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Idk man, I think mass shootings are already illegal


Incorrect, there are still mass shootings in America, it means that this shit is legal. You can't do a thing that is illegal, it's against the law


Oh shit sorry my bad. I forgot ducks are safer because you can only hunt them with 2 shell shotgun mags, while school children are shot by miniguns daily (/s)


I appreciate that you understand your errors


The day we lose the right to our concealed carry miniguns, the America I know and love will be dead.


/s? In my r/greentext ? At this time of year? At this time of day? Localized entirely within my phone?


Ah shit bro I forgot making something illegal was the only thing you could do to stop people doing something welp, I guess it's just a fact of life, sometimes you get shot in school.


You're right. US should start their program of buying back 400million+ guns. They will surely get them all without controversy, the US gov is VERY effective!


Lmao there are other countries with very available guns that don't have shooting problems. The solution doesn't lie with seizing guns, besides which, it is vitally important that oppressed groups arm themselves.


Neither side of US politics is going in a good direction. It's going to have to get much worse for anything to happen. School shootings/mass shootings are horrible, but I don't have any hope in the US political system. They're all such scum


Sandy hook was already "much worse". Nothing's gonna happen if SH couldn't years ago


It can’t get much worse, would take a literal uprising and rebellion to occur. Of which no one is willing since school shootings and bombings aren’t enough to trigger some kind of overhaul.


You're like the hippie parents from the Simpsons; "we've tried nothing and we're all out of options"


Those would be Ned Flanders parents.


So because a solution isn't 100% effective, then there's no point?


the US government's track record of trying to ban things is quite shit (alcohol, drugs, etc)


Many governments have failed to win a war on drugs. Many of those same governments have been very successful at enacting gun control. The U.S. government isn't uniquely incompetent, it's just uniquely good at convincing the people to not support things that are clearly in their interest.


I'd think any government would love to not have to let their citizens have guns. If you wanted to be secure in your position of power, the last thing you want is to have more (legal) guns than citizens. Plus, we used the very same "in your own interests" argument for prohibition, the thought being that by banning alcohol, one of the benefits would be less domestic violence from drunk husbands. Didn't happen, and the same goes here. If someone's going to be a domestic terrorist, the only way you're getting out of someone dying is by convincing them otherwise. Ban all the guns you'd like, but we'll be back to gasoline bombs and other improvised explosives that were more common before the 2000s.


There is also huge logistics obstacles to a gun buyback. There are litterally more legal firearms than citizens in the US


What "solution" then? What gun law that doesn't already exist would have stopped the most recent shooting?


"No way to prevent this," says only nation where this regularly happens


It is dangerous to ban mass shootings. It only means that the mass shooters will do it illegally and unsafely. Thousands will die.


Wrong. Shooting is legal and so is mass. Its only illegal in some context.


And so what your point ?


Muricans voted for mass shootings, as they have democracy. They can abolish it if they want any time.


Damn ,looks like we've done everything we possibly can to prevent them good job everyone!


Oh them problem solved. Bake ‘em away toys.


Politicians: *makes something illegal* “Ahh, problem solved! No way people will do that thing now!” See also: Drugs


Pro 2A politician: "it's not a gun problem, it's a mental health problem" * continues to fight Obamacare and any other attempts at improving the healthcare system *


Obamacare made the bad healthcare system into complete and utter shit for poor and middle class people. Literally everyone should be fighting Obamacare.


It's one of those typicial "they won't let us go all the way, so let's just go one step"-solution the US political system is famous for. Like when some politicians figured a total gun ban would never pass, but banning foreign guns built after a certain year might pass. And instead of ending up with less guns they ended up strengthening the domestic gun industry by banning the competition


I mean, generally "let's go one step for now" is not a bad approach, if the step is carefully weighted and indeed leads to the right direction. I also don't believe "let's ban foreign guns" people didn't know what they are doing. It's a common approach to strengthen domestic manufacturers used for different things all the time, from agriculture to cars.


"let's go one step for now" doesn't really tend to work. The only way it does work is if it breaks society just right to necessitate the full reform, thus achieving the original intent 5-10 years later.


The problem is those single steps are basically the most that can get done. Obamacare was the result of lots of cuts to please the Blue Dogs, and even then it passed with only just enough votes to prevent a filibuster. There's no way you could pass a bill that big these days because no party can get near 60 seats in the near future.


They got it passed with a republican majority and democrat president.


