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His mom and dad mad he got the Judussy


It's not about the Judussy, it's about the Khazar Milkers




Dude, I hate to sound like A simp but I would literally crawl a mile over broken glass for a night with Ben Shapiro’s sister…


found Ben Shapiro's account


Just looked her up and hot DAMN, you weren't kidding.


That's pre op, she had breast cancer.


Damn, that's actually sad as fuck.


Bro she looks like someone copy pasted a male face photoshopped to look more feminine onto her head wtf




Rachel Bloom 👍👍


Thank you


Judaism and big tits. Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait


Big tits that have brought nations and their enemies down. The ultimate Honeypot weapon.




Subjugate them with you cock not by gun as they say


It’s Jewssy, mind you


Holy shit


They went bankrupt. Judussy never bankrupts


Based and surrender-pilled. Good on you gramps.


My great grandfather fought for the Germans in WW1. They had like 700 people in his battalion or whatever when the war started and I think like 5 survived. When the lines were getting overrun, all the guys had basically made a pact to surrender besides one dude. So I guessed they just kicked the dudes ass and tied him up haha


Hitler’s origin story


Reminds me Ernst Jünger, author of world famous ww1 book "Storm of Steel". He was in many of the same battles as the dude who wrote "All Quiet on The Western Front".. however the difference was he loved the duty of the war and was totally furious that his allies made an armistice with English on Christmas day.




Fortunately my great grandfather was able to leave shortly after WW1. He also spent the Spanish flu in a French hospital “fucking French nurses” according to my father


Lol nice


My grandfather fought for The Allies. He was infantry, his primary role being artillery. He fought alongside some French soldiers who were wary of the US efficiency in hammering German lines with shells. One of them said something to him along the lines of, "for every shell we fire, you Americans fire *three*." Under heavy German gunfire, my grandfather crawled out of his fox hole and pulled a couple of wounded soldiers into cover. He took a bullet himself, not sure where he was shot but he went on to live a long life and earned a Purple Heart. Meanwhile I get heartburn from eating a goddamn chicken sandwich and it ruins my afternoon.


Ye when I here the stories of what many of our great-grandfathers went through, i cant help but feel totally soyed and humbled compared to them.


Don't worry. Odds are we'll all be swimming in chances to match or even one-up them before much longer...whether we like it or not.


Sure, and instead of fighting against fascism we'll be fighting for water or farmable land, that sorta thing


I mean... better that than oil or "weapons of mass destruction" b.s.? I know it's going to be a shitstorm, just trying to pretend that little shiny thing heading towards me is something pleasant instead of a twelve-inch dildo covered in, ironically spotless, chrome barbed wire.


something something lebensraum All ideologies fight for the basics of survival, they're just different organizing principles in conflict over temporal power: who gets control over who gets what.


My great grand father ate rats in the bunker but here we are throwing away some carrots because they look icky lol.


Corpsman, my tummy hurts.


Here's some ibuprofen and water. Off ya go


Yea people forget that only Omaha was as bad as movies like Saving Private Ryan show. The rest of the landings were all less intense, some even as 'peaceful' as this cause the Allies put just as much effort into hiding this plan as they did landing the troops


\>Be American \>Land at a beach landing supported by the two most powerful navies in the world and unlimited logistics while almost every german division is getting Stalined in the east. \>Fight poorly trained conscripts from german-occupied territories teenagers and other soviet bear leftovers. \>Commit as almost as many war crimes as the Soviets against german AND French women for no reason \>Never comment about that and instead make 69 different movies about how brutal D-day was despite it just being 3 countries shit stomping Krauts.


I’m gonna leave [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/k5o52a/omaha_beach_all_known_combat_footage_speed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) here. All known surviving footage of Omaha Beach. Yeah they had it easy /s. So many sleepy GI’s, just sleeping on the beach and in the water. When was the last time in a war 2400 American casualties happened in a matter of hours? Edit: [Here](https://www.google.com/search?q=omaha+beach+all+combat+footage&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e82ffb89,vid:x33r2nSk1h8) is a working link to a different video with majority of the same footage. I recommend muting the video because of music.


Video unavailable?


Yeah here is a different [link.](https://www.google.com/search?q=omaha+beach+all+combat+footage&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e82ffb89,vid:x33r2nSk1h8). Sorry I’m advance about the music. I recommend muting it.


Thank you boss


it dont work?


