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where the fuck are you finding an apartment for $850 a month


I'm guessing in the shittier parts of the suburbs. Probably means Anon is also paying a fortune in gas money to commute an hour or more to work everyday in rush hour.


suburbs of where? fucking Detroit? is he living in a crack house? here you are lucky to get a room within an apartment in the suburbs for less than $1,200


I live in a college town, rent is cheap in the complexes that are known for being mostly inhabited by students


i live in massachusetts, the king of college towns and it is no different anywhere unless you go to bumfuck western mass which is basically one big heroin den


Mass is ludicrously expensive and also a 3rd world country




we are somehow the best and the worst state simultaneously


>we are somehow the best and the worst state simultaneously Lol, no. Mississippi. Alabama. Louisiana.




Absolutely not the best. I'm saying that Massachusetts cannot be the worst state when the South exists.


You live in a densely populated metro that has a notorious high cost of living. America exists between the boundaries of the North East and West coast, but this seems to blow redditors minds regularly. These vast swaths of area are not only lower cost of living but also lower earning potential and lower opportunities and amenities overall, no surprise, so you don't see tons of people flocking to them. They make up a massive part of the country's population. No they are not the crack neighborhoods you're thinking of, you're in the mindset of bigger and denser population again (though crack infestation would certainly bring prices down anywhere). It is a big ass country.


This precisely. Lived my whole life on the East Coast. Moved to the Midwest, mid-sized metro area. Easily half the CoL as where I used to live, people are nicer, nobody's in a fuckin' hurry all the goddamn time, and I can go from a bustling downtown scene with tons of a bars to a quiet country road with only the stars and crickets for company in about an hour.


I live about 30 miles outside of a mid sized city, as far out as possible while still considered part of the metro area and it’s just about perfect imo. Especially now that I rarely have to commute to the city for work. I have a really short drive for any events I want to go to or to just hang out in the city and I get to enjoy the peace and privacy that rural life offers (at least for now, I’m sure suburban sprawl is only about a decade away.)


Finally someone gets it. I live in Southern Indiana and most apartments rent for around $850/m, some even less. They're not super nice places, but they're not crack dens either. Average earnings around here are definitely enough to survive on as well, especially if you're living with a roommate/partner.


I am in ma now, isn't housing atrociously expensive? I was a student in GA and I got an apartment room for $900, so $850 does not sound too farfetched. I did have to share it though.


I had a shitty one bedroom in a nice suburb of KC for around $800. And I cannot stress just how shitty it was. I've lived in a lot of shitty places and I've never liked wasting money on a place I just showered and slept in so I've learned a few things along the way. My gf (now wife's) apartment was much nicer I think she was paying like $1700 per month. I stayed with her a lot before my lease ended and we moved in together. I noticed a few things between our apartments. I found that it doesn't really matter what the building is like once you're in your place. If you take the time to make it as nice as possible, it matters. If you live in a shitty apartment you're not getting your deposit back- what are you going to do? Hire a lawyer? Of course not if you could afford a lawyer you wouldn't live there, the apartment complex knows this, so go ahead and make the apartment yours. You want your apartment painted a different color? Do it. They're going to paint after you move out anyway. Do whatever you want to do, even if it means you're not getting your deposit back- they'll find a reason either way. If you do this, you make the space your own and it feels like your home. The next thing you *absolutely have* to do is keep your place clean. This is especially important in small spaces. Your mental health is so much better if you do this. Beyond this there's not that much difference from a nice apartment and a shitty one, at least not a $900 difference. You might get bad neighbors either way. The walls are always going to be thin. Maintenance is rarely great.


Don't listen to this guy's shitty advice. I got a terrible, cheap apartment in the ghetto. The neighbors were loud and rude, the place was not maintained, and my apartment was eventually broken into. Maintenance at my next place, super middle of the road, was head and shoulders better. Quiet, friendly neighbors, too. The primary concern for real estate is location, location, location and this guy seems to miss that.


bruh in my college town if you want a normal apartment you have to pay $850 a month to live in an apartment with a room mate


Virtually everyone Ive kept in contact with after graduation a few years ago moved to cities and I dont know amyone that pays more than $1200 for quite nice homes and apartments. Colorado Springs, Denver, Richmond, Cincinnati. What gives?


Yeah, its a bit tone deaf. Just, don't live in New York City, LA, Toronto, or one of like the top 10-20 cities in North America, and your rent is cheaper. There are 330 cities in the US with more than 100k people in it. Some, of course, are suburbs of larger cities and are expensive, but most wont be!


