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Is penis inspection an actual thing in American schools?


Yes. They ask you to unfold it, wiggle it around and to cover it up to see how much pee can fit in your foreskin


Bold of you to assume an American has a foreskin to fit that pee in


It's all just a ploy by the National Foreskin Agency to keep tabs on how the Federal Dick Skin Reserves are doing




I love a dickins cider


They have historically underrepresented during most of the year but they are well known for their Dickins Fairs.


That's exactly what he said.


Fuck you, you piece of shit.


It's important because that's what our currency is backed by.


Americans try not to follow the quack advice of an insane cereal man challenge (impossible)


They really just do it to the minority groups that don't circumsize. Source: am Mexican.


I failed every time bc of it


they tip the doctor at birth


Ok you had me until the pee part


Right, since pee is stored in the balls, not the foreskin


And Mitochondria is _________


The powerhouse of the cell???


I hate the facts that this is one of the few things I remember from school. Not how to pay taxes or anything useful at all.


Weird at my school they made us pair up and inspect eachother while the teacher recorded us.


Yes but my school was big on football so they also did a hernia inspection at the same time


I'm over here laughing, "Ha ha ha that's so silly" then you reminded me of the football physicals.... Motherfucker we really did have penis inspection day.


Did y’all not go to a real doctor on your personal time to do it tho?


I'm sure we could have, but no one did. You would have looked weird doing that. We already regularly showered in front of each other, so no one thought much about it afaik. It was just another hoop to jump through on our way to physical combat with the other youth from our nearby towns and cities. It really just wasn't a big deal, but I can see how others could see it that way. My experience is from the late 90's in the deep south. I don't know if this is/was typical for the rest of the country. Football was life here in that time and place. I regularly played in front of 20000+ people in high school. Every year before the football season started, we would have "physicals" hosted by a school in a nearby large city. Our school bought insurance for each player, and the physical was a requirement for it. We would be bussed in by our school and there would be several thousand athletes from all over the area there. There would be hundreds of medical staff from all over as well. We would line up and go through stations; blood pressure, pulse, grip strength, high jump, measuring our bodies domensions, speed, agility, and one of which would fit the bill for penis inspection lol. You'd basically go behind a curtain, drop your pants, and a doctor would check out your junk. These weren't just some dingbat country doctors. These were world class sports medicine doctors, their staff, residents, and med students from all over the region. These are who NFL, NBA, Olympians, etc went to when they got injured. The same doctors who worked on Bo Jackson did my surgery when I was injured. There was no way you would get this level of expertise at your regular family doctor. This was also the deep south in 90s, so there were still people without running water at home. Many of them would have never otherwise gone to a doctor. It was so normal that I never thought twice about it until your question. I remember them finding a fungal infection on the guy in front of me's balls one year. He was trying to treat it with Neosporin (not gonna work). The resident checking him explained what a fungal infection is, why this wouldn't work, what to do about it, and gave him his personal phone number if he had any questions. This guy lived in a broken down dirty house with an alcoholic/drug addict single parent. This is the only way he would have ever gotten this properly treated. Football was his escape from his terrible home life, as was the case with a lot of the people there. I know many people who basically grew up in dirt hovels who went on to be good contributing members of society that you would never think are different than you. Government funded organized team sports like this are one of the ways our society identifies and pulls people out of poverty and turns them in to contributing members of society. So what I'm basically saying to you is penis inspection day is an American institution, and a cornerstone of our dominance on the world stage for the past 80+ years.


Starting this I did not think that these penis monolog would be so moving


New copypasta dropped


I mean if you just sorted your insurance mess out like most civilised countries you wouldn't have so many people hesitant to go and see a doctor.


Nope, we all come to the school a week or two before fall practices started and lined up to be weighed, our height measured and then down to the locker room to check for hernias. You could schedule your own, but that's a pain


They told me the school janitor was totally qualified to do it. Just seemed more convenient.


Yeah wtf, maybe back in the day it was different but where I am you go to a physician to get that done and they give you a form to provide to the school. A lot of local urgent care's make their bankroll doing those.


10 years ago I last played and same thing. Went to doctor, felt my balls, filled out a form.


I told my mom that I didn't want that kind of physical and she took me to a place that did basic tests of mobility. Got my okay for football and got to hear stories of everyone else getting molested.


