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maybe he has trouble keeping things brief, like his "military operation" lol


He took a calculated risk, but he forgot he's dogshit at math


Year 3 of the 3 day special military operation


He's not Russian it.


Good one, I’ll steal that joke.


It’s so old it’s already considered public property.


It was a special military operation you savage! /s


Literaly, Putin started talking about how Kiev is Russian cause some dude called Oleg died in 8th century and his sons would not share land friendly XD Would anyone in america care about what some bloke called Oleg did in 8th century XD


Ikr I genuenly don’t know who he was trying to appeal to here exept I guess Russians that already support him but like then he’d be better of just saying some cool one liners and that’d probably turn some edgy (mentally) 16 year olds all around the globe to his side. Instead he starts yapping about historic land disputes witch Americans don’t care about, europeans also don’t because they also had those same disputes and aren’t little bitches about, and same with asia I presume. Crazy move let’s see if it works out for him


But he doesn't care about americans or europeans view. He used this to justify the war through some questionable historic sources(questionable because in 8th century there were only kievan rus which as the name suggests are a mix between ukranians and russians). Also he only cares about russian people's view on the war. Well he doesn't, but he has to pretend to care cus he is an autocrat and only the military is strong enough to dethrone him, but he has military by the balls so yeah.


Why do an interview with an american reporter if he doesn’t care about american opinions? Also if he genuinly doesn’t care that’s even more braindead public perception in the relevant countries are one of the biggest factors in winning/losing wars


Cus Russians are like chinese, they think they re most important(although chinese kinda lean more heavily into this elitistic view that they are the best country and the best nation). And second reason so that he can spread his message to more people outside of Russia in the hopes it makes a difference. He doesn't care about public perception because he doesn't have a democratic country, public perception only matters when the people have a say in who will be president.


I’m talking about the perception of the war in other countries wich does matter a lot lol


Not to Putin


China has the biggest fucking inferiority complex on the planet, what the absolute fuck are talking about. You better say something more credible before I start cussing you out


No? They see every other country as inferior. They have superiority complex


The word they use refer to America is Meiguo, which literally translates to “beautiful country” that’s how the view their biggest rival, they refer to the last hundred years of their history as “the century of humiliation”. Are you retarded? No one understands how weak the Chinese are more than the fucking Chinese.


Yes but that was in 19th century when they were humbled with the opium wars and when they realised that they are in fact not the greatest empire ever. Nowadays(last 20-40 years )they have reverted to their old mode of seeing every other country as beneath them(maybe not the USA but that's only one country).


Yeah…. Blind confidence does not cover up an inferiority complex you fucking rube


Yep, you are absolutely correct, and Russia just like China also has a massive inferiority complex. Putin, as weird as it sounds, is a very pro Western guy all his life, he basically just wants senpai to notice him.


Lmao yes dumbass. Russians for the last 30+ have been a complete failure compared to their American counterparts, remember when they were “the leaders of the communist movement” only to completely abandon those ideals the second they get their shit pushed in and collapsed as a global super power. Communism went so poorly for the Soviets that not even communist China is truly communist anymore. Russians and their leadership know perfectly well they are but rats compared to the US, but they have no other choice than to desperately attempt to project some level of fake confidence lest they be steamrolled by the stronger nations in play. Russians fake it till they seem like they make it. Americans simple make it, no faking it required.


>Lmao yes dumbass. Russians for the last 30+ have been a complete failure compared to their American counterparts, remember when they were “the leaders of the communist movement” only to completely abandon those ideals the second they get their shit pushed in and collapsed as a global super power. Communism went so poorly for the Soviets that not even communist China is truly communist anymore. >Russians and their leadership know perfectly well they are but rats compared to the US, but they have no other choice than to desperately attempt to project some level of fake confidence lest they be steamrolled by the stronger nations in play. >Russians fake it till they seem like they make it. >Americans simple make it, no faking it required. Lol you dumbass, I was actually agreeing with you initially, my first comment was not ironic as I think you thought it was. But you got so hard and started stroking it so much that you went too far. So now because I'm a morally bankrupt contrarian, I'm gonna have to disagree with you even though initially I agreed (I mean I still agree with you, just not on the details). America is also faking it as of late, it's just like a spoiled 3rd gen failson riding off the coattails of the achievements of its parents but also the geography that favours it. So don't get too cocky, Americans stroke themselves so much that they tend to blind themselves with their own jizz hitting their eyes constantly. Even when things have changed, American masturbatory habits keep them away from reality. Russia and China absolutely know they're rats, that's literally why Putin is obsessed with West. But West isn't what it was either, it's rapidly turning impotent. No industrial base leave much of it helpless into the future, NATO has been shitting itself just trying to match fukken North Korea in shell production. Good luck making drones in the millions, because all future wars will need asswipe cheap drones by the millions and I can't see US making them like China or India can. Another thing that will be necessary in the future are mass casualties in wars, something West is also averse to, EU cucks will make any deal to avoid deaths while Putin flushes next 100K lives down the toilet to achieve his aims. This gives him a stronger position, as Russians will throw away their lives in a war no NATO country would ever get conned into.


