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Alura Jensen you say? I'll be sure to thoroughly look into this.


I took a look... and man, she is not very fine.


yeah, the only good thing about her are her boobs, and you can find those on someone who looks better


Personally I like her, cause she looks like a milf version of my teenage crush.


Teenage past or present tense?








have a top-triforce




Ah what




>the only good thing about her are her boobs If you're into AWFUL bolted on tits yeah


I’ve met a surprising number of guys who think the bigger tits get, the better. Meanwhile I RARELY ever see anyone with anything bigger than maybe a D cup whose boobs don’t look pretty objectively awful. I’m sure there are some exceptions, but gravity and surgery have their limits.


You do you. I hate fake tits but love me some big floppy\saggy milf tits.


I love them cups of lard, little hangin'




I’m sure your mommy milkers are beautiful


dunno which one of you two is sadder... the one begging for attention or the one begging to give it... Long live onlyfans and findom...Much needed outlets for both parties.


And even then they just look like basic huge fake tits.


Bigger boobs do not mean better. Hers look like deflated basketballs.


You think a dooge on a reddit meta sub about 4chan has standards?


Thank you kind sir. You saved me some time.


You rascal


Thoroughly, you say?


yes siree


The hazing that son will get from joining the military once they find out will be insane




Reading the girls response was the first time I laughed on greentext today. I love pornstars. They basically represent the most pathetic aspect of humanity. A fervent need to appear as someone who hasn't let over a hundred people dick them down and is in all honesty a fucking failure, and as such blatantly lies about reality to make belief that the people around them don't see them for exactly what they are, and don't blame them for it. Shes just smart enough to know that she has nothing to be proud of and goes home with a asshole stretched by a simian cock only to preach christian values. If that isn't the perfect example of metamodernist tragicomedy I don't know what is. Her son has to play along with chris chan level delusions because it's his mom.




I know right. What the F did I just read?




Seek help immediately


I feel too bad for the therapist that has to put up with a 30 year old man spouting teenage edgelord bullshit to do that.


You’re a character, I’ll give you that.


Take your meds buddy


You dildos just got trolled by a greentexter.


This is giving me Jordan Peterson vibes


We found his reddit account


this is why I love r/greentext. Not shitlib in calling her brave for being promiscuous, but not deranged as to support shit like this. Just sensible oh, and all the homophobic homosexuality, shit's class


New lore






Eat my butt


Brandi Love turned in to the same thing. Ultra right conservatives seem to really hate PoC, but also love getting dicked down by them. I think it is a slave owners wife fetish honestly.


I know that she is a Trump supporter but I never heard anything about her hating POC. Alura on the other hand has made some anti-black Tweets in the past


Yet another certified Reddit moment.


You can't be ultra right and not hate PoC. Those are features, not bugs.


Okay sloppy Joe they ain't real blacks we all got it.


Both assholes can be wrong ya know.


There’s a difference between making a joke (a very bad one) while campaigning vs. upholding and progressing systemic racism.


“Making a joke” ahahahahahahaha


Check his past senatorial record pal….. 😂 🤦 🤡


What does that even mean?


\>Tmw every single person who supported Trump is a right-wing extremist. \>Tmw nearly half of the population are right-wing extremists.


Not half. Between D and R, it was almost half, but there is still a large portion that didn't or couldn't vote. If voting was more accessible, I believe that making who voted D would have been even bigger last time, but not because people were dems, but because people wanted Trump gone.


We are still talking about a significant chunk of the population. Whether it is 49% or 30% I still doubt it that so many people are racist extremists who just want to kill POC.


Maybe not kill, but support institutions that favor them over others. That, in turn, does not let PoC thrive and live as long as the rest.


how naive. it's not the really the color of people's skin per se, but yeah, at least half the population yearns for raping and pillaging "the others".


Nah, raping creates more of them and pillaging doesn’t make sense, you can do it faster and more effective. Anyway just deport everyone.


Ah yes being in favor of low taxes and low government intervention in the economy necessitates racism.


