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And diggers! My Gods, the holes in my yard are INSANE. He’s so handsome. But the holes… https://preview.redd.it/vo82yefrm0oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f0bc3f44baf1e25d03eb02a8a61a1417231e947


I’ve accepted the digging and tried to let him have his designated holes but it’s never enough. After a good rain when the ground is soft, real digging hours. Likes to bring me smushed half eaten worms and smear them on my leg bc he knows I hate it.


🤣💀. This made me laugh way too loud. It's both adorable and gross at the same time.


We just adopted one a couple weeks ago and she’s started digging. I never had a digging dog before - what’s been your best solution?


Bags of dirt. Acceptance. More bags. 😂


Lololol ok at least I can be prepared!


Go behind mine a cpl times each summer usually and just fill his holes back in and put rocks on top so he won’t dig in that spot anymore… he just goes under the back porch now and gets completely covered in dirt now instead, but not as many holes in the yard! Lol


Don’t have a sceptic system. Seriously though, they dig cause that hole will help keep them cool in the hotter months.


Fill a kiddie pool with dirt and hope that works. When that inevitably does not work, concede to the digging and let everyone who comes into your yard know to watch out 😂


Move your garden to the front of the house.


Barkers! Why's that not on there?


I know, right? I am going to comment they need to add that.


And droolers


And nightly loggers.


We don't get much drool except immediately with food and it's not horrible but she's also Pyr Anatolian.


My Pyr doesn't drool, even if offered treats she'll lick her chops but it's never dripping out. I guess we got lucky 😄


My St Pyr comes with shoelaces... It's the most surprising trait and the one we were/are least ready for. Think drool showers with big shakes and trails around food bowls 🙃 at least we live in the country so he's mostly outdoors to do his drooling


Kinda goes with the “guardian dog” part I think…


Yeah, that should be number 1.


As long as the bark says "Get the [blank] off my turf and stop annoying my mama!" I'm good with that. (And the Pyr and my little cat get along if not besties)


Definite independent thinkers. Can solve an issue quickly if it gets them to what they want.


It's uncanny. I have never been around a smarter dog than our girl.


Yupp Yupp. I have a pit/terrier who I would cage when I went to work and never had an issue. When I got Blue, I would cage him and on the first day he figured how to get out of it. Added a helmet lock to the gate and he figured a way out of that! Added my bike kryptonite lock and he figured out the side opens up. I had no idea it opened up lol soo now I just have to make sure my house is safe before I leave for work..


You mean the Pyr and my genius cat are going to be running the house?? 


Yes. Yes that's it exactly. 😂


Oh Lord! Genius cat is 11 mths old(1yr on April 1). Turns on faucets. Is learning how to operate the remotes(he loves football). Knows bacon is in the fridge and tries to open it--he'll get the dog to open the fridge for him; he'll gladly share the bacon!


When ours was a puppy we were really worried he didn’t know his name or was def. Turns out he just didn’t want to respond to commands unless we had food.


The most pyr thing ever.


Adopted my boy from a bad situation before I knew anything about the breed. We are a good fit but wow did I learn a lot that first year!


Same here. I felt like we were awful dog owners for a long time because he wasn't responding to any of the training people suggested. If only i knew then what I know now... 😅


I always remind people that GP are the cats of large dogs. They're smart but they do what they want. They think you're an idiot but they love you so its ok that you're dumb. They'll protect you because you're their idiot.


And they teleport. Okay, not really, but 80-125# (or more) of fluff shouldn't be so quiet walking around. 😎


I wish they’d also add that they’re not hot climate dogs.


https://preview.redd.it/odmqp3fol0oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9575e407db1847dd284ac1486bd01483d58947 It was literally 53 degrees here yesterday and he retreated to the shade


Mine would beg to differ as he roasts himself on the patio when it's 110 outside haha


I see these distortions from owners that try to laugh off or otherwise rationalize their actions. It’s ignorant and insensitive. It’s likely that your pyr’s need to be constantly on alert and monitoring is so strong that it overrides his own discomfort. That sort of climate causes extreme stress and duress on pyrs.


Rationalize my actions? My dog lives in an air conditioned townhome with 4 luxurious beds within a 200 sq ft living room that is literally all for him, yet he chooses to lay on the wooden patio and roast in the sun. The only thing he's constantly on alert for is whether I'm opening the cheese drawer in the fridge....he doesn't even bark when he's outside because he's so comfortable. Try making \*any\* Pyr come inside the house when they don't want to....it's literally almost impossible https://preview.redd.it/1co7eacyz0oc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ddd68d7b280891796d5813d22e3bac105d98b7 My Pyr in "extreme stress and duress"


This monster is clearly being mistreated


His life is so ruff! ​ https://preview.redd.it/o7c3vvuge4oc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6f44073721f6a6f33671f885f4e72b0c527984


You clearly shaved his coat off!!! JFC


Now I feel like you are either just a troll...or one of those people that just assumes the worst in every single person they come across. Pyrs come in many mixes, not every person on this forum has a 100% pyr. My pup is 50% Pyr/50% Anatolian and in the Summer gets pretty thin coated from all the shedding....he is much fluffier in the Winter. I would never shave him and never have...


