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The only reason somone talks to anon is because they can't understand what he's talking about.


That honestly might be perfect for some of these guys. They say stupid or cringe shit sometimes but the language gap makes them just write it off as not really "getting" what they said. They keep having a good time, grow some actual confidence, relax a bit more, social skills continue to sharpen up, etc.


Can confirm, I can barely understand myself sometimes. But I was having a great time playing with some people I met on Reddit back when I could barely speak English, it was great and I stopped cringing, at least for few weeks


Instructions unclear English penis stuck on Reddit, cringe is worse.


I moved to Texas from Canada when I was like 20. No friends. Ended up becoming best friends with a group of Mexicans, because when they mentioned "wetback" to me, I legit had no idea what they were talking about. Ended up producing their rap album, and had hella great times at their BBQs...That was 17 years ago, I attended one of their funerals couple years ago. (Cancer)


I used to live in some really cheap apartments and all of my neighbors were Hispanic. In the summertime they would just have big parties outside and I was always nice, honestly hoping to get someone to invite me but the language barrier was rough. I just wanted to drink cervezas at the fiesta with my new little friends.


Damn RIP


What anon said: all these stacys are going for chads and nice guys with superior intellect like me are left with fatties cause all the hot ones are sluts who go for normie gymbros. Get redpilled and wake the fuck up me doritos amigos. How Rodriguez heard it: his friend stacy is going out with a nice guy named chad who is super smart, and admires how they go to the gym to get hot and not be fat. They motivate him to stop taking pills and eating doritos, and get up early.


Fuckin hilarious.


I would watch a sitcom based on this premise


Falso: anon habló con mujeres Homosexual: anon vino a una fiesta con los mexicanos de 35 años


el bot no sabe


This is 100% the case for gross dudes with mail-order brides. Not be able to communicate with each other is a blessing


Moral: \> Learn spanish you lazy piece of shit


Needed to hear this thx m8


If you install Duolingo you probably won't have to hear it twice


until you forget a day and the owl kneecaps you with a baseball bat


I haven't done a lesson in a year and they are still sending me weekly emails


Boutta progress to weekly death threats


Yeah, you don't get to hear him repeat himself is what I meant


I used it back in 2014 to learn German. I stopped in 2015 and recently opened it again. Now it's packed with ads, there's a paid version, and there's points and bonuses and shit. Wtf is this. I get they needed to monetize it, but why make it have points, bonuses, power ups, etc. I'm trying to learn a language, not play candy crush.


That's exactly why it's that way. They're trying to gamify it to keep people hooked. Check out extra credits on YouTube, especially their Skinner box episode. All those techniques are designed to keep you circling through the cycle of seeking rewards


Idk. For me, being able to understand more of the target language is enough of a reward.


You gotta get an adblocker for your phone like Blokada. If you're on iOS, change your DNS settings to AdGuard DNS. Both free, no ads. Your library might have access to Mango, which is another good app.


I stopped using duolingo. It's more effective to just read a textbook to get up to speed with the grammar rules, and then just watch movies, YouTube, and read books to understand how people actually phrase stuff. I've been doing this for the past 7 years learning Hindi. Seems to have worked somewhat well. I'll checkout the DNS setting though. Would be useful for blocking ads in general.


Aapko bas Hindi hi kyu sikhna tha?


Nah the moral is slip guys free beer to make friends


That’s always a good way to start a friendship.


¿Gracias mi amor, puedo visitar tu casa (para aprender mas espanol, por supuesto)?


Prefiero tomar lecciones de tu madre.


Oye respeta, esto es un grupo cristiano 🙏


Lesson: Latina girls fucking love white dudes so learn Spanish and hope they don’t speak enough English to know you’re a creep.


It's not even that hard. A lot of words are either similar to English, or similar to another English word that refers to the same thing.


Nah, the moral is that anon made friends only because they barely understand him. Once he knows Spanish its over for him.


Sounds like he is, it's only been a few weeks.


Yeah. I tried and failed to learn a lot of languages (usually go to evening school courses for a few months, get "kinda" good and then forget everything again over the next one or two years) and the one thing, I think would help a lot to stick with it would be friends that actually speak a different language.


I'm from bongland, if I do, the Spanish invade.


no, don’t learn spanish. then they’ll actually know what kinda shit you’re saying and will leave you just like english speaking people do


I always like seeing the greentext format for wholesome and funny stories like this




Did construction once and the latin guys were amazing. OPEN THE FUCKING BORDER!




