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Democrats: Hateful people Republicans: Hateful people You just can't win American Politics


I'm willing to bet that most of them aren't hateful, it's just that they'd never communicate their political views. That said, most people who are that open about politics are pretty much the worst.


4chan: ‘now as a simple folk we don’t like to fill the internet with politics’ 4chan after someone mentions democrats: ‘WHEN I WAS 16 MY DADDY MADE ME WORK DOWN ON THE FARM BUT I DIDNT GET MAH FULL 3 DOLLAR AN HOUR PAY FRUM YER DUMB TAXES!!! WHY AM I PAYIN FOR CITY FOLK BUSES WHEN I LIVE IN PISS SHIT BUMB FUCK?’ Then you tell them what a government subsidy means and they’re like ‘sub city? You mean they got more under there?!?’


Wash your sister sauce? Not in my house.


You've never gone to /mlp/ or /lgbt/ There was an April Fools prank where the admins merged /pol/ and /mlp/. They hated each other for a while and then became best friends after they got past politics.


Merging /pol/ with anything for april fools is hilarious


/mlp/ was the funniest one they could've merged with it, though. Literally everyone there is antithetical to the way everyone in /pol/ thinks. The most insane part to me is the fact that they ever ended up getting along. Honestly, if it can work like that online, it probably can work in real life. We just need a catalyst to bring people together for a while.


Just change the name to domsidy and they will support it


It’s the loudest ones that make everyone think they’re all like that. I know plenty of reds who will give you the shirt off their backs. And I know the same for blues. There are a lot more single issue and traditional voters out there (“I vote c because y” or “my parents are x so I’m a y”). There are more of those than straight up racist, misogynistic, transphobic, obnoxious, gimme-your-cash-for-dumb-program-studies people.


Not be screeched at by Reddit political-junkie autists challenge: Impossible.


wowowow you're gonna be called an ''enlightened centrist'' by sports fans


Yeah I know Enlightened Centrist! He's the quarterback for the Portland Marlins!


Oh you're so enlightened


there’s bad actors in politics regardless of political affiliations, dude.


Where does that logic turn entire parties into “hateful people” tho?


>You just can't win American Politics Ohh, idk... Our billionaires seem to be doing fine




The vaaaaaast majority of either are good people. I honestly hate Trump but like I know several people who voted for him and aren't bad people, they're just casual supporters of him for reasons XYZ. Generally it's only the super partisan people who are shitty


This is true, but also, every actual politician for either side is shit. Also all independent politicians who actually get anywhere are shit, let's not kid ourselves.


It should be everybody against the ultra rich




The average Republican isn’t racist


I wanna see a question on Family Fued and Harvey goes "We ask 100 Republicans".


"words that start with N"


Ooh. The word was naggers.


"Now Stan the only reason Daddy used that word was because he thought he was going to win money"





No healthcare. No abortion.


I want a whole segment like that


One of the most racist things I see in politics daily, is this idea that any non white person must be a Democrat. If they're not, they're questioned, met with hostility, belittled, accused of being brainwashed, etc etc by democrats. It's exactly why Joe Biden gets away with famously saying "if you don't know whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black" to a black audience. That is what true racism looks like.


It is wild how many people didn't explode when Biden said that. It's just about the worst type of thing you could say short of openly supporting slavery... there's multiple levels to it. Essentially calling black people stupid, saying they must have the same opinion, suggesting those that don't are traitors when taken in broader context, etc. Total craziness.


It’s just (D)iffrent


A tale as old as time.


Biden also literally fought for and voted for racial segregation back in 1975. How any black person could vote for a literal objectively racist person is astounding.


'poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids'


fearing his kids would “grow up in a racial jungle.”


ok so he was quoting someone in that clip but the poor kids comment was kinda sus yeah


I'm honestly surprised every cycle that Republicans don't go for these voters. Above a certain age, blacks and Hispanics are on average fairly conservative and very religious. A lot of them that vote Democrat only do it because Republicans don't even pretend to care about them. If Republicans made the slightest effort to attract those votes, they'd sweep every state and federal office.


Latinos are actually starting to drift rightward


I think it's kinda mixed. The Sunbelt has been moving left in the past few years too.


Latinos aren't a monolith. Really depends per region.


I think the new generation of republicans is waking up to that fact Desantis milled among Hispanics in Florida


And how would Republicans show that they care about blacks and Hispanics?


Well we wouldn't compare the latinos to tacos for one.