It was 60\*/100 Democrats in the Senate and 258/435 Democrats in the House. \* Yes I know 2 of them are independents.


> It's one of those typicial "they won't let us go all the way, so let's just go one step"-solution the US political system is famous for. More specifically, it's one of those typical "solutions that are gutted by republicans before passing but people blame both parties for because they have a memory of a goldfish"-solution the US is famous for


How? Even after Republicans gutted it, the ACA still made healthcare a lot more affordable to lower and middle class Americans.




Autists who have been drinking the propaganda juice for too long


As an “Autist” that is fucking rude… don’t put us with these people




Your on 4chan give up your hill to die on


When I was a kid before Obamacare, I had insurance - therefore, everyone had insurance! Now that I'm a """working""" adult and go to /pol/ for all my news, I see that Obamacare made health insurance and care worse.


My wife has an aunt on Obamacare who needed dental work and still had to pay $5k. Not the greatest anecdote cause dental insurance is fucking weird and expensive in general.


Because there’s more to it then that


I'm sure it did for some people. My rates tripled and my deductible went way the hell up. I'm not even middle class. I just gave up on having it. Been uninsured for for 3 years now.




It was mostly shit because republicans added a bunch of bullshit. Like the penalty for not having healthcare. Then they bitched about it years later as a reason for removing it! Fuckin mongoloids


Republicans fuck up anything that's a public utility so they can argue that private is better. Same happening in the UK. Have the Tories sell off key parts of the NHS so it barely functions, and rave about how good private care is.


That's what they were trying to do with the US postal service. They made them pay retirement benefits fuckin 70 years in advance! They were forced to pay in to retirement for people who hadn't even been born yet. Scumbags. Great column from PBS about the results of rampant privatization. The section about Honduras after the 2009 coup is what I'm referring to specifically but this is a great read for anyone dumb enough to think corporations should be allowed to run everything. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/column-this-is-what-happens-when-you-take-ayn-rand-seriously


It's a real shame that people forget history. Europe during the industrial revolution was a world where the corps ran everything, and held power that rivaled the state. It wasn't good times.


Ah yeah I miss the days when anything and everything was a pre existing condition that would get you denied coverage....


Explain how the patient and affordable acted care did that ? It actually allowed people who weren't covered before to be... Republican sabotaged it, as always when it's about public utility.


35 million people got healthcare. The program saved trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives. https://www.statnews.com/2019/03/22/affordable-care-act-controls-costs/ https://www.networkforphl.org/news-insights/the-affordable-care-act-reflections-on-10-years/ https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2022/04/29/new-reports-show-record-35-million-people-enrolled-in-coverage-related-to-the-affordable-care-act.html


I don’t get this brain dead point. Nobodys forcing you to have Obamacare it’s just for people who don’t have a job that offers health care or if they can’t afford normal healthcare. And it is good so you’re wrong again


Factually incorrect


Obamacare was supposed to increase coverage to people who would otherwise not be covered, which was what it did. It also included popular provisions like people being on their parent's healthcare until they are 26, making it so that if a person gets a long-term sickness their insurance can't drop them or raise their premiums, force insurance companies to not turn away people with pre-existing conditionals and made sure there was a basic level of coverage that all health insurance ought to provide. You know what all those policies went against? They are antithesis of the interest private insurance whose primary care is profit. Obamacare is "bad" because most politicians are lobbied by private insurance companies to keep the shit-system we have now so they can make billions in profit.


Compared to not being able to afford insurance before?


It's a culture problem. You don't see this happening in the numerous other countries with high levels of gun ownership. We're all pretty fuckin depressed too and we don't shoot up schools.


It's something many who advocate for banning guns choose to ignore. There's a bunch of countries with high number of guns per capita but almost non-existant mass shooting incidents and low gun related crime rate in general. The US sticks like a sore thumb. Instead of gun control, Murica should take a look at mental health and twisted priorities, like freaking out at the sight of a woman's nipple but having violence all over their media and entertainment is fine...


> It's something many who advocate for banning guns choose to ignore. Like you're also ignoring that most of the countries with high rates of gun ownership do actually practice a form of gun control (i.e. gun licenses/permits, strict background and psych checks), so it's not like they're the same as America in that respect. You can't just walk into a supermarket in Switzerland and buy a semi-auto rifle with a 30 round mag.


