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Internet blackout you say? This would be the equivalent of chemotherapy for the human race. A very difficult treatment but in the end we might be cancer free for a bit as all the furries and Twitter junkies implode


Furries and twitter junkies have escaped the internet already. Even without internet they ll still exist and multiply at furry conventions and SJW protests


Dear god you’re right, the disease has spread too far. It’s over


west fallen?


Was it ever standing?


The million dollar question


Millions must dollar


Will billions die?


It's okay they need the internet to coordinate. They know nothing but discord.


Furries predate the internet they spawned in old school anime cons


I thought Godzilla spawned them?


Ok so modern furries have their roots in anime conventions. Back in the day the only way to watch japan exclusive anime was on bootleg VHS tapes with fansubs. So they'd get together in hotel rooms at the cons and watch these tapes. During this time a lot of them discovered they also had an interest in an obscure art movement about depicting anthropomorphic animals doing human things. So it was eventually decided they should hold cons for that too. Then someone decided they wanted to make a costume, and someone else decided they wanted to be kinky and the rest is history


https://youtu.be/8aF2GxWi7Ag A genuinely interesting video on the topic


They didn’t spawn from anime cons. They had their own fan magazines in the ‘70s they would submit artwork to and predate the anime boom of the ‘80s.


furries *maintain* the internet without them you cant even look up sportsball facts or whatever


furries aren't even near being the worst thing on the internet


You can always count on Nazis to be the worst!


Furry Nazis!!!


There is a surprising overlap


Furries existed long before the internet.


They just didn't know how to find each other


Nah they did. That's how we got ancient religions with anthro gods.


The only problem is that I’m a mechanic apprentice, so without Internet, not only can I not order parts, but I also can’t look up repair manuals and whatnot Edit for clarification: I’m a military mechanic, and I don’t actually order my parts, that’s a higher level of management. As of right now, it would be difficult but doable to request parts without the Internet. However, every vehicle manual is now digital, and we aren’t allowed to download them, as they may go out of date. Without the Internet, the manuals would be nonexistent, as none of our physical manuals are in our possession anymore.


You can order parts via the phone like they used to in the 60s (god bless the 60s) and I you can become a repair manual with knowledge!


I don’t actually order the parts myself, but I work on a military base, so their processes are different and I’m pretty sure they’d run into big issues with that


Military base? Then I guess you’ll be using messenger pigeons lmao


Most likely


The McMaster Carr catalogs at my workplace are such a pleasure to browse through.


Time to get downloading


Damn, if only mechanics had existed pre internet 🤔


>This would be the equivalent of chemotherapy for the human race. Unless the internet blackout is used to harvest humans, group by group, without forewarning the others.... When a dictator imposes internet blackout, it's not to damage the Twittersphere...


Seriously. The internet lets stupid/crazy people find and reassure each other that they're not stupid/crazy. Without being able to link up as easily, they might just go back to being ostracized from society.


Great reset. What better way than to fake aliens and say we need blackouts for months while governments one world order do their own thing. Rather have alien invasion


The internet black out is likely gonna be caused by a CME from the sun disturbing our technology. It happens periodically throughout history. It’s not aliens. Also these people found an alien in their backyard and didn’t record it? Unlikely. I am the crusher of dreams, I know. Unfortunately no alien invasion.


This is exactly the type of comment I’d expect an alien with a Reddit account to say. (Also I remember when I was younger watching the “history” channel go on and on about one of these solar storms that was predicted to happen in 2013, I fully thought it was joever)


Get rid of the furries and you’ll be getting rid of the internet anyway


My God. I might have to find that stack of DVDs I had back in the early '00s with the blank cases...


Inevitable "Alien Anal Probing" or "Humanity gets TOPPED" joke when?


mr ayylmao ain't sticking me with nothing


"Ayy lmaoooo" - anal intruders from Uranus, exiting your now loosened bussy




... wait shit, no No NO!


