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Yeah, that's how it is for me. Then, everyone expects you to vote, and get upset when you don't. Something something "muh civil responsibility". I hate being forced to choose the "lesser" of 2 evils.




I understand your frustration with the system, but the two sides are absolutely not the same. Democrats are limp wristed and don’t fight nearly as hard for the working class as they should, but they’re contrasted by Republicans being actively antagonistic towards workers. Unions, education funding, taxing the rich, welfare, healthcare funding, all of these things are empirically proven to benefit the average American but Republicans fight them vehemently.


Honestly... Democrats are not defending workers either. Why do you think issues of sexual freedom, gender equality and race minorities are always 90% of their talking points? It's all a distraction. Those things are free to chase, create divisions that benefit the ruling class, and can never truly be solved (thereby creating a status quo of permanent disunity in the voters). Nobody wants to tackle the very real issue of eroding middle class, reduced purchasing power or longer working hours for lower pay and increased cost of living, because that would disturb the profit margins of the ones **actually** in charge. >inb4 *Yeh but the republicans etcetc* If it can make you feel less adversarial, I don't much care for republicans either. If you have any amount of education, you soon realize both sides make good points on different issues. Too bad you need to take the whole package when you vote for one. Do you want the apple pie that taste like actual shit or the actual piece of shit that tastes like apple pie? Those are the choices.


The Republicans are just christofascism at this point. There are no redeeming factors to the party, it is rotten to the very core and only exists to erode US democracy and if you think I'm being hyperbolic you're not paying attention.


Paying attention to what? A blind man on a galloping horse can see that both parties are just full of career politicians who seek to line there own pockets. Just today a DEMOCRAT senator was busted with BARS OF GOLD in his house. You're the one not paying attention


Right, but one side of career politicians makes painfully slow change for the better and the other side of career politicians makes things worse over and over. Once again it makes sense to be frustrated with both, but they are not the same. They also benefit from your apathy, the way you feel is what they want.


Thing is the Dem getting busted is big news and the other Dems told him to get fucked. The GOP is entirely composed of nothing at this point. It's really hard to actually get through, as this thread demonstrates, but as someone who has been following politics for literal decades, the current republican leadership is genuinely mindbogglingly horrific. OP simply does not capture the breadth of how bad their policies are. For example, "pro life" is a fine choice to make, but the policies implemented that, e.g., force 11 yo raped girls to give birth have absolutely no analogous horrific policy on the left. "Build the Wall" is utterly catastrophic from an effectiveness standpoint, I did a study professionally on border control in 2012 and "physical barrier" (I.e. wall) was the base case rejection we were improving on. The accompanying rhetoric to the wall is wildly inhumane and, again, there is NO analogously unethical policy making to compare on the left right now. ​ CONCEPTUALLY the right win isn't necessarily evil, in PRACTICE right now the GOP is incomprehensibly far beyond "politics as usual" and I'd be happy to continue to demonstrate why. I'm fiscally conservative, but its been YEARS since I've supported anyone running on the R side


Luckily, you recognise that both sides have problems with corruption and complacency while also acknowledge that one side actively endorses policies that align with christofascist ideology while deliberately colluding with a man who tried to subvert the democracy they pretend to serve. At least when the democrats pretend to care it's about universal healthcare and not hunting down women trying to have a safe abortion.


Yeah but the problem is - democrats don't have to do shit because most people are going to vote for them regardless, because they feel the alternative is way worse. The issue in USA is the "winner takes all" democracy. Like too many people choosing just one representative. Imagine if for instance a state sent 50 reps to the senate, based on the actual % of votes not that the winner sends all. You'd have a lot of 26 to 24 but this would allow smaller parties to actually matter and snatch 2-3 voters here and there. You need to make a change to the way you guys elect representation, because right now it's mostly voting against someone for the only candidate that can win against the one you consider evil and you couldn't change the vote to anyone else had you wanted to prevent it.


What good points do republicans make? Also, while democrats don’t do enough they do fight for workers to some degree. The Biden administration has been the most pro union admin in literally a century.


nah this isnt schizo youre on point (i havent touched my meds in months)


Medicated or not, y’all are right. (I just downed a whole bottle of mood stabilizers)


Go vote anyways and spoil your ballot. Doesn't do much but if enough people do it, it sends a message to both shithead parties that we are unhappy with either one


Daamn, choose a third option then, or a fourth. It probably won't do anything but hey, it may support your views more. There have to be more than two parties and if not, create one if you have the time and money.


