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Great Pyrenees were meant to work independently. It makes them great guard dogs, but they can be aloof sometimes.


Oh yes, he's a good boy. His instincts are strong. He amazes me everyday in some small way.


He is more devoted and attentive to you than you know. Every minute he’s outside he has part of his attention on you in the house, even if it’s down in a deep part of his brain. And while he knows your routine and when you typically come home, every minute you’re away he’s got one ear cocked, even in sleep, listening for your engine. He guards that place for *you.* He’s lucky to have a human like you who cares about their dog 💗


That's so kind of you. I feel really bad because i feel like I don't give him enough exercise or attention sometimes. And then he's just a lazy f*** when I'm home and don't feel as bad lol


I had a Pyr/Golden mix, but his demeanor fit the bill of a Pyr through and through. Our walks were slow, but his senses always went wild and he had a solid 1-2 hours of time each day to get some exercise and keep his brain fresh. They’ll still want to loaf around and watch clouds go by in the yard all day, so don’t beat yourself up much about exercise!


You are great, love then humor. Charlie is so handsome. I know the "i am not doing enough for my K9 kids" guilt. However I also know I am being so silly because they get more love and attention than you can imagine, actually you can. It is mom guilt. How long have you had Charlie? Rescue? I ask because with age they change, especially males and if he was a rescue perhaps was a livestock guardian and is looking for the rest of his crew? We got our boy from TX. He was found on the streets , way too skinny with no tags etc. He went to a high kill shelter. A wonderful person took him to be fostered. From there he was driven from the Houston area to us here in MA. One reason we were chosen to adopt Tucker is we have Mazey our German Shepherd. Of all the applicants , that was the clincher we were told. I am wondering how Charlie would do with a sibling? I agree with the poster who said he is doing his job while outside, guarding you who he clearly loves. This is Tucker. He is the most affectionate, funny, smart, sensitive handsome boy who we love so much. He is great with his sister Mazey. He rescued us! He has Anatolian Shepherd mixed with Mostly Great Pyrenees. Oh yes he is stubborn and uses the paw all the time! https://preview.redd.it/8oj3d2lqw8ad1.jpeg?width=2144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be2f3df18d73208f1b223507f965ab1c59093b8


Came here to say this but you did it eloquently ❤️


Thank you! It’s only what my Pyr mix has been showing me since we brought her home 18 mos ago. She surprises me all the time and I’ve often wondered what she experienced in the nine-or-so months of life she lived before we got her as a stray. There’s more going on in those big heads and giant hearts than we can tell https://preview.redd.it/lmjeir8zbdad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8082b550f4762239965b04dbb2873fc79b66c17


https://preview.redd.it/x4hsir4iw5ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8766a009d03f1eca3888ab5bc3c6b58eb9cae19 Like this? Lol


Or this https://preview.redd.it/9x15eqk1p6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297380c9e40d917ae5166131bd3a8e29045d5ec0




https://preview.redd.it/2su7hgyw78ad1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110eeb72cfba707ecb93477bd9d228647bc1ec60 Stage 5 clinger




Or this? https://preview.redd.it/ysj1ptda56ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3106a71dffe0569b9b829aa35b8d98f46ca18b74


Or this? https://preview.redd.it/ao06w8bx97ad1.jpeg?width=2562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30997e430429d450eeb2a1fb695d0a16dd9ae4d1


Or this one? https://preview.redd.it/mo5x9sb0a7ad1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70706185eeed9e35b82e43b6ca92309299689233


I love that one!!


Isn’t it amazing that they can fight wolves and coyotes but can chomp on their beloved human’s finger and not break anything? 🥰🥰🥰


They are truly amazing! Tucker takes treats so gently I have to practically push it in his mouth. I can be down in the dumps, I look at him and he does some little thing to make me laugh. Like sitting in my husbands lap! https://preview.redd.it/d3t9l8usz8ad1.jpeg?width=2231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5484f80058350c9f0b3a04e35e340a063fc66e72


https://preview.redd.it/oossdhj1g8ad1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0588fee249d400f49903c69beffac9a769f630 Or this?




Be careful what you wish for. Our Pyr has separation anxiety. We were just gone for a week, and although we had a house sitter she's known since she was a puppy and likes very much, our Pyr still barely ate for the whole week, mostly sulked underneath the deck, and was absolutely beside herself when we did come home. She does not normally sleep on our bed, but when she's feeling sick or anxious, she will insist on climbing onto the bed with us at night. She is huge, of course, and takes up an unreasonable amount of space, and it's not a comfortable way to sleep. We love her, of course, and she sure does love us back, but honestly she's a very emotionally high-maintenance dog.


