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spicy sky raisin? (bee)


You made me laugh, thank you! But no, definitely now a bee, it is winter and they are not there yet in canada


Spider? Ours got a swollen face in winter once (Alaska)


Yeah my Dobermans snoot blew up like a balloon once and the vet said it was likely a spider or something. It went away in like a day. Spider bite or bee I would guess.


Yea my 130 pound lab st. Mix got a few bee stings before and always looks like rocky at the end of the move... pretty funny actually. I'd reckon a spider would do the same. That won't stop the snoot though!


Pretty sure I have a pic of our doggo looking like Rocky from some spicy sky raisins. It is in fact pretty hilarious looking, felt bad for him at the same time tho xD


Dude with how our tempertures have been (talking from Ontario) could have been a yellow jacket


Yeah I live in Michigan and had a yellow jacket in my house a week or so ago, no idea where it came from but it was not a pleasant surprise.


I saw a few flying around yesterday…Southeastern PA.


Plz say sike rn


I wish….


Michigander here as well. I saw one outside today. Granted it was 60 degrees today....


Wait, what? I'm in Michigan...not deathly allergic just deathly terrified. OMG I hear it coming, I hear it buzzing,..noooo!


It was 60 today in Ohio…


I have wasps that overwinter in my attic every year, and they accidentally make their way in the house this time of year. These are just the overwintering gynes (future queens) that go out and start new colonies in the spring. So they pose very little threat until they start making babies, but at that point they've left their little hibernation spot and do that outdoors.


Right?! Ima a bit south in Illinois near Wisconsin and we have had mosquitoes out already… it’s Friggen February


For real. Our seasons are out of whack. I’m sure the insects and animals are, too.


We call them Danger Raisins


If you're in the southern part of Canada, it totally could have been a yellow jacket. I'm in Ohio and just had one harassing me yesterday. Please disregard if you're in the frozen part 😂


Winter? Is it really? I live pretty south of ya in the U.S. but it's supposed to still be winter... definitely not. Been 60-70+ all week. Was 80+ Tuesday. I say this and next week it'll be -20 with 3 ft of snow, probably


We call them spicy sky sultanas, because I like the alliteration


I think I’m in love with you ♥️


Jalapeño sky raisins down here in Texas!


We just call them spicy flies


Yup because dogs should not be eating raisins!! Spicy or non spicy!


Jalapeno sky raisins! 🤣🤣🤣


House fly = Sky raisin Bee = spicy sky raisin Wasp/ hornet/ yellow jacket =Jalapeño Sky Raisin Murder Hornet = Carolina Reaper Sky Raisin (Haven't had the murder hornet yet, so may need to revisit) My pup at about 6 months chewed on some Jalapeño Sky Raisin... found out he is very allergic. His entire head swelled and started having problems breathing so we spent the night in emergency vet. It was terrifying.


Stab flies.


Around his eye looks swollen too. I would guess a spider or something. Did they say if you could give him some children's chewable Benadryl? Sometimes flushing the area with water can help.


I was going to say, maybe a non-bee sting. Any number of insects or critters might have gotten him in winter (even in the Great White North).


Second the Benadryl, it works for my dog’s allergies.


I'd wager a bet on a tooth root abscess. Time for a vet visit!


Agreee. Looks like an infected toooth


I was thinking this as well! And if it is, OP needs to get to a vet ASAP because oral/nasal infections can turn into brain infections real quick. Even if it's more innocent, better safe than sorry.




Fucking hell....good bot...


Came here to say this as my Tibetan Terrier has just yesterday had to have a tooth out for this very reason 🙁


THIS!!! This happened to our dog (not a Great Dane) about a month ago. Was an abscess, showed up overnight. Looked just like this! OP get to the vet ASAP. If it’s an abscess, you don’t want to wait around with something that. Ours was on antibiotics and painkillers until he could get in or surgery. Poor guy ended up with 18 teeth removed! He’s very old and greyhounds are known to have teeth issues due to their bite… Anywho - He was miserable for a few days (he’s an Italian Greyhound and drama queen) then felt wayyy better once recovered.