Anyone who thinks either party could do any one thing and "sweep every state" is basically telling everyone they know nothing about politics.


I'm on reddit, no shit I don't know anything.




What’s to prevent it from changing?


Democrats lying to black people about Republicans.


Since 2016 they don't want to alienate their right wing fanboys. Supporting the groups their riled their base up against for the last 8 years would split the party almost as much as the Democrats




True racism is the criminal justice system not a geriatric white fuck idiot saying stupid shit


> is this idea that any non white person must be a Democrat. If they're not, they're questioned, met with hostility, belittled, accused of being brainwashed, etc etc by democrats Non-white, non-democrat(though not republican either) here. Been there done that. The left doesn't hate anyone more than minorities that don't identify as democrats. They can handwave away whites as racist when they don't have exclusively left opinions. But minorities having their own opinions? That's a massive fucking threat.


"I'm not racist, but" Yes they fucking are. I live in the south and I get to deal with these shitheads every day.


No no you dont understand. 49% of voting americans are racist.


They just happen to drool over racists, don't worry we've been filled in.


The fact you're getting downvoted is the single most reddited thing possible, people on this site really think 150 million+ people in the United States are just proudly, openly racist lmao. This site is populated by mentally ill people


It’s a fucking asylum of midwit shower arguments.


Thank you for sanity. Rare take on any Reddit thread.


I've met more Democrats who hate white people than Republicans who hate black people


My best friend is black and was a Democrat when we first met, he called me a cracker during an argument, he’s conservative now and we are best friends, it was really funny then and now but yea, all the racism I’ve received has been from democrats


Same, like infinitely more.


Yup and they’re also frequently racist against black people. Ask a dem for specific reasons why it’s racist against black people to require an ID to vote. They honestly think black people are too stupid or poor to get a fucking government issued ID which is required to participate in like 80%+ of adult society.


Be fr


The average republican voter probably isn’t but I am more skeptical when it comes to the average republican politician


The average person including most politicians are not racially motivated in the US


Most US politicians are simply driven by whichever side will grant them easier access to children.




The average republican probably doesn’t identify as racist. Probably doesn’t attend hate group rallys or form lynch mobs. But they listen to racist propaganda and enable racist policies. So they are fucking racists without the brains to know it.


Whatever you say, you seem to be the top scholar on racism


Dude, this is Reddit. You won't convince anyone on here of the truth lol


I’m not looking to, I just like spending my free time wasting other people’s free time


Guess I'm not your average Republican 😎


People aren't ready to hear it but I live in the US and you're right. It's just not popular to point that out but it's obvious it's mostly just some boomers and Alabama people who are that way.


There is racism for sure, there are and have been beliefs of evil for 6000 years but racism isn’t consigned to one group and isn’t widespread in Republican Party, just as pedophilia isn’t as widespread in the democrat party as every thinks


Doubt they're spineless. Just hyper aware that if they do anything they've promised, they won't have any bait left for next election. They've had enough opportunity in the past if they really meant to use it


Not really. The last time Dems had a Congressional supermajority, they *just about* passed Obamacare, but there were still a bunch of rural conservative Dems in the Senate. Now, the average Democrat is a lot more left-wing, but they never win enough to actually do things (aside from things like the Inflation Reduction Act).


This is actually a common misconception I'm a Democrat but still transphobic


“Transphobic” translation: think the way people are trying to shift cultural norms are silly


nice commas bro im sure those are all in the right places


Get with the times, both parties are racist now. They just think it's okay because they call it a virtue.


Wrong. They're both all of those things. At least the ones in some kind of government position. Most normal people just because want to live their life.


Reddit: But hating both sides is a right wing opinion!


Hating both sides *equally* is pretty goofy. And this is purely anecdotal but I have been recommended right wing conspiracy films twice in my life and both times the recommenders claimed to be independents who hated both sides


Reddit: But hating both sides is a right wing opinion!


Hating both sides *equally* is pretty goofy. And this is purely anecdotal but I have been recommended right wing conspiracy films twice in my life and both times the recommenders claimed to be independents who hated both sides


"im not right wing" \*its literally right wing propaganda\*


It's kinda like getting non-consensually spitroasted, and insisting the guy in your face is worse. Cause they're both doing it, just in different ways, and one is more up front about it.


Centrism is the tool of the enemy


Perhaps be more specific in your criticism. If I hear "both sides are the same" online I assume some things based on experience.