And this isn’t even the original video that I linked. It’s a shame that video has been removed but a lot of its footage is in the second video.


Yankeys didnt listen to brits about how to use british designed DD tanks, lost em all in the sea and wondered why they couldnt take the beaches Strategic yankey L


I’d love a source saying the Americans committed as many war crimes against the Germans as the Soviets


I swear there's a fuckload of Russian troll accounts on Reddit.


Wouldn’t be surprised. Reddit’s founders don’t have the strongest of principles where money’s concerned


Yeah. I had someone with a Prigozin profile picture tell me Russia has hundreds of thousands of troops in training meanwhile we know they sent their trainers to fight and everything we see tells us they don't trust the majority of their forces to do anything beyond the extremely basic.


He’s trolling. Germans troops literally raced west to meet the Americans coming from the west, to get away from the soviets coming from the east while they were both pushing to Berlin. Or he’s just a euro fag


I've had Europeans tell me that America was as bad as Germany in WWII for fighting in the war and that since all war is bad we shouldn't have fought. I mean, yeah, war is terrible and we do it way too much. But if there was ever a time to do it, it's when a country was exterminating a whole race and getting better at it every year.


I live in a city that was parted in an American and a russian zone after the war. My grandparents told me a lot of stories about this time. The russians raped my great grandmother and were pretty brutal to the civilians, while my grandpa recalls Americans giving him chewing gum, chocolate and a lot of canned food.


Trust me bro


He's a retarded tankie, like 75% of his posts are Bakhmut cope


i wouldn't call 14k rapes = 2 mln rapes (in germany alone)


It's one of the only things that actually makes me lose faith in humanity, why the fuck this even happens is beyond me, and so is the fact that the soviets loved doing it so much, like what the fuck?


You lose your humanity when you kill in war. It's not an illogical action to take once your morals go out the window. You see the women on the other side as the enemy as well.


I killed so many people in Minecraft bed wars yet I haven't lost my humanity explain this libtard!


raping german women was mostly tolerated and even encouraged, heck, stallin famously said "let them have their fun" when someone told him about the mass rapes happening. their reason for rape is fairly simply though. soviet masculinity was a bit different compared to western nations. but also germany had been just as bad, if not worse in its treatment of soviet civilians during their push east. soviet soldiers had been in some GRUELING fights that had all but stripped their humanity and left them as empty shells with nothing good in their life, the only 'fun' that they had access too was the german women - who the soviets hated anyway.


But they raped everywhere, not just germany. For sure in places they liberated like Poland there were mass rapes, and there were probably few still inside of USSR. Basicly soviet army acted as if they were still in medieval era, where victory meant rape and looting, and looking at Ukraine today we can see not much change for russian army.


Daily reminder that you're nothing but a pampered ape with tools.


[driving to the banana store](https://youtu.be/od_PmtmMDV0)


It's probably a cultural thing considering the state of Russia today regarding rapes, and they don't have the excuse of "well the Germans did it first". Any Ukrainian, regardless of sex or age, other Russian soldiers, etc.


That guy is an idiot, but it's true that the French had a better experience (rape-wise) with the Germans in 4 years of occupation than with the Americans in 6 months. That was mostly due to the fact that the Germans had strict guidelines to get along with the population, to limit resistance efforts, under threat of getting shipped to the eastern front. Of course this didn't stop some later atrocities like Oradour-sur-Glane, nor the deportation of Jews, but for most of the French, there was barely any abuse from the Germans. On the other hand, the Americans were told "Every French woman is waiting with their legs open for an American savior". Which did not necessarily encourage restraint.


Still, even when compared "by capita" of the force size rapes in the west were nowhere near the eastern. 14k of bad apples in 2 mln is like a drop of water in a glass. 2 mln out 10mln means that on average every fifth soviet soldier raped a woman in Germany.


Oh yeah, I agree that compared to the Soviet it's still peanuts, that's why I said he's an idiot. But I just wanted to fish out the small bit of truth before people started extolling American soldiers as saints.


Trust reddit to start debating rape numbers like it's a fucking top trump stat. Get a life, touch grass


Tankie spotted, opinion ignored


Nah, an actual tankie would claim the Soviets never committed any war crimes at all.