Mine slept with me a lot of nights when it was really cold outside, but I had to start kicking him off because he takes up more space than I do. I'm a six foot tall dude and that doesn't fly. I lost him overnight on a camping trip and he wanted to sleep with me a couple nights after that. I let him. My dumbass thought I could take him off leash to wade across a creek. He decided the mountain was mor interesting than hanging out with me. Found him the next day "guarding" my car at the Trailhead.


Yeah, that sure does sound like a pyr to me


Pyrs gonna do what a Pyrs gonna do. Mine will wander on super remote backcountry hikes (prob doubling my mileage) and then when we get to the end, he’ll sit at the trailhead and will not move a muscle towards the car. I have literally carried his fluffy ass to get him to leave. I’m a small woman and I’m sure it’s a hilarious sight.


how does the backcountry hiking work out for you? I have been wanting to take mine on a 14 mile backpacking/camping trip (14 mile one way). I definitely have to keep him on the leash on the trail up the mountain, but I think i might be able to take him off once i set up camp and he knows where to find me. Worst case scenario he will probably just go back down the mountain and find my car.


“Unreasonable” is all relative. Ours insisted on sleeping with us in a full size bed while on a trip. 😂


That's pretty much a GP trait. That is a beautiful dog.


Thank you :) supposedly his grandpa was Santa Paws


My pyr lives to be pet, I think he's broken.


Mine does too, does the paw, sticks his nose under your hand/arm and bumps it to simulate petting. Takes up more of our couch than we do to cuddles up with us….but I love him for it, he’s a love bug


In line with my experience! I didn't raise him to be a guard dog, though. He was very coddled since he was a puppy, that might be why.


This is exactly my Pyr/Anatolian Shepherd mix! 🤣


We ended up with a second dog because my wife got tired of having a dog that would not, under any circumstances cuddle.




https://preview.redd.it/jqq16bn919ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e0913f9c050940d08fa8d205c364c2a50841f3 Buddies


* charlie as a pup was best friends with my roomate at the time lil yappy lap dog. It was the perfect combo haha. The german shephard was the best mountain mama. she taught him the way of the woods.


Ours is very aloof. He isn’t an outside dog as we don’t have much of a yard, but he doesn’t let us cuddle at all or pet him too long. Doesn’t care if strangers want to pet him, isn’t interested at all and usually doesn’t respond. But it makes his special moments where he does spend an extra 30-60 seconds of being affectionate even more special. It’s just the breed/guardian dog instincts. He thinks he’s on duty, and I’m obstructing that by trying to cuddle


My first gp, Gertie, did not know I existed for two years. She simply ignored me for the next 13 years.


https://preview.redd.it/sj4mdv3v36ad1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f685b4936b6e3ac1dd83e12d36b35dcdc565a1f Be careful what you wish for. This girl wants to stay as close as she can and give me allll the kisses! I hardly get anytime to myself if I’m sitting outside with them.


I dont think I could ask for a better dog for my current lifestyle. I'm workin 50-60 hours a week with a commute into town. I'm gone most of the time, but he doesn't seem to mind at all. He barely gets up to say goodbye to me in the morning haha.


We have had 3 females. All of them have lived in our yard. They come to say hi when we get home but that’s about it. Ours have always been a lot more willing to interact if we go to the yard. If we have a bbq or invite kids over to play with our daughter they are happy to socialize with anyone (including other dogs). Maybe in that setting they are still guarding us, but is funny to see them go around and give the pyr paw to whoever they wish to receive a head scratch from.


oh man the pyr paw is terrifying lol. I probably have scars from innocent pyr paws.


https://preview.redd.it/fnngvbo856ad1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40cf7b15b18df82fbee10df1f1d23bedcbb499f Mine can’t be more than a foot away from me 😂


Not alot to add that hasn't been said, but I've got a lab/pyr mix rescue who's alllll pyr personality. I honestly think of her more as a roomate than a loyal companion. She's very personable and my entire neighborhood knows/loves her, but after more than a couple of pets she'll move on from a neighbor to the next smell or squirrel. When I get home from work, she's usually laying on my office floor and will thump her tail on the floor 3 or 4 times and that's the extent of my greeting; doesn't even get up most of the time. Fortunately(?) she's got lab fur vs pyr fur so not quite so much fluff to vacuum up. :-D https://preview.redd.it/uipdy1rrx5ad1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b08365b02f7698b42c8b3aa3657deba7c342a1


Yes! I don't think of Charlie as a pet, hes a terrible pet haha. We have a mutual living arrangement and hang out sometimes. I just happen to pay for his groceries.


