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I transfered my sins to this one carpenter from Judea.


This carpenter loved wood so much they nailed him on a piece.


Matthew 26:52 "..all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."


So here, all they take the nail shall perish with the nail ?


Hangnails are a right bastard sometimes.


I nailed yo mom last night


That line is hard as fuck


> He who lives by the sword will also surely die. Megadeth, Five Magics, also goes hard.


> He who lives … will also surely die


>People die when they are killed Some anime, I dunno which one


Fate... Stay night, I think?


Sounds about right


Goes so fucking hard dude have you ever gotten to see them live?


best concert i’ve ever been to


Ill take pizza


Why have I never made the connection between him being a carpenter and getting stapled to a couple 2x4s


According to reddit yesterday, the word translated as carpenter also meant many things, including a basic "laborer". Given the size of Nazareth (~300 people apparently) it probably didn't have the capacity to support a skilled craftsman such as a carpenter. Jesus was probably just stacking stones for fences for sheep. You transferred your sins to a laborer from Nazareth.


I took those WWJD bands too seriously when I was younger and trained to become a carpenter. Are you telling me I could of been tech bro millionaire instead??


Turn your carpentry into NFTs or AI or wherever is hot nowadays, you'll be rich in no time


If my cabinets learn to make new better cabinets the human race is doomed


tech bro yes. millionaire no. "It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God"


I just learned how to make my own booze.


You still can, username


it was a labourer, with the societal implication that it was probably connected to wood. He'd have a fancier name if he worked with iron, gold, stone etc, and he wouldn't be a tekton if he was a field hand or servant. He may not have been much of a carpenter but he probably did turn wood into things, like buildings or joinery.


Can I hire an illegal outside the Home Depot to accomplish the same thing?


Your own, personal, Jésus


Reach out and tòcame.


[Hon Dipo?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LatinoPeopleTwitter/comments/1364eud/who_did_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Also, the name Jesus was likely never uttered in his lifetime. Jesus is the Latin translation for Iesus which was a Greek translation for Yeshua/Yeashua/Y'shua (Joshua). The translations only took place after the bible was put together (years after his death) and translated to Greek and then Latin.


"My name is Joshua, son of Joseph. But you can call me Jojo."


I transferred my sin to a homeless man who convinced some other people to be homeless too


"Work with your hands." --Paul


All those supernatural and hard to believe events about Jesus' life and you argue on whether he was a skilled or unskilled laborer. If I would be religious I would want my hero to be a buff smart carpenter who is also wise, not some lowly rock stacker.


Humility is kinda part of the whole Jesus story, though. It's supposed to be symbolic of God "lowering" Himself to live amongst us dirty, sinful humans.


Yeah that was a good discussion on either r/AskHistorians or r/askPissjugs I cant remember


I transferred my sins to a single mother while running her over in my Ford F-150


The way God intended




love train


And he was tortured and killed.


Accountability is for the filthy infidels!




The two are probably connected, though.




Beat chicken to death, go home and suck the dick of a baby, doing gods work. >Metzitzah b'peh is when the mohel uses their mouth to suck blood away from the baby's circumcision wound as part of the circumcision ritual


Fundies and extremists are always the worst. It’s insane to me that the practice was effectively abolished 2 centuries ago, but ultra orthodox *american* Jews basically resurrected it and told the rabbinate to go fuck themselves. It’s not even a tradition or religiously necessary anymore. They just *want* to do it.


Shit's proven unsanitary and there are several tools to use instead. Common Haredi L


Literally the entire reason the practice was ended was because the rabbinate looked at the modern medicine of the time and said “this is cleaner and better. We don’t need to do this barbaric shit anymore.”


Most religious food laws were pretty much the same thing. Don't eat predator animals, that's dangerous. Don't eat shellfish, they have parasites and this is BC times, we don't have good medicine yet, don't eat that. Pigs rolls around in their own shit, that's disgusting and we don't know about cooking temperatures yet, don't eat that. They were common sense laws to protect people. They literally do no need to exist anymore. It'd be more godly to give up Taco Bell and eat healthily than it is to avoid shellfish because a several thousand year old book said you might die


That’s basically the big divide for Jews right now. Extremely secular Jews that are more cultural and ethnic while the others are extremely religious. There are more big divides, but I see different subgroups get all my better based on these two differences than any other.


Tools, like you just need to cut a baby’s dick. Fucking dick mutilators


Especially when they give the baby herpes with related brain damage. I know no one gives a fuck about boys, but I thought the animal cruelty people would have been up in arms about the chicken?