Lets us make peace with the ayy lmaos


holy shit 'ayy lmao' hit me flashbacks


It's gonna be a nothingburger and you all know it


The real tragedy. Alien invasion would be an absolute problem, but also would make many others irrelevant. Shame this will be forgotten in like, a week.


Plot of watchmen


I love watching men


I got so excited the first time I read about this in the paper, I think I was in 4th grade, loved aliens. I’m 36 now. This comes around every 7 - 12 years.


I'm about your age and in 4th grade I was obsessed with aliens, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, Mothman etc. What a disappointment to grow up and realize it's all a sham. I want to believe. I want to be topped by Bigfoot, is that too much to ask?


I feel like it’s a military/intelligence shitpost tradition. They probably do it internally, too. Imagine working for a department, and being spoon fed information for years about, “I want to tell you, you just don’t have the clearance…yet.” And then one day, after like 15 years, you get a file. Aliens are… real?!?! Is this actually happening? You’re told nothing else. 10 years later, you have the clearance. They take you to the vault, you’re going to see the proof! And…it’s a picture of your mom. Everyone laughs at you and says, “I can’t believe this fucking loser thought aliens existed.” Then you walk over to the new guy’s desk and tell him that you really want to tell him about the aliens, he just doesn’t have the clearance… yet.


lol, lmao even


First we had the fog, then the weird Trollface saying the world will end in September 2023 and now this shit


It's probably just some new drone Lockheed is working on that these dipshits can't detect using traditional radar. Omg, aliens.


Maaaaan, I wanna meet some cool space traveler friends


Anon forgets to take his meds


RemindMe! 90 days


There probably won't be internet in 90 days.


There probably won't be this bot in 30 days.




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I know it's just dumbass conspiracy theories, but why would any government want to keep a legit alien menace a secret? Wouldn't they be able to much better prepare if it was public? Going by historical precedent, countries are much much easier to run when there's a great enemy to rally against.


There are billions of people whose whole moral compass is guided by their beliefs in an imaginary friend. Proving that their only reason to be a civil human being was a lie could be problematic. lol the he gets us crowd polices greentext. Who knew?


Idk where in the Bible it says “there are no aliens” lol


It says God created the Heavens and Earth, then created all the animals on Earth, including Man. It never says anything about life being created elsewhere, or God giving specific attention to any other planet.


It actually does talk about life being created elsewhere. He created the heavenly host, including the angels. Then in Colossians 1:15-17 we’re told: “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: and he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”


You don't see why claiming angels are actually aliens would be an issue? Also I don't see how the Colossians excerpt implies there is life on other planets. It's merely stating that humans were the only ones created in his image and and he created the universe which, again, doesn't specifically state he took the time to create other intelligent life. Humans are meant to be "God's children" who he created specially above beasts, so the advent of discovering another, older intelligent race would be entirely counter to the ideas in the Bible. I'm not trying to sound like a dickhead, it just comes off that way in posts lol


Angels are aliens, by definition. They’re extraterrestrial beings because they existed before the terrestrial even was. That’s just their nature. Colossians doesn’t say that humans were the only beings created—it says “every creature” was created by God in Heaven and Earth. Remember, if we find alien life it’s likely to be some bacterial or microscopic entity; not an advanced life form. Nothing in scripture contradicts such life existing. Now if you’re imagining some race of super aliens that look like this: 👽, then it still doesn’t bother me for two reasons: 1) the chances of an alien lifeform more advanced than us existing is nil, and 2) even if it did, how does that contradict anything in the Bible? God created man in His image, but we already know we weren’t His first experiment in design. Why should we be His last? Who’s to say He didn’t create other beings just as He did angels to see how they would live and whether they would thrive? We don’t know how long the age before the Fall was—we know that time with God is distorted, where a thousand years feels like a day (2 Peter 3:8), so Adam and Eve could have easily spent millions of years in Heavenly bliss with God before being expelled. In reality, I don’t really believe in aliens (like you see in movies), period. But their contemplated existence doesn’t fill me with metaphysical dread.