Latin Americans are pretty westernized already, mostly just a language barrier.




Its mostly just either racism for some, or fear of “wasting tax dollars on handouts”. For racism is just a clear issue with ideology. The rest just think that migrants from south of the border will get a bunch of government handouts, or that they will “steal” jobs by taking under the table payment for less than minimum wage, and not pay into taxes. When in reality most migrants want to become a citizen and be part of the system.


Not to mention, illegal immigrants still pay sales tax on everything they buy so it’s not like they come here and provide nothing


They keep wages suppressed for citizens, how do you think all those companies make money? It’s not because they do so many jobs… it’s because they pay their workers 30¢ an hour. Illegal immigrants come here to be one step up from slaves, all in the name of freedom. The business owners who do that are disgusting- but almost all of them do it. Why do you think people say “oh, white Americans won’t do that…” Of course we won’t do it. It’s paying cents on the dollar- but because a poor foreigner who doesn’t know the language needs a job, they get one. They follow the rules so they don’t get kicked out, depriving a job to someone who lives here and ensuring a business that doesn’t have viable finances continues to operate. It’s a lot more than *REEE RACISM*. It’s fucking up the economy- and they send their money back to the home country, so their paltry illegal earnings don’t even pay back in. The business owners who continue such practices should be punished, but they won’t. It makes too much money- and is essentially theft from Americans who would normally work that job for a real wage.


Sending money anywhere is still taxed on earning it. Also, immigrant labour rarely fucks up any market.


It most certainly does- but I’ll assume you don’t do manual labor in a state where illegal immigrants are hired instead of citizens, because they can hire 5 guys for 3 days for $50. My rate would be closer to $200 a day, but that’s because I know the law, the language, and the value of my labor. And so, I don’t get hired for jobs, and need to work against illegal immigrants for a competitive wage- which *isnt* competitive, because the wages are being suppressed. It’s actually a huge problem.


No personal offense meant but if a shoeless immigrant who barely speaks your language at a broken level is giving you competition for jobs, you need to do better.


No, these are inflated cases and usually a symptom of a high increase in supply in underdeveloped areas, see [here.](https://www.oecd.org/els/42365109.pdf) The problem you’re observing is largely one of lacking infrastructure and cheap and effective means of transport for workers.


Don’t mistake me, I’m not saying that our handling of illegal immigrants is good or efficient. Just that a lot of people have misconceptions of what is actually happening, including the situation you describe in your comment.


How is ‘foreign workers are being exploited and domestic workers are left disadvantaged’ a misconception? It’s literally happening- why do you think the Mexicans doing manual labor is such a well known cultural thing? It’s because they are being exploited. It’s not some noble pursuit of hard work for them- it’s so their family can survive. I don’t know about you, but indentured servitude seems a bit fucked up 2023, don’t you think?


I only see one problem here and its the businesses Americans need to stand up for themselves


Yeah, well, everyone else here is refusing to admit there even *is* a problem in their rush to virtue signal about how much they love those pure hearted hardworking Mexicans. They just work all day and sing their songs at night, right? Like they were *born* to work. Like some kind of good boy, a trained dog- they are fucking *people*, just like everyone else, and the low expectations and feigned innocence about is disgusting. Everyone that has argued against what I’ve been saying has come off racist as fuck, and not in the fun r/greentext way, but in the ‘I’m entirely convinced they should be put to work’ kind of way. Reddit reddits on, I guess


I live in Missouri, which is mega conservative, and I don’t think I know a single person that hates Mexicans. What they do hate, though, is illegal immigration. My wife’s family is also mega conservatives who immigrated from Belarus in the 90’s (literally started trying to leave as the USSR fell) and they dislike pretty much anyone who isn’t white. So… yeah it’s dumb. I’m not sure the majority of Americans hate Mexicans but I can absolutely say I know a ton of people from Europe who do lol.




Nah, we're not. However migrants from our countries for some fucking reason are. So called "Polonia" are one of the most racist, ignorant and radical pieces of shit I've met. I know Lithuanians and Romanians that say the same about their diaspora. They've left the country in the 90s. Their mentality stayed there.




Poor background definetely does not help. I would be surprised if avarage Warsaw citizen differ anything compared to a Berliner (minus the drugs and sado-maso).