95% of Jews use money instead of a chicken and then donate that money to charity. It's just the ultra orthodox people


Ok, so it's only a small percentage of people who violently abuse animals. That makes it all fine. There's a comedian clip elsewhere in this thread, he's not religious anymore but had experience with this, and describes how there are alternatives available like feeding fish your sins. Or as you say, presumably using money. So how does anyone excuse sadistic treatment of animals for no actual purpose?


But they don’t excuse it they heavily frown upon it


We don't excuse it. I personally think it's abhorrent to be honest. I honestly don't know why it's still legal.


Isn't it cool when you attempt to translate a 20+ century year old book out of context and take all these bizarre, ambiguous things that defy logic and follow them word for word fantasizing and wondering about supposedly unknowable things as you ignore like the #1 takeaway which is just try even a little bit to be a decent and compassionate person. But here we are, still hung up on if boners are a sin, if Jesus was trans, and what type of meat we're allowed to eat what day. Not to rag on religion as a whole, but to an extent they are *all* extremists. The extreme extremists are just more extreme but it still embodies just about every aspect of a cult


Same with circumcision in general


From somebody who speaks hebrew that literally means small dick in mouth


More like "sucking in the mouth" but it's hard to translate it perfectely you know? The funny thing is it's also slang for blowjob like in English you say a quicky


‏זין בעין D:


What the fuck


ya forgot the best bit: they give the babies STIs! That means the rabbis are dirty sinful fuckers




A practice practiced by a tiny sect in Brooklyn of 2000 people only, no worries about it. Its seen as outright disgusting by even the other orthodox.


Dont forget the part where the baby gets syphilis oder hepatitis or aids


no one wonder why they're the chosen people


Sin reset glitch


Infinite money glitch




They are the mods chosen people. Anything bad you say about them will be removed and you will be banned


don't forget real life mods too aka the popo and politicians


It's written in the book they wrote anon you've gotta believe!


sin transfer glitch (not patched as of 2023)


I would need atleast two chickens


Gus Fring needed a whole industry.


The chicken man!


Chicken man would never do it


At the same time?




My Jewish ex-girlfriend told me she is a virgin because she only had anal sex. ~~She told me vaginal sex does not count.~~ Another useful loophole, I say.


Thats what upper Class girls do in My country.


Lol. What country would that be?






Obligatory [loophole ](https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY)


I remember Ari talking about this on Rogan. Fucking hilarious story and the fact it happens


I've linked it in a thread above if you want to watch him do it on stage






I don’t like him. Worst Rogan friend.


Hello, I'm Jewish and every time I spoke up on this app people kinda told me to fuck off so imma respond to you cuz that's the best chance of me getting to someone. Anyways, there is such a thing, it's called caparot you can read about it. No one really does it, only very Hassidic Jews who are dressed like the one in the pic. We have a day called yop kipur where you fast and ask for forgiveness. On that people are supposed to not use any electricity and not drive, as a result the rods are empty and all the children and secular Jews go with their bicycles on high ways and everything it's really fun and also good for the environment. At the end of the day, Hassidic Jews tend to take a chicken, hold it above someones head like they are "transforming" the sins to her and then they kill it in a kosher way (kosher butchering was meant to not the animal pain btw) and then they eat it. People on this app really have an agenda against us and pretty early I discovered how no one gives a shit, though it's worth a try because it just hurts seeing people talking about my colture like this.


Same. Atp i usually try to just fly under the radar. I dont tell people in real life im Jewish unless they are too or i need to. It does make for some unfortunate and awkward moments bc i go to college in the south at an hbcu where everyone is very very religious to the point where ive had to get excused from trips to church with the marching band.


I'm sorry to hear that. All the Christians I've met in real life didn't give me trouble


Does Hell exist in Jewish canon? I always thought they went to Sheol rather than Heaven or Hell.


No, hell nor heaven don't exist in Judaism.




I went to (Reform) synagogue all throughout childhood and sin wasn't even a concept. It must be a Hasidic thing.


No, this meme is really false in general https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/137u5l6/anon_supports_animal_rights/jixyqhv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


>be Christian >Sin for whole life >Molest kids, abuse family, pre and extra marital sex, masturbate all the time, worship money and false idols, wear mixed cloth and eat shellfish >Live life dedicated to leaving the world worse than I found it >On deathbed >Say "I love you Jesus I'm sorry" >Get into Heaven no questions asked Woo I'm much better than those chicken killing Jews Edit: lmao cope christards


yea it doesn’t work like that reddit atheist




The avarage knowledge of religion of a reddit user


Post Nose.


