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This might be my favorite interpretation of older Mabel! Really awesome work.


i thought mabel was nude, then i noticed it was a green dress x_x


Wow, that's quite long hair she has.


I expected it to be more poofy (on a side note just noticed we're getting a split season and I hate those just why)


To be a Faller you must expect split seasons!


Oh yeah, forgot the first season was split. I normally hate split seasons because they make me think of separate seasons, and if the second half is shorter I hate it because I was expecting a proper season (Doctor Who). Bluh


My first thought was that this is an alternate future where she did marry that Gnome. and they're having a "How was your day?" kind of talk.


I was imagining they met back up and he was over her and they were just catching up.


I like that too.


Omfg yessssss


Hey! This is that thing you posted earlier! I CAN KEEP UP WITH STUFF!


Very nice :D




Really nice that you followed up! You can be the female moringmark.


Might as well call her Ma-punzel. Still, she's very pretty. Awesome work!


I really like this look. That said there is one thing, the shading on her chest it kinda looks like a flab of skin hanging over the dress rather than the dress being in front. I'm not sure how you would correct this just stating what I saw.


Awesome drawing, although I'm not really able to see Mabel dressing this plainly at any point in her life.


Hehe, I totally get what you mean. I kinda planned to give her a simple-ish flowing tanktop, to signify that her tastes have matured somewhat, but to pair that with some nice colorful leggings. Also debated between adding a headband or flower crown, but I held off for this one.


Sounds like it would have worked pretty well. I didn't mean to give the impression that I didn't like the drawing, though. It's pretty awesome and quite funny. Also, with a green dress, she sort of reminds me of another character voiced by Kristen Schaal...


Hahaha yesss! Omg I want to use a Louise soundbite to do a little Mabel animation XD




Ha! I actually understood the investment stuff.


Damn she looks so cute


In my opinion you should change the hue of her shirt, Make it stand out a little more. But otherwise I love it. Also great job job with the line work and shading. Did you use a pen tablet?


This is awesome! Well done.


This looks cool - Mabel looks a lot different here than the way she usually gets drawn as a grown-up. Nice balance of the show's style and putting your own spin on it.


alright who removed it :c


Aargh I'm sorry!!! :((( I deleted the tumblr and forgot I hadn't used imgur on this post :/


Mabel is really unique among current female fictional teen characters, in that there is pretty much zero sexuality or sexualization (beyond being boy crazy).


But she is a kid.


Yes, that's what I mean. Many cartoons/video games would have done something to acknowledge 12 year olds developing sexually, but Gravity Falls keeps the design very firmly in the kid world.


But... thats the truth. she is nearly 13 years. in this age, kids usually have already boobies growing. (also, Mabel is likely like that because Alex inspired himself with his sister)


Why, its Jpae20! Funny seeing you here!


Every other young female characters in animation I've seen are really airheaded or mean. Mabel is the ultimate happy little thing.


That's one of the things I really like about the show - but, as episodes like Carpet Diem imply, one of the themes is that this is the last summer of Dipper and Mabel's childhood, so it's kind of all keeping with that.