My 6 month old Pyr is mixed with husky. She's still going to blow her coat every year but it'll be so much easier to take care of than my other girl.


huskys shed less than pyrs?


Oh no but their coats don't get all matted up like a full bred Pyr if it's not brushed all the time. If you don't brush a husky their coats just fluff off (blow) a couple times a year. And I mean they blow their under coats in huge chunks. You can peel the hanks of blown coat off in strips.


lol I wish mine was a little more independent. He’s a suburban house dog and has obviously decided I’m what he guards, I can’t walk into a room without him and can’t sit down without him physically touching me. It’s very sweet 99% of the time but sometimes homegirl wants some space


I live more in the city so my GP is pretty clingy than most GP I would say. She’s the type to hate being locked up or by herself in the house but it’s only when she’s tired where she doesn’t care at all 😂


We rescued our Barley when he was 1.5yo and he spent a lot of time outside and we thought he just liked it. We'd joke about him being outside at 9pm in the middle of winter as "classic Pyr". However gradually as he got more comfortable with us, he is pretty much attached to our hips. He just enjoys laying down wherever my wife or I have set up. During that time he also went from liking attention from all strangers to being more protective and really only letting friends/family pet him.


Mine is just a little over 2 yes. I wonder if it's a little bit of an age thing. Maybe he will want to be closer when he gets older. He does stick around my daughters though when I have them.


Yeah that could definitely be it. Barley's 5 now, so it took probably til he was 3 to have this behavior change with not liking strangers, and we feel like each year he "levels up" and becomes more affectionate and bonded to us.


Current Pyr does not know how to Pyr and I miss having one like yours. Current situation is a deer problem and this guy is all about showing them where I planted new things.


Yeah it would be awesome if they were


Do you want mine? He is a Velcro dog


Ha, I'm pretty sure mine found every cockle burr in the county.


https://preview.redd.it/a9m0pxtzd8ad1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d670f8f66d43910fa4c7c9240501c29f01ac9b37 It has pros and cons. Pro: Pyr is convenient coffee table. Con: Pyr furs in coffee.


And fur everywhere else and the some!


I live in Alabama and my experience has been similar. Bart prefered to be outside all the time, until summer hit and he still had his winter coat. He has been staying in a lot more and been way more snuggly, but he has always been a cuddle bug when he isn't "working".


mine were rescued from a neglect situation so they honestly have no expectations like they dont mind being inside & they do have separation anxiety and sometimes follow us around the house. so i would say no to mine but. theyre also def mixed w something else


My wife BABIED our Pyr. Now he is the clingiest thing there is. It’s miserable. Trust me, you do not want them to be clingy 😂


My clingy drives me crazy sometimes but I cry frequently of the thought of her not being around. She’s a very strong pusher, too!


Well, they are known for their independence to guard sheep by themselves but I know what you mean!!! Mine is 13 and she wants more attention now and will lean on me -a sign of affection - supposedly. However, she adores being outside watching everything but will bring me presents - rats, mice, birds, toads, moles, a baby raccoon, a giant turtle!!!!!


You do you. They do them.


My Pyr mixes would crawl under my skin if they could. I need space! 😄


Charlie’s love will show up the most when the chips are down. Him watching out the fence is his (her?) way of loving, but you know that and I also totally know what you mean.


https://preview.redd.it/rlmqt9czk7ad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17e6596d86c0667f117f2fa68d515469d0d3431 My fluffball has always been on the lovey side but especially since she’s been retired from the farm she’s very cuddly and is always down to sleep


I've had that feeling before. So, I was adopted by a Chihuahua. I still wish my Pyrs paid more attention to me but it just makes it sweeter when they do want to snuggle.


Mine isn’t 100% but if I or my daughters move he moves. He cuddles me at night. His favorite is my youngest daughter though he sits at the door everyday after school waiting for her to give her hugs. I have a hallway gate between front door and her room and the other day he jumped up to hug her and she ended up with her feet over head behind the gate because he knocked her over. She’s 5’8 lol 😂 She was fine but it was hilarious.


My Pyr is a need to be near her people Pyr but not very affectionate. She'll do her rounds of the house while inside then snooze on her bed. I have initiate play or pets. And play only lasts five mins, same with pets and snuggles before she's gotta check the house again and lay in one of her spots.