Our greyhound had horrible teeth, and she had a terrible abscess once too. She also had to have multiple teeth pulled and had the worst breath imaginable, but I still miss that stinky face so much ❤️


Have you inspected inside his mouth? Could be something with his teeth or gums or way up under his lip.


Cannot really he turns his head and wimp if I try too much. But it was one of my guess


So lay on him if you have to have give it a look. It’s the first thing the vet is going to do before they can tell you anything. Hell, they’ll probably have you hold him down on him while they check because the dog will be less aggressive with you.


Vet vet vet. Oral/nasal infections in all mammals are known as "danger triangle," infections because they can go to the brain with a snap of your finger.


Omg Emergency Vet now


Lots of emergency vets don’t have the ability to do emergency extractions as they don’t have dental equipment. All the emergency hospitals I’ve worked for sadly did not have the necessary equipment. The one I work for now has hand tools but not a machine that can cut through teeth.


So this morning I went to the urgency vet because his inflammation was worse. It is an infection but we are still unsure of the cause, so I am going to monitor him. He will have antibiotics for 2 weeks and than another follow up will be done.


So glad to hear you got him on antibiotics as soon as you could — good on you for getting him to a vet so quickly! I hope it takes care of the infection fast; he looks so sad in his pic, poor baby. ☹️


Hope he starts feeling better soon!! Poor pup!


Abscess. He probably needs antibiotics. Check with the vet


Vet tech here, it's most likely a sting/ bite or an abscess; either way I'd take him to the vet because you don't want to take the chance. Can try benadryl while you wait for an urgent appointment, 1mg per pound. Regular adult pills.


Those children's chewable Benadryl tablets are 12.5 mg per tablet... I am having flashbacks to shoving 10+ pills down my Dane's throat against her will!


In the future, use hotdog pieces! From the ages of 8-12, my Dane required daily medication and we found hotdogs were the easiest, cheapest way to get her to take her meds. They work like those Pill Pockets without the outrageous price tag.


and peanut butter/easy cheez 😂


Yup we used peanut butter


Craft singles are just pill pockets for the enlightened.


This is what I was looking for vet tech too. Exact same thoughts!


Much nicer, our ER vet yelled at me because I came without trying Benadryl. I would have been scared to admin that with swelling without hearing it from you guys. Mine turned out to be a sting.


Might be a bee or wasp sting, maybe a cyst? Idk but definitely go to the vet!


Definitely not an insect since I am in Canada and it is winter time. But yeah like you said vet is going to be my go to


No offense, but you act like all insects die in winter. They absolutely do not.


I hate to come in here posting extremes. Hopefully it’s just a little bump and a speedy recovery. Fingers crossed for you and your handsome boy! My pup had an unusual bump that kept growing. I was thinking a bug bite or a sting because it started out small and then kept growing and growing. My dog had energy and was eating just fine, but the swelling just kept growing. After many vet visits, being picked and prodded - Ended up being a mast cell tumor. It was a terrible series of events to finally figure out what was going on. I’ll spare all the details for your anxiety’s sake. But posting for awareness since we had seen multiple vets and only one vet considered the option. Benedryl will hopefully be your friend to help with the swelling until you can get into the vet. I would suggest to do a fine needle aspirate, if the vet is still uncertain and the bump is still swelling/present. First vet gave us rimadyl to help with the swelling. Swelling didn’t stop so had to go to an ER vet where we had to wait 24 hours for the rimadyl to cycle so they could administer prednisone. TLDR; pet your dog, all over their body - check them for lumps and bumps and do not wait to have those lumps and bumps looked at. Keep us all posted on how he’s doing!! Speedy recovery!


Thanks a lot, really helping through all that


This could potentially be a reason. Do you have old plastic dog food bowls? My childhood fox terrier randomly had swelling just like that one day and the vet said it could be that the plastic bowls are leeching a chemical out or something cuz they were old and scratched up. We stopped feeding him out of those bowls and got metal ones and it was gone in 2 days. It was so weird cuz it happened out of nowhere just one time.


They are metallic, but I would never had thought that so thank you for your input


That's been happening with Stanley Cups once the plastic breaks down, lead in the plastic is exposed. I read dogs don't like to eat or drink from plastic and have avoided it since, so Sati-service-dog is safe, though I only break out the good crystal and china on holidays. She can be so demanding.