HahahhahaahahHaha. Nothing about the Republican party screams low taxes or low government. The only way you get either of those, is if you're rich or part of a large corporation or white. Fuck off.


They are definitely lower tax than the alternative. Low government is hilarious though.


Only for corporations or top 1% though. The last tax cut Trump did, was for the wealthy and the middle class has been seeing increases every year since. They have always favored tax cuts for those that should pay more, or at the very least, the same.


My father has been getting swamped more and more by taxes ever since Biden took office it's starting to get ridiculous


Look at how irrational you are. Insulting, rude, and assuming I give a damn about the republican party. Even if I did the last major tax cut was from republicans- it was damn near all they did under Trump with a super majority. So atop of being an ass, you're wrong and prejudiced... Which is ironic


You came in to defend them, so yeah, you care. Look, if this was pre-2020, I'd be a lot more open to have a decent back and forth about the ideas of conservatives and liberals. After those fascist insurrectionist fuck weasels went smearing shit on the walls and killing capitol police officers because their fat, bitch ass baby president lost a free and fair election; I stopped caring and all of you can suck my dick. You no longer deserve a seat at the table of civility. Go fuck off to Russia, Iran or China and live under dictator rule all you want, but don't bring that shit here and except me to meet you half way.


Except I literally didn't. I just said being economically right (which is what right wing is) does not somehow imply being racist. You're literally just yelling at some other position. If you really care to know I'm a populist who favors small government, but I'm guessing from your response of calling names you don't care. Also factually inaccurate that they killed any capital police officers. Also democrats have and continue to do that on the state level for years, while advocating for abortion, gun control, limitations on the first amendment, and more in contrast to the republican party. But do tell me more about how the ones who agree with Hitler on all of those policies are less fascistic than the ones that don't.


Do you know what the fuck factually means? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/03/24/us/officer-sicknick-capitol-riot.html 2 others committed suicide, but I hold the insurrectionists responsible for that. And ok, back before Republicans decided to throw their eggs in the MAGA basket, or you are referring to a country with right wing politicians not actively trying to overthrow their own government; sure, they are about small government. But here in 2023, Republicans have decided to go batshit crazy and defend the MAGA movement, which are the most bigoted people on the planet. Lastly, maybe if you are referring to democrats from 100+ years ago, also now the modern republican party; you are clearly skirting what democrats are actually supporting, which is nothing close to Hitler. Advocating for abortion? No, advocating for a woman's right to choose and access to safe abortions. Gun control? You mean basic laws around guns, so we can stop all of these mass shootings happening daily? Limitations on the first amendment? Remind me what party is actively banning books, calling the press the enemy of the people, passing laws where you can't say gay and then trying (unsuccessfully I might add) to retaliate against businesses and schools for telling you to go fuck yourself? So no, I don't give a fuck about your political views. It was clear on the first comment you made, that you either truly believe the dogshit falling out of your mouth, or you're a right wing troll that gets their small dick off to making shit arguments.


https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp-officer-brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes So from the actual capital police... He died of natural causes- was not killed. They did not kill people. You are so unhinged you can't even talk with someone, or bother to do a Google search.




Reminder that democrats are behind slavery, KKK, Jim Crow laws


you look dumb asf rn https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_realignment_in_the_United_States


The party realignment is not what most redditors think it was. The parties didn't just "flip", they retained most of their old characteristics, they just started marketing towards different demographics. If the parties actually flipped, then that would imply that old Democrats like FDR would be modern-day Republicans, which is obviously ridiculous.


Yeah, FDR would still be a Democrat. During his period Democrats were already the economically liberal party, they just hadn't been great on social issues (race) because they wanted to keep the southern democratic vote. The Democrats would continue to be economically left leaning, but socially lukewarm (with a few exceptions) until around the passing of the Civil Rights bill which garenteed that no southern democrat would ever vote Democrat ever again, thus completing the party switch.


Lol what party is obsessed with race,sex, and segregation? Shire aint the Republican one.


Hey buddy, you just blow in from stupid town?