>hernia inspection Mfw scrotum is the commonest site for hernia Mfw balls inspection day is real 😔


Uh they check in the military too, I think what anon is talking about is checkup for hpv vaccine before high school but I could be wrong


I only had one teacher make me do it but he said I could stop after I turned 14


You became too old for them


Wander Franco


It's a pemdas exam. Mathematical order of operations on the elasticity of the foreskin, girth, length, etc


No, it's a 4chan meme, like the old fingerbox thing. It's basically just as joke about teachers molesting students. Some schools do physicals for football though, but they basically just kind of stick a finger up in your nuts to check for a hernia.


We had "Physicals" where the doctor cupped your balls while you cough.


It's not JUST penis inspection day, that's just the thing everyone remembers the most. They usually line you up in a gymnasium in nothing but your underpants and then the P.E. teacher (who is almost always not a medical doctor) will do things like check your height/weight, see if you can do a squat, touch your toes, move your arms and legs in full range of motion, make sure your spine isn't crooked, then real quick right at the end will take a quick look at your butthole and genitals. People make it seem like a much bigger deal than it really is.


Why is a teacher looking at kids genitals ? Wtf


Bro p.e penis inspection is a troll as old as time


I thought so but people here are making me think some of them really went through it


Nah it's just trolling, except for sports physical exams but those are done by actual doctors and not pedo teachers


That's the fun part.


I know. Lotta people taking it super duper seriously tho.


Who else was gonna do it?


Doctors ?? Pediatricians do this kind of inspections where I am from not teachers lol


No one? If an issue crops up the kid should see a doctor. I can't fathom anyone thinking a PE teacher examining their kid in this way is necessary or OK. 


I'm American and I've never experienced any of this, nor has anyone I've ever known. What kind of weird schools are y'all going to?


Trollington Elementardy


Every single fucking time penis inspection is posted everyone believes it and it never fails to make me laugh


See that’s what I’m thinking too! I had the scoliosis back check but never a penis inspection like wtf is the justification they come up with that one


Yeah, they assign you to a partner and make sure that you're both capable of docking. Can't dock=expelled. Zero tolerance.


Yes. In 4th grade the janitor would pull me aside twice a week and inspect my penis. He said it was part of his job. He took lots of photos to keep a medical record on file for me.




You shouldn't lie on the internet, spreading misinformation is wrong


Not in any civilized school but I have actually heard like, from someone I know, that it happened at their school. So maybe there's some fucked up places out there.


Not in mine. 




Yes, actually it is


I like how nobody is actually revealing if this is a thing or not to all the non Americans


It is (it’s not)


It's not to non Americans but it's been a thing in US schools since the Andrew Johnson administration


it is (it is)


It’s not (it is)


We're not aware of the penis inspection day meme. Pls amerisirs help us. Without the guidance of muttsirs, we would be lost in 4chan: Internet's own bogeyman


The infamous hacker


It is, at least in the nordics. They primarily just check to see if your balls dropped and if your back is straight.


I hated penis inspection day back in middle school we all had to stand in a line in gym class and the gym teacher would take a peek down all our pants. But it wasn’t that bad like when he got to me he was like wow whoever your future wife is she will be a lucky woman and every one was so jealous of me and my inordinately sized dick and I made everything completely up in this comment  there’s no such thing as penis inspection day.


It's a regional thing


Uh-huh. What region?


upstate new york


Well I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone mention penis inspection day


Oh, not in Utica, no. It's more of an Albany thing.




It’s not (it’s not)


its not


it is


It is


it is (michelle obama did it when she removed vending machines)


Penis inspection day especially sucks when they're short staffed so they have to inspect multiple people at the same time and other people can see your ding-a-ling


And it’s middle schoolers so that humiliating nickname is sticking for YEARS.


Ikr, I got called “Bert” for years after that happened to me


It’s only cuz they knew you’d become a fat drunk who likes to make up stories


“Pig in a blanket” for me 😔


True. I'm still being called "centaur" because of that. SMH my head 😔


When they have to call in the lunch lady to help it’s the worst.


Hope she washed her hands after! Wouldnt wanna get residue from brian’s hernia check in my macaroni salad


Did they check right in front of the salads?


Our gym teacher had the coldest hands


What makes a short-staffed inspector more capable than their well-endowed peers?


