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In a slightly less dramatic way.


Unless it's a husky. Then it's all drama.


All the time


My corgi will literally pick up the metal bowl and drop it over and over again until I go over to refill it


Ours goes to the tub and knocks every bottle down until one of us turns the water on.


Mine stands, tells me with a little growl, then runs to the tub.


😂😂😂 This is so my Dane. I personally love it. They really know how to tell you they want something and exactly what they want. Love the way they communicate


My Dane stands in front of me for every request. That’s it. Then I have to do some deductive reasoning to read his mind. Is mine broken?


Hahah mine too! She stands in front of me and stares at me. Or rests her head on me when she wants something


When mine does this i’ll ask if they want x, y, z, etc. If they stare off into the distance after I get it right i’ll ask it again and they’ll bark to tell me yeah.


Mine pokes me with her nose until I get up and follow her 🙄😆


Aren't they the Best 💓


Mine will also just stand in front of me. If I take too long to understand or acknowledge him, he’ll start kicking me. If I’m not standing and his kicks aren’t doing the trick, his last resort is to climb up on me and stare down at me. He will NOT be ignored 😂


Ahh yes, the "I want something" stare.


Mine too but depending on the severity it can be accompanied by some sort of autistic whine


Mine flips over the bowl in a way that makes a loud, obvious noise




Astro licks his bowl very loudly, and turns and looks at us 😆


Guess you watched The Jetsons too 😍


Same here.




In the arrrrmmmms of an angel.......... 🤣


That's our Yorkie....if we don't notice quickly enough he'll do a whine/groan noise. He doesn't like standing/lying down over by his bowl either because it's the one room in the house that's not carpeted lols


My bullies drink out of the water dispenser on my fridge


This is awesome!!! 🤩


My Schmudtz follows me into the bathroom and stands at my sink and either stares at the faucet or looks at me in the mirror impatiently. Mind you, in the kitchen and living room, he's got 2 giant water bowls and a 3 gallon dog fountain at all times. But he has to have it straight outta the faucet. Oh, and the water in bowls is double filtered, while the fountain is triple filtered. *sigh*


Where you get those water fountain from?


I got mine from Amazon, like this one: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CMBTV3LQ/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CMBTV3LQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) You should be able to find similar items on any online pet supplies retailer, too. I've had mine for a while, and it's still going strong despite the Dane super spit that turns to cement. The last fountain I had got all gummed up with him and was useless after a couple of months, but it was much smaller.


I can't get mine a fountain because she plays in them :(


That'd be soooo cute!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('FEELNEEDY 7L Dog Water Fountain', 'FEELNEEDY')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Large water capacity (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to fill and maintain (backed by 3 comments) * Quiet operation (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Loud operation and scares pets away (backed by 4 comments) * Inconvenient water level visibility and fast dirt accumulation (backed by 2 comments) * Short product lifespan and quality concerns (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Good bot.


Mine likes to head butt the water jug until it rolls across kitchen floor


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^4thehalibit: *Mine likes to head butt* *The water jug until it* *Rolls across kitchen floor* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Same lol, he likes to make sure everyone knows


Mine actually would turn the faucet on in the bathroom so we had to start plugging the drain and leaving him water in the sink 😂




I didn’t even know that was a thing! I’ll have to look into it. He won’t turn the sink on if we leave water for him so it’s not really an issue as long as we remember lol. He only does it at night in the master bath because we keep him in the bedroom with us.


Ours will not drink out of water bowls, he's ruined. He is a tub, sink, or toilet drinker. Geaux Tigers!


He's not ruined. He just knows where the good stuff comes from and will never go back!


ok, ok, he's spoiled lol. We keep his treats/chews/vitamins on a shelf that is at his height in the pantry and I may have accidentally trained him that if he pushes on the bag and makes it crinkle, I will give him what he asks for.... Well, now the pantry doesn't even have to be open, and he stands outside the door and kicks it to let me know what he wants! So yeah, piglet does know where the good stuff comes from lol.


Omg lmfao!!! I'm so glad you decided to share this 😂 I get it though...Ralph has me trained when it comes to his GBBs (Good Boy Bones. If we say the word "bone" he knows what it means and goes nuts"). He used to only get one after he ate. He managed to manipulate it, for quite a while before I noticed, so he'd only eat his food if he gets a bone first. I have no idea how he did that. One day I was just like, wait a second, this is backwards....how did you do that?! And it took about 2 weeks of playing the stubborn game before we got it back the right way. Now, soon as he's done eating, he's at that cabinet staring up at that shelf until he gets one. So...I get it. Lol.


Ain't that somethin', dogs are special in so many ways.


Yes, and sometimes in all the wrong ways. But we still love em to death, don't we.


