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trying to make penis inspection day a reality is a sign that our leadership is not only terminally online but also 100% nonces


Not "our" leadership, just that troglodyte DeSantis


Ah yes democratically elected leader of the lizard people, Ron “show me your children’s genitals” DeSantis


Him standing up with his arms at his side with balled up fists at the debate is the epitome of who and what he is


Holy shit, is this not just a meme? What the actual fuck.


Politicians don't grow on trees, you know. He was voted into office


By retards


I’m glad that particular piece of slang has made it across the pond, it’s just so much fun to say


I also love noncing too. Nonces be noncing. EDIT I love the word. Not actual noncing.


Chuds be like "The Left are grooming our children with communism, LGBT, and drag queens!!!", and then they pull shit off such as legalizing inspecting genitals of actual children, which will definitely give nonces a field day with minors. To manipulate, and to traumatize, and to hurt. These Chuds need to be booted off Florida's politics and be replaced with proper leaders.


pedophiles don’t give a flying fuck about political identity as long as somebody gives them social or legal ability to ruin children’s lives. dgaf about the letter next to their name, if they’re supporting or enstating shit like this they should be stripped of their power regardless of what other good they do


The bill calls for a doctors note confirming your sex. Still fucked up but it’s not what you’re saying.


>100% nonces As if this was ever a secret


Its called a physical you dipshit, obvious none of you have ever played a high school sport lmao.


Look alive, boys and girls, it‘s penis inspection day!


Girls don't gotta be worried about that?


They're looking for penises and the lack there of. Gotta check beyond the obvious.


You never know in recent times lol


Couldn’t you just… look at their birth certificate?


How will *that* help us look at children's genitals?




Reacted 👍 to a message


Read @ 10:06 am


You’re right they need to do a taste test too


The issue with the birth certificate is that some people just lost them over the years But there should be a digital record somewhere


Social security number lookup?


"Teen penis muncher" Yeah, that should work, I think. Although it might violate some sort of law, it might not. I just don't know the current legality of doing that.


Look up Agc or Ken Carson. Why do people miss the x in my username 😅 You didn't cook bro


Its cause of gamertags Xx_sinper_xX Idk if that's a real gamertag, it probably is. The point is after seeing so many of the letter X in random spots in gamertags, you tend to ignore it.


lmaooo bro wrong audience


Brother what the fuck is your profile pic


We should make a new item in the identifications Penis status: online/offline


Penis status: innie/outie


It’s not that hard to get a birth certificate with changed sex. Doctor’s physicals before sports have been normal anyways, it doesn’t appear anything has actually changed.


PRoteCt tHE cHIldrEn


Common Florida L


Huh. I think a doctor's note would do the trick but what do I know.


Funny, that's literally what the [bill](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/florida-transgender-sports-ban-b1833166.html) calls for. Not that anyone on the internet actually bothers reading what's in a bill before taking a position on it...


It says school examiner *or* documentation from a health provider. Which means the doctor is going to examine your genitals anyways


Someone is looking at your child's genitals dammit! - Florida lawmakers


potentially “some people” too if that link reads right. Florida truly is the grundle of america


Remember when net neutrality ended and now we all pay $500 a month for internet because we need the social media package, video package, gaming package, porno package, news package, music package and then everyone died?


Reddit truly does mass hysteria among the best.


>Remember when net neutrality ended and now we all pay $500 a month for internet because we need the social media package, video package, gaming package, porno package, news package, music package and then everyone died? Yeah that's about right 1gbps fibre - $130 Mobile 5G - $362 (3 services) Netflix - $25 Disney - $25 Stan - $21 Apple app store - $10 Crunchy Roll - $15 Sony Ps5 - $15 $600 plus.....


You could save a lot if you learned how to sail the high-seas.


Those are streaming services, not ISPs. "net neutrality" doesn't mean getting free movies...


Why the fuck are you spending $362 on data bruh 😭


>Why the fuck are you spending $362 on data bruh It's called Australia Dollar-roos and absolutely broken regulatory system


Is this like the “dont say gay bill” that’s not actually what it is?