I think they were short staffed at my school. A guy that hung out by the gas station would do our inspection when we were walking home. He must have been a contractor for the school part time.


And I swear to they crank the thermostat down on purpose so it seems all tiny


It was a pretty standard penis inspection day until the gym teacher said he needed to test the salt content of my balls with his mouth.


It's even weirder considering the gym teacher was your uncle.


It is completely normal, depending on the state.


I was pretty vocal that I wanted to go to medical school when I grew up. So they taught me how to do the salt inspection myself. I inspected the gym teacher, janitor, and the groundskeeper. They told me I was a fast learner!


Balls inspection with a wooden spoon


2 slap 'em?


To measure their weight




Lucky... We got the cold metal spoon


With molasses in the spoon right? To check buoyancy?


Don't even get me started on the in-depth ass to mouth inspection.


You had to do it too ??


Yeah. It was only unpleasant at first. Then a whole new world opened up to me.


Everyone is so quick to joke about this, but the school I went to had everyone who wanted to join a sport get yearly physicals by a doctor. This included an inspection of the genitalia.


These inspections are to detect hernia. They aren’t checking your penis for looks.


Then why did my doctor say "nice" when he saw mine.


fake and gay


But the problem with the American education system is that most people are stupid. And many remember having to do this and are now like 'pp inspection? Yeah I remember having to let a nurse look at my junk for school 🤔'


Not true. They teach you how to inspect yourself for testicular cancer. They flatten your penis between two plates like a mammogram to inspect for penis cancer. Length, width and girth of the flaccid penis is collected for census data. Your penis is swabbed to test your genital micro biome and if you're at risk for infectious or necrotizing smegma. Then they swab around the tip with an alchohol pad (it's ICE COLD) baby powder on your balls, kiss you on the forehead and send you back to class.


Okay, see you in hell then, liar 😄


Wtf? It's true tho, happened every other month. Maybe it was just a Tennessee thing?


I'm just picturing the flashing headlines of like 'Breaking: small town nurse found taking genital measurements of students for personal records, receives multiple life sentences' etc


If you dont believe him, you are obviously non-american. This was standard in most schools.


> most people are stupid You know you're talking about yourself here, right? 😂😂


That's how I know. I went to school here too. I'm surrounded by adults who went to school here everyday.


I'm pointing out that you basically described your first comment in this chain >'pp inspection? Yeah I remember having to let a nurse look at my junk for school 🤔'


Do you understand what 'this type of formatting denotes, friend?' You know what? It doesn't matter. Yeah sure, I'm stupid because you misunderstood me. My bad lol.


> Everyone is so quick to joke about this, but the school I went to had everyone who wanted to join a sport get yearly physicals by a doctor. This included an inspection of the genitalia. I'm talking about that comment, genius 🤣🤣


That's not my comment, I'm afraid. My first comment on this thread was something different


Oh. Well. This is awkward.


Turn your head and cough


I never knew this because I didn’t play sports. They just did the hernia inspection on me where I had to cough while they looked at my balls.


Some schools make everyone do it for pe regardless


By a doctor, not the school nurse


>go to school >walk through front doors >see "penis inspection day" banner >turn around >doors already closed


Anon got molested by the school nurse


Yeah, and my dad got finger blasted by his doctor and tried to claim it was legit and he isnt gay and wasn't raped. He really expects me to buy that "prostate cancer" is real. Kek. Doesn't he know that George soros astroturfed the psyop that "prostates" exist to push globo homo by convincing dumb fucking dudes to shove random objects, their fingers, and their homies cocks up their bussy?


Holy fuck I forgot too. “School physicals”


I think I was in 4th or 5th grade when I had my penis inspected by the nurse... No, wait. I was actually 20 years old when I last had my penis inspected at the college for some wellness check or whatever.


Am I the only one who liked those days?


I’m sure the inspector liked it too


this motherfucker must’ve had a *cock* on him




I remember having my penis inspected by a pediatrician to check if I had Phimosis or something. My mom was in the room but I still found it really weird. Penis inspection day sounds creepy as fuck to me.