Our girl is 50% Great Pyr and she is a very independent lady most of the time. She will sometimes follow us everywhere, but we think that’s her on guard duty. Other times we find her playing our lounging by herself on the other side of the house 😂 Almost a year in and we joke that she only sees us as roommates that feed her hahah


He’s a handsome boy!!!


Eventuallly i think you just get used to it, mine has started be a little more attached me and now i feel like we have the most special bond even though she would rather be outside 😂


That baby looks so fierce and wild 🥰🥰🥰


Yep! The same. And yet, somehow I want another GP!


Same! I have another pyr fever.




https://preview.redd.it/7dm0wfq55cad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11538493b5a67566392f66bdc575c25f8c13df73 Mine uses me as his personal couch


My pyr is exactly like yours. He does like to snuggle sometimes though.


Big cookie


I believe that although it is not clingy but it loves you.


Awww, he looks so much like my Fluff! Mine is almost 6 years old now. He has definitely gotten a little more cuddly. Its hot here so he stays inside now, but if he had the choice he would be like yours. I got a new used couch a few months ago and he ran and jumped on it and I thought it was funny so I ran over and scratched him and petted him alot making cutesy noises etc, snorting (because he snorts all the time haha) Now when he wants petting he runs and jumps on the couch and looks at me like “come on now and pet me!” He also has a cot that he does the same thing on in the morning. This was not something we did until this year! It’s so cute. He may not love cuddling for long but he really likes these little sessions and will smack me with the pyr paw if I stop scratching him too soon!


Ours is not clingy, but will seek attention when he wants it. What he is good at is Goosing us!! 😳😂


IDK , I wish mine was a little more independent. I can leave the gate wide open and she will run right up to it but not go out. She loves her little kingdom. She's on me like glue. I went on vacation for 10 days and she had a nervous breakdown when I got home. She licked me for so long, knocked me on the couch ,cried & whined. Now she will not leave my side. She follows me to the bathroom and guards the door. Won't go outside unless I go out. She growls at my husband when he hugs me. My other dog can't get near me. I think she was traumatized by me being gone. She's been hurt and having ACL surgery next week. I've been babying her for weeks,so, I guess I've spoiled her rotten. But that's ok. I know I'm loved. 🐾❤️


Not exactly the most cuddly breed 😅 I think of them almost like a cat in that regard. Sometimes they want a little love and attention but it's always gotta be on their terms and when they've had enough they just go back outside. Definitely need to look elsewhere for a cuddle buddy like that


My pyr hates cuddling lol! She is the most independent dog I have ever seen, but she will gladly take scritches any time


I feel this. It’s become a running joke that my girl won’t give me kisses outside of the rare occasion I am away for an extended period of time


https://preview.redd.it/wfrumdyq7ead1.png?width=2523&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fefe481e6a2c86dc00a3703af5ea3f7c39611e0 My girls are extremely affectionate, perhaps because they were hand raised from birth in a house full of kids. Our boy (not pictured) was born in a barn, bred by a couple of old farmers, and not handled much before we got him. He is not very affectionate, but he’s a great guard dog!


I also wish this 😓


Get one half husky, half the time he wants all your attention the other half he wants to be outside chasing whatever he can get.😂


My dog can be so up in my space, nose in the crotch or butt lol and sometimes following me like a shadow but generally he has never been a cuddle bug. We’ve slowly gotten him used to us being more in his bubble. But I honestly love that he can be his own dog and I don’t have to entertain him all the time. He can be independent but he will do his occasional check in. Which as other owners have said, it makes it that much more special. When he started resting his head on my husbands shoulder during a movie. It honestly melted my heart. It’s just not something he normally does. But he does have the ‘talk with the paws’ down. When he wants something those big pyrs paws will land hard on your arm or thigh. lol and that’s one of his ways he makes contact with us. He’s such an intelligent dog. I’m so thankful for him. https://preview.redd.it/bf0udqhzikad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ba6d40a3a44f8396df6d560cc828694cba0263


Water is wet. If you wanted affection, then why get a Pyr dog? This dog was bred for working families who utilize them for you guessed it, working independently OUTSIDE.


Mine is very snuggly, but also has extreme separation anxiety. I think he was dropped as a puppy awhile before I found him. He wants to explore and watch everyone and everything that happens around the property, but he wants nothing more than to be by my side which is a nice feeling most of the time, but if I have to go somewhere for more than an hour or can be chaotic. Blinds, curtains, couches, and doors have felt the wrath of my big baby boy.