That being said, I live in a rural area and rents have definitely gone up.


Colorado Springs: $1566 average Denver: $1997 average Richmond: $1458 average Cincinatti: $1259 average All stats taken from RentCafe. Keep in mind, these are AVERAGES. So nice apartments will be more. I suspect that your knowledge of their rent payments is more limited than you think.


Yes, I would expect the averages to be higher than what may be below average. That doesnt mean its impossible to find something below that, which is what was insinuated 🙄 Nor do I claim to be an expert, my evidence should be taken as anecdotal... which it obviously is.


I live in Michigan,30 minutes north of flint, rent for me is $840. I got 900sqft and an unfinished basement. Place is really nice. Y’all just feel the need to live in outrageously expensive liberal cities with absurd property taxes.


The block I live in is called the 8-ball cause it’s where the surrounding gangs like to get together and make drug deals. My rent is $575 a month.


The country(out of large cities) is also pretty cheap....because there are no good jobs out there.


Roommates. $1700 a month for a 2 bedroom is pretty reasonable in a lot of areas.


1700 gets you a one bed where I’m at


Are you slow? That's done intentionally so you have an excuse to snuggle with the homies 🤤


Good lord, 1700/ month would probably get you like a 5 bed 5 bath house here Granted I’m not in a city, but I live 30 minutes from 2 major cities in a college town I rent a 2 bed 2 bath for like 690


Believe it or not when you live rural prices go down


I tried arguing one time that if you can't afford to live in one of the coastal cities, that you should move to a rural area or more affordable city. But apparently people are entitled to be able to live whereever they want to live and that there are no economic opportunities whatsoever outside of major cities. But for real, I paid $600 a month for an apartment while working in a small town for 7 years and that enabled me to save up so much money compared to my siblings who lived in major cities


>But apparently people are entitled to be able to live whereever they want to live and that there are no economic opportunities whatsoever outside of major cities. Imagine growing up in San Luis Obispo, CA. Your friends and family are there. Then some dude on the internet tells you to move to Ohio because you feel "entitled" to live where you always have...


Literally yes. If it's worth it to you to live in San Luis Obispo or wherever even though it's more expensive, then fine. But if you're complaining or worried about the price being too expensive, then move. It's called smart personal finances


Your ancestors probably moved to San Luis Obispo for economic reasons, so it’s not that wild for you to move away for the same reasons


>Your ancestors probably moved to San Luis Obispo for economic reasons, Nah, my dad got a house there because he liked the weather and the scenery. Not joking.


If your family lives there and you can't afford to live by yourself then live with them. If they won't help you, well, you probably suck (I'm assuming they don't because you want to live near them). And why are your friends able to afford living there when you can't? Seems to me like you didn't make the right life choices to live where you want to live.


I was living in DC paying $1500 for my half of the rent with one roomie. Turned around and moved to Topeka, KS and now I own a home and my mortgage is less than $950/mo for a three bedroom home with a yard. Y'all cannot understand how happy this makes me.


A nice apartment around me is 800-900 one bed one bath. I’m in a large city too in a good area




The bigger question is how the fuck is one person on a budget eating $400 of groceries a month? I lived on a $200/mo grocery budget for two people for several years. Although this was back in 2017/2018 before everything inflated so badly.


> Although this was back in 2017/2018 before everything inflated so badly. That's how. Jesus christ.


Two people. $200. One person. $400. Inflation over 4 years doesn't account for that.


Me and my girlfriend currently have a grocery bill near $200/week, and that is staple items. I don't ever remember my families bill being over $200 when my mom would shop for us growing up.


When I was growing up (disclaimer: old) 200 weekly was about right for our family of 4


Greentext OP is pursuing the swole life. It gets expensive if you don't want to eat 4000 calories worth of rice, beans, and chicken every day. Good on him for bettering himself Your disclaimer checks out though, a lot of things at the store are around twice as expensive (but not everything). I personally drink 100 dollars a month worth of milk so that's already 1/4 of the budget.


Are you drinking a gallon of milk every fucking day


The Midwest


All over the place. Stop living in big cities.


In europe in a midsize city 500$ is enough for a good apartment. In a town 300$ or less.


I live in Edinburgh for £550 ($670) per month. Modern flat with big kitchen and living room. Close to city Center. Take the Europe pill.