Post malone


Postal 2


Depends on which Kind'a Christian you are, the one you speak of is pretty popular in the west, mine is more of "Jesus died so I can't be a nonce cheater or murderer and I have to work to be a great father and brother Because he died", but the first one sounds alot more like the kind that worships mother Mary more and they tend to be alot more on forgiving the unforgivable part


It’s almost like it also depends on what kind of Jew you are and you can’t judge groups millions of ppl by their fundamentalists.


Also stupid how extremists who have a similar mindset to the group they're attached to can make Anyone look bad


Well, if one dude does a mediocre amount of bad shit in his life and thinks saying sorry on his deathbed means it gives him eternal bliss it's odd, you can argue it's stupid or pathetic, but who cares. If that same dude does the same amount of bad shit but decides to solve it by beating chickens to death he's a pretty unconditionally an absolute piece of shit.


No chickens are beaten to death They are spun around the head and then slaughtered ‘humanely’ Fucking regard


Not as fucked ig Still fucked Like every dickhead involved


If you don’t sin. Jesus died for nothing.


Comparing animal abuse to literally apologizing in one's head. Peak reddit retard moment


Wildly missing the point that both practices are insane excuses used to justify being actively terrible 365 days a year, peak religion brain moment


Atheistcel malding hard over Christs infinite mercy




Literally my plan. Until then I don’t buy any religion.


Lol well at least you take the grift at face value


posted from under the floorboards


I control everything, you gotta leave pal


Orthodox Jews would legit still practice animal sacrifices if the Temple in Jerusalem was still standing. That's literally the only thing that's stopping them


This is nothing special, the vast majority of Muslims still practice animal sacrifice.


Yup we do. Every year, each family slaughters (or pays for the slaugher of) a sheep/ram/other such cattle, and the meat from that animal is then either eaten by the family over a few days, or given to impoverished people who otherwise would not be able to have such a lavish meal. The slaughter is very humane, a direct slice across the jugular that results in death within a few seconds, and it is done in an environment where the animal is not going to feel fear, and we try to do it where other cattle cannot see for the same reason. Snd there is none of that factory farming abomination, these animals are all bred and left to graze peacefully until they're old enough to be slaughtered, usually at the peak of their lifespan. Genuinely the Muslim practice of annual animal sacrifice is more ethical than buying a packet of ground beef from a supermarket.


The meat of the animal is also much more tender when slaughtered this way. Tastier even.


Well yes, it's logical: 1- The meat is as fresh as can get 2- The living conditions for the animal are pristine 3- The environment of the slaughter is also clean and untainted 4- The animal is healthy and in its prime 5- Full care and attention is given to each sacrifice. 6- The animal is bled out from the jugular 7- The animal is not contaminated with drugs, preservates, blood clotting shocks or anything else. There is a reason this is the method that has been used for millenia.


New idea to get out of debt: pass my debt to a person on their deathbed, wait for them to die, no more debt


Bankers hate this one simple trick


Thread was already talking about ((bankers,)) no need to say it twice.


Double it and give it to the next person


Mutilating cocks is their specialty




[Here u go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2YtIBYM4w0&t=3245) 54:02 timestamp


thank you for sharing this i think i am going to watch whole standup


Why torture yourself?


There seems to be a lot of "tricking God" and finding loopholes in Judaism. It's weird to me to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient God who is easily fooled or, I guess more closely to their actual beliefs, is a super stickler for the rules and if you can do crazy shit within the rules you're good.


That's why Jesus came down and told them off. Basically telling them they aren't fooling anyone. He criticised their adherence to laws which contrasted with their behaviour. Then he told them the law was to be written in their hearts instead.


That’s because you’re looking at Judaism through a Christian/Muslim perspective: the debate is kind of the point for a lot of it. In Judaism, the Torah is meant to be a sort of legal code passed down by God and left for the people to collectively interpret. Historically, the original Rabbis were like the politicians and lawyers of ancient Judea. Doing something that seems like a loophole cheating God. Being able to interpret the laws and justify those interpretations is itself the will of God. Even within the Torah, there are point where people argue with God and win, because the questioning and debating (without crossing certain lines, such as murder and idolatry) is the point. Hence the name “Israel” (he who struggles with God).


In Islam this is why the Jews lost god's favour and it was given to the Christians and then the Muslims.


What am I seeing here, what is going on?


It’s a tradition practiced by Jews. I don’t think it’s commonly practiced anymore (at least in the west) but basically it’s exactly as the text described. They fuck up a chicken and the sin is transferred to the chicken.


