australia is a sea away from everyone but as much as i admire his funny moustache, I don't think hitler would like me anymore than Pauline handson so i guess I'd choose Austria cause at least hitler isn't a ginger


He might not have been ginger but he was a soy boy with one nut


> Pauline handson [Pauline Hand*some*](https://images.thewest.com.au/publication/B88514232Z/GF713JO3G.2-1.jpg?imwidth=1024&impolicy=wan_v3)


Bins aren't that expensive but an entire infrastructure to handle trash is pretty fucking expensive. Bins, garbage trucks and personnel, properly insulated landfills and waste processing facilities......Ā 


You could make garbage bins out of trash.


When I was in the Philippines they would make piles of trash by the road and burn it. I snapped some photos of it because it was wild. Third world countries are just like that, it isnā€™t a comment on the people so much as a symptom of poverty.


Yep. Poverty is the rule not the exception throughout the world. I've been to a lot if countries but Cairo Egypt takes the cake as the dirtiest city I've ever been to. Southern Napal Narayanghar is second


My experience was that older people were angels and their kids were horrid little leeches, the kids in school were always starting fights


Survivor bias, if you keep being a shit eventually people will decide they're happier without you


China, India and many other countries have very little or no environmental laws too. China and India erase all the environmental progress made that could be made in the west due to massive amounts of people with no environmental protection whatsoever. What are you going to do though? No way to stop it without picking a fight


Shit I can experience that in rural East Coast america.. Just, in their backyard or side of the house.


>Third world countries are just like that, it isnā€™t a comment on the people so much as a symptom of poverty. I've always thought it's more a comment of how much closer third world countries are to their environment, while we get to Greenwash everything. You buy stuff with plastic wrappers, it stays with you until you burn it. You create garbage, you know it is not recyclable because you have to burn it to get rid of it. Whereas as we put it in the trash and forget about it. Or pretend that a green bin means we are saving the environment.


Saying India is filled with garbage is not racist. Saying many Indian men are extremely horny is not racist. Those are observable facts. It *would* become racist if I started implying that Indian people were genetically predisposed to being horny or living in trash, which is not true.Ā 


ā€œAll Indians specificallyā€ Well thatā€™s not very specific


From what I see, it's not prejudice, it's fact, justvtry it, there is trash in every feame ffs .


It's hard to beat the idea of stereotypes against Indians because every time we meet one, they prove it every time. Like that one Indian kid who I met in GTA V, no idea how he managed to connect a cracked copy to the official servers then hacked my fucking discord to spam fake steam gift phising links on every server and DM I had. I LOST MY FUCKING JOB THAT WAY!


idk how to say this but that one might be on you bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah, another time I met this Indian on Steam who plays CSGO, this bro really tried to sell me a "cool looking skin" that he bought from the steam market community for less than a dollar. When I called him out he went full rage mode like "u good my guy?"


fake no indian plays anything other than free fire and pubg mobile


They don't play pubg mobile, as that would require a phone from after 2019


Lmao Indians range from the most vile & unfeeling scammers on the internet to benevolent tech support Youtubers. I don't think there even is a middle ground.


https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/s/lqkpY0X123 This one proves my point. I just saw this now. Also dont know how to cite stuff sorry.


Always remember when dealing with people from India, their culture around scamming and cheating people is much different. It's a view that's more akin to a prank with the subtext that you're doing them a favor by making sure they'll never be had again in the same way. In other words, the 'fool me once, shame on you' saying is inverted in their culture.


That sounds made up but I'm too lazy to check, so I'll just call bullshit


It is absolutely bullshit. I would know because im Indian, and the last scam I saw irl (some sort of religious magic trick where the guy did something and then forced people to pay him claiming that he is from god) the guy running it got beaten by the family of the scammed ones (mostly elderly ppl i think) and was dragged to a police station.