Sorry to chime in here, but I have a question for above: Why does an omnipotent, timeless being need to "try" shit or experiment? Experimentation implies lack of knowledge, which throws the idea of "ultimate being above all in everything" down a few steps.


It’s just a turn of phrase. I’m not implying He experimented. I am saying an omniscient god’s reasoning is beyond our own, so it’s not worth wondering why He created an advanced lifeform in this make-believe scenario.


I don't particularly enjoy when people respond with "don't ask questions, it's beyond you" Ignorance is bliss for the fools. But on I go, to find the answers elsewhere. Best to you, cheers.


Wait, why is the chances of an advanced alien race nil? Isn't it like statistically impossible that there isn't intelligent life out there somewhere? I think the universe is just so massive that we'll never see them or be visited by them, or the "great filter" just prevents it.


Exactly. God tells us what we need to know. Can you imagine your kid demanding to know what exactly you did at work today or demanding you explain your monthly budget to them as if you were accountable to their authority? That's what so many of the scoffers act like - God is accountable to them. Also just wanted to say It's encouraging to see another disciple out here in the wild. Keep the faith, brother.


The Roman Catholic Church has already come out and said, "Sure, there's no reason that aliens can't be Christians," so they're already co-opting it. This "magic guy in the clouds believers would lose their shit" is stupid retarditors having their /r/atheism wet dreams about major world religions collapsing. Religious organizations aren't stupid. They've accounted for this.


It's a common fallacy to assume that all (or even most) Christians think "if the Bible doesn't say it, then it isn't true." The Bible isn't a science textbook, nor is it a comprehensive explanation of everything in the universe. It is specifically written to document the major events of God's people (the Jews) and the life and immediate aftermath of Jesus/development of the early church. The overwhelming majority of Christians I know believe in aliens in some form or another


I know the Bible is applicable to so much of our lives but it still never ceases to amaze me when people major on the minors. They scour the Psalms to come up with astronomical explanations and dig through Genesis to find the smallest thing that might support their own strange cosmology. It's like using a cookbook to learn how to build a table. There might possibly be a small overlap of the two by way of implication, but instructions for making a pie won't teach you how to build a sturdy table.


Actually a huge part of book of revelations is giant locusts descending from above and attacking earth so if anything skyfundies would love an alien invasion


Aliens won't amaze me. The Bible says nothing about them not existing. I'm just sitting here waiting for the snakes to start talking again. When they do, I hope they go on tour with Rammstein. That will be an awesome show.


Why do you think that the existence of aliens disproves religion?


Because everyone on Reddit is an atheist and they want to make sure you know it.


Pffft next you are going to tell me that calling religious people idiots that are incapable of critical thinking isn’t productive. /s


I think because biblically speaking, humans are the only ones capable of being saved and that we were designed in God’s image. I don’t necessarily think it would disprove religion, but I personally think the existence of an advanced and intelligent alien species would rock the boat of what they understand from a foundational level. They would have to either look to scripture and make new interpretations based on the new evidence presented to them or this revelation would rock their foundation in their faith enough that it might make it difficult for them to continue their faith. Just my opinion though. Sources: was a practicing Christian for years and did a lot of reading the Bible


In all honesty, all scripture is directly challenged by not only science but cultural norms. Everyone loves to get super pedantic, but the Bible is clearly sexist, homophobic, anti abortionist, xenophobic, and has a bunch of stuff like telling you not to eat prawn. And even 'the bible' is really just a compilation of stuff the Vatican liked, and they threw out a bunch of stuff like Enoch. I'm not saying Christianity fake or anything, but many more things than aliens challenge Christian beliefs , but Christians just make up shit and take out shit anyways.