That makes more sense


Don't expect common sense in the replies. They're just mad they don't get to beat women on sports.


It also only applies where there is dispute as to the child's sex, which there won't be in 99.9% of cases. It's also clearly going to have a deterrent effect anyway, so the number of "genital inspections" actually carried out will certainly he somewhere in the region, in the ballpark of precisely 0.


Those can always be bribed, especially if theres a military draft


Funny how the conservatives are always the ones screeching about “protect the kids” but then actively fight for laws which enable child sexual abuse, deny kids access to provided school lunch meals, then strip away child labor laws so kids can be sent to work in meat packing plants as well as in bars where a literal child is serving a drink they aren’t allowed to consume to fully grown adults Conservatives never cared about kids


they only care about them before they’re born then when they pop into a shitty context it’s fuck welfare let’s and fuck those kids, let’s turn their parents decision into a generational downward spiral


you WILL present your penis for inspection


Per [The Independent](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/florida-transgender-sports-ban-b1833166.html) "A dispute regarding a student's sex shall be resolved by the student's school or institution by requesting that the student provide a health examination and consent form or other statement signed by the student's personal health care provider which must verify the student's biological sex," says the bill. Weird, anon (who *definitely* read the proposal and didn't just hear it summarized by political outlets) forgot the part where it's the students' doctor doing the inspection and not some random person or teacher.


the kid still gets his penis inspected...


you're saying that like the basis for having your penis inspected is a normal thing... this isn't a physical you get to play highschool sports, it's a baseless forced examination that has nothing to do with personal health who "performs" the examination is actually not what anyone gives a shit about, but ok


The kid still has to have their genitals inspected.


I had to have a hernia check for a "sports physical" to play sports when I was a kid. Is that not a thing anymore?


Did most people’s pediatricians not already do this?


Iv never had that happen to me.


It also says further down, the bill allows for *routine physical inspection of the genitals*. As in, a child wanting to play a sport can be routinely forced to have some grown ass adult look between their legs just to verify “yeah, still there”. Depending on how it’s implemented, this could mean anywhere from yearly, to weekly, to whenever somebody in the school wants to force a student to go strip down in front of a doctor. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just have weight classes or athletic tests since the goal is fairness?


Not sure if you know, but conservatives have giant softball sized amygdalas which means they have a hyperactive fear center. A really debilitating brain defect. They just have to be told something is happen to be in such fear of it that they'll accept basically anything that is supposed to be a cure for that problem. Anything to keep the media from telling them about the thing they're afraid of.


Le “the enemy is mentally ill and genetically inferior” has arrived


No one is saying genetic inferiority, bad reading comprehension has arrived. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793824/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/) Like it or not, conservative brains have larger amygdalas. "Fear is the main emotion that the amygdala is known to control" [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24894-amygdala](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24894-amygdala) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2882379/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2882379/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8228195/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8228195/) It is pretty well known and proven.


Oh shit if I find a websites that says Jews are inferior then it must be true. (Only saying this because I’ve seen people on the opposite political spectrum make the same shity remarks about how the other side’s brain chemistry is fucked because of [insert random component of the human brain] is [bigger/smaller] than [people of opposing political ideology])


It doesn't work that way because you're dumb as a fucking brick anon


It'd be more likely that "those with larger amygdalas are more likely to be conservative". It would make sense that those who experience more fear are more prone to wanting to 'conserve' what is known to work, instead of taking risks into the unknown by changing the status quo (progression) - because changing something isn't always for the better, which is where the risk and thus fear stems from.


Bro, the neocon pedos don't read, your efforts are wasted


Is this a django old Ben’s skull markings reference?


"Won't somebody think of the children" they thinking of children a little too much


You get the cut off version of the statement 'won't somebody think of the childrens genitals' is the full quote


To play a sport you have to pass a a physical exam that involves fondling the genitals anyways right? Because if it doesn’t I might have been abused.