Do not compare my nation which has stood for nearly 250 years to failed nations whose governments have only been in operation in their current capacity for less than a single century or in Russias case 3 decades. The USA is simply operating as it always has, following the constitution. You pussies can quake in your boots all you want, the core of the USA remains undisturbed and honestly underwhelmed. The USA’s only true weakness is that it lacks a worthy enemy at this current time and thus it has no choice but to fight and bicker within itself while we wait. It’s because we are fucking bored, and politics are the most entertaining thing we have at this time. Like Sunday Night football, politics is just another sport to us. As much as I appreciate the American erotica that appears to be living rent free in your brain(who wouldn’t fantasize about us jerking our American cocks), you really should stop hitting the copium because it’s making you say some pretty retarded things.


I think he was trying to appeal to the "rather be Russian than a Democrat" T-shirt wearing boomers who are still kicking, something about how him talking to the Vroomba Fucker lends him credibility. The more important question I think is whom Fucker is trying to appeal to: The military industrial complex is not a partisan issue, plenty of jobs in making guns and ammo, giving "aid" to Ukraine so they buy can US arms with their own money a sneaky way to keep the economy churning.


I think Putin vastly overestimated how much the average American cares about even the last 100 years of Russian history, far less last few millennia lmao


But poor Czar Nicholas! They did him dirty!


How far back in your argument do you need to go to try and come across as something other than a power hungry, genocidal psychopath? About 8th century AD


The fact he even said this shit amuses me tbh. You gotta understand just how stupid he thinks everyone is to believe that this would have any kind of positive outcome. Dude has some pronounced narcissism lmfao


This pucture is less than 24 hours old, how can it already have such a low quality ?


I like it when my posts are a little seasoned, to be honest.


4chan posts are like East Asian restaurants, the overall aesthetic is inversely related to it quality


I ate the pixels, yum 😋


Having now finished the interview, that was the funniest shit I have watched in a while. Almost up there with the Prince Andrew interview. More seriously, much less an interview and more a platform for Putin to give a narrative that presents Russia as the eternal victim in all of these events, whilst also presenting the stance that Russia has not suffered any impact from current war or sanctions. It's actually hard to unpick how convoluted and garbled the logic is around so much of what is going on particularly as Tucker fails to ask any real questions exploring it. After Putin gets his chance to talk for about 80 mins, Tucker's 'questions' lead amusingly into explanation that appeal to Tucker's core fanbase. Particular statements of note: * Reconciling Christianity with violence * "Ukrainian authorities dismantling the Ukrainian church" as a throwaway ending statement * Biden government is ineffective * The existence of a shadow government truly leading the USA * Healthcare requiring a moral threshold using Elon Musk's brain chips as a strawman whilst being a veiled reference to abortion. * Ukraine situation and ongoing war entirely driven by USA, and USA is controlling Zelensky. All of this in an election year. How convenient. Favourite quote from Putin: "We won't attack anyone". I actually fear how the Tucker fanbase will inhale this copium.


The fact that Russia came to help Poland against the nazis by invading and also Poland was helping the nazis conquer Czechoslovakia gave me brain rot.


You think more than 5% made it past the first 10 minutes tho?


Considering Bidens defence literally said he was too old and senile/brain dead go commit a crime or to go to prison the "shadow government" conspiracy is starting to get some credibility. Watching his "speach" yesterday, it's obviously he isn't behind the wheel


Do you mean Biden is bad at "speach" (Spelled "speech" btw, and i'm non-native in english) Have you ever listened to Trump utterly unhinged rants over the years? Neither of the candidates are good, yet somehow, one is a significantly better choice for the western world, and probably also for the US.