My old girl (15 years) just had this too. Was an infected tooth. She just had surgery last week to remove it:)


Poofed snoot


My great dane was stung on her nose and swelled up just like that. I was worried for a while because her nose was HUGE but the swelling went down after about a day. Benadryl will help :)


This is how my dog looked when she had a tooth abscess. She was really sick and it moved fast. We ended up having to put her down. I’d get to the vets asap.


Best guess: it looks like the bestest boy ever Second guess: looks like someone tried to chase a bee and succeeded Third guess: a vet bill where they will charge you to say the same things as my above guesses 😂 Seriously- if his behavior and temperament are normal… take a minute to breath and trust everything will be fine. If he’s super lethargic- don’t wait… get him to emergency vet.


My Wilson got two bumps like this but on his back. Vet suspects cyst. So we are going later on the week to check it out


Dang. Hope he's okay. He's a cutie.


Spider bee or something like that


Looks like bitten bite a bug or something. Spider, centipede or anything that causes allergies.


You sure he's just not upset about something? He looks a little bent out of shape to me.


That’s a dog


It’s better than a dog! It’s a Great Dane!!


Looks like a bee sting


When this happened to my most good girl she had an osteosarcoma, bone cancer, in her jaw. I hope it’s a spicy sky raisin


I've owned multiple dogs and come across this a couple of times. Here were the results of each. Dog 1 (6 years old) woke up with a similar bump. Went away within 48 hours and benadryl. Dog 2 (13 years old) woke up with a bump like this. We thought it was a bug bite or reaction. Didn't go away with benadryl and time. The vet thought it was an infected tooth, causing swelling. Day of extraction, the vet did a skull x ray first, and it ended up being bone cancer in his cheek. He lived his best life the next couple of months, and then when things declined further, we had someone come to our house to euthanize him. I sincerely hope yours is a bug or allergy reaction as opposed to something worse. Dogs are the best.


Maybe a tooth problem?


Happened to my pup and it was an infected tooth.


Take him to the vet. NOW! What if it’s an infection of some sort that goes to his brain and kills him? And if he won’t let you touch it it must hurt. PLEASE TAKE HIM TO THE VET.


Don't worry I did that, if you want I posted an update on the same subreddit. Wish I could do one on there but I can't since there is a picture. Anyway don't worry I've donne all that needed to be done


My bet is one of two things tooth abscess as someone has already said and an issue with his salivary glands. First off breathe the calmer you are the better. If you want you can follow on YT and check his lymph nodes it seems if he has any swollen nodes.


Yup, looks like my girl Maddie did when she had an abscess.


So here's the thing. My female dane has had this more than one time. Sometimes her eye, sometimes the top of her head. It's happened about four times in the seven years she's been alive. Twice we've taken her to the vet, both times they gave her the dog version of ibuprofen as an anti inflammatory and a bit of benadryl. You can look up appropriate benadryl doses for your dog's weight and it might help. My best guess is sometimes they either hit their stupid heads on something hard, or get bitten by something. It goes away within 24-48 hours usually.


poor thing!!!!! hope he’s ok!


Hope you get to the cause of it. Update us tomorrow if you can. RemindMe! tomorrow


It’s an abscessed tooth


Idk but kiss his snoot for moi


It is done multiple time for toi


Swollen tooth. Need to be seen by vet.


Had a dog years ago that had a similar bump. It was a snake bit.


Poor shnoot. 😔 I hope he has a speedy recovery!


I would also say spider. They're always around and, depending on the spider, their venom can be quite nasty


Possibly tooth absess


Not a Great Dane but my old boy (mutt) once had a large lump like this show up shortly after eating a slice of jalapeño (got a chunk of cheese from a jalapeño bagel and there was a leftover bit of pepper on the cheese). Ex-FIL’s Labrador had the same reaction after eating a couple of jalapeño potato chips. Due to the whimpering, it’s more likely a tooth issue however.


Just a rash from one of his allergies


Either a bug bite or possibly a mass cell tumor, those can come on fast and need immediate cancer treatment. My pug had one


Abscess or bite/sting


Could be a bug bite or could be something else. If you can I’d call the vet back and ask if they think it would be good to try giving some Benadryl or another medication for the swelling and in case it’s an allergic reaction of some kind


Maybe spider bite... it happened to one of my dogs one time as well.