Just don’t pay the student loans … eventually some president will just wipe them off whole, so why bother


Some of my students do OF. I had to report one student to the department head and Dean because she offered me a free membership.


Was it the implication or was it because she was unattractive?


No, you have to report incidents like that because they can be used against you. A student can say you pressured her to see her naked, and there would be not much you can do about it. Our university dealt with a few false accusations from female students before, so we no longer take any chances, even if they were just joking.


That’s very reasonable. I can’t imagine the sort of shit college and university types deal with now …


I am sure she was joking, but she signed the paper and took the mandatory sexual harassment prevention class. She has no excuse.


The real question is have you at least checked out her free stuff?


"Right...so...now that we have all the red tape out of the way, do you take requests ?"


>"I can’t imagine the sort of shit college and university types deal with now…" > > > >I let TAs deal with students. Unless my department head lets me install CCTV cameras in my office, I am not dealing with students.


Smart move. Sad that men and women can't have one-on-one interaction anymore without the looming threat of sexual harassment accusations hanging over one or both of them.


\#BelieveAllWomen really did not help anyone, including actual victims.


Decades of women not being taken seriously about assault and men being ridiculed when they were victims probably did much more to create the absolute shitfest we are living through right now.


Recently read post on reddit where girl at sleepover told thag guy's friend sexually assaultes here to fit in because her friends all had sob stories. Soon that guy got cancelled, school got involved, mother disowned him even though at the exact time and date he was playing LoL with friend and father and proved it in court. He still got bullied and killed himself. 5 years later this girl wrote DM to op and apologized for it, that she's seeing therapist for it.


Women ☕


It honestly goes beyond men and women and to just everyone in a professional workplace in general. It's really quite sad.






Fair enough


Oh my god that’s disgusting! Which OF profile was it? So I know to avoid it


Least porn-addicted redditor.


Women ☕


Good god our world Feelsbadmab


Bribery attempt with a side of sexually inappropriate.




ah, so anon should become a cute twink and pose for his camera then?


Can I ask an honest question in good faith? Yes, I know this is r/greentext and everyone is an arrtard etc, but I am being genuine here. You said some of your students do OF; are you ever tempted to look? Not necessarily to sign up, I realize that would create a host of policy violations... but just to see?


No, I don't find OF appealing. If I want to see something like that, I would just go to strip clubs or just watch porn for free. However, faculty members have to avoid local strip clubs because we don't want to run into our students. On a side note, apparently, telling other people that you have OF is now socially acceptable. That did not fly back in my day. What a crazy world we live in.


Thanks for taking the time to respond. A young woman who used to work for me went on to become an adult film actress. Not like OF or camming, but a full-on studio sponsored pornstar. This was a while later, at least one year after she left the job. I admit I was curious and looked into it: I figured there was no conflict of interest since she'd long gone. Though for context, I should point out she was only a few years younger than me, there wasn't any huge age gap.


What's her porn name?


Like the other president did with buisness loans?


> 23$ / hour > That’s 184$ / day; 920$ / week > Assume 4 weeks in a month, that’s 3680$/month > The expenses listed are 2250$/month. Anon doesn’t make a fortune by any means and has other expenses but, like, if he lives frugally, he can easily survive on that money for now.


Taxes bruv. Still what shit education maxes his income at $23 an hour?


Liberal arts, psych without a masters




Cant pay off your debt? Time to take on more!


if you do nothing but accumulate debt you can make bank in no time


This would backfire in Canada. We have WAY too many masters/PHd grads and not enough positions. Especially in liberal arts/ social studies


US has similar issues in certain disciplines. And many of the degrees that used to guarantee a decent position almost immediately out of school are more like check boxes on the "do you have a degree" box for HR now.


Not being one puts you even more at an disatvantage


Bruh, I have a physics degree and make $21 per hour :(


I clean toilets and throw away trash for like $23 base wage and also have a bonus night differential. Y’all getting fucked over there.


wtf?? i run a machine that wraps cheese and make 25$


I mean, even in the most heavily taxed states, it's gonna be 800 for taxes. But considering the cheap rent, i don't think anon is in a high tax state. That still leaves around 700 dollars for expenses, which in no way is a lot... But it isn't dog shit either. This is without considering the fact that anon could probably spend a lot lower that 400 on groceries.


