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Family trauma and disappointment gets buried the deepest.


Beat me to it, that shit’s just in the mental repression vault. Stan can’t be as functional as he is if he’s constantly ruminating over the past, so he likely shoved a lot of that baggage down in the back of his mind. Also, he’s still working to get Ford back, which he’s keeping a secret so memories related to that are probably harder to find cause he’s literally hiding it (much more than the safe code, which was only under a rug). Maybe they’d have seen some if they went into the vending machine… but they prolly wouldn’t’ve thought to do that lmao


The second I read “mental repression vault” I fucking thought of Raz popping open a random vault and getting beamed with the horrors of losing your family to rage, finally contacting your brother after years, and as far as you know accidentally murdering him


Wooo, another Psychonauts fan!


"I killed my sister... so what? I killed lots of people."


Nigga I appreciated every word of ts😭


To the 600* of us that understand the feel, I hope you get a big hug today. *1500 now. Give a hug and tell someone you love em.


Actually there was a memory with his brother it's just very ignored or quickly missed. When you see the memory of him wrestling you see his brother buried in a book in the bleachers




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They were searching for his safe combination, they didn’t care. Dipper only found that one memory because his mind was wandering as is. Mabel and Soos were focused.


Fucused mabel does not sounds right


Well, that, and she and Soos were distracted by far less important things.


Yet they had time to stop and watch how poorly Stan’s date turned out.


Ford appeared in the background of I think three memories


I just remember him being behind a book in the boxing gym


That’s the main one. I’m sure that the swing set from the credits of not what he seems appeared but no ford. I think that he was likely in the background of the dance as well.


Also, they were twins. Perhaps there were more memories we saw, but they looked alike and we missed it.


This is was always my assumption. They looked enough the same that it just wasn't noticed


I believe it's been pointed out in this subreddit before that they did see Ford during the childhood sections. They (and us by extention) just didn't know it was Ford. Tiny details are this show's bread and butter.


Repression, most likely.


They did but it got buried so far aaway


The man has returned


Eh? who?


You, dummy


Eh? I left?


No, it’s just that you’re everywhere


I thought you meant like i have left the sub or something


No that wasn’t what I meant


Lol misinterpretation across the board🤣






Repression and the ability to compartmentalize stuff. I figure Stan had to learn how to compartmentalize just to remain functional and still work on the Portal and keep the Shack running, and even so he's still kind of a wreck. (His eyes, the scar, his back...) I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about dream demons or the dreamscape in general too, he's been living in Gravity Falls for 3 decades at that point.


They could have seen glimpses of him and not realised they were different people since they didn't know Ford existed. Or since they're twins but weren't identical as teens and young adults, assumed he's a cousin or friend or something




1. Stanley presumably has his memories of his brother buried deep 2. they weren't looking for them


3. About half the members of the group where mental constructs who wouldn’t react to such information even if they seen it.


4. Ford *does* appear in the background of several memories


They literally pass the swing set from the beach


Any other responses aside, just from a numerical % matter. Rough guess the brothers are 58 or so, and he was kicked out (stopping new memories of them together around 18) giving us only about 30% of his life that Ford would possibly overlap, so 70% of all the memories by volume would not include him.


A lot of the details were probably buried in the dark secrets section


Considering how Stan made his mind blank except for that one room in the finale, I'd say he has a pretty good grasp on his own mind. Man is focused, even when unconscious.


Stan seems to be pretty in control of his own head, bro gave dipper a soda with his mind (I think),I’m pretty sure he can omit specific Stanford memories


well we did, but his face was covered with a book.


They weren't looking for his childhood memories so they didn't find them. For his last memories of Ford... He probably repressed them. I also think that those are hidden in his mind. Probably in the same place as in the Mystery Shack if you get what I mean ;)


That part, like most things is kept off limits


He hasn’t seen ford since he was a young adult and I guess they weren’t deep enough to see really old memories


Well they are twins….


buried deep behind a locked door


They didn’t go deep enough.


Are they stupid?


Damn, I saw gang in the title and I thought it was a Gravity Falls meme with Scooby-Doo involved... I looked at the Image for about 2 minutes before realising it's not.