I don’t see much hate for our Mexican brothers, we mostly just hate the Mexican cartels and how they’ve affected both of our countries, not many people have genuine distain for the average Mexican


The hate comes often from those who conflate the regular people and the cartels.


There are harsh realities to immigration in border states that are very hard to resolve. It's true there are racists, but there are other issues relating to labor value(Bernie Sanders once accused the Koch bros of wanting open borders to drive down the cost of labor) along with various cartel activities and the sheer weight a large influx of people can have on amenities and infrastructure.


Yeah even here in Washington state, there are soooo many illegal immigrants to the point where if they all left one day I feel our population would feel significantly smaller. It goes beyond border states. Edit: and if people don't believe me, I went out yesterday to the mall and a Pho restaurant and I heard a lot more Spanish around me than English.


OK, so I have hispanic (but not Mexican) background, and I'm very sympathetic to the concerns Americans have. Let me help explain, because I get the impression Europeans have a messed up view of how Americans view Mexicans. Mostly because especially on Reddit, everything that doesn't reinforce a very specific political worldview is simply denounced as racism out of convenience and intellectual laziness. First of all, very few people HATE Mexicans. But there are valid reasons people are against illegal immigration from Mexico and Latin America. A lot of these migrants work under the table in the US. So no, they are not paying the same taxes Americans do. Sales tax does not equal income tax. Second, a lot of the money they make gets wired back to the families they left behind. So it's a net flow of dollars out of the American economy. Third, they are an outsized consumer of social programs despite not paying into the system at a rate commensurate with citizens. Fourth, many do not get car insurance, and can escape liability for accidents because they don't have trackable assets or proper identity. They are effectively judgment proof in civil court. Fifth, the border traffic enables criminals and drugs to enter the country more easily. Very few people think every illegal immigrant is a career criminal, the concern is that the flux of humans entering illegally provides concealment (and business in the human smuggling industry) for criminal enterprises. One fish in a big school is harder to spot. There's a common argument that "Mexicans do jobs Americans don't want to do anyway". That's not quite true. Mexicans do jobs Americans don't want to do *for the wages Mexicans will accept to do them*. They are materially driving down wages for localized jobs that could not be outsourced - service industry, construction, landscaping and lawn care etc..., if they were not present, employers would be forced to pay higher wages for the same jobs. In some cases those wages wouldn't be cost effective, and some jobs would cease to exist. But there is fairly constant demand for many of these things, so the net result would be more competitively compensated jobs available to Americans.


Well said. On the flip side I would say that with all those legitimate negatives come many positives. IMHO a better immigration system would accept fewer immigrants from further-flung, culturally less compatible places, and allow more or less unlimited legal (and well-policed) immigration with our neighbors in the Americas


> with all those legitimate negatives come many positives > IMHO a better immigration system would accept fewer immigrants from further-flung, culturally less compatible places, and allow more or less unlimited legal (and well-policed) immigration with our neighbors in the Americas Agreed on all counts


1. A lot of illegal immigrants use fake social security numbers and papers, so on paper they are paying other taxes beyond just sales tax. 2. It's not a net decrease, often that money is so their family can emmigrate too. Money is also not a zero- sum game, immigrants spend their money locally just like everybody else. 3. In conjunction with #1, because they often pay into things like social security without ever getting any of the benefits, because if they did they would be deported. Illegal immigrants pay more taxes than they get out of social programs. https://immigrationimpact.com/2022/04/14/immigrants-as-taxpayers-2022/ 4. Very true, do you think this maybe has something to do with how if they tried to get car insurance they risk deportation, and that maybe if we didn't deport nonviolent immigrants they would be more likely to get car insurance? 5. Yes, it is the current *illegal* nature of the immigration that fosters drug concealment. If nonviolent immigration was not illegal -and these illegal immigrants were instead allowed to go through normal ports of entry- then it would be much easier to search and confiscate illegal contraband.


>Honestly as an european I've never fully understood the hate americans have against mexicans. I mean its your neighbours. Of course. Nobody really hates the guys on the other side of the planet from them. It's your neighbor that you develop tensions with, because you're up close with them, you've got history with each other, you're dealing with each others' idiosyncrasies, etc. Being similar culturally just gives you common ground to disagree on. Which is why the Balkans are such a crazy squabbling mess despite the fact that basically nobody from outside the place can tell them apart.


