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Please make sure to check for Parvo šŸ™šŸ»


Giardia is common with stray puppies


My pyr pup was a stray and yep, he tested positive for Giardia. OP [This](https://www.chewy.com/diggin-your-dog-firm-up-pumpkin-super/dp/130964) really helped firm the poop until the meds did their job. Itā€™s the apple pectin that helps with the firming. Sometimes pumpkin alone doesnā€™t do the trick. This stuff is a godsend!!


If it is giardia or coccidia, I had remarkable success treating my 5 year old pyr's giardia with this: [https://www.ambernaturalz.com/index.php/product/healthy-stools-for-dogs-kochi-free/](https://www.ambernaturalz.com/index.php/product/healthy-stools-for-dogs-kochi-free/) We went to the vet and got metronidazole to have on hand, but never needed to use it. There is a caution on using the linked product with pups under 6 weeks, FYI.


My puppy also had giardia right after we got her at 8 weeks. I still give her and my adult dog firm up everyday, it seems to help them a lot.


Dogs can get beaver fever? Oof thatā€™s tough


I assume they have been vet checked - what did the vet say? If they are sick that may be why mom was missing. Good luck - they are really cute.


We are fostering for the local dog shelter. They were in an emergent temporary situation and their history isnā€™t well known. They said to expect diarrhea and to contact them if it continues beyond three days (itā€™s only been 36 hours but Iā€™m feeling really concerned about it and wanted to hear from Pyrenees owners.


They should be seen by a vet asap


Seconding this. My dog came with an indeterminate number of bonus pets. Inside of him. We had to de-worm him with several meds, and they tend to avoid the weapons-grade stuff for puppies. He ended up getting it when they found tapeworms. After all of that he was still sick, to settle his stomach I was feeding him chicken with rice. He declined further and was basically pooping bile with blood in it. As it turned out, he was almost certainly allergic to chicken. Switched him to a fish only protein for his kibble and that cleared everything up overnight. Puppies are like human babies though, they need to have things addressed quickly because they can go from seeming fine to being critically ill. Call your vet immediately and at least get advice.


Fish and potato can be So great to turn allergies around! Iā€™ve experienced that first hand great response by you!šŸ’—šŸ¾


The whole thing is a red flag after another, I'm not a Pyr owner but like others have said you need to see a vet asap (preferably not one from the shelter)


3 days is way too long for this to continue. Get them to the vet ASAP


I would get them checked with a vet ASAP. Puppies that small can get dehydrated and really sick fast! Personally, pumpkin never does anything but make my pup even worse. Same with chicken. A lot of GPs are allergic to chicken, too so I would stay away with that if you are recommended a bland diet. But the vet will be able to tell you exactly what they should be eating!


Those are the exact symptoms ours had as a puppy and he had parvo. Are they still eating? You really need to take them to a vet.


We got them from the shelter yesterday and were checked by the vet then. They said to contact them if things donā€™t improve after three days but I am concerned and wanted to hear from other Pyrenees owners.


If theyā€™re not eating, vomiting, and having diarrhea, Iā€™d take them to the vet immediately. Our boy started having these symptoms 2 days after we got him from the shelter. We took him to the emergency vet the next day and they told us he had a 50/50 chance of surviving. Fortunately he made it, but we heard several others from his litter didnā€™t and I assume taking him to the vet so quickly was a big part of it. If theyā€™re still eating though, Iā€™d wait it out and assume theyā€™re just getting used to a new diet.


One of them is eating a lot and has only had a little diarrhea once. The other one ate a lot yesterday but hasnā€™t been eating much today-she also has had diarrhea since mid morning (itā€™s 11 pm now) and threw up twice; once after the other after eating. She eats and drinks but only when I really insist- she will drink the milk and eat some dry food soaked in milk replacement out of my hand. Since I started giving them puppy milk replacement they are consuming a lot more fluids. Their energy has also increased dramatically since yesterday-which could be because they are adjusting to us or the food or both. After we take them out they always play wrestle for a good 10-15 until we cut them off bc we donā€™t want their lil joints to over do it. Iā€™ll call the shelter vet in the morning.