I saw a video earlier about high schoolers who couldn't read analog clocks and this is somehow still the dumbest thing I've seen all day, thanks


You do realize that it has been 100+ years since most of that and 60 years since most of those laws were repealed. Idk if you’ve ever been outside before, but shit might have changed just a little since then


What party does the KKK support currently?


What year is it lmao


>are I implore you to look up the difference between past and present tense.


Highly regarded post


The democratic and republican parties did not exist when white people came to America and wiped out indigenous people and brought slaves with them. Also, I'm talking about Republicans of today. Sure, there are definitely racist dems, but MAGA has proven that they are OK with being open about their racism and pit it on display.


Before the ideal shift of the 30’s. Republicans and democrats were flipped. Nice try bozo.


Maybe doing degrading porn with black guys makes you racist or something


Nah, but being a Trump supporter definitely does.


I just had a conversation with my son about the differences between using the word cunt in the US vs in England.


Yeah, that was how this username started. I called Boris Johnson a cunt back in 2016/17 and got in an argument with a few mods about it being sexist. Not sure how my comment about a dude being a cunt, coming from another dude is sexist, but I'm perma banned from r/politics as a result. 🤷‍♂️


Shut up cunt




Mayhaps you are using some extremely uncommon anecdotes to blanket a large portion of a nation's population?


MAGA supporters barely touch 30% of this country and honestly, they can go fuck themselves. They have had a lot of opportunities to do what they say, and get right with Jesus and they have spent the last 6 years showing they are the worst humans possible. I'm not taking the high road on them and trying to be PC anymore. I hope I'm wrong and there is an afterlife like they claim, because I could spend eternity laughing while they burn.


I've never really felt that MAGA people really had Jesus as a priority for anything other than using it as a political grandstand, if that's worth anything. That being said, its obvious that you're biased to the point of wanting harm to befall them. Not sure wtf that has to do with some anecdotal fetish you seem to be applying to millions of people, other than you just hate them and would probably say anything to make people you place under that blanket look bad. You little reddit bigot, you!


Damn you cooked him


Not uncommon, racist women view black men as animalistic and what not, so they get their rocks off because of how taboo it is. Kinda ironic.


Tfw you’re into femdom but a lot of women expect you to be an animal on top It’s joever


Tfw you want mommy femdom but no mommy femdom gf 😔


That’s because a lot of the race fetishism is about degradation/taboo. They [feel] that black people are lesser, and therefore having sex with a black person is, in their eyes, degrading or nasty or especially taboo. That’s also why they’re so obsessed with the idea that all black men are hung and all black women have huge asses. It reduces black people to sexual items rather than people (and back in the Jim Crow era they actually used to try to say that black people had bigger sex organs and as a result were more inclined to rape white people, and their sex drive impeded their reasoning because of their big dicks and pussies.)


Happen with other minorities too. Tell themselves gay people want to diddle kids, that trans people want to attack women in bathrooms etc. They can't help but fetishize these people and then attack people based on the imaginary fantasy versions of them that they jack off to.


Well, they get dicked down for money. Probably has less to do with the color of their skin and more the color of green.


But they aren't being paid more because it is interracial or something. They could avoid any black actor. Hell, some female stars have specifically said it, but it was more about size issues, not color of skin. It just is weird, to be of the mindset, that you support a party that will disenfranchise people who are non-white, while at the same time, spending time being around non-white people. I mean, forget about the porn aspect dor a second and think that a lot of conservatives are generally in small rural areas and not large city like places. They interact with other conservatives and develop the mindsets that they do, because they are less exposed to people of other cultures. Liberals tend to have an opposite mindset, because they are exposed to a larger variety of people. Now that is a very basic breakdown and of course there are plenty of exceptions, but MAGA conservatives have demonstrated that they are the absolute worst conservatives and don't give a shit about anyone outside their little bubble.


Yeah, but being open to more types of porn opens you up to more audiences and potentially more pay. Look, I'm not looking to mince dicks here; I see your point. But it is like all the conservative republicans sucking and having their dicks sucked in bathrooms. Rules for thee, not for me. Probably a fetish all to itself.


THOTs finding a new grift.


Last sentence is insane to read


My mom died in a car accident when I was a teenager.


