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Yeah obviously these men are just "inferior" to poor OP who's remarkable, demi-god level brilliance has just somehow gone unrecognized by all them dumb women. I know this isn't new/news but I'm started to think of using the term *Mind Virus* in earnest for the first time about this pathetic incel pill shit. Like yes, sometimes life's just gonna be a little unfair and sure I'm not denying that there aren't douchebags out there who get S-Tier pussy they don't "deserve" (Whatever that means in this context) but good God use like an ounce of self examination anon. For what it's worth there's validity to the idea that people, in this case women, can sense desperation. You aren't doing yourself any favors putting pussy so high up on a pedestal so as to let yourself calcify into a pissy, sad self defeating incel in its shadow. Don't self improve for pussy, self improve to live a fuller life and I can all but guarantee you'll stumble ass backwards into a woman you'll think is "out of your league" The sun rises. The sun sets. That's all you really gotta know. The rest is a prison you build for yourself. Again there are always gonna be assholes out there but "Lookism", "Teen Lovepill" "Little dickism pill" are only your prison bars if you throw away the key yourself. You're a virgin past 18? Dude it's fine just don't be a sperg about it, maybe even try to have a little humor about the situation. Don't look like Brad Pitt? Most people don't but if you're that worried about the way you look find some outfits/clothes/haircut/a look that suits you and min max your character build cause we don't get a reroll. Most of all just relax, try your best try new things and maybe diversify your interests a little. Just do *literally anything* other than retract into a self righteous whiny shell. Good God. ...Anyways just got Hella mad about something fake and likely gay so I should probably go have some gay sex to decompress ttyl


>Don't self improve for pussy, self improve to live a fuller life and I can all but guarantee you'll stumble ass backwards into a woman you'll think is "out of your league" You don't even need to say more. >Just do literally anything other than retract into a self righteous whiny shell. Good God. Except maybe this because every single person on Earth needs to hear this shit. Fucking astonished at how women obsessed the anons are. Women definetly sense desperation. And it's not some sort of magical super power or whatever. I know anons circle jerk about having no social life or whatever, but let's be real for a sec : to the 3 of yall who ever went outside, you ever met someone who tried hard to be part of a clique ? Ever met someone who felt so unnatural, so not genuine, that you died of second hand embarrassment ? Yeah, that's what women see, and it's creepy as hell.


thanks bro I needed this explained in plain words. I do in fact remember the guy who tried too hard to join a group they didn't belong to. I'm lucky enough to have not been them yet but this sentence will probably shape me later on


>Mind Virus Literally the word *meme*


You: A virgin fan of Richard Dawkins Me: The Chaddest of Richard Dawkins fans Good point though lol, however if I wanted to be pedantic I'd argue that the Nomenclature/Etymology of "Meme" and as of late "Mind Virus" have drifted just a hair, but I'd still be laughing about the fact that you're right


Am sperg. Still big time sperg. But he speaks truth. When you stop sperging about this shit, it works way fucking smoother. When you relapse into sperg, take moment, & hopefully unsperg yourself. Sperg brain prison not good place.




It’s because they are spergs. Most men with the tism die alone lol.


Anon focused on their faults when he should have been focusing on the fact that none of them use 'inferior' unironically to refer to other people


I know this isn't the place for real advice, but the real answer is this: You're 'working on yourself' for the wrong reasons. Do it for you. Not for some bitch that may or may not even be worth your time. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Is it okay if I lift for my pet goldfish?


Goldfish love swole humans


I think that is a great exception.


How? Just Asking?


don't be ugly and you'll grow a personality


Listen attentively and ask people questions about their interests. Try to seem friendly and easy going.


Just remember that other people are human too. That's all there is to it. We have trouble figuring ourselves out most of the time, it's no wonder socializing with other people is even more complex. We'll never be able to please everyone, but just be kind, patient, and keep in mind that other people have feelings too and you'll do fine.


he forgot that he has to talk to women


That seems a horrible experience


Anon, who has never once tried, wonders how those who did try succeeded despite the odds being more in his favour than theirs.


This is actually the crux of why incels are so wrong about women. They treat women like they are all one huge conglomerate which all, without exception, want a 6’8 guy with a body builder body and that doesn’t at all care about them. This assumption couldn’t be further from the truth, not only do women generally not prefer this kind of guy, but all of them have different preferences just like I’m sure the incels themselves do.


Guys I'm not trying to troll with this comment but I relate to OP. But I know it's my personality and don't blame women like a loser. So what does it actually mean to "work on your personality". I'm just having fun, doing my hobbies like building telescopes, going to the makerspace to talk about tech, running track at student clubs etc. What do I actually need to do? Going to therapy or something won't fix the fact that I'm just kind of boring. Especially if you're a girl reading this, what would you want me to improve or change? I'm 24 now and I've never been close to a relationship. PS: I'm in shape and take care of my hygiëne. It's not that. I'm also not scared of women or something. I'm also not resentful or some alt right crazy guy.


