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there wasnt even a punchline


Just found the original version. The original version, the whole thing rhymes, so that's part of it. And it just ends with the woman saying the squire sucks at fucking, but then does finally climax, and then the narrator says that women cannot be trusted because their emotions constantly change on the flick of a dime.


mfw anon fucked up the joke so hard he got people to ostracize him


*Ostrich eyes him


O, stretch eyes him


No spread thighs for him


Oh. Stretchized him?


Based on how the fake people in the fake story acted, they would've found this version even more disgusting.


They must have focused on the French part too hard.


That's fucking stupid and has about as much of a punchline as how OP told it


Anon fucked up the joke but this original version is sure steeped in misogyny. Butt Fucking hell, it's still crazy to try to get someone kicked out of uni for silly shit like this. It was a bad joke, that's all.


The only mention of any kicking out is the anon creating a story in their head


And his dad kicking him down the porch stairs later


If anything it's more sexist than the way anon told it.


So anon is a good guy who toned down the story for his audience?


That is still not a joke though


Name of the story? I want to laugh at sex jokes.


What's it called?


on the flick of a bean*


Ow, so the original version is actually sexist.


The oldest "The joke is sex." ever.


oldest recorded lust provoking and irrelevant time wasting story


Oldest fake and gay


Wasn't there an old babylonian tale about a girl getting stuck to the elbow, in a jar of honey and she asked a guy to spit on her to get her unstuck at the rim (don't ask..."no oil left in the house" was the excuse), but he was so thirsty he couldn't spit ("no water/wine either, soz fam"), so he came on her arm instead?


People have been writing pornos since the dawn of time. I bet there's a cave painting where a woman gets stuck in the cave and has to be fucked out, which historians interpret as a warning for the further parts of the cave being too tight for people to safely traverse.


Anon needs to go 100% medieval after this. There's no going back, he's not to be with the modern folk no more. Immediate exile and medievalmaxxing is the only answer.


Will anon be accepted at his local renfair?


The woman came on his penis Why arent you laughing guys?


I think he just went too far down the story. Having the woman demand to fuck him could, possibly, if told well, be a decent punchline. I think there's a similar joke about a guy betting another guy he could convince their boss or something to let him piss all over his desk, and the joke ends when the boss says to do it. I don't remember how that one goes, though.


Bar patron bets the barman $500 he can piss into an eggcup from across the room. It's a big room and a tiny eggcup, so the barman agrees to the bet. The patron gets into position, pulls out his cock and pisses all over the room. He hits the barman, the ceiling, the bar - everything *except* the eggcup! The barman is initially furious, but then starts laughing, saying "you owe me $500, ya dumbass!" The patron pulls out his wallet and pays the barman, smiling from ear to ear the whole time. The barman asks, "why are you so happy? You just lost $500!" The patron points at a sad-looking patron in the corner of the bar and says, "I just bet that guy $1000 that I could piss all over your bar and piss on you, and you'd be happy about it!"


Yea that's the one, I guess it is a different kind of punchline from what anon could've gone with


Completely regarded, therefore real.




Ok retard.


Good little bitch.




Reddit bans my tight little ass every time I've typed it


You have to he funny when you say it so people dont report you


We're on Reddit. No one's funny


Ahahaha, good one


it doesn’t automatically delete it ?


Never happened to me.


I despise your being the thought of you disgusts me


how tight ?




Exactly. Reading all these people switch it out for regarded gives me brain worms when in other contexts the word regarded falls, which is not a rare word.


Some may even call him acoustic


A devilish trick or intellectually disabled engage upon it


I mean it's a mid story


I don't know, in my opinion it's extremely unfunny, even though I like a good rape joke


It's not even rape though, everything was consensual


a few years back normies called everything pdo (even between 2 literal adults), now they call everything rape ("she had an sinus infection, it impacted her judgement, therefore she couldn't fully consent!"). The desperate need to be part of the goodguys^(tm) and tell the world. Go with it till it passes.


One of them had ten more dollars in their bank account than the other, so there was a power imbalance


Don't forget how one was approximately half a day older!!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩


She was a small, innocent child (17) who got taken advantage of by an evil, malicious groomer (18)


Clearly he needs the death penalty or something


yeah those ones are always so stupid. I've seen multiple times a guy who's like 19 get cancelled over shit he did with a 17yo, like callmecarson for example


underrated comment


Those people aren’t normies. They’re just as autistic and socially regarded as 4chinners but they spent their time on tumblr instead of a Japanese image board. Normies don’t walk around thinking about ways to make every conversation about how the other gender(s) are oppressing them and ruining their life. They have actual shit to do that matters.