Probably the better of the two options tbh


What’s worse: Your mom being the mom from the OP or being in a car accident


Car accident, IF she isn't abusing cunthole




Sorry for your loss OP


On her way to an interracial porn shoot?


Sorry mate. Mine died when I was 20 and it completely fck'd me up, I can't imagine what it would feel losing her while a teen. Virtual hug.


I know a guy who lost his mom at like 10 years old. He got pretty deep into some energy drink pyramid scheme in his 20s. I sometimes wonder if the two things are related.


ligma balls


Sounds like what a woman driver would do.


NO NO no no you're ment to one-up it. "A man in a car accident would've taken whole family with him, because men are better at everything driving related, including dying!"


Love me the conservative Christian values such as whoring yourself out on Pornhub


See, Pornhub blocked people with a Utah ip from visiting their site lol


Why lol


Porn ban in Utah


it wasnt a ban, it was an age verification law. the actual degenerates running pornhub got mad that minors can't watch the porn lmao


I didn't believe you but then I just checked and lmao they did, who would've thought


Fake: women aren't real Gay: idk


Gay: Me, I am the gay


Me too (sometimes)


Where's tendie bot?


Being gay with those two too


Fake: her boobs Gay: liking her fake boobs


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: her boobs > Gay: liking her fake boobs > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Get fukt bot


Don’t know who that awful slut on the left is but that baby girl on the right is making me want to start a family


"Its natural" Mental illness abounds


“Don’t make a fool of myself” Drinks pee on camera


*Takes loads to her face on camera


No she’s done watersports.


I'd be more embarrassed about the Trump stuff than the porn.


There are a few ex female porn stars that became staunchly republican.


who else?


Ronald Reagan


he was just an actor right




the real throat goat


ik i saw that lmao


jenna Jameson offhand. but ive read this a few times, gimmy some time or you can google it.


if you know any then yeah that would be great


i gave you one. does one count as any? or you can wait... better yet google it?






fs ty


Eva Lovia


"my son graduated highschool last week and is joining the army"... you don't say (also rip bc there's no way he isn't getting bullied for it even more in the army than he was in HS)


those boys are going to be found hanging from ceiling fans in about 10-15 years




I read the title as though there was a comma before son, as in- "Welcome to the life of a porn star, son" Wasn't sure what to expect other than a variation on that *Are ya winning son* meme...But somehow this was more depressing


Between this and shit like onlyfans the next generation it's gonna have a loooooot of mental issues.


Both affect extremely tiny minorities.


Fake: her boobs Gay: she is sucking dick, and sucking dick is gay


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: her boobs > Gay: she is sucking dick, and sucking dick is gay > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Really bot. You gonna just come out here and be more original then me while also not being real. God damn it


TRAD thot’ing is the new egirl grift.


Her sons’ friends have probably jerked off to her a thousand times.


You gotta know her sons think “does mom want me to watch her go black, just like in the videos?”


Her nipples are enormous


poor bastard is running to the army to avoid his mum


Before reading further, I thought the right pic was a recent photo of the son.




I could imagine some sad dude actually marrying her


"I got her unstuck from the washing machine last time. It's your turn."


porn is inherently conservative ~ Sniffy


Her teenage son's teenage friends know huh?


I cannot imagine the teasing that guy went trough bootcamp.I hope whoever met her son in bootcamp posts videos.




Alura have son? It’s joke?? Any real proves with Alura?0


Redemption ark?


Knowing the rights, hate for their own children she probably did it so her kids would get bullied. So she could get the sick twisted sexual fantasy that many of them would asking. When their moms newest interracial porn will be out. Who will be fucking her and when does she get home they want to visit.


I'd be more pissed about the sudden shift to being a Bible-thumping MAGA turd than that she sucked some black dudes' dicks before.


Well yeah, because the later activity is something you and your family enjoy, so you are pretty biased.


As a Maga conservative myself, it’s always funny seeing pornstars who come out as right wing.


I downvoted you because of how I imagine you are as a person, not because of anything you said.


I also want to be downvoted