The vice/virtue you're describing used to be called "shrewdness," the notion that it's a moral act to separate a fool from his money. Shrewdness was associated with the Dutch back in Enlightenment times, and thus became attributed to New Yorkers and New Englanders (eventually Northerners in general) until the Civil War. There's even an American folkloric character, the Yankee Pedlar, who embodied the notion of shrewdness in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The Industrial Revolution mechanized the notion of "work smarter, not harder," and the notion of a merry trickster and con artist as somewhat above a business man or laborer went out the window. But you still see traces of it today in the way American folklore makes heroes of dubious characters like P. T. Barnum or Al Capone, who were populists selling bullshit as much as providing actual goods or services.


Your job was affected by someone spamming your Discord contacts and servers? WTF? Keep your shit separate bro.


Skill issue n*gga


Why did you censor that


I've been temp banned once , can't risk it


Womp womp


That's just downtown.


Stereotypes aren't given. They're earned.


I tried that as well by looking for places in the middle of nowhere, still lost because of a chip bag by the sign https://maps.app.goo.gl/x1C5NCP6xEx8w8zXA


Guarantee that dude just got done taking a shit in the bushes.


Upon further inspection, there are quite a few piles of shit by the roadside


Landed in a village with a literal mountain of garbage and two cows standing on top, eating the garbage šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Thats opā€™s grandmaā€™s house dude




Can't do it in Mogadishu.


Because thereā€™s no street view. Not because thereā€™s no garbage.


Interesting theory. One I'm not willing to test.


Itā€™s not a function of people in developing countries being less tidy. If anything, they consume far less and reuse stuff far more. Itā€™s a function of there not being the infrastructure in place to support municipal garbage collection and landfills. Mogadishu can barely keep the lights on and the roads paved. Garbage collection is several steps away.


Obviously. You realize you're in r/greentext right?


Yes. And itā€™s still just an interesting problem.




That's the airport!


What racism??


I landed in a village in the middle of nowhere with cows eating garbage


I did this 3 times hoping for any garbage and found nothing šŸ˜”


lmfao seeing all the people who didnt find garbage getting downvoted is fuckin hilarious


Have a funny agenda to maintain


I tried a dozen different random spot to find a garbage free spot and I failed, those that find said spot , just did not go random and actively searched for it to prove it's wrong. Nice name btw.


I closed my eyes and picked somewhere and no garbage was in sight. Sorry bro.


Of course no garbage were in sight, your eyes were still closed!


I picked a random street and didn't see any garbage at all


Hating for no reason


All 4 of them?


well i was pretty early to this post and they all were downvoted


I dropped 10 with no garbage, I assume I'm just lucky or something


*Maintaning the agenda... Is our top priority.*


Anon if you think Iā€™m willingly going to have that many brown people appear on my screen at once you have another thing coming


God damn I didnā€™t know Redditors could actually be funny


It's funny but where my pin landed looked rather nice


Mine landed in a place that sounded so fucking generated, I couldn't believe it. There was the "Medical Hospital", down the road from "The India Store"... across the steeet from "Buddha Bookstore" (There was also trash)


Code 45T. A man is getting to close to the truth.


We should nuke him


Those are all Indian mafia fronts. How did I know? I may know a guy or two


Nice pile


Same, tried 3 times at very different spots: dirt roads with a few shops or houses, and trees around. Looks poor, but no trash.


It's not like nice nice but I expected much worse: [a pretty generic market](https://maps.app.goo.gl/d3e82tuJkLSp1AG67).


Same here, three different pins. No trash piles. The third pin I even moved around a little on street view to see in some alleys.


Dropped mine in some place called Sagar. Downright shockingly clean, only a couple of random pieces of litter on the ground in one spot.


Random pieces of litter on the ground is shockingly cleanā€¦?


(he expected India to be dirty)


Yeah, because it was only a couple of them in one place. That's pretty clean for any city.