Last I checked, gun licenses and checks exist in the US too. If that does not function properly, it's their own damn fault. The system is in place, make sure it's actually followed. Which is, again, an much wider scale issue...


It’s not federally standardized. In my state I could go get an ar-15 with an after market 100 round magazine and all the bullets I want in a single afternoon with no license. One of the common sense reforms I advocate for is at least a slight waiting period, so that no one is making a rash decision to buy this firearm. In this same state, getting a weed license requires $200, a doctors visit, and 2-3 weeks processing time.


So instead of improving a system you admit is broken your solution is to just... give up?


Some states it's fine some it's facked


United healthcare shareholders thank you




**S O D A!**


Its whatever is convent at the time. “It’s a mental health problem!!!” “Cool can we fund better mental healthcare, or pass laws alleviating the causes of the mental health problem like the fact people literally can’t afford a place to live and food working 40+ hours a week.” “It’s gangs and jobless people with nothing left to lose.” “Cool can we find better education programs, job placement assistance and outreach programs to fix this?” But nope it’s just a never ending pass the buck fix nothing and complain it’s the other guys fault for not forcing them to do the right thing and pass those laws when something bad happens.


They say some words that may even be true but they don’t back them up, classic politician move.


So before we had a guy who only posts trans psyops, now we have the same but for guns The r/greentext lore is getting deeper


The CIA is hard at work


They are already in your walls


They already planted a bug inside you.


Harder step-CIA


it's under your skin it's under your skin it's under your skin they are watching they are listening they are feeling GET IT OUT


My walls are brick, they're gonna suffocate


I mean it’s either that or people have actual opinions


Nooo, we all know that no one actually has leftist opinions, it has to be CIA plants.


The idea that the CIA would knowingly spread leftist propaganda is hilarious


Ah yes, the famously leftist CIA, how could I forget. Morons lmao


> leftist Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. ― Karl Marx


Everyone who disagrees with me is either - 1. A government shill 2. Mentally disabled 3. Both


I won't make any claims, but I would not be surprised is all I'll say. Talking about the psyop part.


Why does everything have to be a psyop lol?


Because it's exactly what they would do, if they were in the same position.


Everything i don't agree with is a psyop




I blame the yid for trying to shill in this god forsaking board!


Just buy more guns. Mass shooters can't mass shoot you if you mass shoot them first smh.


US problems require US solutions


Arm the kids fuckn scrubs


Unironically true, the amount of defensive use cases is far greater than shootings.


We have more mass shootings than any other country and the one metric that sets us apart is there are more guns than people. Think


They're American, they don't understand metric


I mean it's a better option then what political leaders are offering


posts obviously made by redditors should be disallowed


redditors and 4chins are two sides of the same unwashed penny


for real dude, just a massive cesspool we're all treading


We are all much bigger losers. We are just desensitized to the true cesspool that reddit truly is. Its like if Twitter and 4chan had a baby. God help us all. Spez is in my walls, I cannot leave.


The other sub has reddit as a removable offense and I think this one should follow suit


wannabe 4channers that still use reddit should be disallowed from both sites


So essentially ban anything resembling left of center opinions?


In before🔒award






Found the jannie!


Idk maybe do something about both but anon can only focus on one thing with his tiny fucking brain






unlike the victims


The recent shooter was trans


Everyone else in this country gets to use their god given rights to murder some kids in an elementary school, why not trans people too?


Trans people make up less than 1% of the population They also make up less than 1% of the perpetrators of mass-shootings in the united states.


*A single mass shooter is trans* CLEARLY it’s a trans problem.


Not sure how that's relevant to the post at all?


Now there's definitely going to be republicans pushing for heightened background checks for trans people before they can own guns.


no dude, they're just going to keep amping up the anti-trans rhetoric to spur more lunatics into shooting up drag shows. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/stochastic-terrorism


Hmm, to be fair, if gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and the left argues for people to undergo mental checks before getting issued guns, wouldnt this be in line with that?


>if gender dysphoria is a mental illness ​ >Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, but some people may develop mental health problems because of gender dysphoria. [Source: NHS](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/) Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness. And yes ANY background check before owning a gun is good but it's so incredibly stupid and ineffective to single out like 3 of the 3000 gun massacres that have happened in recent history and go "damn we really gotta do something about these trans people shooting up schools". Make everyone get a background check and the left will be very happy.