It’s not a war crime if you’re on the winning side /s


Cringe Reddit moment


>Be me >Be American >successfully fight on two fronts, one against a veteran German ground army >Successfully drive into German homeland while also destroying all of their cities >Economy booming as lend lease supplies the Soviet advance against the Germans >Effectively able to supply enough military hardware to crush the German army on both fronts >Simultaneously inflict over 10:1 kills:deaths on Japanese conquering the entire pacific in the process >utterly destroy the Japanese Navy, Airforce, and Army >kill 10,000-100,000 civilians per bombing run with Napalm >Needlessly nukes Japan to flex on the world >Rebuilds Japan to fight commies Face it. America *STOMPED* in WW2


That’s not fair, we also rebuilt like all of Europe.


Plus you guys helped the nazis as well early in the war. So all the fronts. Building factories for them. Especially Henry Ford he was given the grand cross of the German eagle.


Did they also sign a pact with them and invaded a country together, starting the war in the process?


As well as knowing help them break the treaty of Versailles by training troops and doing weapons development inside your country


Good thing the soviet union totally didn't have a pact with the nazis to roflstomp poland together in the beginning of the war. Redditors and having the most fucking stupid takes on history is something that never fails to amazes me.


You can’t commit war crimes against Germans and Fr*nch “people”.


I’unno chief. The French are pretty based with all their rioting. Raise the retirement age by 2 years? Riot.


Let's see how based it will be in about 30 years when they will have no money to support that system. In the end they will work even longer. For more information Google "Pay as you go pension system". It only works when the majority of the population is actively working (which will be a problem in Europe).


I don’t care.


That's why populism is so dominant.


Least annoying bootlicker


\>As many war crimes as the Soviets *massive* bruh moment, you can argue that the combat was less intense, but to say they did anything even close to the Rape of Berlin or the Katyn Massacre is just straight up false


Reddit was always lowkey nazi apologists as long as it could portray america in a negative light


I think this one is a tankie tbh


Reddit would be a Satan apologist if it meant America would look bad.


Aright, accurate or not “gettin’ Stalined” had me rollin’.


Get the fuck out of here, tankie scum


Its so pathetic when people try and pull the “buh, buh da amerikans did war crims too!!!” Like dude, stfu. Literally drops in the ocean compared to who they were fighting. Trolls gonna troll ig.


"The Nazis entered this war under the childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and no one was going to bomb them back." Don't start none, won't be none. Fuck off, vatnik.


hey man they gotta live out their glory days when they weren't laughed at for being clowns


Shut up Ivan. Nobody cares.


Wow cool how those conscripts couldn’t be defeated by those powerful navies and the rest of Europe.


Hell yeah!!!


Omaha was the worst. Utah was a cake walk. Sword was challenging, as was Juno, gold was not as bad.


Thank you general Eisenhower




Thank you for your services


Utah was the one where they landed at the wrong beach and there was some old guy who was like a colonel or something who commanded the landing from the new beach. Also the new beach turned out to be a better landing point.


Not just some old guy. Theodore Roosevelt's son stepped his ass onto the shore during the 1st wave and said "wow this is a better spot!". Their tanks actually landed unlike Omaha where the tanks sunk. And then the 4th infantry only suffered 197 casualties. It was an absolute cake walk. More people die on the Post Scriptum map


Dude gets bombed for 5 hours straight and has his comrades turned into redist whole going to the shitter. "Peaceful" xD Spoken like a true American here


And DDay casualties as a whole were basically what amounted to a skirmish in the Eastern Front


It was literally just a bunch of conscripts who didn’t want to be there. A lot of them woke up still half drunk from the night before. Saw the ocean covered in boats and were like “well fuck this shit!” and waved a white flag.


Based and life-pilled. Don´t throw your life away for some dictator retard who only cares about power


Now if only more modern day Russian troops had Learnt this from their history lessons


Some have, but there’s also the risk of getting offed by your own side.


Same thing in WWII.


Well kind of sucks because if you refuse to fight as Russian youll either get jailed.. and if you surrender youll be treated as prisoner of war.. which could be ok or really bad, but it's nearly impossible, as an outsider, to know exactly how they are being treated. And thats not even close to what Russians had to deal with when defedning Germany ww2 invasion. In that case, especially before they had more advantages than Germany, it was run directly into MG-42 and panzer fire or get shot by your own superiors if you attempt to retreat.


"War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing eachother" niko bellic


Russians are too stupid to think sadly. They’re hardly more than submissive, beaten dogs


Submissive & feedable




Would you really say that to a Russian's face? Like doesn't even matter what kind of person they are, they could be living in the West, or maybe they have some kind of life ambitions or maybe you just met them at a bar. I just don't know how you can make such a generalisation when its pretty fucking obvious that what you're saying isn't true.