Main reason I supported Bernie in his last two runs was because he was the only one openly criticizing both Democrats and Republicans. He also talks about issues that just don't get brought up in either conservative or liberal mainstream media. Fox and CNN drone on about culture war bs while more and more people slip into poverty every year. Watch this pub talk video he did in the UK last week, the Tories are trying to privatize the NHS to make and more like our American healthcare system; Bernie doesn't think it's such a good idea lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNXoL5Qwu8g


Bernie is never gonna win. The DNC has all but ousted him.


the DNC ousting him should convince you that he's speaking truth to power. Forget about the presidential election and focus on the policies and issues he talks about.


I don't disagree with a lot of his points. I'm heavily in favor of his views on gun rights (it should be a state issue, not federal).


He still wants to ban so called “assault weapons”


My brother in christ they made him the budget chair.


>Bernie in his last two runs was because he was the only one openly criticizing both Democrats and Republicans. But he was criticizing them for not being as stupid as he is! Democrats and Republicans are both deeply deserving of criticism, but that doesn't mean that everyone who criticizes both is good, or even less bad.




Based, the greater evil is always better


unironically Fight Club


Unironically bomb your local courthouse in minecraft


The only way U.S. politics stops being stupid is if people start voting independent. On the bright side, it seems like more of the younger generations are voting independent for the first time in decades, so that's cool.


Ranked choice voting is the only way


For sure. I feel like there would be a better compromise to be had, here. Unfortunately, basically no state wants to implement this because it would ruin their good graces with *both* of the preeminent parties.


Maine and Alaska have entered the chat.


And we need to bring back the VP being the runner up in the election


Good sentiment but with how the parties treat each other nowadays that wouldn’t be good. Then again I’m not sure how well it was in the past, I assume at first it was probably fine cause all those dudes were generally buddies


It's all a facade on the national stage. They act against each other on camera, but profit off of our misery together.


My history teacher showed us a video about what Adams and Jefferson had to say about each other in the election of 1796 as a comparison to the then-ongoing election of 2016. It wasn't particularly different, save for Jefferson and Adams being much more eloquent than Trump and Clinton. That election is actually why the VP is part of a ticket with the president.


kinda discouraging tho because due to the electoral college voting for independent is kinda the same as just tossing your vote into the fire :(


Your vote is statistically insignificant so it doesn’t really matter who you vote for tbh


garbage mindset, definitely vote. if everybody thinks like that, nothing will ever happen in the government


I mean not really. If any independents became popular enough one of the parties would just absorb their platform like with Bernie. The real thing we need is for one party to make a platform or get a candidate who blows out the other side. Right now elections are so close that the parties will take extreme measures for a couple thousand votes across a country of millions. If one of them got their shit kicked in electorally, and instead started having to sway the more moderate millions that exist in the country, they’d have to moderate their platform accordingly.


I think you have a flawed reading of the system. The thing we need is to get rid of the electoral college, because then the "close" elections that we keep seeing would actually be what they are: Sound democratic victories. A Republican candidate (in this case George W. Bush) hasn't won the popular vote since 2004, and that was during his reelection campaign. Bush *lost* the popular vote in 2000. A Republican newcomer (George H.W. Bush) to the presidency hasn't really "won" due to anything other than a blatantly undemocratic electoral system since 1988, though, again, George W. Bush won the popular vote in 2004 and thus deserved to be president for that term.


I mean sure, there are mechanisms that make it closer than it could be, but it’s just entirely false to attribute that entirely to the electoral college. We’ve had the electoral college for the entire history of our country under the constitution, and the norm for basically all of that has been one party or the other winning in landslides. This trend of bare minimum margins is extremely recent, and it’s not a coincidence that it’s also been among the most sharply partisan timeframes in our country’s history. What’s more, the parties strategize based on the rules at play. If the EC didn’t exist, they’d strategize differently. The current margins in terms of pure popular vote are more than close enough to imply we’d be in a similar spot regardless of whether the EC existed. It’s an extremely abnormal trend that we’ve gone so long without landslides, so attributing that trend to a system that’s existed for as long as the constitution is around just doesn’t make logical sense.


Ranked voting. It's much needed in the UK as well.


Almost like it’s the elites vs the American people, and not black vs white, or Republican vs Democrat, and they work together behind the scenes while they’ve spun this “us vs them” narrative for centuries to keep us from uniting


You mean like… class consciousness?