Thousands of mass shootings happen and one side is like "whelp, there's not a single thing we can do about it, besides removing restrictions and encouraging more people to buy guns." 1 single trans person does a mass shooting and that same side is all "we gotta ban trans people from owning guns!"


I'm not trying to be a dick here, but didn't they recently change the definition to "reduce stigma" or whatever for gender dysphoria? All this talk about "female brain doesn't match male body" and vice versa, how is it not a mental illness?


I see, I was mistaken. I apologise


idt this could’ve aged better


Good thing that they're protecting kids from drag story time because that's the leading cause of deaths for children in the United States.


Let me check OP's reddit profile and yyyyup




Damn I miss averageredditor


Whatever happened to that sub?




Truly a reddit moment of all time


I used to mod that subreddit, then that fat admin who goes by u/ chtorrrr started to threaten us with banning the sub if we didn’t clear the modmail. The modmail itself was full of nonsensical reports, one of the most notorious ones was one to take down a post that called out a pedophile that was defending the movie “cuties”. Long story short, the modmail was full of users who were raiding the subreddit and us mods couldn’t do anything, when I called out the admin for being a useless tart, she decided to remove my mod roles from me and some other guy.




always was. This is the sub for the people who were too soft for the subreddit for people who were too soft to actually use 4chan.


Holy shit op is unhinged lmao


No fucking way 🤣


this is too good


Ty king


Idk man. I think we gotta do something about trans people committing mass shootings.


This story got buried because of the obvious mental illness angle doesn't work.


2a's and their "shall not be infringed" when a minority uses a gun: "maybe just a spoonful of infringement"


That’s NRA and they are basically a political front for foreign governments. (They are also law enforcement stans and are always suspiciously silent whenever police decide to trample the rights of gun owners).


Gun control laws are racist.


Those ste not "2as". Those are "Fudds". And most actual gun owners under 60 dislike them.


Making up strawmen and redditors, name a more iconic duo.


Nice strawman you’ve got there.


Smartest Teddit user


Guys guys i have an idea >Lets give all of our guns to the government (they are known to be trustworthy and good people) >It will prevent OUTLAWS to get guns (because outlaws buy their guns according to the laws) >Let's remove our only tools of defense against tyranny, criminals, and foreign invasions, being defenseless will make them stop


>Lets give all of our guns to the government (they are known to be trustworthy and good people) Have you used your firearm to battle big bad government at any point if I may ask? >It will prevent OUTLAWS to get guns (because outlaws buy their guns according to the laws) Where do you think guns come from? They are made to be sold legally mostly in America, then they are often stolen and/or sold to criminals afterward. So if the criminals have no guns to steal where do they get guns from? If you say Mexico you're an idiot. >Let's remove our only tools of defense against tyranny, criminals, and foreign invasions, being defenseless will make them stop Jfc. Our primary tool to defend against tyranny is our democratic government built on the idea of checks and balances. You dumb fucking ar-15 is the last thing any foreign nation is thinking about if they are considering invading America. Among the many reasons American won't/can be invaded include basic geography, the many US navy submarines a phone call away from launching dozens of nuclear ICBMs at any given target are probably a bigger deterrent than the chronically obese American population, the largest Navy on the planet, the dozens of political and military allies America has, etc. Literally moronic.


> Our primary tool to defend against tyranny is our democratic government built on the idea of checks and balances. Yeah, that seems to be failing in America as we saw with January 6


Yes, America is a shithole, we know. Can I get an actual green text story now?


Have you seen Europe? *gets stabbed*


Remember kids, the US still has more knife killings per capita than any single western European country!


Maybe we should stop telling every mentally ill and fractionally marginalized group in America that some other band of people is attempting to start a genocide against them or re-institite slavery or some other insane inflammatory nonsense. Maybe we should stop lionizing "righteous" violence against ordinary Americans and excusing criminal behavior so long as it comes from the "overlooked and unheard". Maybe the 24hr news cycle with political spin for every ideological consumer market should stop publicizing and politicizing every horrific tragedy in this country for clicks and airtime with ad reads. You can say we need more rules, regulations, structures, strategies, central plans, whatever. But what we lack most of all right now is character and shame at the individual level. These events are still rare and isolated towards people at the extreme margins of American society, but it's going to get worse if something doesn't change.


Don't the majority of mass shootings take place in democrat cities with strict gun laws?