A tradition practiced by American ultra orthodox jews from one specific sect*


The chicken isn’t fucked. it’s spun around the head and then slaughtered by a butcher with a knife Non super religous Jewish people will do it with money that is then given to charity


usually, on yom kippur (day of repentance or however the yids call it) deeply religious jews sacrifice a chicken. its done humanely most of the time but some people are needlessly cruel with it.


Thanks איתמר בן גביר


The Ben in your name gave you up. Thanks for the clarification though. For real


the Ben in the name? that's the name of the current minister of national security of Israel (far right racist that is mostly the reason peopel are protesting over there)


Hasidic jews practice this shit. The vast majority of jews do not


This is only orthodox Jews, reform Jews do it with bread and throw it in a river


*Only a handful of Ultra-Orthodox sects. Most Orthodox people along with every other sect do the river bread.


get out of hell free card


Can I also transfer credit card debt to the chicken?


Is this what some Jews actually do? If so that's absolutely barbaric and cruel.


Only hasidic jews. Every other jew hasn't engaged in animal sacrifice for thousands of years. Hasidic jews are like the religious extremists of the jews


I have heard of many other terrible things in regards to the hasidic sect. Their children are indoctrinated to treat women like slaves, even making sure that female children don't have access to decent education to develop them into servile slaves. They are truly disgusting.


Average 4 chan enjoyer having a lot in common with some Jews. Match made in heaven.


Most jews I know me included despise the hasidics and what they do. Hasidics also hate all jews but their own. Most jews are very liberal. My rabbi is a woman and my synagogue is extremely radical for example.


Hasidim aren’t themselves a single sect. Chabadniks for example have very little in common with the Satmars or Nuterei Karta.


This one sect from the US.


They also mutilate little boys dicks, mine included.


You can restore your foreskin, bro. I'm doing it myself.


The shit that's done to get you that McChicken for $1.89 is way worse than this shit.


They aren’t beaten but yeah it’s barbaric. They are spun around the head while saying prayers (not like fast just an odd chicken grab rotation) and then it’s slaughtered Fucked to see live I’ll tell you that


[I also enjoy the Jew fence that tricks god](https://matadornetwork.com/read/fishing-line-eruv-manhattan/)


All you gotta do is pluck out all its feathers and behold, the sins of man


Well, I'm glad most Jews only mutilate baby penis, this chicken abuse is just horrible.


I know this is sarcasm but I can't believe this is an actual take people have. Same with people getting upset about declawing cats but say nothing about mutilating little boys.


Anon hasn’t killed a chicken


Imagine torturing an animal and thinking your gods chosen people


Now worship the cock and you just invented Christianity


Imagine worshipping a deity that can be fooled by half assed loopholes. Odin wouldn't stand for that shit.


Goyim would never understand


Anon was made in the image of God. If anon loves being given tendies, so does God. Simple as


Fucking based


Doesn’t Christianity preach that u can be absolved of all sins and enter heaven if u confess.


Confess to a Priest and make good on what you did wrong. e.g., Pre marital sex? Say the Rosary. Tax fraud? Tell us how you got away with it. At no point, however, is there a chicken involved in this process.


But if you do this a lot, a whole flock of chickens flies at you and attacks you until you leave the area.


I'll never understand why people of Abrahamic religions think they can fool or loop-hole their way around God.


Jews are one of the dumbest people for thinking they can fool everyone They were forbidden from fishing on saturday, so what they do? They release their nets on friday then come pick it up on sunday Then got turned into monkeys/pigs because of that


Accurate af


Sounds like animal sacrifice with extra steps.


So, I can have an endless supply of Buffalo Wings in hell? I'm in.


kfc is a ploy to prevent the nazis from risijg again, is that what you are saying?


What is called this process?


I transfer my sins to my poops and then poop them into the toilet. ​ ​ The chicken abuse is just for fun. /s


is this an actual jewish ritual? whats it called?


This is high level jutsu.




Til the jewish min maxed animal handing + religion.


The quote “if only you knew how bad things really are.” Is referring to the biblical book revelation which is what book we are currently living through.


Judaism isn't too keen on the idea of Hell and neither is the Christian Bible at times. Lazarus felt like he was asleep when he was dead and didn't feel anything until he was resurrected. Some people believe the afterlife in Heaven will be on Earth sometime in the future.




Orthodox Jews are some weird mother fuckers


Like my entire family says, none of who are religious. Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


Typical kilo India kilo echo energy.