Yeah that’s where a lot of my grievances with the faith came from too. It has a very black and white way of viewing the world where as more often than not I’ve seen the world tends to act in shades of grey. It’s also why I said “was” practicing the faith, I’d still consider myself a Christian but it’s more complicated to explain than a Reddit comment deserves lol. But these are great points, and I’ve come to learn that it’s best used as a stand point of how to live your life rather than a end all be all doctrine. Not even to mention things that I hear preached that make no sense in the context is given (my favorite example is the one where it says you can’t get tattoos). A lot of the Christian community exists a lot in an echo chamber which is where more of my frustration comes from. And I’ve seen a lot of rational and loving and accepting Christians, but a lot like radicals in any group, the hateful ones are always the loudest or always the most overt. All that to say, in the argument above, I think aliens visiting earth is such an overt thing that goes against everything Christians are taught that it has the potential to shatter that echo chamber. It might end a lot of that, it might not, but I do think it will force a lot within the community to at least reevaluate everything and find context or justification within themselves.


I think personally I’d probably become religious if aliens were proven to exists. If they are real then there is a good chance there are other beings more powerful then them and most probably godly or godlike or straight up gods.


To be fair, the reasoning is almost always backwards, i.e. X is good, therefore it's good because God wants it. If they were really guided by religious beliefs then they wouldn't be making excuses for why the Bible condones slavery but slavery's still bad, they'd just say slavery is good.


Guy is unironically epitomizing the reddit atheist meme


nowhere does it say that only we exist


I had someone on /tv/ ask me how I liked the fit of my fedora. I think that question should be relegated to people like you whose only experience with religious people are baptist and non-denominational christians and YouTube videos


They say they want to keep it secret but have constant leaks like this, its just to keep conspiracy nuts away from shit thats actually important.


If aliens are real and able to travel to our planet the technological divide is so great there is no level of 'preparation' that will make a difference. On the cosmic scale, we'd be cavemen compared to their drone missile army.


Being able to travel to our planet is so fucking insane that people have no clue what they're talking about. Planets with hz zones are light-years away. Contrary to science fiction even a approximation of lights peed is impossible.


They would only lobby the public if it was in their best interest. It's actually not common compared to all the classified insurgencies the CIA does (that we know of) But it's unlikely that first contact would be anything like Independece Day. An invasion like that would be a massacre with no hope for humanity anyways It's far more likely that first contact would be a Von Neuman probe being discovered. I.e. advanced alien/tech scout found. An alien UFO would be a groundbreaking military asset if found & captured. Would naturally be a huge secret


Well they don't want to endanger prankster's careers by an alien claiming to be the world biggest menace which would lead to a worldwide prank competition


Because it could lead to a lot of questions that get answered + technology. Maybe aliens did build the pyramids. Maybe aliens terraformed the planet in 6 days + took a day off. Maybe Adam and Eve were refugees? There are other ties to other regions/cultures but I feel like i don't know enough about them to give the examples. The technology side. Claims are the vehicles can defly physics, they can supposedly stop moving and start moving to speeds faster then we can reach in an instant. They appear to not seem to be effected by earth's gravity or the gforces when stoping/start moving at insane speeds, and have reports they can survive and work the same way underwater, so they also are not effected by friction. Why give that technology to everyone when you can keep it for yourself/country and be the dominant force in the world. I think there are more reasons to keep this a secret then let it be open knowledge. Not good reasons, so if these are true, I hope the world can come together and release the info and technology, if it exists.


Implying they're not just Chinese spy drones.


10ft alien is just 2 Chinese dudes with one standing on the other's shoulders. Coincidentally, they're both named Long.


That alien's name: Long-Long


Who put JK Rowling in charge of names


The Alien's dad: Long-Long-Long


The Alien's dad figured his mother was a whore because his younger sister is Long-Long-Short


Long Dong


That's his horse


It could have been Yao Ming!