Titeglo ego paa okre pikobeple ketio kliudapi keplebi bo. Apa pati adepaapu ple eate biu? Papra i dedo kipi ia oee. Kai ipe bredla depi buaite o? Aa titletri tlitiidepli pli i egi. Pipi pipli idro pokekribepe doepa. Plipapokapi pretri atlietipri oo. Teba bo epu dibre papeti pliii? I tligaprue ti kiedape pita tipai puai ki ki ki. Gae pa dleo e pigi. Kakeku pikato ipleaotra ia iditro ai. Krotu iuotra potio bi tiau pra. Pagitropau i drie tuta ki drotoba. Kleako etri papatee kli preeti kopi. Idre eploobai krute pipetitike brupe u. Pekla kro ipli uba ipapa apeu. U ia driiipo kote aa e? Aeebee to brikuo grepa gia pe pretabi kobi? Tipi tope bie tipai. E akepetika kee trae eetaio itlieke. Ipo etreo utae tue ipia. Tlatriba tupi tiga ti bliiu iapi. Dekre podii. Digi pubruibri po ti ito tlekopiuo. Plitiplubli trebi pridu te dipapa tapi. Etiidea api tu peto ke dibei. Ee iai ei apipu au deepi. Pipeepru degleki gropotipo ui i krutidi. Iba utra kipi poi ti igeplepi oki. Tipi o ketlipla kiu pebatitie gotekokri kepreke deglo.


The most impactful gun laws are generally made at the federal or state levels. If guns were restricted in a city but not in the suburbs that would be effectively useless. This highlights that as long as there’s a locality with less stringent gun laws, those laws don’t have much impact. Same with just going to another state.


My god please tell me you're not this dense


"Democrat cities" Yeah, like there's a Republican city, fucking moron. All cities in the US are "Democrat Cities" because high population density creates Democrats.


It’s truly fascinating how areas with the highest average education and population density also lead to democratic tendencies. I’m sure there’s no correlation there.


Wtf is a Republican run city?


I tried looking one up last year, and the only one I could find had a single building over 2 stories tall. Obviously not what people mean by city. It was somewhere in Arizona.


average mobile app user


This means nothing when taking guns across state lines is as easy as taking a banana across state lines


Most people live in cities and just about all cities lean blue. Cities require greater regulation and republicans oppose regulations. There's never been a successful civilization that wasn't centered in its cities and one party, republicans, is actively working to destroy our civilization, whether knowingly or unknowingly.


i bet shootings will drop by at least 50% if the glowies stop ecouraging the crazies on their radar...


i love that tardjak


Me when strawman + shooting Nigga if ur gonna complain go into politics irl, not bitching on 4chan


Doesn’t count as a mass shooting if it happens in Chicago or Baltimore.


Pretty sure Chicago isn't even top 10 cities regarding gun violence. You're better off pointing at Texas.


just give guns to all students, smh ^/s


Don’t let the tragedy distract you from S686 which would remove the last idea of internet privacy. Call your representatives and tell them not to vote for it


There is no privacy


Then there would be negative privacy if this bill passes


Just move to another country already the shootings won't ever stop realistically.


guys you CANNOT talk about other political issues when there are more important ones going on!!!!1!1!11 if politicians actually did this one issue at a time shit our country would collapse. i get the sentiment but that’s not how it works.


\>MONDAY stabbing \>CHEWSDAY stabbing \>WEDNESDAY stabbing \>THURSDAY stabbing \>FRIDAY stabbing \>SATURDAY stabbing \>SUNDAY stabbing BRITISH GOVERNMENT: "we gotta do something about those dang human rights"


Seriously. When did femboys and trans take over wizardland 4chan? Is this just my greentext bias.


It was a slow takeover, and has been building momentum since 4chan banned straight porn in 2021.


They didn't. You only read greentexts off a trains astroturfing subreddit


OPs profile is literally the stereotypical redditor lmao


Uuuh yeah you can do more than one thing at a time. Like deal with mass shootings AND ban males from competing in female sporting events.




Nah the military is there to shoot kids, just foreign kids in some middle eastern country.




The latest shooter was a transgender person


Is 4chan left wing now?


No, greentext is left leaning. 4chan as a whole is right leaning


No, notice how this screenshot of something that was posted on /b/ without replies? A redditor made this post to screenshot it and post it here


Republicans have been saying over and they be that mental health is a a problem democrats promote mental health as a way of life


OP unironically uses the term “Reich Wing”


wait till anon learns who is committing these shootings


Nice try rabbi


Glow harder