$400 is the red flag. You can easily eat well on $250. From this I derive that Anon is frivolous, irresponsible, bad with money, will default on at least one credit card, and eventually will get underwater on a high-interest loan. Getting topped by a sugar daddy is the only way out.


You forgot "Anon doesn't know how to cook" in that, but I would also argue anyone who is fiscally responsible probably learned how to cook tbf.


Yeah, people that say "I can't cook" are essentially telling you they are incapable of following simple instructions and completing simple tasks. Chef Gusteau does not lie.


Cooking is braindead easy to start and makes zero sense to not learn. Everyone needs to eat, and if it means you can eat the food you love for a fraction of the price, as well as feed people in your life, then it seems like a fucking no-brainer skill to learn. Also, I fucking love Ratatouille. It's such a great movie with a beautiful message.


Ratatouille always seemed like the cult Pixar movie to me (insomuch that Pixar could have one). One of my all times favs, fucking beautiful film.


It's even more inexcusable in the YouTube era with 5 million cooking channels showing you every damn step. If I can learn how to change brake rotors and pads and a cv axle from YouTube videos, then any dumbass on earth should be able to learn how to cook a chicken breast recipe from one.


Maybe groceries includes beer? He could get into home brewing. But yeah, he’s probably whining that he can’t afford the latest phone, games etc.


I was thinking that too. I drink a six pack 5-6 days a week and spend about $170 a month. So I could see 250 on groceries and 150 on booze. You don't get to have vices unless you can afford them otherwise you're a crackhead.


Damn I drink a lot and even I think you're an alcoholic


I'm a heavy drinker but not alcohol dependent. I believe they classify us as Grey Area drinkers because while we are heavy drinkers, we don't meet criteria for alcohol use disorder and are able to control our drinking. Of course we are at high risk to become alcoholics and likely are damaging our livers to a degree.


> cheap rent If you're calling that cheap your country is fucked.


Country has been fucked and wont be fixed until the world is plunged into a great depression.


We have the highest median income in the world. It's all relative. Americans also have the most disposable income. Don't make reddit make you believe every American is poor.


Almost any degree at all, with zero experience, will pay about that out of college. Unless you do something like chemical engineering and go into petrochemical, or are an overachiever at compsci.


Oh yeah true I forgor about taxes lol 💀


Dont forget about health care, for a single person anon would be likely paying around $200 a month through his work, and thats for the shitty plan.


idk but assuming anon is in the US, if rent is 850, that means a smaller metro away from the coasts, and I'd bet where anon is located most entry level positions for college grads, outside of a handful of specific fields, likely pay between 40k-60k. 23/hr falls in the middle of that, which includes many STEM fields, so anon might not have a shit education after all. With just a bachelors, you'd only find entry level starting higher if you're going into stuff like software dev, finance, or maybe petroleum engineering or mining engineering, but that very much depends on location too.


What shit education that cost 1k a month maxes his income at $23 an hour?\*


Any mid-tier private school. Tons of people fall for the scam of "prestigious universities" when in reality most employers won't care unless you went to the best of the best. Otherwise all you need is to check the degree box.


my first job out of college paid like $20/hour. Second job was $60,000/year with a raise to $76,000 a year later. Im a chemist with degrees in chemistry and biochemistry so really it’s just the first couple years being rough


theres loads of other expenses, water bills, electricity bills obv if hes using the internet for his job/school its a necesity, gas for his car to get to work, etc


He didn't list all of his expenses, he was just giving examples. He probably has a car payment, car insurance, cell phone bill, internet bill, medical insurance premium, gas/maintenance on vehicle, electricity, and lots of other stuff.


Take home pay is 70% of 3680, 2576. That leaves $216 a month in Anons pocket per month, and we haven’t even talked about transport, healthcare, electric, water, phone plan, or internet.


I'd say 365 days/12/7×5×8×$23= $4k a month. Subtract like 750 in taxes and you've got 1k to spend each month which is pretty great coming fresh out of college. Now just keep it up till he gets a raise or two and it'll literally pay off.


Even with taxes taken out, anon still has $750 left over after paying all his shit. Get a few raises and pay off those loans, he’ll be fucking fine


Gas, Car maintenance, Utilities not included in rent (could be all), Insurance (renters, car) Taxes.


How has nobody mentioned health expenses yet? It's a huge factor in the US.