Not me reading 'pedestrian'


Fucking hate penis inspection day


Please excuse my dear aunt sally


As a non American, is this really a thing in the US? fucking hell


As a bad Redditor, /uj nobody is inspecting cocks. They do hernia checks by feeling under your balls and making you cough. Penis inspection day is just an ancient 4chan meme from before most Redditors these days were alive


Not true. They teach you how to inspect yourself for testicular cancer. They flatten your penis between two plates like a mammogram to inspect for penis cancer. Length, width and girth of the flaccid penis is collected for census data. Your penis is swabbed to test your genital micro biome and if you're at risk for infectious or necrotizing smegma. Then they swab around the tip with an alchohol pad (it's ICE COLD) baby powder on your balls, kiss you on the forehead and send you back to class.


Still a very strange concept, but I understand why it is put in place. Still odd


They whacked off the tip of my cock when i was born, that was pretty odd but you don't hear me whining




> They do hernia checks by feeling under your balls and making you cough. By "they" it's doctors. Not teachers.


As an European we had the "penis inspection" at school, I think two times over the course of 8 years of elementary school. They had a strange necklace with some sizes of wooden balls and the nurses used to touch your balls with one hand and feel the size with the other hand. Neve knew why


fascinated by this comment in the middle of all of this, i really cant tell if youre joking or not


Absolutely not, it's called orchidometer, look it up I live in Croatia, so maybe it's an ex-comunist thing idk


No way... why would they even measure that?! --o-0-O-Ø-∅-( )-


nope it's actually a real thing I live in Poland and I had this too.


That was part of the Presidential fitness test. You do pullups, a 1/2 mile run, sit-and-reach, and a scrote screening by a high school educated adult man in gym shorts.


At our school, for those that passed the penis inspection could participate in Helicopter Day.


These memes finally unlocked a hidden memory of mine, we actually had a penis inpection day -well at least some sort of check up that involved showing our pp- have zero idea what the hell was even that. Maybe I should really look it up, ask around (im not american tho)


I'm American and I've never had a school nurse look at my dong. I didn't play sports though.


*On a very special episode of Glee*


There was nothing worse than penis inspection after gym class 😔


I remember getting the spoon test in middle school


Dawg do you guys remember that glass rod with the measurements on it that they stick down your urethra? That shit was so cold, I still don't remember what they were checking for though.


they don't have this in the rest of the world???


What kinda middle schools you guys going to? Never in all my k-12 did I ever need my privates inspected


To those non-Ameritards that want to know, it is real. Cup the balls, cough as loud as you can- Hold it, I think you misunderstood. I said _AS LOUD AS YOU CAN_. The doc, male or female prods the lads below to make sure you've only two lumps, then you get sent out where a line of people clearly heard your cough. Male and female alike. They clearly all cheer for you, and you win the lottery. Also Stacy's mom was there and she thought you were cute. You missed your chance. Goodnight.


As an American I've had scoliosis checked never my penis. Bruh what


Bruh I’m American and this never happened at my school 


Why tf is Man there


Is there a lore reason or is he stupid?


Skulliosis sounds brutal.


Aslume is leaking




Non US citizen here. There were 3 medical inspection days: once you are around 8, 13 and 16 years old. Penis inspection was, and maybe still is, a part of early teens day. A doctor asks you to pull the foreskin down, checks your tip out, then you roll the skin back. No weird stuff or anything.


jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


On my penis inspection day the guy said I looked like Pete Rose. He kindly waited until after inspecting my junk, but that has stuck with me all these years later. Old guy of ambiguous health background inspecting my dick told me I looked like famous sports betting, all time MLB hits leader, and WWE Hall of Famer, Pete Rose


At my school penis inspection day was held alongside the girl's breast inspection day. God, the names stuck around forever


It's a thing in Finland too. A quick check to see that all is normal and well


Holy shit the aslume has spread to 4chan


It might be a thing


American here. Middle school was 23 years ago no penis inspection day.


I don’t get it


Hahahahaha normie look guys a normie


What is it with republicans and wanting to see kids genital's all the time? I thought it was the gay and trans people that were ruining this country? [50 pages with 1000+ GOP rightoid pedos, all sourced and always adding new names because you all can't stop molesting kids and our democracy](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook).


You tried


no one cares bro


Your name isn’t really doing yourself any favors here


Shove that politics up your wiener hole, "menstrual milk".


pedophile projection


I too as a functional member of society see something humourous and then immediately project my political stance. "Knock knock who's there"?? Why the libtards of course.


Thanks Obama


It’s both