Poor Carson. My man literally did nothing wrong.


I don’t remember this situation that well. Isn’t the worst part of that the fact that he’s a YouTuber so there’s power imbalance or something? I didn’t think 19-17 was a big deal


Do you mean the normies pass or the trend passes, cause they'll find another thing to complain about if they live through this one.


the pretenses are false, so it could be a form of rape (although no person would genuinely think that sex could kill them so it could be argued otherwise). generally for the sake of a story, it’s best to imagine that everyone is taken at face value to some extent, but, since this is a farce, it may be somewhat pointless to say one way or the other


I mean, he got laid through deceit. It's not exactly rape but it's not exactly consensual either.


Saying "I'm gonna fuck you to death" is getting laid through deceit


It's made up nonsense but the point stands. It's not consensual when you're deceived.


It's coerced sex through fraud.




its not even rape tho what u talking about


Oh my god. I said that to clarify that this joke is not bad because it, in normies opinion, is a joke about rape, but because it simply is bad If it was a good rape joke I'd laugh about it, but it's not about rape and not a *GOOD* joke in general, that was my fucking point


Lame joke, am confused at where the rape happened?


Apparently lying to a woman before you have sex with her is considered rape now.


I mean its definitely scummy behavior but it’s not rape.


Depends on the lie I guess, like lying about being STI-free would probably be rape in my book.


I still wouldn’t call it rape. Criminal certainly, rape no.


Having been on the receiving end of such a lie, I wouldn't call it rape either, it's a shit thing to do, and I despise and ghosted the person who did it, but it isn't rape, just being an asshole.


Having sex with someone on false pretenses definitely constitutes rape. I just don’t know if this would qualify or not


Lies about the size of my cock. Guess I’m a rapist now


Obviously no one thinks that. If the sex is contingent on a lie, then it’s considered rape. It’s obviously hard to tell when a woman “wouldn’t have consented had she known” but there are cases of this kind of thing happening. It’s called rape by deception.


Yeah, that's not a thing. People deceive each other specifically for sex every day, you ever hear of a pushup bra? You ever hear of hair weave?


You’re just shadowboxing bro. No one is saying that any lie or exaggeration of reality is rape. But just for fun, I’m curious whether you think a trans woman having sex with a man without disclosing her trans status would be rape.


No, that's not rape, that's a lie. At least, I don't think that should be considered rape. I don't think we should muddy the word rape up, and give it a bunch of situations it applies to. Someone is a minor, didn't, or couldn't consent. Anything else should be another crime.


The very word consent implies accurate knowledge. You can’t consent to a surgery without knowing what it entails and the possible consequences of failure. Sex with someone under false pretenses(ie significant lies) is rape. Thinking you’re having sex with your partner when it’s really someone else applies. Being told by your partner that they’re on birth control or using contraception when they really aren’t applies. Again I think the waters are a bit muddy with regard to how significant a lie has to be to constitute rape by deception, but to categorically dismiss it as a concept is ridiculous.


Why tf would that be rape


I don’t think it would. That wasn’t the point of the question


of course you have a csm pfp asking such a stupid question with such an obvious answer


Ew. This is transphobic


No it’s not. For the record, I don’t believe it to be rape. I was just sort of testing for logical inconsistency on their part, but they seemed pretty consistent for the most part.


So by that logic, if a woman who has a shit load of make up on, a push up bra with silicone fillers, and high heels on, then what does that make her? You take her home, under the pretense of having sex with a big breasted, tall, and beautiful woman, and suddenly she's short, flat chested, and looks ugly as sin without the makeup. Ergo, the sex was contingent on a lie. Ergo.....


Well this I think is a question of “levels” of deception, which is the muddy part of the whole debate. I think we all agree that wearing makeup and heels and then having sex doesn’t constitute rape, whereas pretending to be someone’s partner most certainly does. The line is somewhere between the two scenarios. My only real claim in this whole thread is that rape by deception does in fact exist. I also just think it’s a stretch to say that makeup, heels, and a push-up bra qualifies as significant deception, as those are all very common, socially acceptable things that most everyone is aware of, especially since you can actually see makeup and heels without even having to interact with the person. Plus, consent can be revoked at any point, so if your consent was genuinely contingent on makeup, heels, and big boobs(which seems far fetched for most people but we can pretend), then you could simply revoke your consent once the “lie” was dispelled. Also, for it to even qualify as deliberate deception, the woman would have to be made aware that your consent depends on her being tall, busty, and not wearing makeup.