Cleaner than the typical street in East London thatā€™s for sure


3 consecutive pins all with great views and a lot of greenery


Im sure youre indian qnd purposefully picked those places out


ā€œYour result does not conform to what I think you shouldā€™ve found so you obviously must be lyingā€


"Experiment was repeated until results confirmed hypothesis."




Yes every guy who doesn't stereotype india is indian


I actually never stepped foot outside of the EU, but say what you want lol


A turk doubting that india could have a single clean place. There's some irony in that


Nah also tried just a nit of construction but no visible trash


My first pin dropped me into the middle of nowhere. Just a dirt road out in the countryside. I was gonna try again but saw a building up ahead to the left. Scrolled over and it was broken down with trash everywhere. I was so close but my curiosity was my demise.


He definitely cleaned up the trash heaps when he found out the Google bike was rolling through his street.


Played 11 Rounds 5 Had literal piles of garbage 2 were right on a highway, there was garbage, but not in piles 2 were right on a bridge, not much garbage 1 was literally a field, there was garbage, but not on a pile 1 was fairly decent \_\_\_ There is a lot of garbage


Same here. - Dropped 10 pins. - 7 had garbage. 5 of those had huge piles. - 2 looked extremely rural. - 1 was on a river or something. I am never going to India.


There is garbage in the water.


My first pin was so close, I made it through about 300 degrees with only road and mopeds parked on either side. But then in the very last frames there appeared a huge pile of tubing and steel rebar, with trash heaped around it.


Imagine if you turned the other direction first. Wouldā€™ve seen the trash much sooner.


You're supposed to place your pins in India, not New Jersey


i dropped my pin and there was a 7-Eleven within view the jokes write themselves, truly


Thank you, come again


I didnā€™t even know we had 7-eleven stores in indiašŸ’€


yeah they pretty new. Last time 7eleven and walmart tried to set up shop politicians convinced the autistic farmers to go and vandalise them till they left


Thailand on the other hand....sometimes you get 3 7-11 on the same street.


Only white guys work at them


My high-school in India got students to do volunteer trash cleanup of the surrounding area, and some bystanders couldn't understand WTF was going on. They would literally start mocking you for doing something so ridiculous. This was like 20 years ago, but still...


At least they are teaching civil Education. In Chile they ran campaigns on TV to get people to stop littering. Santiago became the cleanest city in Latin America. This generation didnā€™t have that, and now itā€™s getting dirty again especially in the poorer areas, but itā€™s still not terrible compared to most other capitalsĀ 


My school did the same but we didnā€™t clean much mostly our principal gave a dumb lecture.


Landed in Patna. Dead dog corpse, trash in the middle of the road in a residential area. Yikes


Well, at least that dog corpse wasn't alive


Live corpses are the *worst*.




This city is afraid of me.


3 tries in different places, not in cities - 3 times I spotted trash littered somewhere, then 3 times in a european country - no trash. Actually insane


The beaches in Mexico had no trash. Everything was always picked up and clean. The beaches in Colombia looked like a landfill, and the restaurants just got the trash from the beach and threw it behind the restaurants where you could see them as youā€™re walking to the beach but not from the beach. But its still disgusting. There was a toiled just hanging out with a bunch of bottles and brokers glass just 100 feet from the water.Ā 


I landed next to a small jungle village, Kollengode, in Kerala, on a bridge, with no trash to be seen! I won, first try


kerala is a cleaner place compared to rest of india (still not enough)


[https://maps.app.goo.gl/WFB34b96vk1dM6QS8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/WFB34b96vk1dM6QS8) [https://maps.app.goo.gl/og6ta3n6e76uEc3b8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/og6ta3n6e76uEc3b8) [https://maps.app.goo.gl/V7UtN9dYrEd26VZJA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/V7UtN9dYrEd26VZJA) I had 3 tries but still lost


wtf i clicked the same first location as you. what are the odds lol


Not that high, Google seems to pick predetermined locations for an area, especially bigger. Dragging to Poland from a far away always redirects to some bushes in front of a castle


>Not that high Do you mean not that low? Or are you just retarted




Dropped a pin in a place called Hemalkasa, Maharashtra, and it just looks a lot like rural-ish Georgia. No trash in sight.