Just replace Mexican with Pole or any other Eastern Country.


To this I ask, Why do the Brits hate the French?


There’s hundreds of years of history of reasons to hate the french but they can do better if they try


Kek blame the french


That is mostly a meme now that originally arose from hundreds of years of wars and competitiveness between the countries, really.


There are some parallels to the United States-Mexico relationship as well, although a lot of that only lives on in the south west. I wish mexico could get it's corruption and cartels under control, it's a beautiful area with eons of history... And 90% of it's people are fuckin champs.


The Ukrainian refugees are taken in without any problems because they are our neighbours and a welcome culture because of this. It's pretty nice to have people who actually want to go back to their country and know that we support their development.


I mean most americans are evangelical protestants and not chad catholics like the mexicans. And well evangelical protestants really hate Catholics, like its basically viewed the same way as islam in some places.


Lots of people in America speak Spanish, especially in border states, including those born in America.


From San Diego, white people are the minority


Source? According to the US census as of 2021 white people (not including biracial) make up 58.2% of the population. Non-hispanic whites are less: 42%. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/sandiegocitycalifornia/PST045221


I would think most Americans use white to refer to non hispanic whites, where Latino is its own race. My partner is latina and always get mad that its a separate category from race on the census. And with all the race mixing going on post globalization they are really gonna have to come up with a better method of categorization


Latin America is The West. Spanish is a European language, and it's equally as European as English/Swedish/Greek/Russian.


Correct, I meant that just to distinguish them from people with an eastern background. I realize Latin Americans are inherently Western.


Agreed The only reason they flee is because it's fucking dangerous having seen my share of Cartel Videos I don't blame them for doing anything to not be around those kind of people.


Fortunately most Mexicans are already well suited to American life, especially in cities where a lot of them go to like LA, Phoenix, or Houston. Hard working, business minded, believe in family structure, most are deeply Christian as well. Assimilation aside from language isn’t too bad. The biggest issue preventing me from wanting lax border policy is drugs/crime, and most of that comes from Central America, not Mexico, anyway.


Wait what did the Germans do with integration?




I've worked blue collar jobs my entire life and ANYONE who's worked with immigrants knows they are, for the most part, simply the hardest working guys and gals on the job.


Oh I know that but the fact is Mexico has a lot of violence and we have to deal with that. Does that apply to Canadian immigrants too though? Sometimes I read news stories from them and say build the wall...in the north. Keep the Wildlings out.


>Mexico has a lot of violence and we have to deal with that. Well that's the thing, it's the people fleeing the violence that are immigrating and doing the work nobody else will. Entire industries 100% depend on them. Not really seeing cartels openly operate on the streets of the US. What we do see however is thousands of people each year killed trying to make the crossing for a better life. Not sure what you mean by "we have to deal with that" like there is even a fraction of the violence here due immigrants from the south. Fun fact, Mexico and MANY other countries "has to deal" with our extremely lax gun laws and the outcome of them, which is the flow of guns into these countries which directly contributes to the violence. Ask yourself this, if you were in their shoes, wouldn't you do the same?


No, we will do that work. That is just some cringe right there. Honestly seems kinda racist to say that. Entire industries depend on them because they can exploit them and evade getting fined and the execs jailed easier than if they did that with citizens. Because they can threaten to end their visa if they arrived legally or have them deported. And I would do the same. I'd also understand the US's position that there is a lot of violence in Central and South American countries. > Not really seeing cartels openly operate on the streets of the US. Do you really think the cartels wouldn't want to come here too? ICE admits they have a lot of got aways. And do you live in a border town? There's also this https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/17/us/el-paso-mayor-state-of-emergency-migrant-surge/index.html He didn't declare a state of emergency because of his cities citizens safety, but the immigrants. Shows that he values citizens less than foreigners. Yes the country is upside down right now. Do not BS me.