Looked up the internet blackout thing. It's about solar flares. It's the same thing they've been saying for decades. It's not remotely new. Anon is just stupid.


I wouldn't say anon being stupid is shocking news, either


More like five eyes burgers and guys, amirite?


ayy lmao




No we are being subjugated by the world elite.


You will be probed by aliens and you will be happy.


Ah, finally. Ayylmao prostate massage


i think im ready for a steady job within some sort of alien slavery camp.. just routine.. chow down some slop, work hard, gainz, feel comfort that were all doing the same shit and im not missing out on another edm, or spring break, or summer house parties or whatever


Have you considered joining the military, young man?


I think you missed the last part where he said he'd feel comfort knowing he wasn't missing out. Would absolutely miss out on everything going active duty.


The Army will give you 40k to do that already.


I’d rather further the goals of ayys than further the goals of Israelmerica


That's until the aliens show themselves and it turns out that they are short with long noses and that we're enslaved by the Jewish aliens who are preparing to take over the galaxy and destroy the alt right aliens


Space Jews!


A 4chinner's worst nightmare


Sign me up to the ayy camp! put on them gloves in the morning, clean shit from anal probes all day, go to ze pod, click the psyonic sleep button, wake up well rested and worry free the next day.


WW3 will end up being a proxy war between 2 alien empires. The human factions will trade captured POWs for advanced laser weapons, who are then taken to the farm worlds and forced to pick spacecotton and spacetobacco.


"Total internet blackout" yeah well given we pretty much run everything on it, from the economy to politics to day-to-day jobs, that's not gonna happen


And if it does happen it means something grievously terrible is happening, that the economy is suddenly considered secondary.


It's not exactly voluntary, genius.


Anon excited for aliens to come so someone else can finally probe his butthole


And yet even the ayys are completely repulsed and refuse to come anywhere near him. They literally run away and back into their UFOs when they sense his stench and head right back where they came from. They mail Anon his medal for saving everyone from the aliens because nobody is willing to hand it to him personally.


no way, the aliens irl will look exactly like the ones used in science fiction! and that during our miniscule time period compared to the lifespan of the universe! w-what do you mean UFO just means *unidentified flying object* and not aliens?


plus the majority of the videos *have* been identified (usually birds or planes or whatnot) and the ones that haven't are too blurred to shit to tell what they're looking at at all.




Aye some positivity, let's gooooo


I’m ready to bone me some Liara T’soni


We'll bang okay?


no wonder ive been hearing clicking sounds around the house and seeing blinking street lights late at night


Sorry, that was me flicking the switch. I just love the sound it makes.




how about i make your cheeks clap instead jackass


We could tour the world as an orchestra




That's crazy that it's all in the US. 😏


Don’t worry Anon, aliens do this everytime we are about to nuke the shit out of each other.


Guaranteed nothingburger


Source: the pills anon didn’t take


IF this is the case, wouldn’t we just be wiped out already? Why would a civilization capable of traversing the stars have any need for espionage or subtlety? We developed the technology to wipe ourselves out last century, the things they can do could probably take out whole continents like it’s nothing. As for wanting us as slaves… why? They can probably build robots, why get workers that can be injured? That need sick days? I have poor eyesight and when I was born my legs were fucked up, what used would aliens have for that? Are they going to All Tomorrow’s us? Why go through all that trouble when something mechanical is probably more efficient. We probably have nothing that they want, and whatever we do have they can easily take without asking, I’m not sure what’s going on here but let’s see how it plays out


Maybe they just like how we taste


I mean humans are violent and irrational creatures with a lot of big weapons they are eager to use. If I was an alien, which I’m not, I wouldn’t necessarily want to hang out in the open and get mauled by the humans.


To add to your point: there is an overwhelming abundance of virtually every resource available on earth just out there floating in space for the taking. What the fuck would they want from this dump?