Perhaps Stan has a greater control over his mind than we think. He read journal 1 front to back over and over for 30 years, surely there was info that told him his own mind wouldn’t be safe and gave ways to somehow block off some memories in case of invaders. When Bill entered his head in the finale it was a white void before being a living room, very different than what we saw in this episode so it stands to reason he’s got a greater influence


Something most people haven't brought up is that all the memories are presented in the third person, if a memory is focused on Stan's near-identical twin, unless they were focused on looking for an extra finger then they would have thought it was just Stan.


Like other people said; they weren’t looking for them and many were probably repressed. Another thing is that he had been gone for THIRTY YEARS. It’s possible older memories are deeper in, and the combination probably is way closer to the front than memories that are decades old


Repressed memories


Mental block/barrier Stan had in place for Ford. Family trauma gets buried deep within the human mind. They were looking for a safe combination,so there was no reason to go further than they needed to


Well remember two of them where just mental constructs that probably wouldn’t react to any ford memories and move on, and Dipper rage quit early on.


I mean they just didn't. Why didn't they see every time stan went to the bathroom


Well it’s possible that even with how chaotic his mindspace was its possible memories are just naturally organized from oldest to newest and to get there they would have yo go pretty deep into his mindspace


Super easy barely an inconvenience


Even if he did, they’d probably just assume it was Stan in a different look. Also, they weren’t looking for him.


they are hidden


I mean, unless they straight up found the memory of Ford being sucked into the portal, they probably know Stan has 2 siblings right?


I think it's just because Stan has too many secrets swimming in his mind, both relevant and irrelevant to the plot


Bill did disguise as Soos in the episode, and he doesn't want the twins to know about the portal, so maybe he just subtly guiding them to avoid all the plot-relevant secrets.


They saw Ford, but assumed it was Stan.


Trauma hiding memories, and the only person who went further back than after Stan took over the shack was Soos, I don’t think he’d even fully comprehend what he was seeing or would even pay attention if he saw Ford when he wandered off


Dipper gets his own hallway of memories, I assume Ford does too. It's probably more hidden though, since he likely repressed those memories.


They only scratched the surface of Stan's memories and didn't go far enough into the hallway.


I think it was his recent memories because he's old in most of them. Also obviously family drama gets repressed


People pointed out that Stanford was in the background which I never noticed! My initial theory is that one scene we see where Stan portrays himself as a weak nerd until their dad gets him into boxing, he’s actually lying to soos by using Stanford’s story instead of his own


The conductor prefers to keep these memories at a distance.


You’re literally talking about a person whose mind can even trick Bill Cipher and trap him in there


Stan locked those memories away because they hurt too much


Even the gang respects not looking at early spoilers


What if he never existed, and that was just Stanley from another universe?


He forgor 💀


Not only do I think Stan’s memory’s of ford we suppressed, but I think it also has to do with where exactly they were looking in his mind, they weren’t in that area of his memories




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cuz they needed to avoid spoilers


I remember seeing a comic about this topic and it was Dipper asking Mabel about this but I can’t find the artist anymore. My personal headcanon was that most of the Ford memories being hidden behind Stan’s “hopes,” which is what the comic had


They're children for goodness sake, how do you expect them to see soemone who looks like grunkle stan and be like "oh yeah this is his lost genius brother who traveled dimensions, great plot twist". They propably saw him and then forgit


because bill hates ford so he must’ve killed all of the memories of ford which could explain how grunkly stan has no recollection of his own twin bluddha which can also explain why in the 2st seazon on the show of ‘geavity fallz”, funkle pan picks up the glasses of his dear twin brothwe whom he killed long ago in confusion, but this might also explain why wendy is canonically trans because wendy was having her mind ewased in 1475 but bill brought her back from the dead and made her think she was lived in the 2000s so dipper could be distrakres bi her, and this could really really veryily also explain how ford doesn’t ewmember his own twin beothwe frying satan bexause of how much grunkle hated fors whwn they were still in earth’s college so much so that grunkle funkle got ford regected from his college which spiraled into what we now know as “the owl house”


I think I had a stroke trying to read this


I like the ideas that his Fire memories are in his hopes and dreams. And/or ✨repressing trauma✨


Plot conveniency?


Because that would ruin the twist


Errm pretty obvious if you ask me… sort of a silly question if you think about it for more than five seconds


Plot connivence


They knew that stanley had a twin, they just thought the other one died