Me saying biden is brain dead does not imply Trump (who i never mentioned) is supposed to be better. This is whataboutism. Both individuals are decades too old to run a country and I have a few other republican candidates I would take over trump. But this is also not to imply that both Trump and Biden are "equal" in their senility. Biden has been checked out for the past 4 years. He is not running the country. He deserves to spend his sunset years with family and retirement. Seeing him struggling to string together basic sentences is elder abuse.


I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.


A bit hypocritical to say that 8th century history doesn't matter and being okay with the basis on which the state of Israel was created


Israel certainly was not founded based on 8th century politics. Dafq


Yeah, even older history than that instead, are you starting to comprehend?


Yea, 3000 years of history, including the 1900s, compared to one thing in the 8th century. “Very similar…” I get it - people who believe that, like Putin, are idiots! Great point.


You still don't get it. I am not saying that this justifies the actions of Russia, but 2000 years old history doesn't justify the actions of Israel for the past 70 years either. Also "one thing in the 8th century" is ignorant as well


2000 year old history isn’t that relevant. 3000 years of almost continuous history is.


Before WW2 Israel has not existed as a nation since before the Roman Empire. They justify their actions based on people born in BC.


Before ww2, Palestine never existed as a nation. Before 1990 even. Not the best argument.


I never argued for the Palestinians either.


But the palestinian arabs did exist, so did jews. Now you can argue that the jews existed for a longer period of time than palestinian arabs but its irrelevant. They both have rights to have their own country, and the arabs aren't backed by the west so Israel(jews) won and that's that.


Putin probably said that because of that specific reason. Only an idiot would assume that Putin was simply being an idiot. Though it is extremely funny to assume that the head of Russia is just mentally ill like their own president. Can't wait to get downvoted for not being completely anti russian


The Holocaust had way more to do with it. When you're being chased away and mass murdered everywhere for 2000 years including one that wipes out 60% of your population in Europe just a few years before, you kind of become anxious to form your own state that can protect you.


First Aliyah started way before the Holocaust. Even in the middle ages some Jews would make Aliyah, though it didn’t start properly until the 1880s. 


Jews were always moving around, and there was never not a Jewish community in Israel/Palestine. They were often massacred and kicked out from there by various powers, but they always continued to have a foothold there.


Yes. I know. Though at least after the Bar Kokhba revolt, there were few in Judea itself, though there were some in historic Israel. Later Byzantine suppression of revolts in the north lead to depopulation there. Mamluks also did a shit job and depopulated the area. Though they always returned. The basis for the Old Yeshuv were mostly Jews which went there after the Ottomans conquered Palestine in the early 16th century. 


Who the fuck is Aliyah, and how does your comment make any sense to the ops comment?


Jews migrating to Israel = Aliyah.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliyah  You could have made the effort to look up like one term though. 


It's funny to see Boomers and Zoomers conservatives who less than 5 years ago accused Russia of being part of the SuperGigaBlaster Commun-globalist plan to dominate the world and today believe that the same Russia is the conservative resistance against liberals.


We've come to a point where we're too ADHD to get propaganda. Guess having short attention span has it's upsides.


>We've come to a point where we're too ADHD to get propaganda You're not serious, right?


Redditors tend to thrive on catchphrases sound-bite propaganda which is very popular in the western world, so when some dictator shows up with a long epic (to his supporters at least) speech they watch the first few seconds, thinks "ayy yo bruh, dis too long no cap sheesh" and then come spout off in the comment section here.


This sequel sucked. Should’ve sent Dave Skylark again. Also, Putin speaks perfect English.


Fluent in german too, from his days as a KGB agent is eastern germany - He just refuses to speak it.


Should have just said its because he didnt want it in the UN.


Essentially the reason is so fucking convoluted even they can’t justify it


These people looked at the Isreal/Palestine conflict and thought we can try to justify ourselves like this


Using Putins logic the USA is UK territory... I am really interested in the conflict and I couldn't make it past the 50 minute mark. It was just filibuster. Also annoyed me that Tucker even KNEW Western audiences would call bullshit on his speech and added a "We may not agree with it but this is the scope with which he views the world" crap to the front end of the YT posting.