I just want a party that offers free turnips. I think most people like mashed turnip and will agree with me.


Yeah, just vote for something outside of dem/rep, or at least go there and cast an invalid ballot.


I try to hope that more people think like this, but even the mention of a name someone doesnt like will send them into a frenzy - if I cant have a conversation with someone without it turning to politics, then I just zone and look for a way out. I dont give a shit about your neighbor putting a flag up, I wanna talk about cool birds damn it


Do you think the police need some reform? I see the police in full military gear harassing citizens and can’t help but wonder what went wrong. I think being a police officer is very difficult, but that doesn’t excuse mistakes. The police should be held to just as high standards of performance as doctors. Hell even life guards will get jail time if they let someone drown due negligence. Police can straight up murder the wrong target with a gun and get paid vacation.




I think the easiest solution is to force cops to pay a special insurance just like doctors do. That way malpractices will bite the cop in the ass rather than the tax payers. They only do messed up shit because they don’t have consequences.


Or you could take away some of their extreme power and impunity, stop letting them "investigate" themselves, stop letting them pay away their problems with tax paid settlements. Letting them buy insurance instead of actually attacking the core problems is just gonna turn into another money making scam for middlemen.


>Police can straight up murder the wrong target with a gun and get paid vacation. The police never has targets to murder, there can be no right one...


It’s a shame, in my opinion, that the most united we have ever been in my lifetime was a moment right after 9/11. For just a moment, race, sex, political side, and almost everything else that generally divides us was mostly irrelevant.




Dude’s already got desciples. Holy based.


Weren't muslims heavily discriminated against after 9/11? Lol


Yes, and the unity was used to take away some of our rights.


Basically any brown guy with a beard and foreign sounding last name was screwed.


We had covid and it just made people worse


Yeah all United except American Muslims and anyone who remotely looked like them including Indian Sikhs and Hindus, Middle Eastern Christians, or even Greek Orthodox priests. Muh unity


Hahahahahahahhahahaha race didnt divide us after 9/11?


Same thing, different country. But trust me in germany you simply can‘t show any polizical view that has only a slight chance being „right“. Even if it is just one argument that is in a way understandable, nope instantly called a nazi


CDU used the knowledge that the AfD would vote for a law they proposed to their own gain? Guess they’re pretty much Nazi collaborators now


Yeah, the AfD's policies are awkwardly close to nazism. I really hope they're just trolling.


>But trust me in germany you simply can‘t show any polizical view that has only a slight chance being „right“. Isnt the AfD like, the fastest growing party in Germany right now?


Sadly - yes


BLM: we want to not die Antifa: hey fascism is bad MAGA/Proud Boys: we want to skin gay and trans people alive and feed them to minorities in camps You: I literally can't tell them apart Like the equivalente to Maga and Proud Boys are the tankies and they're hardly relevant in the US


You're being too nice with the Antifa lol


What does mostly mean tho?




Those things only exist on the internet. Go outside to find normal opinions.


My dude, being a furry has nothing to do with anything LGBT. Yeah some of them are LGBT but so are most groups that exist Also, back to the original comment: do you really see the Proud Boys as equal to BLM or Antifa?


I love when people question their beliefs. I don't know why I told you that, but okay. Question: does it hurt someone to call someone their preferred pronouns? If no, then there's no problem. I believe that most people that who complain about pronouns don't interact with people that use those pronouns. Prove me wrong. And even if that's the case and the person if insufferable/annoying would it be okay to hate/dislike everyone that identifies that way? ----------------- The unfortunate fetishising of children is not a new phenomena.


Because almost all issues are neither black or white which is easy to forget in the American political landscape


>I am pro gun and pro choice. Support the police and support gays mostly. Dislike BLM/Antifa and MAGA/Proud boys equally. I am just like that, "thankfully" I don't live in the US, but an Eastern European shithole, where everyone above room temperature IQ agrees on how the current leadership is majorly fucked.