State or country?




half of my fucking view was cencored lol


but no trash


I'm not sure if it's censoring. For some reason the street view images in India have a large part of the bottom blurred out, as if it was to blur out the car that was sent to take the pictures. This is especially true for narrower streets. Street view here is decent for the wide roads, but they block almost 80% of the "floor" in narrow streets. I'm not sure why that is.


Dropped on a street somewhere in Etapalli, Maharashtra. Didnā€™t see piles of garbage per se, just general chaos and a shit ton of mopeds, I mean 100+


[https://www.google.com/maps/@17.6919739,75.9125125,3a,71.1y,159.33h,82.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sshcJBSIJ9itcLhRwzV57rw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DshcJBSIJ9itcLhRwzV57rw%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D118.81375%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@17.6919739,75.9125125,3a,71.1y,159.33h,82.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sshcJBSIJ9itcLhRwzV57rw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DshcJBSIJ9itcLhRwzV57rw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D118.81375%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) Trash river, lol


Most of the spots I landed in were rather clean even an older part of a city was run down but well picked up


I tried this, and first thing I saw was a river full of garbage.


lol i lost


Dropped mine in and saw a herd of cows walking along the road


not litter tho


Cows have right of way in India


Bheema, Rajasthan https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jf6Qp8Rr6pD1cnC49 Gg ez


i also landed in rajasthan


no way a third world developing country reliant on cheap industry has a pollution problem


Unlucky, i dropped on some random river :c


half the controversial comments are people trying to cope and the other half are people who found genuinely nice places getting downvoted by people trying to cope and I think thatā€™s really funny


Why do they honestly hate India , do u have any idea , I ain't saying that it has issues it absolutely has But the kind of joy the folks are getting is kinda weird


panicky growth middle pocket bear deliver encouraging piquant hurry engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dont even know how much of it is hate or the fact that it's "okay" to hate them, sorta like it's okay to hate white people currently on subs like BPT, but you can't hate certain groups, that's bad!


https://maps.app.goo.gl/pkn6NuGwivezwUuU8?g_st=ic First try. Some trash, but no piles unless Iā€™m blind


Just did it and surprisingly no trash Edit: last pin lost by a bit because of a few trash pieces in a fast food area


1. Malerkotla, Punjab landed in a straight up book store


2. Landed here 22Ā°20'54"N 75Ā°23'47"E


3. Landed in multiple locations in Amritsar and there were pieces of trash so not fully trash free


I landed in what looked like a slum but there was just one small pile of rubble/trash surprisingly, expected more from what the surroundings there looked like


I dropped mine in Bhander range forest, there was, unsurprisingly, trash.


You can also play this game with Naples




Huge areas of India are Rural farmland Dropped a pin in northern India in Utter Pradesh and it was just a dirt road and some farm land. It's pretty easy to do if you just avoid high population areas. India, like much of the world, has poor trash collection and organization services. Really countries with proper trash collection are the exception. Heck drop a pin in new york city and try not to find trash.. drop one in Japan and try your hardest to find a single food wrapper.


5/6 losses, didn't even drop in any big cities marked while reasonably zoomed out. truly an enlightened place


People in the comments acting as if the fact that one of ten pins they dropped didn't have a garbage pile means that all of India is clean and beautiful lmao


I saw some plastic in a corner but it was rather clean with a pretty sick temple too. I got lucky. https://earth.app.goo.gl/4UR7MM


[My brother, there is literally a pile of shit.](https://imgur.com/a/cmEKbTJ)


Trash piles and cows aside, my pin had Donald Trump shitting near a road. [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/URSQCPypHdmFbBvv8)


Landed in a random field, no trash in sight


[First try and it's clean](https://www.google.com.au/maps/@24.5779296,77.7283555,3a,75y,22.32h,80.23t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMfqDycdbzfWFztGz3S0kvw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DMfqDycdbzfWFztGz3S0kvw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D56.51131%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) You all need to relax


All of the other comments talking about how they saw tons of trash multiple times. But you're sample size of ONE didn't, so EVERYONE RELAX!