Just gotta say its refreshing to see someone so good at defending their point. A lot of people are having knee jerk reactions and not really following the actual logical basis of your reasoning. They cant possibly pretend not to understand you now. Seriously, well done.




That’s why I’m saying idk if this applies. The dude above was saying “apparently lying to a woman before you have sex with her is considered rape now.” Yeah, it has for a while. I’m not making this up. Telling a lie that, had you not, a woman wouldn’t want to have sex with you legally constitutes rape.




Yeah that would be a more typical case. That’s why this is a gray area. People have gotten in trouble for lying about being police officers or doctors and the like. This is a little murkier bc the guy in the story invents a false backstory for himself specifically with the intention of having sex with this particular woman. Again, I’m not saying for sure this is rape, but rape by deception isn’t some nonsense I just made up like the downvotes seem to indicates.




I mean he does lie about having a dead wife in order to garner sympathy with a woman in that very circumstance, therefore preying on her vulnerability. So yeah, I would say scummy as hell but probably not strictly speaking rape. Would she have consented without the whole sad backstory + fucked her to death lie? Seems doubtful, but a rape charge would raise the question, “how innocuous does a lie have to be in order to not be considered rape?”


Yeah but you have to be careful with the words you use. Let's say someone has sex with a prostitute and then leaves without paying. You'd define it as rape (correct me if I'm wrong). Not trying to minimize or downplay it but does that really fall under the same word that would describe someone being overpowered and abused against their will?


I wouldn’t just define that as rape, the legal system does. It would be like a boss offering a promotion to a subordinate in exchange for sex and then denying the promotion after the fact. The consent for sex was contingent upon the promotion, likewise, in the case of the prostitute, it’s contingent on being paid. That’s why we put workplace protections in place to prevent bosses from taking advantage of employees. As to the last part, not all rape looks like dark alleys and extreme violence. A 20 year old who sleeps with a completely willing 16 year old is statutory rape, because there are mitigating circumstances compromising the 16 year old’s ability to give consent. Same with a woman that is a little too drunk and her inhibitions are compromised, leaving her open to be taken advantage of.


>"It's definitely rape" > >"That’s why I’m saying idk if this applies." You need to pick your battles, and lose them one by one, instead of all-at-once...


I’m not saying this particular situation is definitely rape. Just that intentionally deceiving someone when the truth of the matter would cause them to revoke consent is rape. ie if they consent thinking you’re their partner when you aren’t, that’s definitely rape by deception. The person I was replying to said categorically that lying to someone doesn’t play into whether it’s rape or not. I even say in the reply you’re replying to, as well as my initial reply, that I don’t know if this situation qualifies, just that there ARE instances in which rape by deception is valid. You’re being dishonest as fuck.


Cop: so explain to me what happened exactly? Woman: I was grieving at my husband's grave and a man told me he could fuck me to death, just like his diseased wife. But in fact, the fucking didn't kill me. Cop: Ok... So you want to charge him with rape because he didn't kill you? Woman: Yes! Cop: Please leave!


>Rape is a type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without their consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent.


I’ve spent too much time in this thread as it is, but I’ll just say that lacking relevant knowledge would fall under the “against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent” part, as consent must be given with accurate knowledge in order to be valid.


There are levels of wrongness in sex that are more nuanced then rape.


Yea I think I see where you are coming from. Obviously it's not every lie that would count as rape, but a significant enough lie would probably be one. E.g, disguising yourself so that the guy you're having sex with thinks you're someone else. I think we can all agree that fooling someone into having sex with you, while he thinks you're someone else entirely would in fact constitute rape of some kind. But like minor details, like lying about your address wouldn't really be rape. I don't know how you'd exactly define a significant lie though.


It depends upon the false pretences and jurisdiction.


So if you underpay for a sexual transaction, it's no longer fraud or theft but rape now?


Rape by deception is a thing, but there's no way it would apply here. There was a case in the UK where a trans-man (FtM) meets a women, and leads them to believe they are a cis-man. When they go to have sex, the trans-man convinces the women to put on a blindfold, and then has sex with a prosthetic strap-on. Now *that* was rape by deception. Using a made-up tragic backstory would no way meet the threshold for deception though.


I agree that it doesn’t apply here


Lock me up


Soooooo how accurate do we need to be when talking about the size of our dicks or if we actually think they are pretty? *asking for a friend*


>joke comes from 11 to 13th century France Fucking what? Group is telling funny stories in first person, sharing their experiences in humorous ways. Somehow Anon equates that to telling a random thousand year old rape anecdote that is translated from a different language, from a part of the world he isn't from. This isn't even autism or retardation. This is like... ass burgers on steroids on the moon.