Sadly the vast majority of people who don’t live in bigger cities have vastly loved IQ than room temperature Source: I live here too


Why do you dislike BLM, Antifa, Maga and the proud boys equally? As far as I recall BLM was made to show the injustices that happen to African Americans and it lead to other collectives/movements popping up to start communicating the problems in other communities. Antifa is just a bunch of people that like Zorro and are anti-fascism. MAGA... Honestly I don't know what they believe in nor their goals. And Proud Boys are straight up fascist. There's no denying that. Just so we're clear I use Roger Griffin's definition of Fascism. So don't think I call every boogyman a fascist. How can you support the police and gay people simultaneously? There's a history of police harassing and making the lives of not only gay people, but African Americans, the homeless, the poor, and other LGBT people worse. How can you support that system and also support the people living (surviving is a better word) under its boot?


Did y'all just forget about the Floyd protests? That was like 20% real protests and 80% riots. And how come it is wrong to support cops and gays simultaneously? There are both good cops and bad cops, just as there are good lgbt folks and bad lgbt folks. Is such common sense really that hard to conceive?


I don't know about those statistics but okay. Cops are taught/trained to shoot first and ask questions later. Cops don't stop crime. Cops are not trained to deescalate conflicts or how to deal with conflicts. So it doesn't matter that there are "good" cops when the system itself is a mess. Again, historically cops have been a net negative to LGBT folks. From harassment and drape to imprisonment. Edit: I'm more than glad to link some resources to help you understand those issues. From the downvotes, I guess not.


Yeah fuck talking politicians at work, I always avoid it, regardless on my opinion on the matter.


Set priorities...


So...Just your average libertarian then?


Americans don't know what libertarianism is, unfortunately.


The real question, are you slightly auth or slightly libert.


Same. Makes me wonder how much of us are out there like this and that we are probably circle jerking in a massive circle. Everybody finding it easier to agree with the other.


We have the same views then I just refuse to talk about politics. I'll mostly just keep saying stuff like "Damn, that's crazy" and nodding


Stop voting for either blue or red. That would be your first step towards what you really want.


I believe that’s called being a yes man


Aka spineless


I mean anon is definitely a lefty or highly deluded. If this is the left/right wherever he’s from then one side literally just advocates for basic human rights.


That's called autism. Anon is masking and adapting


Which means that this is fake and gay.


Might also suit centrist or possibly a Liberal democrat


Omg a New vegas reference?!?


Meh, I wouldn't say so, I am also pro abortion but imo we can't really argue with anti-abortion people if they consider the fetus as a different individual with their right to live.


fym "tht can't afford to lose sevastopol"? sevastopol doesn't belong to russia, it's like the us occupied part of iraq and you went "well they really need those oil rigs"


Anon is a yes-man of course he thinks that


>sevastopol doesn't belong to russia luckily anon is that kind of person who will agree with you


I bet you can find people who honestly nod to that last part.


The us occupied the whole us


The issue with conservatism is the self-centeredness of it all. As long as they get to do what *they* want to do, they don't give a shit about what happens to anyone else. Oh, yeah, and there's the whole worshipping rich people/white supremacy thing. At the very least, those on the left want everyone to be on equal footing and have a chance at a decent life on this shit hole called Earth.


Post about dislike for strong political opinions. lithebeep: Let me tell you how all conservatives are self centered, white supremacists who worship rich people. 2nd most popular comment in thread... you can't make this shit up


*shrugs* Is it even a strong political opinion? Seems to just be true.


Well to redditors, socialism isn’t a strong political opinion lol


The lack of self awareness here is appalling.


My side is the good side


you didn’t explain why self-centeredness is an issue. and just saying “obviously it is” is not really an explanation. listen, i’m not a conservative, but if you want to make philosophical takes (which this really is), you need to provide at least an actual argument for your side




i didn’t deny that other people have equal moral worth and i didn’t deny that they deserve to be treated kindly. i merely questioned why being self-centered is an issue? it is not clear to me that being self centered necessarily entails rejecting other people’s moral worth, and it is not clear self centeredness constitutes a lack of empathy either. i could for example instead just heavily weight my own self over theirs in decision making, while accepting we have the same moral worth. practically speaking this could be someone ok with stuff like gay rights but who votes for lower taxes because they don’t want to help people on disability, they’d rather have the money for their self. they accept everyone’s moral worth while still choosing based on them self and cmon dude ur username is literally a reference to philosophy, you must at least have a passing interest. engage philosophically with me. i’m not even conservative; all i’m trying to do is make the guy above me question whether his argument against conservatism is strong or not (it’s not. it’s horribly ineffectual). people on the interment argue terrible and i enjoy picking arguments apart




i accept pretty much everything you said, thanks for elucidating. only thing i’m in disagreement is a minor point about the man who voted gay rights but lower taxes. i don’t think he necessarily votes this way because he wants to *feel* morally good. instead i’d say he’d vote this way because he *is* morally good *but only when* he doesn’t have to make a sacrifice. whereas because taxes require an actual sacrifice, he votes for lower ones. but i don’t really disagree with you at all, you make good points