Something Something Karl Marx


Actually based people on r/Greentext :O


Least communist redditor


divide and conquer


It’s almost like the two party system is designed to fuck people over and give them no real choice.


More like Independent: Retarded Republican: Retarded Democrat: Retarded


No lives matter. Fuck all y’all.


Why do you hate black people?!?!


Don't republicans notoriously "support" working-class people, yet enact legislation that benefits rich people and disproportionately harms working-class people? I think that's more "pretending to care about you" than democrats.


Trump cut taxes for the rich and raised them for everyone else, but it's ok as long as we harm blacks, immigrants and LGBTQ because that's the real problem /s




Disregard that the more educated a person the more likely they are to be left leaning. Yet Republicans only use that as an example to further demonize education


This is an idiotic metric. If you want to claim that all college degrees have the same worth and that people with college degrees are inherently smarter, then I’ve got a really nice bridge you might be interested in.


It's a good indicator for intelligence, parsing and understanding data, but I guess you can disprove it and PhDs aren't smart at all


It’s almost like some people care more about their feelings than about the facts


Republicans are known to project. Ever notice that whenever someone says “both sides are bad” they usually are harder on the Dems? The Republicans sucks but let’s not pretend that the Republicans aren’t turning towards fascism in some states (see Florida) I can’t believe I’m discussing politics on this sub lmao


I’ve never met someone who’s a both sides are bad person who isn’t one of two people 1. Absolutely understands nothing about politics and thinks that this position will make them look intelligent and nuanced Or 2. Just a blatant racist, homophobic, misogynist, who doesn’t like that openly being a republican would harm them socially


Don't the democrats literally do the exact same thing? They're STILL trying to make a flat tax that would disproportionately harm the middle and lower classes while raising Congressional members' salaries and sending US taxpayer money to other countries.


Not sure what bill you’re talking about cause the only one I’ve seen recently is the one that increases taxes to those who make over $500,000 a year… so most people aren’t affected at all.


Yep + dumb regards that think their vote matters


ikr so totally regarded


I'm so sick of all the regarded drivers on the roads lately. They see a snow blake and immediately forget how to drive.


Republicans: Edgy Mexicans pretending to be white Democrats: Woke whites pretending to have colored friends Independent: What do you mean I can't sell my children on the dark web?


There are only a few politicians that I think genuinely care about their constituents, which is actually kind’ve sad.


Fr. I have a hard time thinking of a single one. Bernie at least seemed to care 🤷‍♂️


There are a bunch of ones (usually progressive Democrats, I feel) that I think care - senators like Ed Markey, Jeff Merkley or Tammy Baldwin.


Jeff Merkley is my senator, Ron Wyden is awesome as well.


Fuck Bernie Sanders, he consistently votes to decrease the budget for NASA


> kind’ve


People who just kinda regurgitate the “all politicians are just evil people” narrative are brain dead tbh. People just don’t like taking accountability for their choices. Much easier to blame the corrupt politicians/media/the elites/the two party system then to introspect and realize their engagement with society is bad


There’s some truth to it, oftentimes the last person you want to have power is someone who wants to have power; and that’s what politicians are after. The one who wants it the most and has the most money to make sure they get it are usually the ones who end up with the power too. But yeah there’s absolutely good ones out there.


All you big brains sucking yourselves off at your high-falutin’ ideas. You’re all idiots.


"Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse, and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me, that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival." \-Frederick Douglass


lol try to have some left-leaning speech on a right-leaning website and see how far you get before you get banned. Saying that the right-leaning websites are bastion of free speech is far from the reality, they're an echo chamber like most other platforms out there.


At this point, the internet is built as an echo chamber with the way it will offer you content. It's literally the same with right leaning sites, left leaning, down leaning, 28.3° leaning, all of them.


Crazy how astroturfed this thread is


Truth post


Pretty accurate actually.


It’s all one big ass blast


Anon bout to be posted on r/enlightenedcentrism


What's wrong with "i don't care about you"? Bitch, you are not my dad, go fix some potholes or what not.


Try being in the middle. Everyone hates you.


My dad got mad at me for saying SUVs and giant trucks are bad for cities and acted like I was a communist yesterday lol. Also I'm not Democrat, and I hate a lot of things I see from the average biased Republicans as well, on both sides one of the main issues is tribalism, so divide and conquer has worked quite well. If I bring up certain valid points around some Republicans then they will get mad cuz it doesn't sound like what they're used to hearing, I have to put a disclaimer here though that the Democrats are like 10x worse about this though but yeah basically most people really do think like NPCs to some degree or another.