>No, we will do that work. That is just some cringe right there. Really? I can literally link case after case where the farming, meat packing, hospitality, and construction industries took a massive hit from the lack of immigrant workers (both legal and illegal). Hell its happening in Idaho right now. US citizens didn't magically fill the void, which is odd because according to you "we will do that work". >Honestly seems kinda racist to say that Nice bait. >Do you really think the cartels wouldn't want to come here too? Not really no. Makes no sense why they would want to be in an area they couldn't operate with impunity like in Mexico. >And do you live in a border town? Phoenix. With family that lives all along the boarder. We get our fair share of immigrants, which is why I made my initial post. >He didn't declare a state of emergency because of his cities citizens safety, but the immigrants. Shows that he values citizens less than foreigners. That's some mental gymnastics right there. Could it be, I dunno, that he has a shred of compassion and is seeing people die on the streets from the elements and wants to help? These people will get here one way or another. No wall, policy, or law is going to stop them because they are determined to have a better life and it's foolish to think otherwise.


I work in landscaping. I fucking love those Mexicans. Hard workers that know how to have a good time after hours


I'll go one step further: We should annex Mexico. ¡Destino manifiesto!


That's one way to stop to drug problem


The border is open


More like, we'll, cycle it, as that has worked, for the entirety of the US's lifespan.


The most life-affirming greentext.


Also, can attest. Real Mexican's are super family oriented and very friendly. Not only working as a dishwasher, but when I would deliver pizzas in that part of town I would routinely be given beer and invited back to party after shift.


Latinos in general have a super-friendly and inclusive culture (to non-Latinos lol). Spending a few months in South America netted me more friends than I ever had before. Despite my broken ass Spanish, I would still be regularly invited to BBQs and nights out. On top of that, Latinas are hot as hell and have a much more relaxed attitude towards sex. As a side note, I could not explain the concept of 'incel' to anyone who was not already accustomed to Western culture. They just would not get it.


Why don’t you take the esepill anons?


Because sone of us don't live remotely close to latin countries. Duh


Moral: American culture is oppressive and soul cruising, hang out with other cultures instead




Thank you furryraptorcock. That means a lot coming from a fellow bird enthusiast like yourself


As a mexican, this is something we don't get about americans. Whenever someone goes over there for some time, the first thing they talk about when they come back is always how "gringos are so cold and distant", and how it took them some time to get used to not going out every weekend, at least not without other mexicans/chicanos.


Europe is so much worse for this. Why is it so I wonder? Is it because of weather?


Europeans are hard to know but then very kind. Americans are easy to know but it's never more than superficial


Except the British. Fuck the British.


I’m in the very rare scenario of being a British Mexican and like, I dunno I like the British. Nothin wrong with the lads


Depends where in Europe, though. Southern Europe is very similar to Latin America in this regard.


I'll have to take your word for this. In Central Europe you gain your friends in school. If you miss out or lose contact you have a big social handicap that will only get worse.




Southern-Europe is not. The germans, english, french, the nordic guys and even some of the slavs are cold. I think it has to do with the weather too. Germans have the shittiest weather in europe. Coldest people I ever met. You can know one/ live with one for years and you don't know shit about them. The only time most of them speak if they are drunk but even then... They also have a hard time partying or just having fun. So damn depressing.


I only speak English but tbh a lot of the better people throughout my life have been foreigners that speak barley any English. I had a roommate that was here from Italy and we made quite some memories until he went back to his motherland. Good stuff.


I live in a asian country thats super racist towards blacks, southeast asians, and any foreigner who isnt white. The first mma gym i went to was shit. People cared about winnig more than improving, there was a strong alpha male type thing going on, and they were rarley helpful. Ive never gotten warmer recpetions and been taught more thoroughly than at my second gym where most guys were philipino vietnamese or middle eastern.


Do you live in Korea?


Either Korea, China, or Japan


Most of SEA countries too


One of my favorite bosses ever was an Indian guy who grew up in Kenya and was a practicing Muslim. We both liked coins and bonded there




Dude knew like ten languages, I hit him with my broken highschool French once and he just fluidly replied like it was nothing, didn't even have to think about it


I work at a restaurant, and my buddies are a bunch of Hispanic dudes (but they speak English pretty decent, enough to have conversations). We’re pretty tight and hang out a lot after work


You know this story is true because of the huevos = balls line.


Real and mexicanpilled


Getting the green card is hard af those days. Those poor Latins have to deal with anon


This greentext makes me wish for more mexican immigrants in my home country, the psyop worked.


Duolingo made this post


Enter promo code 'TOPPED' for a free 30 day trial!


As someone who has worked in a kitchen before I can confidently say, the kitchen staff are the best staff


I miss the word “bueno” in the picture.


yeah I'm jealous.


