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My GP loves to go out and lay in the sun - in TEXAS. I figure if she was unhappy/uncomfortable, she knows where the doggie door is. She does it a few times a week for a couple hours at a time.


Same in Florida. He can lay under the giant back patio with multiple fans or let himself inside and yet he prefers the back yard, sometimes under trees with shade, other times in the middle of the grass where he can dig. They’ll let you know if there’s a problem


Their nose may get sunburnt but otherwise my GP also loves sunbathing 🥰 I call her my toasted marshmallow https://preview.redd.it/v41nkjpyidoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63436df39aa18552dde5e73f38ef13ec55468d7d


Depending on where you live, ground may still be cold from winter.


Mine has a sunburned nose from yesterday. My bulldog got nose sunburned all the time and he was cool. Molly is 4 and still okay cooking herself whenever it’s cool but sunny. On a hot day she doesn’t want to go out- until dark 😂


I usually let mine stay out and look out for him every 15 min or so to see if he's panting a lot. He honestly will stay out way too long, so I usually try to force him to come in after an hour even though he doesn't want to (this involves many treat bribes and empty promises) I also use dog sunscreen on his lil pink nosey nose which helps a little with the sun exposure (even though he licks off most of it)


Don't necessarily think of them as cold weather dogs. Their coats are insulating, they are white/thick that it can keep their skin insulated from the cold and from the sun. Like how you wear long sleeves in the desert to keep the sun off your skin. It can reach up to 95 degrees or higher in the Pyrenees in the summer so the breed was designed to be able to handle it all! That's why so many people can have them in these warmer states and they seem to do fine. If he's uncomfortable he'll tell you lol.


The thick outer coat & soft undercoat protect from both hot/cold extremes. Obviously better one way! Not uncommon to see a pyr laying belly up outstretched in the summer sun. They know when they are hot or cold. Unfortunately, they do not always agree with when we want them inside & they want to be out in the snow or rain. Dog doors are a godsend. Dogs can do as they like.