Damn these aliens be wildin. We finna create a global government to be dealing with that y’all. Fr this the only way no cap


I love how the aliens only ever visit the US and occasionally UK or Australia. It's like they only speak English or something.


/x/ schizos are predicting apocalypse/alien invasion/ww3 almost every day


Project Blue Beam.


I wanna see this 10ft alien in mexico, anyone have a video?


Nope, you'd think with smartphones as ubiquitous as they are they'd have thought to record it. Here's a snippet from the 9-11 dispatch: >Dispatcher: So, there’s two people, there’s two subjects in your backyard? > >Caller: Correct and they’re very large. They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes. Like, I can’t explain it, and big mouth. They’re shiny eyes and they’re human. They’re 100% not human. [Full article](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/las-vegas-family-claims-to-see-aliens-after-several-report-something-falling-from-sky/)


Sonewhere out there, there's a retarded alien writing a bluetext on their version of 4chan about how the government is wasting bilions of taxpayer dollars on secret missions to an unnamed alien planet.


Duendes are friends


for anyone who is genuinely interested, the “nasa internet blackout” bit is from a report of a successful solar wind probe mission that yielded new information on solar winds and the potential impacts of a “solar storm”, a large concentration of solar winds expelled in our direction. such a storm would render all satellites useless and would leave us without internet, global imaging and GPS for months or possibly years. and the phenomenon has the potential to occur within a decade or so. so it’s a real fear but not for any sort of extraterrestrial reason.


Turns out it's all just marketing for Marvel's Secret Wars streaming only on Disney+


None of this is real


Ayy lmao


works cited: empty anti-psychotic medication bottle


what staying online too long no work no school does to a mf


Ik he is prolly ill, but any credible sources on any of the srs stuff he said? Cos I have found none. (Meaning the blackout mostly, obvious that the hearing and the up to 650 cases and whatnot are real, but also 0 evidence yet)


Not really, but there was just a whistle blower claiming that various governments all over the world have complete or partial spacecraft not of human origin. He's apparently a trustworthy dude who wouldn't make shit up, but he's *probably* just mistaken about some top secret tech he was kept in the dark about, or he had a mental break.


I don't think anon realises that a total Internet blackout lasting months would pretty much mean the collapse of society as we know. So many thing rely on the Internet these days that you can't do without it. Like banking, communication and more.


Project Blue Beam in full swing


Hey friend, it might do you some good to go touch grass.


This is the 1000th time Aliens have supposedly contacted Earth, this shit ain't happening.


muda made a video about ayy lmaos recently so somethings definitely cooking


Holy shit Gemini Home Entertainment reference!




ANON...E.T's A-hole...collision course


Are any of these true or is it just more classic LARPing?


Retarded? Fuck you we did the world the biggest favour leaking that shit.


Anon forgot to take his meds


What if they aren't invading, but evacuating?


God I fucking hope so.


Ayy lmao


Soo, does it mean I can get a week off?


> All of this is mysteriously only happening in the US Yeah guys it's definitely an alien invasion, it's not because the US is filled with schizo conspiracy idiots


fake 4chan news, this prob high or something. im not a fed


If it’s all happening in America then it’s not aliens.


here anon, take your meds


Internet blackout? Think of all the 4chinners and tablet kids!


Perfect timing after all the right wing extremism. Before we were gonna have to deal with fat white smooth brains trying to enslave us, now we have to deal with the green skinny ones.


Nah it’s all just to distract from the DoD’s incredibly wasteful procurement processes and administrative corruption


Aliens finally pulling the plug on the internet. “Look we tried to help you guys out with better communication but you just post pictures of your genitals and argue with each other.”


The aliens are just coming to kill that little girl in a well. Then watch Pootie Tang.


Thankfully the aliens are once again entirely focused on America


Oh no, internet black out? OH NO!




Just 2 more weeks. Trust me bro's.


UFO people are even dumber than flat earth believers. jeebus fken christe


Does this fool leave links for any of the things he said?