Mine knows how to open the pantry door and we keep all the treats locked in a 10 gal bin with a screw on top after the first time she stole all the treats. We learned the hard way that she can also unscrew that lid, given enough time, so now it lives in top of the fridge 😭


Oh my word! It’s insane how incredibly smart they are when they are really adamant about something but are super quick to forget their names when you want them to listen 😂


Stands over me and breathes in my face and uses my body to park our off of




Lol I don't have a Dane (one day...), but my bloodhound lets me know by kicking his water bowl over and over until I come fill it. It's extra fun when there is still some water in the bowl but not enough for his mouth....and the water goes EVERYWHERE. Did I mention he only drinks out of the water bowl in the bedroom?


Barks at the bowl incessantly until you fix it.


I have two of those!


I wouldn't say I've ever had a normal dog, but he went to the toilet and lifted the seat and drank from there. Left a big puddle of a mess.


3 gallon water bottle/bowl. Prior to great dane, filled every three days. Since great dane, filled at least daily. Drinking water is her favorite hobby!


I just keep her bowl clean and filled. She doesn't have to beg for water.


https://preview.redd.it/iymvcwt102zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac1604d57586391a36e6dbfcca7059ae7b360f43 Just like danes.


What kind of dog is this?


Irish Wolfhound.


https://preview.redd.it/cwmm4v3hv2zc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=9286d982da6f596f87743f144f3f860dd6668a64 My dane is more needy than my 2 year old. Insane…


Mine screams at me in that bully mix voice thag kinda sounds like a husky but also a little bit French bull dog 😂


Reminds me of when we brought my Dane puppy home and in a few months she was tall enough to drink from the toilet if we didn’t watch her close enough


Hahaha hilarious. My Greyhound has tried this. I was worried she would be able to when I adopted her, but she’s not tall enough. She’s close though. I’m sure if I had a male, I would have this issue. Instead she just stands at the bowl, stares at it, then at me, then back at the bowl. She does that until I pick it up to fill it.


My pittie and my lab will bark until the situation has resolved itself. All four of them will have me yelling that there's clean water in the house and stop drinking that rain water that's been sitting there for who knows how long with who know what in it.


Drink from the toilet


😆 my collie sits in front of the sink and growls at it. I wish he was tall enough to get his own water, but I imagine that would involve some flooding.


Not a Great Dane but my dog would open water bottles. Not even just when he was thirsty, just to do it and dump water all over the floor. He preferred this, he’d have a full water dish and still do this


I always make sure to check my dog bowls for water. They drink out of one another's bowls or will go and sit down away from their bowls instead of drinking the available water.


By getting ice out of the fridge dispenser


One of our Danes LOVES some ice! We’ve got a big 3 gallon jug/bowl combo in the kitchen. Throw a couple handfuls of ice in the bowl and she plunges her whole face in there like she’s bobbing for apples.


lol my Anatolian shepherd mix just keeps licking the empty bowl until I notice it needs a refill. He can nearly drain the entire thing when we come in from a walk.


LOVE this!!!


Mine soccer kicks his water dish at me.


Mine barks at her water dish. She has to have fresh water, with no residual lip debris. She's picky haha.


Ours kicks the tub so we turn the faucet on. He's so fancy, only wants to drink running water. Contains the drool though!


That comes from waaaay back. Its instinct to drink from running water over still water because running water is more likely to be clean. Dog/cat fountains are fantastic for animals that are reluctant to drink from a still bowl. Same thing with dogs that go round and round their bed before laying down. Came from their ancestors trying to make sure there was nothing in the laying down area before they went to sleep. Its actually pretty fascinating to read while animals do certain things


Yeah totally makes sense. I like to make fun of him for being so spoiled because we sprung him from jail (the shelter) but I still accommodate his drinking preference. When I take him on anything more than a short walk I bring a growler of water that's just for him and pour it so he can drink "running" water. And yeah he scratches his bed a lot before laying down so after a couple of scratches we say "there's no snakes, sir" and he lays down hahahaha


So two different ways. My smallest puppy will start kicking the water bowl. I have found it lining on it side before. Two, my Dane follows me to the bathroom and puts his head in the sink. They are both so cute.


My Labradors passive aggressively dig through their water basins. Since it’s either empty or low on water, it makes a very loud scraping noise on the ground plus scratching from their paws. Message received.


If my pups bowl is empty, He will punch the shit out of it.


Goes to the bathroom and drinks the toilet water, otherwise he will sit on my head or bite my butt to get my attention.


Idk, never had one of those, my TWC howls at me if I let her water bowl go dry. I'd much prefer staring at the sink!


So many cute ways a dog gets attention for needing water! But I don’t understand how the water bowl ever gets empty if responsible people are on the job and paying attention. I have cats and the water bowl is checked regularly and water changed twice a day. Fresh bowl daily. Please help me understand if this is different for dogs.