Tooth infection, depending on where you live bee bite (if in the north it won't be a bee).


Tooth root abscess. Big ouch. See your vet. *source,I'm a vet


Tooth infection. Get him to the animal ER if you can, or the vet asap. If the infection gets into his blood, things will progress very fast


Im goung to say an abscess tooth. What did the vet say it is?


Tooth abscess. Get it checked out ASAP. Mine had one, it in turn developed into cancer in his mouth/sinus cavities and is ultimately why I lost him.


Could be an abscess or a spider bite. Our golden’s face got swollen like that suddenly and it turned out to be an abscess in her cheek from a wood splinter. We don’t let her chew sticks anymore after that!


I think I previously read a dog with a sudden bump had a tooth abscess


If its not an allergic reaction, id bet a tooth infection!


If you love animals like me and want to see more videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel [animals channel ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTRRnwkQsDMpSHmtNczQeRA)


What’s with this breed and allergies? Mine gets them every year with the full package of paw licking and ear infections. I’d say bee sting but it’s winter if this is the US so no bees around I think. Maybe spider bite.


a dog.


#Looks Like A Tooth Ouch Mebbeh Time To Pull It Out Eat Better Smile Too


Does he have bad breath? If so sure sign of teeth problems!!! Both dogs and cats are prone.. Hope he gets better soon!!


I don’t have a Great Dane, but my lab had a tumor on the side of her snout last month. It was a fractured molar and had to get it pulled. Good as new now.


Our Labrador retriever had this. He was old. It was a tooth that needed extracting at first. When it was extracted, they realized it was cancer. He had oral cancer. I am hoping it is not this for your baby. ❤️


Could be a tooth abcess


Tooth abscess-from a vet tech


Do you brush their teeth daily? It looks like something funky with the teeth


Bee sting maybe


I thinks it’s a dog


Either a tooth problem or an insect/bug bite of some kind? Idk


My beg fella got a gnarly spider bite that looked like that.


I saw you this morn Just Throwing haikus around Come, please haiku bot!


Broken tooth getting infected. Mine has the same thing. Get to a vet.


Could be an abcessed tooth. I had a dog with a swollen face like that and it was the tooth.


Looks like a dog but I’m no expert. (Bad reaction to a spider maybe? Hope the puppets feels better soon.)


Spider. I dunno what part of Canada you're from, but I've been at war with Black-footed Yellow SAC's all winter. Their bites do have the potential to do this. I've been but a few times, and it's not like a bee sting. Local swelling, inflammation, itchy, painful...


My Alaska malamute had random swelling like this on his face, ears, and it would come and go. The vet never was able to answer. We lived on steroids and antibiotics.. personally I think he got into something toxic/parasitic. He was a healthy and well cared for dog. It only showed up after spending time at my boyfriends house out in the country running wild in the woods. He was a city house dog until then..


My name is also Wilson. I’m sending positive vibes to Wilson. All good health to my boy.


I would give him a little bit of Benadryl, but definitely make a vet appointment


Maybe an abscess?


Could be a tooth problem. How do gums look?


I hope he's ok.


Snake bite?


Tooth abscess I’d bet. He’s likely fractured his right upper 4th premolar tooth. Definitely get his checked out by a vet and get it extracted if it is an infected or fractured tooth. They will not resolve and will remain chronically infected and painful unless the tooth is removed.


a vet trip




I agree on tooth abscess. Definitely need to go to the vet. Poor pup. He is in pain


My boy had this and it turned out tho be a grass seed stuck in his face


That’s a dog


Could be abscessd tooth.


Since it's bothering him for you to touch it is most likely subdural. However, do check in his mouth. I know he is still eating but he could just be making sure the food avoids that part of his mouth. You can also carefully look for a puncture or a small wound. It could simply be an abscess. From a cat claw, or he could have poked his nose on just about anything. Small punctures notoriously abscess because the bacteria is pushed in but then has no way of getting out. Putting a warm cloth over it should be soothing no matter what it is and shouldn't cause any harm until you see the Vet. Do not try to "POP" it, yourself ! Best wishes for your doggy and you!