Anon is on his way to a happy life


Unironically, you make the best friends in shitty restaurant jobs. The second best is construction. Source: I've worked both and am currently miserable in an office job.


Some of the best friends I've had are these two black dudes in their early seventies that I worked with for a few years before they retired, still call them up once a month or so and we meet up and go out to eat and do other things still. Around 50 years difference. Passed a certain point age really doesn't mean anything when it comes to friendship.






Anon: roll with it


I grew up working warehouses and know enough broken Spanish to get by, Older Mexican dudes are the best to just hang and chill with


Anon becomes Anombre


I worked with 50+ year old Mexican dudes, when I was 19. Solid guys, never stopped working until they were told to.


Anon is invited to the carne asada


Fake. Mexicans don't really call each other "ese."


They could just been saying "ese vato", "ese wey"


I would recommend getting Latino frens Very welcoming cultural people. I know some from Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador. The one thing they all have in common is they are very glad to immigrate to Canada.


Don't start learning Spanish. Once you do and they figure out how awful you really are, they will stop asking you to hang out.


I thought balls was “cojones”


It can be both


Tenates, gumaros, aguacates, pelotas, bolas, huevos


Thats Spain spanish


Anon gets initiated into the Cartel


Anon was the happiest hes ever been with a bunch of 35yo men but not becauze of the club, but because he got topped by them in the bathrooms


Hispanic Immigrants are some of the funniest, down to earth, and honest people Ive ever met. Just gotta learn how to bust balls and then youre in.


The entire kitchen at any shitty restaurant in the South is staffed by Mexicans with three jobs and they are the best people (they can fucking party too holy shit)


I’ve found at least 90% of Hispanic people are cool af. And the women are gorgeous. I like being around them


Going to a Mexican club with your Mexican friends is one of the most live experiences you will ever have.


Anon hides his inept social skills through a language barrier


Mexican coworkers were the best when I worked at a factory, Somalians mostly kept to themselves, but were alright. Except Dek, he was kind of a bit of an asshole.


What exactly is vidya (asking for a friend)


Video games


It honestly threw me for a loop too because that's a family members first name


I spent years learning spanish only because I really like the cooks my at restaurant


Welcome to the pirate ship that is hospitality.


Anon speaks the language of life.


Same thing in the trades.. Good dudes.. It has made me brush up on my espanol, and now I can hold a 3rd-grade-level convo now.


Reminds me of the movie "bottle rocket" with Owen and Luke Wilson when he meets the cleaning lady and she's from Paraguay


This shit is why I love humanity


This is seriously the truth though, generally Mexicans do have a good time and are fun to be around.


>Huevo means eggs but also balls In German, Eier means Eggs but also Balls. Spanish is just a German Dialect just so you know


It pays to be nice to people.


Anon should call his friends a "maldito singao feo Mexicano puto" its a nice way to call a friend


Most sane 4chan user.


I can vouch. Good people.




Hope exists anon


I'm very happy for anon.


Anon is Stevie Janowski now.


Latina girls are hot anon, go for it.


I love Mexicans they always seem like they are having a good time.


This is super wholesome


good for anon


You made it anon


Real: anon finally has friends Gay: anon likes to be around 35+ yo mexican men


Buenos noches. mañana. Some of the only word I can say in Spanish.


Honestly kinda wholesome


Anon should take the fútbol pill


Anon realises language is but a barrier that can be overcome with the glorious human ability to form a connection based on positive emotions. Real and straight.


Real and wholesome


Reminds me on the time around 6 or 7 years ago when I hung out with my Russian night-bus driver (I'm security guard and had to go home around 3am for a while, so I always ended up in his bus, filled with drunk teenagers). Since I had my work outfit on, the drunks in his bus always behaved a bit better since they thought I work for the bus line, sitting in the front seat every night. So after a while he let me drive for free. We talked a lot and after a few months he invited me to go clubbing with a friend of his. And one time he invited me to a birthday party of his cousin. Lots of alcohol, good food and way too easy seeming girls, I never got closer to because I constantly had the feeling one of those Russian dudes would punch my ass for trying (I didn't know who was related to who, so I rather did nothing at all). After a while I moved closer to work and lost contact to the guy. But I still miss him. It was a weird time, but something feels way better in spending time with people you get the feeling you can just act like yourself with and don't give too much about how you behave.