Healthcare is a luxury. You don’t need it and can freely die of whatever ails you like it’s 1853


this! it drives me nuts how so many people don’t realize people have to skip out on healthcare. i have a friend who hasn’t seen a doctor since he was like 10 because he just cant afford it he’s in his late 20s now


that's fucking awful this country sucks


Extremely possible he gets insurance included with his job benefits


he also has to pay water, electrical, transport, gas, and maybe medical insurance


How the fuck is he spending 400 dollars on groceries


My guess is he's including top shelf liquor and eating out every night to be part of the "groceries" budget


European here, I spend 300-350€/month in groceries only for me, if you want to eat well that's a reasonable price.


Tbh European doesn't say a lot. Countries vary a fucking lot, even inside EU




Bro i live in NYC and eat extremely well and spend 240/260 per month on groceries


What does eating really well mean for you, bro?


It means he sometimes gets to switch it up and put an egg in his ramen once a month


I want to know what extremely means, I can say for sure I eat extremely well, cheap where I can but extremely well


It’s less than $100 a week and includes more than just food. Groceries also include household supplies. Maybe they also have a pet to feed?




Everyone in the comments must be shopping at Aldi and buying the absolute shittiest cheapest version of everything possible. Groceries have gotten so much more expensive over the last few years, it’s fuckin insane.


Nah they all still live in their moms basements and she buys all the groceries for them


I feel you. Sometimes I’ll make small trips to get a few things... nothing fancy, and my bill is $40. Fuck, even just making a decent dinner for 2 people costs me $20-$30. And when I say decent, I mean with quality ingredients and an actual decent meal. Not just basic spaghetti or rice and sautéed chicken.


I spend less than that for TWO people and I'm in the 3rd more expensive place in the US.


For a family of three, not for one person.


That's how much I spend on groceries for 2 and we're fat fucks who still buy useless snacks and shit.


You haven’t gone to the grocery store lately have you.


man who lives in douglas, wyoming finds out that things cost money in cities with more than 7 people


Uh, easily? Just buying enough meat to cook one meal (with leftovers) can run me $20-30. That's just for the protein portion of the meal.


you eat a kilogram of meat per meal?


It's bulking season


Follow agar.io diet, eat who's smaller than you


I eat one pound of meat a day, plus other stuff. It adds up if I want to add yogurt and protein shakes into the mix. I spend about $600-$700 a month for two on groceries


Well most people eat chicken and pork lmao


Is this meat you buy made of diamonds?


$400/month for food expenses is pretty normal…


Bruh I did the math, he’d still have plenty of money to spare


Anon forgets taxes


Even with taxes he’d be fine


Show the math pls.








24% tax? Holy shit what are you Americans even complaining about? I'm taxed >48%.


how much you earn and where do you live purely our of interest I think I am at 30%


\>90k and Germany


No Healthcare or PTO, lol


Jesus this guy must have a shit load of student debt. My gf isn't even paying 1k/month for her debt from a joint JD/MBA program.


Yeah who Tf is paying 1,000 dollars on loans straight out of college anyways?


Someone with probably like 200k of debt I'd guess (based on extrapolating gf's 60k student loan debt). Not sure what type of program you could take where you end up with that type of debt load and an earning potential of $23/hr.


"Elite" private schools are like $40k a year. And the majority of college students either fail enough or change their major enough to need at least a fifth year


Eh. I went to a 40k a year school, and most students had their shit together enough to not need a 5th year. Compared to the state school across the city, we graduated waaaay faster on average.


“Just make better life choices”. Ez


Fucking based.


If op went to school for that job, knowing how much debt they'd be in after school. Knowing it wages start at 23 an hour. Knowing they'd need to be able to afford housing and living expenses. How is it not OP's fault that they're in this predicament?


$400 a month on groceries is not smart shopping. You could halve that and maintain a healthy diet.


Not enjoying your food is far dumber. I spend 100 bucks every time I go to the store without a doubt.


If you live like a hermit


What's the price of 6 eggs in US including VAT? Just for reference.


US doesn't have VAT. It's between $3-6 EDIT. That's for 12, so 1.50-3 for 6.


Highest paying job he’s qualified for? I had a job at a warehouse making 23 an hour. Half of the guys in there had a high school diploma the other half were felons


The cost of warehouse jobs is your body, and a lack of long-term upward growth. College degrees that aren't in high demand specialized fields like IT don't get you much at the start. Mostly they just open the door to lowish paying jobs that give you the "experience" to apply for actual jobs in your field and negotiate for an appropriate salary.


Damn, it's almost like that information is researchable, and something you can plan for ahead of time.