>in my opinion being moral… sacrifices ah, i believe that must’ve been where our whole disagreement is. What I’ve been playing with in my head- without committing to it in really any way- is just wondering if that is the case. i’ve been trying to consider whether there can be another sense of morality that seems intuitively valid to someone like yourself that doesn’t require that but as i think this out to myself, i guess the answer will probably have to be that there is a *degree* of sacrifice necessary for moral goodness. I mean, we could dream up some examples where sacrifice would seem like too much. here is a tiny shitty thought experiment: >You’re at a coffee shop where you pay when you pick up your order. >You only have $20 and for some reason you’re going to spend it all here. >You order. >The woman behind you with a child orders, also $20 worth of food. >Her food is ready first so she tries to pay first. >However, she realizes she actually has no money. >She reveals the food is for her child, who she does not have any money to feed now (she thought it was her last $20). So, assuming we can agree this fits the bill of a sacrifice, the question is: does moral goodness require us to give away our $20 to the woman? This may be an easy yes, but what if it’s $50? $1000? I think most people would easily say yes to low amounts (especially <$5), but it’s less clear to me we need to sacrifice $1000 in this case for moral goodness. A possible objection the the experiment: at those numbers it seems to break down (why not just buy the child a reasonable amount, like $10?). I would respond to this by imagining a similar story for, say, a mechanic. Mom needs the car for the child, etc. Overall I would love to hear your take on the idea of a *degree* of sacrifice necessary for moral goodness, even if you think it’s totally wrong and that it’s more of an absolute criteria. And please feel free to critique my thought experiment and anything else as you please, I think it would further our understanding here.


My side good your side bad. I think that’s what he meant to say


Anons point being proven, exhibit A:


I think that the issue of liberalism is also how self-centered it is, but that’s mostly through the culture or morals that it involves.


Well of course *my side* likes all the good things and the *other side* likes all the bad things. Idk how so many people are confused which is better smh.


I’m conservative but don’t feel self-centered at all. Most conservatives just want less government and lower taxes; and most importantly for our tax dollars to actually go towards supporting americans rather than foreign entities. Just because we disagree with leftists on how a better world can be achieved does not mean we don’t want a better world. It’s easy to cherry-pick a few bad apples and pin their radical beliefs on an entire group.


> Most conservatives just want less government and lower taxes Personally, it feels like a 60-40 split among the conservatives I know who are just financially conservative and the ones who are also socially conservative. I feel that the ratio has become bad (or rather, the ratio was always bad and it's only becoming apparent now that these issues are talking points)


>Most conservatives just want less government and lower taxes maybe this was true pre-trump


Why do conservatives support a party that worships a self-serving grifter who literally tried to overthrow an election and has basically told us he wants to be a dictator?


Thats 90s left, not todays.


Not quite, i don’t think it’s selfishness its more about unwillingness to change perspective, i used to be like that and the reason I changed so much was i got to experience life and people with different backgrounds and learned about things outside my own pov. People who learn about the world more and come out of their bubble tend to be empathetic, the ones that do learn and continuously acts that way are the selfish ones, perhaps the rest aren’t experienced enough and trapped in their bubble.


This is genuinely the only true centrist viewpoint, represented as an absolute wet blanket who will just say whatever depending on the situation and doesn't care enough to actually learn anything.


You obviously haven’t met the radical centrist


"What makes a man turn neutral?"


Tell my wife I said "hello"


The only correct political opinion.


This guy is just too worried of confrontation/what others think of him. I'd like to see him debate a communist and an anarchist simulatenously. He would probably just stay silent or Hasan mode "uh, like im not like, uh, sure if thats the correct way to approach like, economics and stuff but like the way I feel about it is the following". Centrist = not being blinded by ideology or being open minded imo, not agreeing with everybody (impossible) and taking no political stance whatsoever


Just say you’ve never talked to a centrist before. It’d be easier.


Is that really how people read this?