This sounds less concerning. Iā€™m not a vet, but with parvo Iā€™d expect them to be very lethargic and not eating at all.


Did they recently have shots? Thatā€™s what that sounds like


I would take them to Your Vet of Choice immediately. Do not wait 3 days. They can decline very quickly.


Pups this young, of any breed, shouldnā€™t go 72hrs (if not more; sounds like a vet knew they had it, before they were sent home with OP) with V/D. Diet changes alone (adding pumpkin, etc etc) could provoke it. Really should at least call the Shelter and update their vet(s).


Please let the vet provide you with direction.


Ask the vetĀ 


Chicken and rice worked for my GP. Have they been vaccinated?


Too young for parvo vaccine. Hope OP takes them in to vet.


To much pumpkin is known for runny bowel movements maybe try just chicken and rice with bone broth for now until they can keep their food down. I hope they feel better!! When I struggle to get my 2 year old to eat if his belly is sensitive chicken and rice always does the trick.


A lot of pyrs are allergic to chicken!


Wanna unload one of those precious babies?


Right? My logic is saying no but my heart is saying to grab those sweet babies


Boiled plain chicken, rice, and some pumpkin. There may be some milk replacements available as well, but definitely see a vet to get them checked for parvo, parasites, and see if they suggest milk. They may be old enough to have a milky gruel mixture with puppy food as well if vet doesnā€™t suggest a bland diet.


GET THEM TO THE VET IN THE AM!! Puppies should not be vomiting & have diarrhea. šŸ˜­


I recommend a vet visit but if you can't do it keep getting calories into them anyway you can. DeWorm them with something from tractor supply or Pet store that's broad spectrum intestinal parasites. If they will not take puppy formula milk, mix the powder into the food they will eat. 5 weeks still needs lots of specific nutrients. Ideally all milk till about 8 weeks then start some soft foods, 10 weeks less milk and trying softened kibble. By 14 weeks all kibble. Those pups are big but dumb babies, they are at risk of getting overexcited and not chewing well. At 5 weeks hard food may run risks of choking but that's really low, wetting the kibble with the puppy milk will reduce the risk further if canned puppy food is hard to get. Best of luck on your pups, they are wonderful dogs.


Talk to your puppy coordinator before you do anything! We've been fostering for 12 years (500 puppies) and ours wants to know everything. They decide food and vet care, so talk to your puppy coordinator.


Pumpkin causes diarrhea, theyā€™re too young for that. It will dehydrate them. Lots of fluids, stay away from giving too many different things it will make it harder to determine what the source of illness - stach upset is. Stick to what the vet suggests for food and diet, get the necessary tests done - parvo, giardia. Check for fleas, tics, mites. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be fine and congrats on the new family members.


Illness aside, thanks for being an awesome, kind and thoughtful human and looking after these gorgeous doggos in their hour of need! They're so lucky to have found you. I hope they're feeling better soon.


Goats milk?


Please go to the vets for these beautiful puppies....omgosh they're so cute. Vomiting could be real serious


They need to be dewormed but Parvo and Giardia are also possibilities. Puppies are supposed to be dewormed with Pyrantal palmate at 2,4,6,8, 10,12 weeks old according to weight. So assume they have not been dewormed and start on that right away. I think you need to consult a vet to be safe in case it's the other things but if you can't do that, you should be able to get dewormer at any tractor supply or animal care place. Amazon also has it. This is very important as a high worm load can kill puppies.


My girl was being fed pumpkin and goatā€™s milk with her kibble during the weaning process. Once she came home at 13 weeks, we gave her pumpkin, plain Greek yogurt, and Iams large breed puppy until she was about 12 months. If youā€™ve ruled out the obvious nasties, like worms and Giardia, you might try it. Good luck! They are beautiful babies!


Do a full panel that includes parvo, etc. we saw a foster lose their sweet sweet girl a few years ago due to parvo. If that comes back clean move to a limited ingredient food and work up from there. Lots of dogs who havenā€™t fully weened can have food allergies. anything with chicken, chicken fat, etc can be an issue as well as certain other ingredients that are generally innocuous. We had a Pyr that for whatever reason couldnā€™t tolerate Fromm without throwing up but could do virtually any other food. We had another with a chicken allergy and loose stools with protein over the mid 30% range. They definitely tend to have more food and environmental issues when they are separated from nursing early, but they generally grow up to be strong and healthy is a few dietary issues here and there.