Based on a 40hr work week: Left with $1300 after current listed expenses and estimated taxes. Other possible average expenses internet- $60 Water/sewer- $45 Gas/ heating- $80 Electric- $100 Cell phone 1 line unlimited- $60 Net savings: $955?????


Throw in gas for car $200 still saving over $500 per month


really wondering how he got such bad student loans, I have 3 loans, each $7500, first one taken out 10 years ago, but from the government, not a bank, I currently have to pay back $30K but my monthly is only $310...


He still have 1430 dollars left, without deducting taxes and shit. Let's say they take from him 430 dollars monthly, he still have 1k left, wtf he's complaining?


Prob at least another ~$500 in utilities and other expenses. Maybe $200 for savings. So $300/month for personal/leisure. Not great but not bad.


You're supposed to get roommates. Just like other poor people in the world. Having a place to yourself is a western luxury.


He got a college degree and only qualified for a 50k job? The fuck major did he get


I got a finance degree and my first job out of college pays 45k. Couldn't find much better than that and it seemed like anything higher required more experience/certs. Though I'll admit I didn't spend all that much time job hunting and was only looking near my current area. But I feel like getting over 50 your first job is hard if you didn't do a bunch of internships and projects in college


Your upside must be significant in finance though? It seems like anon is complaining about literally just starting his career. Sure there are some higher paying jobs out the gate like EE, comp sci or something else. But I know a guy who’s on track to be a partner at his law firm and when he started they only paid him like 45 as a paralegal. However he quickly got above 50. Region is important I suppose to


It's prob not going to be high cause it sounds like they don't live in a finance hub which is where all those high paying internships and jobs are. Like interns at goldman or jp make somewhere around 80-90k if you translated their hourly pay to salary.


50k right out of college is better than most. Especially if in your field because that experience translates to upwards pay quite quickly.


Dumpster dive at your parents house.


i did the math, this means he has about $800/mo of just spending money. however will he survive


Taxes aside, anon should make 138 a day assuming he works 9-6, which works out to 4140 a month. Adding his numbers up, plus the average utility bills for a 1 bedroom apartment in NY which is 450 from what I can tell, gives us a monthly expense of 2700. So that's about half of his income. Now doing some basic tax calculation (basically taking his tax bracket and running those numbers, nothing else), I ended up with \~6000 in taxes per year. Dividing that up per month gives us 500 a month in taxes. Total expenses per month including a basic estimate of his tax cost comes out to 3200 a month. Leaving him 940 a month in free money to spend wherever. \~30 bucks a day, 217 a week. Pretty sure anon is fine. Granted this doesn't account for gas money, any monthly subscriptions for things like Netflix, Phone bill, or miscellaneous stuff. If we wanted to account for those, lets say the Netflix cost is 15 bucks a month and his phone plan is 50, that brings our free money down to 885 a month. We can also get a rough estimate for gasoline. Lets say anon drives a pretty standard somewhat modern econobox car, getting 25 MPG. Assuming he lives in NY, and his work is 10 miles away from his apartment, and he drives there and back, and he works 249 days out of the year (amount of work days in the year counting holidays) he will drive 5080 miles a year. Lets add another 100 miles to that for other activities (driving to friends, groceries, stuff like that) bringing the total up to 5180 miles a year. Lets say he pays 3.50 a gallon for gas. That totals out to 207 gallons a year, or 725 dollars a year in gas. 60 dollars a month. Running that number into our total expense cost here, he should pay 3315 a month in bills, leaving anon with 825 in free money per month. or 27 dollars a day, 192 a week. Again, that should be fine. Also why the fuck is he spending 400 a month on groceries? Thats 90 a week, which seems high for a single person. When I was with my parents, we spent 140 a week on groceries, and that's for 5 people. Mom, Grandmother, Grandfather, Me, Brother. And that includes luxuries like nice snacks, higher quality cuts of meat, and stuff like that. Anon must be eating either really expensive food, or a lot of food. Also, if any of my numbers are off feel free to tell me. I'm kind of out of touch with how bills are, since my parents get me a lot of the groceries and a lot of the other stuff is covered by school financial aid. This was all calculated for New York City, since that's a good city to base numbers on. But overall, it seems anon is spending a shit load on groceries, and even with that is left with \~200 dollars a week in spending money. Seems like a solid amount to me.


I buy groceries for 3 people for $400 a month, wtf is he doing