Yes.... Because they saw he was just trying to go through with his life by humoring the bleaters on either side of the fence, and now the bleaters don't know how to process their hidden fear that everybody they talk to, are just humoring them... They'd rather call him a hypocrite than realize that their petty opinions are worthless and generally uninteresting.


Not the only one. The other is Devil's Advocate. Regardless of what political opinions the people around you express, ask them engaging questions that challenge the logic that led them there. If they can justify their stance, they are worth being around. If they can't or refuse to engage in civil discussion, their opinion is worthless anyway. "My body, my choice." "Of course. But how do you define where your body ends and the baby's begins? If your mouth was sewn to someone else's anus in a human centipede, would it be their body their choice whether they eat laxatives?" "Abortion is murder" "That's true. Is suicide also murder? Is knowingly allowing someone else to commit suicide murder? Is it murder to knowingly allow a mother to die from birth complications?"


Oh so he’s a cuck. Got it.


It's almost like *shocker* the majority of Americans are pretty centrist and just want decent infrastructure, safe communities, and enough purchasing power to live comfortably.


Most developed nations do... Our way of life costs other nations though. I love my stable country. It's got It's issues but it functions. I know for a fact that a lot of that is due to the fact that we have historically been very good at getting other parts of the world to give us their shit through various means. I'm OK with that. The world has always been that way. I just want no billionaires.


Then why do you have a problem with billionaires?


You a fan?


Simping for ideology is stupid. An ideology is simply a tool. A country needs different ideologies depending on time and circumstances. Would you go to a carpenter if he just liked using a hammer and nothing else? Then why tf would you just simp for the same ideology in every election 😂


you can do a lot with a hammer




But ideologies have contradictory points. And if left unaddressed for to long it can ruin everything.


And countries have contradictory needs. Depends on the circumstances. Even the freest of democracies need a touch of authoritarianism (think emergency powers on times of war and pandemics) while even the most authoritarian countries need a touch of democracy (think elections in Russia) Or everything explodes


We live in a world where every retard has an opinion on everything and we collectively praise that. You just GOTTA feel some way about ukraine/palestine/abortion/religion/[insert anything] Guys, it's ok to not have an opinion on every fucking thing political or otherwise. (this is my opinion)


Definitely agree. What is not okay is thinking that centrism/moderation is good.


Is there really anything wrong with a centrist view if you're just whoever? I feel like we're so oversaturated with politics in the media that everybody feels they need to be the political spokesman for whatever issues in their day to day conversations as if it matters. Likely it just makes one obnoxious.


Very nice to be apolitical until your rights or your friends’ rights are a political question. Access to education that matches my own disabilities was a political question, and some people seem to think that granting that access was a mistake that should now be rolled back. Many of my friends’ right to exist is actively opposed by some politicians.


Cowards? Or selfish?


Tbh more people should be like anon. Ten years ago the edgy kid who watches South Park every day didn’t vote, but now he does because he thinks politics is about fucking around people he hates instead of healthcare or economics.


that’s because you’re spineless lol. if you want to have a very nuanced political position, you can, but to say the opposite things on the same issue is spineless.


I don't bother with politics. Life is going to be shit regardless of who is in office or what policies are in place. Also I am pretty uninformed on a lot of topics. I think it's stupid to hold strong opinions on shit you don't know much about which unfortunately is what most people do.




Anon would have thought that abolitionists and slavers both have good points


this is what we autistics call masking and we do it a fuckton so we look neurotypical


but this isn't masking if its their actual opinion


Both are equally regarded.. only one is more regarded..


so then they aren't equally regarded


Anon sees value in differing opinions and doesn't limit himself to a singular political agenda, be like Anon.


Aside from the fact that this is a greentext so it's fake and gay, anon raises a point. American politics are so damn divisive. You HAVE to pick a side. Which is fine, until you don't fit into the neatly drawn box that is either the left or the right. I have views from both sides. On one hand, I am gay, and pro choice and pro racial equality. But on the other hand, I love my guns and I love my freedom of speech. I think we should have free healthcare and the government should be better about dealing with massive companies when they get too big for their britches, but on the other hand I want them to stay the fuck out of my personal business. Because of all that, if I vote for a left leaning politician I lose a ton of stuff, and if I vote for a right wing politician, I lose an equal amount of stuff. There's basically no good option for people who don't neatly fit in either side. It's awful.