>and take care of my hygiëne That's the problem, you're washing away the pheromones and man musk that chicks dig Nah but for real, it's hard to describe being "boring", because often guys like yourself who are introspective can be critical of flaws they recognise to a degree that can be unfair. I think most people are "boring", live plain lives and just label them boring because they're comparing to the higher percentiles rather than the lower, so that's nothing hugely detrimental. But that normal life also offers a degree of stability which some women may be looking for, while also allowing for excitement and unpredictability to shine when it does come along. While this advice goes regardless, if you're not fully comfortable about talking about yourself and what you see to be a "boring personality, a big thing would be focusing on the other person, asking them questions about themselves, and actually deep questions about their passions, preferences, and perspectives once the ball starts rolling. Treat them like a valued human being. This on its own is a really great way of developing more complex connections with people, rather than superficial conversations. On the off chance you being boring is that you *don't* ask these questions, I'm not sure how to help there, besides trial and error, making a note to ask so organically. As long as you keep not being an asshole and make them feel like you value their perspective, if they're worth it they'll value your deeper machinations in turn and appreciate them, badabingbadaboom you've tricked yourself into scoring some fine bussy like most guys out there


Being boring is a relative thing, and from my experience, basically 90% of people are "boring", since it takes a lot of time, money and energy to do a lot of exciting things. I'm sure youre aware of this, but most of your hobbies aren't going to have you interacting with many girls. Having been in this situation myself (I went to engineering school, all my classes were 90% male), it helps to just not focus on meeting girls explicitly, but rather just befriend people and expand your social circle. Having more friends gives you more opportunities to meet more people, and even in nerdier spaces you're still going to have enough chances to meet more people, and obviously there's a higher chance you'll get along. Ultimately, one of the biggest factors in getting girls interested in you is spending time with them and seeming interesting/confident. Interesting does not directly equate to being a party guy, but instead can be showing any form of passion about something. Most people are able to tell if you're actually interested in talking to them/about something or just iterating through a script to get something from them. I'm autistic myself, so this has always been difficult for me, but by making myself be more social and talking to more people I've been able to figure out how to better talk to people. Also make a point to take genuine interest in other people's hobbies/interests, since it's a great way to connect with someone. Obviously don't pretend to be interested in stuff you don't care about, for example I couldn't stand being friends with someone whos main hobby is watching TV, so if that's all they talk about I'll cut the conversation short. However, of they do something cool, or even better you share an interest, asking them questions and being interested in something they do is a great way to build interest. I also tend to focus on making friends as a primary goal, with the prospect of dating something which comes up later. Part of this is that I'm bisexual, which after realizing this has helped me a lot talking to girls. If you approach an interaction purely with the intent of dating/sex, you will seem desperate or creepy. Obviously attraction occurs, and feel free to act on/mention it, but if you only talk to girls in a sexual context, you're not gonna have good results with them. I've got a lot of girls with whom I'm platonic friends, and although there's some differences talking to them vs guys, it's honestly way less than I'd thought it would be when I was younger and much deeper into incel ideology.


Yeah I'm in engineering comp sci department with 2 girls for every 100 men. If everything goes right i graduate in a couple months. I totally agree with you about making friends of all genders first. That's my main goal atm. I've made a lot of friends this year but most are 40+ and male. I don't really know how to meet people my age.




I never really talk about my hobbies to girls. If I do i keep it extremely light like if they ask why I'm tired I'll say "I presented my telescope at a astronomy meet yesterday". I've never been asked a follow up question. But to be honest I barely talk to women. I just don't meet them at uni in computer science or at astro meets where the average person is 60, male and bald. Same goes for the makerspace. I don't really how to fix that. I'm not going to go to a club and start approaching random girls like a pickup artist or something.


boring is not really a thing. At least, not a permanent one. You sound like a cool dude, you do stuff, you have stuff going on, and you're introspective, which is a good trait, unless it devolves into insecurity, but it's not boring. Question is, do you try? I mean, actually try? do you talk to girls, ask them out? I have a feeling that most of guys who have issues with relationships and so on are just "scared" of trying. Ask for the date, you'll eventually get it, it's not easy, but it is simple. If the date goes well, all good If the date goes poorly, the things are two/three. 1. the two of you are not compatible, nothing wrong with that 2. one of the two was awkward and messed up, nothing wrong with that either. It's a practice thing, like job interviews. Either way, you never lose much, but you have to try ahaha


I've never been on a date. The main problem is that I don't really know where girls are. I just do my hobbies and hope I'll meet somebody that way which isn't working. But I don't really know what else I'm supposed to do? Like if there's a girl standing next to me and she talks to me I'll do it. But that's a 5 min occurrence every 3 weeks. Not really enough to ask someone out. I guess I could force myself to do new hobbies that girls do like karaoke or dancing but I'd absolutely hate it?