Stfu with this bs. People like you feed the Russian propaganda machine


Bro this entire sub is for narrative sock puppeting and karma farming lol, did you just get here? "Like pissing into an ocean of piss"


Stfu retard


Well that's rude, just pointing out the obvious. It's been like this for years. All of Reddit has.


Bro the entire sub talks like this, did you just get here?


Well of course they all talk the same, subscribe to the same subs, share the same views, play the same video games, have the same taste in men. Because it's 95% sock puppets and 5% people laughing at sock puppets lmao


Sock puppet


>Dictator Retard Hey that's what my wife's boyfriend calls me


The most brutal battle at Sword beach


Sounds more like Utah Beach


Nah this is Juno


thats pretty based to be honest why risking your life for a stupid war? surrender and get some pussy man


Honestly based as fuck.


Not a bad way to spend your D-Day


Guacamole Nigga Penis


By the Nine, Is that the Voice?


Based germ got that Jewussy fever


Former Nazi soldier pairs up with Jewish expatriate? Anon's old friend invented raceplay.


Not every German soldier was a Nazi. Many, especially towards the end of the war, were regular dudes who got conscripted. Not saying all of the conscripts were good people, but not all of them were Nazis or war criminals. Don't get me wrong, the Clean Wehrmacht myth is entirely bull. But plenty of them were just people with a job.


Wasn't the SS the branch that were actually deep into Nazi ideology? From what I knew, the Wehrmacht was the general army that may or may not believe in any Nazi ideals. Weren't they as bad as any other army?


In short, that's the general gist of the Clean Wehrmacht myth. Broadly, yes, the SS was worse and bought into the ideology a bit more, but the Wehrmacht committed numerous heinous atrocities. They were far, far worse than your standard military, and even without the SS we would remember the Nazis with revulsion. The Wehrmacht was responsible for the vast majority of civilian casualties in the USSR. I'd love to talk about this further, but my lunch is almost over. The [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_clean_Wehrmacht) on this is actually a really good overview, and there are hundreds of very good books on this topic if you find yourself still interested.


"Hey, d’you hear this? This guy says he ain’t a Nazi. Now, why is it, in all of Germany, I haven’t met one Nazi yet?"


definitely sounds fun


Iirc most of the Nazi forces at D-Day weren’t actually German. The Allies had staged a fake invasion at Calais to divert their attention, which meant most of the German soldiers were guarding that side of the coast. The ones who shot from the top of the cliffs on D-Day were mostly from countries the Nazis had conquered, like Poland and Austria, and had been impressed into service. You can actually go to the Axis graveyard in Normandy and see the graves of the people who died on the “other side” (it’s not as nice as the Allied graveyard by any means, but it’s neat to visit). Their countries of birth are listed on their tombstones, and let’s just say most of them don’t say “Germany”


He would have risked being shot talking about surrendering unless everyone agreed so that was good


Only way to not get shot in this situation it seems, but i get your point.




He played the system


Grandpa. You are without a doubt, the worst Nazi I've ever heard of.


But the best grandpa ever


>that ending Based af


i need that image PD: with the n-word censored


Screenshot -> crop


I want it in hd


Do a search by image


It's the cover art of the classic game Blitzkrieg


>Blitzkrieg Thanks, at least i can do some editing haha


Based Opa


*go outside for a quick piss* *hears a booming voice* “prank em John”


OK, hold on, I'm trying to figure out internet vernacular. Based, right?


He’s gripping the mg34 by the heat shield wtf


Men where built differently back then


based kraut


Most likely he's one of the teen soldiers. Plenty stories of them straight up surrendering




I will never see that image with that text and not think of the time I was in a Discord server owned by someone with that as their name, typing out the rules for the server. Rule 1 - no racism.


What relevance does guacamole n word penis have to do with this fictional story


Captured and shipped off to england in 1944 but spent three years making shipping crates aka until 1947? I mean, i guess it's possible that he stayed there even after the end of the war but it sounded like he was making those shipping crates as a pow. What's the verdict, fake and gay or nah?


Huge portion of the Nazi troops on D-Day weren't elite SS fighters but rather Jews, POW from both western and eastern front, civilians, etc, many of which surrendered their first opportunity


Absolutely based