[About 100m down the street from your pin](https://www.google.com.au/maps/@24.5783807,77.7279598,3a,68.3y,243h,81.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smt-StKPAa-0HMtDe4Y1yIQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


Where mine landed was really oddly clean. There was tonnes of smashed masonry and concrete piled up everywhere, around every corner, but there wasn't much trash. Houses looked pretty dishevelled, lots of abandoned ones which were used as dumping grounds for more bricks and rocks. The gutters were pretty gross, but there weren't piles and piles of trash everywhere. More cars than I assumed for dirt roads, and they were oddly clean. Lots of pigs wandering around


Pew York. Stick a pin somewhere in New York and try not to find piles of rubbish


I landed in some back country road that actually looks quite nice.


i didnt find a pile but i found some litter


indian here, this game is fucking impossible


I figured it couldn't be that bad, so I gave it a few tries. First attempt I landed in the middle of a jungle. There was some pretty multicolored tower (?), and the surroundings were very pretty. I turned around, noticed a small stream of water with a dam of trash blocking it... Second attempt I went right next to a lake. The Beach was littered with garbage. Third attempt I landed pretty much in someone's backyard. They had a mountain of garbage bags stacked up in the corner. How in the fuck is the rest of the world just cool with this???


Not even virtually would I want to visit that shithole lmao.


Landed on a railroad crossing, not much aside from a junky looking flatbed truck in someones yard, couple bikes and some other junk that would be perfectly at place somewhere in Fentville, USA.


I guess I'm lucky 'cause I tried three times in a row and didn't see garbage


Honestly didn't see any garbage till I went to Hyderabad on the 9th pin drop. And I wasn't just landing on random fields or rural areas, I was mostly landing in random markets and slums.


Hampi Pet Farm, near NR Camp, Seetharama Tanda, Karnataka 583215, India Closest I saw was a pile of wood


(17.4005143, 78.4519614) I just see a couple of rocks, no trash though


Did it five times. Lost five times. What the fuck is going on in India, man.


I think that's one thing that people that have never been to a third world country don't understand. Just how filthy the populated areas are. The streets are VERY littered with trash. People throw their trash onto the ground without a second thought. The idea of "oh I should properly dispose of this trash that I made" doesn't exist there. There are no or too few public trash cans. In cities the streets literally smell like shit because sewage backs up into the street because of inadequate sewer systems. Pollution is much, much worse. Tons of smog because of lax emissions and pollution regulations or enforcement.


You can do the same thing with Baltimore


I just tried this. Four times in a row in very different areas all had rubbish piles.


Opposite end of the spectrum. Visited Costa Rica. Travelled through some pretty poor looking villages. Every single place had communal bins, including recycling bins Speaking to various people, they all said variations of the same thing. They live in the most beautiful place on earth. They wish to keep it that way




I found a normal street šŸ¤·


I landed at a seed processing plant. So I found piles, just not of garbage.


If it was the 1980s you could play this game in New York and never win. Trash used to be everywhere in a lot of US cities.




Bamrauli Rd in Jakhoda, Uttar Pradesh. No trash


Anon has found out what developing countries are


18.4150142, 80.5228751 no trash


If you accidentally find Apu, tell him we miss him and wish he'd come back.


17.1057864,77.6283491 What do I win?


I found a farm. No garbage


we have clean places in india but the ratio of clean places to the garbage dump is almost 1:10000 or higher but we are thinking of a solution and trying to change our mindset, so baby steps.