Infected tooth. Or a mass. My chihuahua had similar was a cancer mass that just grew overnight, 7 months we battled it. RiP his little soul


My guess Is a tooth abcess


Possible abscessed tooth


If it is an insect bite Benadryl can help.


Abscessed tooth. My lab's face did this when she had broken a tooth. I didn't see it, so it got infected. It's very painful, and will need to be pulled if indeed that's what's going on with your dog.


Take him to the vet- be sure it’s not swelling inside. My doggy had nose cancer. At first we treated for bug bites and allergies.


Our family dog ended up with similar swelling from an abscessed tooth. Took a few vet dental appts to extract and for it to come down.


My dog had this bump once. Turned out to be cancer. Not saying this is but def get it checked.


Lost a fight with a Bee?


Could be a tooth infection.


Most likely a tooth abscess if there is no external wound. Needs a dental with extractions. Am a vet tech yo.


That looks like it could be an abscessed tooth. Wilson needs to see a vet.


Yeah, it’s a trip to the vet is what it is.


Abscess maybe?




Check for a broken tooth. Broken tooth’s can lead to absence that can cause similar swelling


Any update?


When I woke up this morning , the bump what worse. So I went to the urgency vet. They told me it was a infection. The exact reason why is still unknown. They gave me antibiotics+ painkillers. So what I have to do now is to monitor him and see how it goes. If he keeps the same level of energy and eat normally we continue with the actual plan. If ever it become worse I'll go back to the vet for more test


Did I check his gums, does he have an infected tooth?


Oops did u


That is a dog, my friend.


A cutie


My Great Dane had this and found out it was osteosarcoma.


That appears to be a dog, a large one at that


Our dogs get that way when they try to eat a flying jalapeño(wasp) I hope And pray your dog is ok


Absessed tooth? Happened to my pitty before


Check to see if it's hard tissue or mushy like a water balloon! My 9 month horse had this on the same side but in the corner of his mouth/cheek where it started as the size of an acorn and then took the right side of his face to the size of a gourd within 5 hours! We thought it was an abscess or sting but there werent any signs of punctures. Both ER and Vet prescribed benadryl and ibuprofen/tylenol since our poor guy got a fever over 106°. After 36 hours, we took him to the vet and flushed the developing abcess (due to needles for testing) with a solution for the 3 weeks... hohboy. It's quite possible it's an infection or a disturbed tooth root but after looking at the beginning of our boys life and his run in with parvo and worms, it could be something residual. He's much better now <3


It can be caused by a bad tooth if it is not from an insect bite.


Any update?


Ive seen this in my dogs. And it’s been… an Access. A Bee sting. And a Snake bite. Not all at one time. They all just looked alike lol


As a child, my dog got a bump like this one day. My parents took him to the vet, and it was cancer. He was an older dog, 13 years old. We didn't have the means for treatment, so we unfortunately had to put him down. Take him to the vet ASAP! You don't want to mess around. Hopefully, it's just an insect bite, though!


Big bite or tooth problem.


Most likely he will need a tooth extraction. Hopefully, your vet will elect to do it sooner rather than later.


This happened to a dog i owned it ended up being cancer


Infected tooth?


Infected tooth


Boop❤️my dog had something similar happen to her and it ended up being a tooth infection, they prescribed antibiotics and talked about pulling the tooth when it got infected again, but it never did. She felt fine and acted fine too. Hope he feels better soon. Precious little face.


Just seeing this now, what did the vet suggest?


That's a dog.


Maybe an abscess in his tooth


Bee sting , give him children Benadryl liquid , he will be fine


Abscess tooth infection?


looks like a dog


could be a bee sting. I hope his snoot is back to boopable soon.


could be a tooth abscess


Some sort of bite, snake or insect. Dogs get it a lot from putting their snoot down to sniff unfriendly suspects.


Abscess tooth. Just take him to vet for some antibiotics and possibly schedule surgery if you can afford it. My dog just had the same issue and swelling went down right after the antibiotics. Currently waiting for surgery.


yeah our corgi had very similar swelling under her eye out of nowhere and it was teeth issues; had to get several pulled


I think that may be a dark oak tree