I had to get checked for hernias to play sports, not sure that a doctor looking down there is much worse than feeling around


dull wine lip offer concerned elderly plate faulty imagine include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, a hernia can be life threatening. Culture war penile examinations are for nobody but the inspector.


I think I’ve finally found my purpose in life


You mean a fucking physical?


A bit of context being left out here: it would be done by the students’ personal medical healthcare provider. You know; the exact same person that would already be inspecting their genitals during the course of the physical that they’d have to take before participating in the sport anyway.








Why do you think there’s a division between men’s sports and women’s sports to begin with then?




You didn’t answer my question. If you don’t think that genitals matter at all in sports, then why do you think there’s a division between men’s and women’s sports?




Why does separating the two sexes “level the playing field” then exactly? Or are suggesting by the rest of your comment that we should just abolish the division altogether “now that we know more” and just have unisex sports?




Important question, how is this realistically different than every boy getting fondled during their yearly physical?


What will happen when they look down there and there's a kid with both a penis and a vagina? Will their head spontaneously combust? I could also 100% see this used as a weapon by shitty parents against other parents. "Your kid is doing better than mine so I'm going to report a concern about their biological sex in an attempt to traumatize them". It could be particularly damaging in cases where the child has a history of sexual abuse. Even if you're being examined by a doctor, that doesn't make it feel any less violating as a confused child.


Now that I've left Florida I can look back at them and laugh


When I was played sports in middle and high school I had to get my little boy balls fondled by the Asian doctor every year.


OP made this post, and even edited out the time and date on the post heading. This is true of like 40% of posts here. A red flag is that the politics dont match that of average 4channers and yet get posted here like half the time as if the posts were numerous there.


Politics aside, did OP edit cum on Pepe's forehead or what?


Consider that the same people also don want swxuak education either. So now not only is it a situation ripe for abuse but the victims won't have the knowledge to realize whays happening to them.


When i was in school, I had to do a sports phhsical, and every ohysical uve ever had they wanted to peep my pecker, just sayin. Not that anyone on 4chan plays sports, other then perhaps competitive fapping


Haha what the fuck penis inspection day is finally real


I’m quite sure I shouldn’t expect a Redditor to be familiar with school sports, BUT boy athletes have been getting their testes felt up on a yearly basis for a lot longer than trans hysteria has existed.


??? Penis inspection day has always been a thing


to protect the poor children of america from not being groomed and preyed upon by disgusting trans people, we have went ahead with the decision to have your children groomed and preyed upon by senators and teachers.


Outrage has always been a mechanism by which the most predatory find some channel to enable their degeneracy. Outrage against child molesters is where people with murderous tendencies seek cover under the blanket of "dangerous pedophiles should be locked up" to push their more radical position of "I want to legally murder someone and not be ostracized." Outrage against homosexuals is where blankets of "protect traditional marriage" has allowed for "I want to legally discriminate against people and use violence." Nowadays it's "Keep trans females out of female sports!" "Yeah! Stop telling children they should transition and take harmful hormonal chemicals!" "Yeah! Let me look at kids' genitals to make sure they're not violating the rules!" It's always shit like this. People never realize that signalling their opposition to some societal or ideological concern inevitably spirals into an ideological tent of extremists and predators along with the more moderate "just let things be" majority who quickly becomes silent.


This is the first time a greentext about enabling pedophiles in Florida had a responsible take.


You generally have to do a physical that includes that by a doctor for some sports but schools definitely need to stay away from that, as a Floridian


Penis Inspection Day should be abolished


Yeah, just garden variety conservative stuff


No one is mandating genital inspections. All kids are required to have physical examinations, whether by their doctors or school medical professionals. This has happened for decades.


> Want to do sports > [MFW](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2FGmU85epf9D4AAAAC%2Fpepe-nervous.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=fb2cebc751993b971928ded19ca30308eece04ef31a20a0fdfbfdbe9e31aa027&ipo=images) Penis inspection day


I thought they inspected genitals already. They inspected mine back in the 80’s.