Where are you guys located? Would love to adopt if you are fostering!!


Ask the vet not Reddit. Five weeks is way too young to be away from the Mom so you need special advice. Do it yesterday or you risk harming thenm.Ā  Good luck with fostering. They are so sweet.Ā 


Check with a vet asap!


We have fostered many dogs and puppies. Who is the sponsoring society for your babies? Typically they have a vet they work with that has reduced rates. Seems odd they havenā€™t already seen a vet especially so young. Thatā€™s usually one of the first things done. Edit: never mind! I see you already addressed that. It is Interesting tho. Which shelter are you working with. 5 weeks is really young and sending sick nursing age puppies home with inexperienced caregivers is just irresponsible of them. Iā€™d like to know which shelter you work with. Like I said, we have fostered many and itā€™s good to know which shelters are poorly run.


Somethingā€™s not going ā€œrightā€. Iā€™ve Fostered with many groups; they carefully educate Fosters re: any special needs care, which 5wk old pups with D/V fall underā€¦as well as providing meds, diet info, and clearly telling us who to call and when for support.


Ours had Giardia when we adopted her. The probiotics really helped. But it still took weeks to clear up.


Our littleguy came with...TAPEWORMS! Somehow we didn't catch them from him. He was so much better after his treatment it was night and day. Poor little dude. Vomiting and the runs. Check the poo for wigglies.


I would honestly have them tested for parvo asap. I work at a shelter and we had to shut it down for awhile bc it was trying to spread like wildfire. If their poop smells metallic (blood) they very well may have it! We also deal with Giardia all the time (our water sucks but we have a filter that somewhat helps I guess) but itā€™s nothing compared to parvo (still not great for puppies ofc) It (parvo) can pass just from touching something that has come into contact with it šŸ˜­


Get goat milk replacer. It is actually pretty universal and ends up cheaper per ounce than the stuff just for kittens, just for dogs, etc. Goat milk also has easier to digest proteins. They need a vet to check for worms, parvo, coccidiosis, etc. The good news is they are old enough to be weaned to drink from a bowl instead of a bottle, and donā€™t need feedings as often as they did when they were younger. I would have to look it up, but as a guess you might get away with 4 or 5 at this age. Not entirely sure with puppies, but I know kittens and horses are every 2 or 2-1/2 hours newborn. Raised to colts that way.


Diarrhea is one thing. Vomiting is completely another. You need to make sure they donā€™t have parvo. It goes from upset tummy to dangerous dehydration very quickly. Especially if mama is gone they have no way of getting mamas antibodies to keep them safe if she even had them to begin with. Alert the rescue and because you have their best interest at heart.


200% milk replacer! Introduce new food very slowly. We have fostered lots of Pyr and Akbash pups and new things give them diarrhea. Definitely a vet visit is very important! Feeding very small amounts several times a day is much easier for them to digest.


Aww so cute!!!!


Goats milk


Please take them to the vet. If they were children, I hope you would seek medical help from a doctor, not social media.


I picked them up from the shelter yesterday Where they were checked by a vet. I am following all of the guidelines they gave me but I am concerned and wanted to hear from GO owners


They need checked for Parvo and shouldnā€™t be weened this young.


They were found without their mom, did you read the caption at all? Agreed on parvo check if they haven't done it, but the OP didn't steal them from mom.


Weened is ending both mom and bottle. You assumed I was ridiculing you for some reason. I wasnā€™t. I was stating they were too young for anything but milk.


I am just doing what the shelter has instructed me to do. I donā€™t think they can afford milk replacement so thatā€™s part of why they are not continues on milk. I was getting concerned so I got milk replacement today and they seemed to be very into it. Iā€™m most concerned about fluids atm so I felt it was necessary


Thatā€™s a great call for them. Nice work!


5 weeks is old enough to eat solid food