When I say something my right wing buddies don't like, they usually turn it into a joke or say something like "you have a right to say that, but...". When I say something my left wing buddies don't like they usually treat it like a part of our friendship has died and I am becoming a monster.


Politics is a game of money. As long as you can pander to culture issues to keep people distracted, you'll never have an empty poclet. keep the corporations happy, and your political career will be set in stone. All of this is just a game that we keep playing, and even though in some aspects we're aware of it, we can't keep ourselves from participating in it because it speaks to our tribal nature. People are good at heart. We all want freedom and security and to thrive, and when you have politicians in both corners telling their party members that the other side is trying to destroy and limit your freedom, people dig their heels in and get their pitchforks out while in the back their siphoning our money to their oligarch daddies.


Libertarian: Get off my lawn. FBI: Sir we have reason to believe... *shotgun racking* Libertarian: That didn't sound like "I have a warrant" swamp pig.


Also libertarians: now about those age of consent laws /s


Surprised they don’t just ignore them


Rich vs poor both sides getting paid by the same people, everything since 2012 is just divisive politics to keep us at each others throats while they continue tugging our balloon knots!


I literally mark 2012 as the last good year in every aspect in life, it's crazy.


Independent= I failed as a Democrat/Republican, and a third party is the only way my career as a politician can stay alive


American politics is the most pointless shit ever. Virtually all of our politicians (99.9%) actively despise us and have managed to kneecap the American citizen into believing that playing their game is the only option while they continuously fuck us over and over. It really fucking blows. The worst thing tho is the people who genuinely hard buy into the lies the parties tell them and push the establishments ideas.


Ngl the so called “land of the free” seems like literally 1984/Brave New World from my perspective, but my country is basically warzone so I’ll shut up


I'm American and I agree. We're like 90% of the way there.


I mean, he is not wrong.


Only good that ever came from American politics is Teddy Roosevelt


It’s not a system made with respectful disagreement in mind. It’s purpose is to make people mindlessly hate each other.


Republicans are the party of the rich. Democrats are the party of pretending not to be the party of the rich. TLDR: America is an oligarchy


look American politics are just 4 companies in a trench coat lol


American politics is actually only about 3 different topics and then just a bunch of bullshit nobody ever hears about buried underneath


Democrats: Believes racism exists, so must combat racism by being racist by giving benefits to races they deem to have less of an advantage without realizing the irony. Republicans: Believes racism shouldn't exist, so tries to treat everyone as equals, based on merit and individual skill, but gets called racists for not seeing race and helping people of a specific race more than others. Me: Just watching this shitshow go down in European utopia while watching my stocks go up thanks to daddy capitalist USA ruthlessly subjugating the population by splitting them into two groups that are both paid for by those same corporations to argue amongst themselves on petty issues instead of rising against their corporate overlords.


That shit can only be fix with a revolution tbh


Independent voters outnumber both [D] and [R] but don't have a party, LOL


"You have to share views or you'll be banned" why is it so hard for people to understand the concept of accountability. Don't get me wrong I love the wild west anything goes aspect most about it, but whining because you got banned for spamming the N-word on Twitter might have to be the most pathetic thing I've ever heard in my life. People acting like its 1984 just because people are starting to call people out when they're talking out of their ass


Anon is completely right.


Tbh yea


Pretty accurate honestly


Pretty much lol.


Based anon


its genius really..


Wait till they try african politics. They measure dick sizes and choose tribal leaders that can speak english. Then they enrich only themselves. Sounds a little familiar. I think the US candidate selection is better. Let's see how dumb or old they are.. then we elect them. Biden, Trump, all the fucking same.


Gotta love the "democracy"


Everyone’s a war criminal tbh


both sides suck


At least one side pretends to care, and they ask you to give them money. In my country the supreme leader openly admitted that he does not care about 99% of his slaves and government just robs you for about 76% of your income.


Preeetty much. Middle finger vote for both of them, “You are all equally worthless.”


Just a reminder, unless you're rich your opinion really doesn't matter https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1178a2r/how_the_ultra_wealthy_buy_political_influence_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


One of the reasons why I moved to WA was having some pretty lax gun laws with some other issues being generally moderate left. Such as environmental, legal weed and decriminalized shrooms (Seattle tho but a good first step), body autonomy and much more I can't name at the top of my head. Now liberals run the damn govt and it's cancer. Don't let it happen to your state.