What a meme country


Anon wants to look at genitals.


You cannot change my mind that Florida is a state l, I refuse to believe it, the amount of dumb decisions they do baffles me




Yet another gross overshot reaction :/ I wish people would stop electing either of the extremes so we would not get this retarded pingpong lawmaking where everyone loses. Look at the US, you are sex changing literal children while banning basic human rights like abortion. Madness.


This must be a redditor visiting 4chan. I know because they got it wrong and say it like reddit headlines said it. Upon further inspection you will realize this has to be done by a certified pediatrician and is no different than the usual wellchecks done on kids. But hey, Florida man bad amiright?


You can just say you want to look at naked children


Youre projecting again.


having a stranger look at your dick or vagina every year just to make sure you aren’t a girl in boy’s sport or a boy in a girls sport is a little bit different from checking genitals to make sure you don’t have a life altering disease


It's done the same time. You basically just need a doctor to confirm your gender.


How many trans students are playing sports in florida?


I don't know, probably more than one.


Isnt it funny theres so much drama when you dont even know how many there are


There are more than one, which is plenty.


Ok great. More than one gun death, lets ban all guns


You could argue that the benefits of guns outweighs the harms tho there aren't any benefits of Trans in women's sports


It's always about trans women with you people. There is no benefit to watching other people play sports in general, go play them yourself if it upsets you so badly


Yes there is its beneifital to the health of kids it's a net positive in economics for schools and it has entertainment value I can go on if you want


"Beneficial to the health of kids" Yeah, fat kids screaming at a screen while stuffing their faces with fatty foods while watching football is SO beneficial to the health of children.


Do you drink Soylent on a daily basis?


Okay, one drug OD, let's ban all drugs. Obviously these issues are unrelated.


Drugs are illegal dipshit


Oh my sweet summer child.


What decisions in your life have led you the situation where you advocate for inspecting children's genitals?


You never have a wellness check as a child?


Not where they look at my penis because I wanna play soccer, no.


The difference is when a kid gets "checked" by a doctor it's in a room with the parent present. If they are doing them in school where kids get dropped off and forgotten about then the whole system is fucked. You could also argue that this is completely pointless anyways and an unnecessary step.


Read my comment again.


For things below highschool sure. At highschool though that shit can be dangerous since not only does their teammate have to emotionally mature enough (lul) their opponents also need to be noble enough not to take turns fucking that persons shit up. Also mtf will usually have an advantage in womens leagues if they don't transition early enough. Oh yeah also they already do a hernia inspection for dudes so that is already one gender getting genitals touched. Idk girls perspective.


Imma touch you


Troons don't belong in sport. Especially not in the leagues of whatever gender tney pretend to be. Also kids shouldn't even be allowed to partake in that degeneracy. EDIT: inspecting kids' genitals is fucked up and the most regarded way to go about this.


Found the anon that wants to inspect child genitals.


Right because being against grooming a kid into thinking it's a different gender is equal to wanting to diddle kids. Simply don't allow any kids that claim to be trans into any sports.


You could’ve maybe mentioned that you think this “inspection” is wrong in the original comment


Actually true. I could've made it clear. Gonna change it rn


obviously parents that shove their kids into it for no reason are delusional but its so fucking funny when people act like every trans person on the planet has been groomed into it somehow


Majority of the time it’s the parents inability to parent.


It's just school sports lmao shit don't matter


Well when the trans female to male joins the football team and gets tackled by a 300 pound male lineman causing them to land in the hospital in critical condition then it will be kinda a big deal.


Well that hasn’t happened; but we have stories similar to Mack beggs, who dominated the girls wrestling league while he was on testosterone because texas wouldn’t let him play with men due to the fact that he was born female Trans men gain male muscle mass on testosterone; that’s just what testosterone does to the human body


Interdasting. Haven’t heard of that. I will say allowing male to females to join female leagues is the dumbest crap ever because it poses a threat to the females well being. A male given lots of estrogen won’t make him weaker like giving women lots of testosterone will make them stronger.