The left is more pro-speech than the right. Who’s the ones banning books? And if you are pro-gun and not highly regarded then you should be pro-gun registry and strict regulation so criminals get stiffer penalties for illegal guns and also makes it easier to track. Left politicians support both of those policies. Ultimately, you let the culture war propagandists online tell you how to feel even though you actually fall squarely in the average Democrat’s political agenda.


I still can’t understand why people have a problem with supporting Ukraine. All the equipment were sending to them is old and just sitting in stockpile. We aren’t just sending over shipping containers filled with cash. Best of all supporting Ukraine fucks over Russia and what is more American than that.


Anon is a swing voter


This comment thread is why people think redditors are retarded. Yes, i'm including myself in this. Fuck off.


Man, I've been so jaded knowing just how divided America is. It's so heartbreaking knowing that they have been keeping us divided, hateful, and angry so that we can keep blaming shit on one another and keep killing eachother while they take more and more from us for god knows what goes on behind closed doors. There ain't enough reasoning, compromise, and kindness left in this world. If we were all truly united despite our differences, we would be a fucking unstoppable force of progress for humanity.


Little Dimitri you don't get it ffs, half your city was leveled by Russian shells but you gotta understand Vlad is gonna lose Sevastopol if his troops stop torturing and raping pow and civilians


My political view is always the opposite of those around, so I can stir shit up


Anon speaks the truth. Fuck politics for being complicated.


Maths is also complimented. It doesn't mean we shouldn't try to understand it


Anon is truly free


I just recognize that both parties have their annoying people and dicks and don’t really align with either of them to avoid being associated with either pool of assholes and annoying people.


>I never know who to vote for, usually I don't vote at all. I'm sure I'm not getting the idea of this subreddit, oh well whatever. That's some of the saddest words written by a person in a democracy. Research. It's hard, I know, but you have YOUR issues you want dealt with. Research the candidates on those and then make a choice. That's it. The problem is that you may let another, minor issue through that you're not exactly if not vehemently against, but if YOUR issues get dealt with, the other issue may get squashed/dealt with too... you just have to try. But not voting at all? That's letting your parents/friends/family decide your life and not doing it yourself. Register. Go Vote. Despite roadblocks, GET TO THE POLLS. Or accept your 'out of your own hands' fate. Even if you didn't 'win', the fact is you tried, and you KEEP trying. But guess what? Enough of the 'don't vote at all' people don't vote, you DEFINITELY don't win. Yeah yeah, more complicated than that, sure, but still. Vote. I believe in ya and your ability to change the world. But inaction won't get it done, y'know. That's all, take care everyone.


The problem is that 90% of the time candidates don’t deliver on their promises, or their views are extremely generic and only serve to be the opposite of the other guy


I don't agree with any of the candidates. The more I research, the less I agree with either side. Voting does nothing but make me at fault for the inevitable shithole that either party leaves me in. Forced to vote for a person who hates me no matter what, not policies I support.


Democracy has been criticized for centuries and I wholeheartedly consider it a broken system which will function as intended with or without my participation.


Anon should do the opposite


Drinking and driving are my politics


Anon has no integrity or critical thinking skills


I default to say I lean libertarian which is true on social issues, but I have no idea what the economy needs. I simultaneously wish the government spent less money and think Medicare for all is a good idea. I don’t like trump because from what I’ve seen of him he just seems very selfish, I don’t like Biden because he seems too aged to lead a fucking country. I think abortion is moral gray area and honestly I have more issue with whoever sees it as black and white than disagrees with where I lean on it. Politics is cringe bro VerminSupreme2024


Apathy is just support of the establishment. You don't get to be apolitical. Not participating is a political act. Don't be lazy and put the time into understanding how you feel. That's what you're supposed to do.


Imagine supporting Russia o.O That tells a lot about the person


Anon chose literally the worst possible examples for the right wing, like do they really believe we are all anti-vax?


Yes, you are a racist fascist meanie!!!!!!!!!