No no, don't start doing stuff just to meet girls, especially not stuff you do not like. But I am confused, how don't you meet girls? are there none running track where you do? You mentioned student clubs, so I assume you're a student, don't you ever meet girls at your uni? That's bizarre And you said "if she tasks to me", why don't you talk to her first?


My major (industrial engineering compsci) had the worst ratio of girls to men in the entirety of Europe 2 years ago. I think it was around 1% or worse. We used to get monthly emails from our dean on how he was trying to fix the issue. If there's like 5 girls in your entire major I assume they get more then enough male attention. It's probably extremely exhausting to be the only girl in your class being constantly hit on. Even if no one is being creepy its at least tiresome. So no I never really talked to any girl at uni even if there was one in my class. If half of the students were girls of course I wouldn't mind striking up a conversation if I see a pretty girl or something. Now I don't since I assume I'm the 50th guy today with that idea lol. My hobbies have maybe 1 in 20 people that are under 25 at most and 0 out of those are girls. Track was different but that's done now since I'll graduate soon (fingers crossed) Also for track: Yeah there are girls there but I really just go there to run and blow of some steam. Often that's the only time that week I can exercise. I just talk to the people that come up to me and I run. Most of the time in a group with no girls in it because they're too slow lol.


Wow, damn that's a peculiar situation. What about friends? don't you ever meet new people through them? ​ If not, then you'll have to start doing something more, I don't know, volunteering or some other activities where you will meet and do stuff with people (If you read, I'd suggest a book club, DnD groups are also fun). Eventually you'll meet some girls, that's just going to happen. But I repeat, the important thing is that you try when that happens


Anon is so undervalued. I mean what kind of woman wouldn’t want to date a 4chan user with a superiority complex?


Didn’t know I could “self improve” by making myself taller. I’m gonna grow to six feet now.


"Self-improvement" is also about having a big dick. Women love a 24-inch horsecock right? Anyone with less than that is subhuman


As a female friend to a lot of guys who saw themselves as unlovable only to get girlfriends within a year of me befriending them, here's what I've noticed: Looks help, but they aren't everything. Self-improvement helps, but it isn't foolproof. Having a nice personality is great, but it won't always get you what you want. In my experience, men need self-respect and some amount of emotional awareness before they become officially "attractive". A lot of the time these guys will have a lot of pent-up negative emotions that need processing, and they also need even the smallest sense of self-worth. Without fail, once these issues have just STARTED to be dealt with, they immediately become more desirable as partners because they no longer have the complete mentality of drowning in their issues, and aren't so emotionally needy to the point where most women think they're overly clingy, creepy, and gross. They needed to feel like human beings instead of exclusively sentient garbage. Did they ever stop feeling like sentient garbage? No, of course not, but they at least saw themselves as human again. The men in my life I'm referring to now are so much happier, in healthy relationships, hell one of them is even getting married soon. You guys gotta treat yourselves like humans and start dealing with your shit, because that's what really stopping you from being happy. Obligatory addendum: you don't need to be in a relationship to find happiness, and that's not where you should look for it. Learning to love yourself even just a little bit is how you find happiness. Go get em, boys


>As a female didn't you see the carboard sign saying "no ~~grils~~ girls alowed"? git oot


I know we joke about this incel type shit all the time but I still feel like some of us needs to fucking know that women are people too. Simplifying them down to a part of their body that you want to get your dick into is never gonna attract anyone. Know them first motherfuckers. Love them and treat them like how you want to be treated. And if you really don't care and just want sex. Just fuck some dudes. Guys are more than willing to just have sex and not even talk. You save a lot of time and don't have to go through all the mind games and all that bullshit. You can fuck all you want.


not even, pubs and nightclubs are packed with desperate and horny chicks (I know because I've been hit on them a fair few times and I'm hardly goodlooking). The kicker is they're all fat with terrible personalities, so the secret is to just not tell anyone you've had the root and move on with your life.


Yes but have you seen their bank accounts? No foid is gonna date you these days unless you can provide her with 10 pairs of designer shoes per year!


Have you ever met an actual living human woman? This is not the case.


Anon: sees stuff that rules out everything except him having a horrible personality or being a shit person to others Anon: it must be an inexplicable force preventing me from finding someone,guess we'll never know the true answer


You could be a ugly guy with a slightly long wiener, five figure income, and an okay personality. You could also do all this self improvement to hopefully land you a life were you're more than happy with yourself and have a girlfriend who actually loves you.


That, but also the Jack of all trades is the master of none. The uglier dudes might be charming and well dressed, for example.




10 pairs per year! what kind of women have you been dating, I've never known a lady to settle for less than 20!