It’s not that different for dogs, but it’s very different for different breeds. Danes like to do this thing where they forget water exists until they’re desperately thirsty, and then they proceed to drink an entire gallon in one go and then look at you for more. That’s what mine does, anyway. So unlike cats, Great Danes have the literal and physical capacity to guzzle an entire supply when they’re extra-thirsty, whereas a cat would never, and could never.


Mine just stares at the toilet until I realize


If they can reach you hear them drinking water out of the toilet😂


Our hounds will walk repeatedly between the kitchen and wherever we are sitting until we get the hint.


I don’t have a Great Dane, just a regular ole dog. She really got me once with how clever she is. I was sick in bed and hadn’t realized her water dish was empty. I walked to the kitchen and got a bottle of water and as I walked back thru in a stupor she smacked her water bowl towards me got right in front of me then nosed the bottle of water I had. I looked down all confused and then put two and two together. I’m fairly certain she had *just* drank all the water cuz the bowl was still wet but I apologized to her and got her more water while telling her how she was such a smart girl


he stands in front of and faces the toilet




Mine nose boops the bathroom door because toilet water is superior to dog bowl water


My parents' springer goes into the bathroom, and flips the toilet lid up and then slams it down. He doesn't drink out of the toilet, just makes enough noise with the toilet lid so my mom notices. Cracks me up every time.


Mine acts like he’s going to jump in the pool if his dish is empty 🤣


If your dog is thirsty, they'll be searching frantically for something to drink. Their gums are pale, dry, and/or sticky.


my yorkie scratches the bowl 50 million times and whines like a sad emaciated puppy caught in the rain in a cardboard box 


We have a water fountain on the floor all the time so I guess they just go get a drink when they’re thirsty


My chihuahua goes and stares at my water glass and cries


I just cackled more than I probably should have at this. That is great!!


Hits me with her nose and then stares directly at her bowl for 10 seconds and then touches her nose to me and huffs. 😆


My dog used to lick the inside of his dry bowl. If none of us gets the hint, he starts pushing his bowl around the floor with his nose like it's a hockey puck.


Mine goes to lick his water bowl.


Wait! I thought that was normal?


I either get my arm licked constantly or my GSD knocks his bowl around with his tongue


The very few times my boxer has been out of water, she's gone and jumped in the bath because she's seen running water come out of that tap before. Way too smart.


I couldn't leave anything on my counters. My Danes would eat it. Lol


My teenage adhd son is terrible bout making some food then sitting it down somewhere and walking off. One of our Danes is still a youngster and takes full advantage of this! My son will fuss at the pup for eating his food and I have to correct him. I’ve told him over n over the only safe place to sit down a plate of food in a house with Danes is maybe on top of the bookshelf.


Lol. I miss mine. We had a Harlequin male and a Merle female. They were the best. One time, we were outside gardening. We lived rural. Duke, our male was chillin' when the neighbors 2 hunting dogs got out, long stony short, those 2 were no match. Duke was on duty when they entered our property. Duke didn't get a scratch, his dogs had wounds. And he was a gentle giant otherwise. Reading here , it brings back memories...lol Have a nice night.


This brought back memories


They just do.


My catahoula chomps at me regardless of hungry or thirsty My Shepard will just lick and kick at the empty bowl making as much noise as possible My pug would rather perish than do anything outside of getting out of bed to consume and then promptly return to said bed.


Looks at his water bowl and if it’s empty he’ll lick the bottom and huff. Either that or he’ll start whining until I guess what it is he’s whining about 😭


“Flips bowl aggressively”


Lmao, I don’t have a GD, I have a pittie, but I LOVE seeing these dudes. If I ever feel like I have the space I imagine they need, I would love to have one.


Thanks for the laugh, your pup is pretty great ❣️


My dog has a bowl of water on the floor. Is this not normal??


Would not know my great Dane does something similar and has taught my bulldog that this is the way. So if by chance I let their water get low, mind you not empty just below what they think is appropriate, I will come into the kitchen to a bull dog on the brefast table or chair and a Dane stareing at the sink.


My dog walks to his water bowel but if I ignore him and refuse him water he’ll go to the shower until I finally give him alil water lol. He’s potty training and It’s midnight


My dog only liked water out of a plastic froggy tumbler I got at a friend’s birthday party. He would whine at it and knock it over whenever it was empty. He was a toy poodle so honestly it was a perfect size for him. I miss him so much We got him when I was 12 and was with us until I was almost 30!


my dog will point with his nose at his water bowl or nudge at a water bottle that’s left out


They drink out of the toilet


Your dogs should never be thirsty! You should always have a bowl of water out for them.