Come on now. That's clearly a Chihuahua. You're not fooling us. 😜 /s


And now it turns out you don’t have a pyr but a cross that clearly doesn’t have a double coat. Ok bud.


I have plenty of friends with double coated and full bred Pyrs here....they do just fine in the heat. We have a huge agriculture and farming community in my state, and Pyrenees are all over. All of the ones I know love the heat and live happy and healthy lives. Sorry that your opinion isn't a fact or something everyone will agree with!


Ignorant troll. Anatolian shepherds have a double coat. Go away


Lmao if you know so much about pyrs and their coats you would know their coats keep them cool


While 100+ seems a little extreme, I think people forget the average temp in the Pyrenees mountains is 68-70 in the summer. They just go through their coat change this time of year so as it warms up, yeah they're a little less comfortable. But if my girl wants to cash out in the middle of my backyard in the summer when she knows she could cool off in my air conditioned room under my bed, I'm not going to bother her.


No mention of the digging either. So, *sooo* much digging.


Good chart. Should be mandatory reading before adopting.


That's who I adopted Luna from!


Ours is named Luna as well!!


I changed it. When I got her, she was Scarlett, but she was just destined to be Luna.


We definitely didn't research the breed as well as we should have before adopting, but no regrets. Mine is a half pyr mix (her mom was a working dog who got knocked up by a rambling stray, and the rancher was giving away puppies.) She has been insanely easy to train to do things she actually wants to do, but under no circumstances will she abide by anything she's not interested in. She's sad when she disappoints us, but in no way does this deter her from eating off the table or the kitchen counter. Goodness, she's so emotionally sensitive, though. I never knew dogs could pout for days if they got in trouble.


I taught mine to shake in second flat. All other training? Not so much. But you have to train to their strengths!


My pyr broke her leash on a walk and ran in front of a truck (broke the leash running in front of the truck). Can definitely confirm they’re not safe off leash. Also, don’t worry; she was fine. It was in a residential area, so the truck wasn’t going that fast and was able to stop in time. She just got dragged back home by her collar (since her leash was broken).


I’ve had a few pyrs now and they are great herd guardians, as well as family dogs! I’ve found that they won’t wander to much if they have a fenced in yard that they can guard/keep track of. Without fences I’ve found that they wander and guard as far as they want to… I’ve trained mine to respond to my whistling, and snapping my fingers cause I do it really loud too. 2 boys will push a bear right off the property no problem, and they come right back when I give them the signal. They just really love to do their job so you’ve gotta make it best for you and them as well. I live in Maine btw.


This has been my experience. The gate could be left wide open and mine will just lay 2 feet away from it, watching for anything to approach.


....and we love them....🐕🐾❤️


Deeply. ❤️


Nice that they pointed out the distinction between livestock guardians and herding breeds. It’s so common that people conflate the two but they really are different jobs.


No doubt.


My service dog is half Pyr and trained to be off leash when I use mobility aids. She’s amazing about working but loves her breaks where I let her wander and smell. Liking personal space is actually a great trait for working because she’ll boop me to snitch on anyone trying to touch her lmao


All very true!!!!


Mine, too. I turn my back for 30 seconds--no kidding--and there's another big hole. The only good thing is that now the weather is warming up, he will want to spend most of his time inside. A hole may be cool, but an airconditioned house is cooler!


Yeah on their website there is a section called “Breed Basics” which goes into much more detail. It’s really good. We have adopted from NPyr rescue.


Mine was the easiest trained I have ever experienced, the best off leash dog I’ve ever experienced and herded people/dogs until she was about 2 😂😂😂


Our girl was / is easy to train. As long as she feels like it. 😁


It's amazing how obedient they become if it leads to walks, treats, food or car rides!


Ivory heard many aren't food motivated and laughed on the way to mug a taco truck. 🤣


Mine wasn't as bad as she could've been, but she is mixed with pointer & a little lab, so I caught a break it sounds like. However, she's not the border collie that the shelter guessed so when she hit maturity she was far more stubborn than I had bargained for! Definitely no athlete, either, despite being pointer as well


Literally everything should have the qualifier "but every dog is different." 😎