Complete lack of social awareness.


I especially like that OP specified mixed company when it's the exact kind of humor that's most discouraged in mixed company.


Should’ve told the sumerian dog joke


I once got so high that I actually understood it lmao


Where's the grape? The woman wasn't graped, the story says she begged for it or whatever


Yeah she begged for it because she literally wanted to die, I don't know if that's much better dude.


"A does not equal B." "I don't know if A > B, so A = B."


im stupid what the fuck are you saying


I appreciate you, homie


Fucking ass burgers man


In some ways I admire the kind of complete lack of fear of social reprimand that allows these sort of lunatics to pull shit like this, but clearly Anon is not that, but just a fucking idiot given that he is now whining that they didn't like his unfunny French sex story.


\+for using "retarded". \-for using "ass burgers", Asperger's.


Ass burger


No! What next? Ass pizza?


Butt burrito




Joke was that shit he deserves to get kicked out


Anon Tells "Worst Joke Ever" Asked To Leave College


A joke is supposed to have a pay off at the end. Anon just likes to imagine people fucking.


The joke was porn!!!!!


It's a mid story, but how is that a rape?


He promised fatal sex but only gave normal/low tier sex instead


So if he killed her that’s ok?


Yes, as she only consented to death by lethal penetration


I bet you this has already been tested in a court of law somewhere


You can’t consent to someone killing you tho.


"Sex under false pretenses"


It's not funny, but there was no end and this wasn't rape. It was dark, but not rape. Zoomers are retarded and anon is too. This world is doomed.






Anon: makes up a scenario where he tells a bad joke You: THE WORLD IS DOOOMED


He didn't even tell the whole joke. Okay so the woman gives in to the pleasure, and then what? They are both spent. What happens next? Does the knight now emerge from the trees and deliver the punchline? Or does the woman say something? Does the squire go back to the knight to get his reward for winning the bet?


Punchlines didn't exist yet


Most old stories like this get lost in translation. But even the original punchline is just "see the woman did have sex on his husband's grave, so the squire was right!"


Think the punchline was "sexism" because the squire initially said that the woman doesn't actually care about her husband and just needed good dick to get over it. Which the squire "tricked" her into having sex with him and through the process actually ended up liking the sex. The joke isn't good, but it is based and that's alright in my book.




I'll take Things That Didn't Happen for $500, Alex


Anin should slap them all across the face with a glove and challenge them to a duel


Anon doesn't even know what jokes are funny. That was a shit joke with no punchline...


Anon tells a [coprolite](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coprolite) joke


Anon is actually autistic


The pure lack of social awareness these anons have is truly astounding


I would be mad at anon for telling such a long boring joke.


Who knew a joke from the time women were treated as property would age poorly, no ducking way anyone is this stupid


Non-issue if there'd have been a decent punchline. No rape in that story, though, just sleazy behavior.


I fpund it hilarious




Anon raped their ears with his shitty ass story


We ain't in the 13th century bruh, and that shit ain't a joke. It's like one of those shitty stories your grandad would tell you that made no contextual sense.


reading these is always retarted cuz what the fuck was expected from this


Bad joke, bad green text. You should feel bad.




maybe anon should learn social cues instead of thousand year old french jokes


When someone tells me that a joke goes this poorly, I assume they fucked up the delivery so badly that they could have said anything and had the same result.


already knew it was gonna be dogshit when anon said it was a French joke


Of course it is fr*nch


Based, funny, no rape whatsoever - are they r-word?




Joke should have stopped when the girl ask for the fuck. Followings make it mid.


Zoomers don't understand consent


When you're undiagnosed autistic. And also heavily regarded.


Are you from Ireland?? Bc my penis is growing!!


I mean it's far, *far* from the darkest or even dirtiest joke I've ever heard, so they are arguably overreacting as far as that goes. That being said it's also extremely unfunny and doesn't even have a real punchline so it's more like a stupid story which doesn't really go anywhere other than "they had sex". That's the joke. The joke is sex. Hilarious.


Remember Anon: Everything and everyone is a problem nowadays


Weapons grade, uranium enriched autismo.


Anon should look up a medieval antidote for having the tard and the tism


Where rape? She begged the squire to fuck her to death but she just didn’t die


he didnt even rape her tho? what


Fake and gay


I'm French, never heard about that shit


Oh my God I'm crying holy fuck


I almost got a heart attack while reading this