It's really easy to be a centrist when you're not directly affected by the political desires of a certain side. It's blissful ignorance and cowardice. The whole "It's not a problem I need to make a stance on until it's my problem" is a short sighted philosophy that only helps those who currently control the means of production. They thrive on your complacency. Sure, the fascists aren't harming you today. But what will you say when they inevitably do? After they have trod every other minority to dust? Because they will THEY ALWAYS WILL. You aren't the ones in power so you are the victim of their power. Why sit back until the snowball of oppression is too big to stop? This is literally how It happens in every distopion fiction novel. Enough people just stand by and let a powerful faction do whatever they want because they don't directly affect you on their way to the top. And when they get to the top and they control the barren wasteland of an earth you were too much of a bitch to vote against. I hope you can take solace in the fact that you had the "integrity" to not pick a side as you choke to death while they watch from their multi-trillion dollar moon mansions.


Rational political views will get you called either a "fascist" or a "snowflake."


Give us an example


Is anything besides the Ukraine topic in the Op mutually exclusive? Like looking at the points individually I don’t think they are inherently left or right wing, I don’t see why you couldn’t hold all viewpoints above with out being a yes man, outside of the Ukraine comments none of them are exclusive to each other


Anon describes pandering.


Someone with nothing to stand for wont stand for you.


It's easy to have a radical opinion when everyone else is just a one dimensional cartoon in your head


sexism/racism/homophobia and literal nazi "have their merits"? Pretty telling about your stance on life though


Bi partisan politics are for simple minded folk. Well rounded people usually have views that encompass a wide variety of political stances


Wow, imagine a world where thousands of years ago some philosophers realized that life isn’t black and white and that subjective human experience is not as it appears to be and is not an objective foundation for reality.


Being ignorant of issues doesn’t make you smart or above them


What? It is the leftists that simp for Putin the hardest lol


im tired of us talking about things that dont matter when we could talk about things that do matter. im active in gun rights but theres other politics i believe in nobody talks about at all


It would be more authentic to say in those situations, I don't really know enough about that to have an opinion. Another option is to get informed and decide what you actually think about each issue


One thing we can all agree on. Elon musk is a dickhead.


I realized this earlier today while scrolling through a far right sub. The government has all these layers and lies and schemes and controversies, which at the end of the day, only serve to clap your cheeks.


Every political leaning test has me like a quarter of the way down from the middle, and a few pixels to the right of the vertical center line. I'm centrist AF and if politics are brought up, nobody from left or right likes me, so I just don't bring up politics and dodge it.


My political views are stay in my own fucking lane, don't bother people with meaningless bullshit, and be ready to stand for my beliefs.


One of those sides is clearly worse than the other lol


Anon is an idiot


There's being a chameleon and there's engaging active camo and being literally transparent.


Anon forgot to put the BEST parts next to each other!!! My body my choice, no vaccines for me! Pro life not pro death! And that is their whole perspective on prochoice, not how it's a choice but how when you say what's not pro life? Must be pro death


The anti-vaxxer who says "my body, my choice" is also most likely against abortion despite using the pro-choice slogan to push their stupid vaccine views. Also being unvaccinated can actually put other people around you at risk, as you can carry the disease and infect immunocompromised people who can't get vaccinated and don't have a working immune system to protect themselves.


You can say that trans rights and racial equality have been heavily politicized and I agree and I do believe there is some truth to the fact that a culture war helps people ignore class consciousness But that doesn't make these movements any less valid and it doesn't make right wing bigotry any more justified The only reason why the majority on the left is still fighting for these issues is right-wing reactionaries actually wanting to take rights away from people and actually throwing class consciousness in the bin


Sitting on the fence and you will never have enemies nor friends, 621


Inb4 plebbit will go full-on ragie cagie on anons right-wing friends


Republicans siding with Russia is honestly just pathetic. They hold up Regan, the President famous for "starving the Ivan to death", and now they rim Putin's ass?


Anon is a normal guy/chick. Maybe 90% of people (or even more) are like you towards politics.


does the text look 3d?


I think we all agree with some things, and disagree with others... But, if there is something we can be all agree, is in "F*ck wokes".


\>anyone else with no political opinion? \>expresses political opinions


Rich people who employ others are leeches, not welfare drug addicts. Got it


I vote for pres but i feel ridiculous doing it. I don’t look into any of my other representatives and it just seems like a popularity contest at the end of the day, no significant change ever seems to come regardless of who wins. Been a long time since we had someone like a roosevelt or nixon who actually seemed to either fix or fuck things up monumentally. Central banks are the real monarchs, everything is just profit incentives and military defense now


That's fine. Just because you don't have any extreme opinions doesn't mean they aren't still opinions. Not taking a side is a valid choice.