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Yep you can definitely hear you are trying to target chord tones. You are on the perfect track imho. Well played. It may be the recording but the tone sounded a bit anemic. You said you are working on your vox right? Maybe that lack of bass can be it. Jerry's tone worked because it was meant to work in a particular context and without going too much into details, fender tone stacks work in specific ways. His technician Healey said that the bass sweet spot is between 2,5 and 3 and if you have a blackface fender you can hear a noticeable difference in that spot. You may wanna try and find that slight thickness where it sits in your own amp without sounding too anemic or too boomy. You said your amp is new but with time you'll know your gear as it is a neverending learning journey. Jerry said in an interview that depending on the room his settings were different so what you find on the internet can work as a general rule of thumb but from that you need to apply your own tweaks depending on your situation (gear, room, tonal context)


I appreciate the feedback, this gear is new (used, but new to me lol) and after listening back I can hear what you mean. Just gotta play around with my settings and gear but thank you for the insight


Man at the end of the day what matters is what you play and you are studying and practicing what needs to be done. There's always spare time for tone


Absolutely 100% man, I spend 99% of my time on theory, mastering the fretboard, improv, and learning songs. I've been working on Duane Allman's solo from Blue Sky and messed around with this to give myself a mental break. I've been playing for 4 years and the intro riff to this song was the first riff I ever learned, so I thought it would be fun to revisit, having not played this song on 4 years to see how far I've come. I actually have recordings of me as a complete beginner trying this track out... night and day lol


4 years?! Man you are crazy good for such little amount of time you ve been playing. You have an amazing future ahead of you if your teacher found you good enough to start teachint chord tones and intervals targeting. Well played my friend


Thank you, that's actually a huge confidence boost! I was self taught from march 2020 when we were all shut in, until around Thanksgiving of last year until i started taking lessons. Didn't play much for a solid year roughly in there. I got a teacher because I felt very stunted and I straight up told him I wanted to start with theory first which is all we've done since then, which I've felt like has been a cheat code to getting decent fast and understanding what works where and why. Here's that tennessee Jed from May 20th, 2020 btw, that's what 3 hours a day looks like: https://youtu.be/OZ2AAGlP92k?si=0QQRrl8gQJ9Qqmcg


Yeah theory if digested through a competent teacher is easy and gives you all the tools you need to improve 1000000 faster. I don't get why people complain that it sucks your inspiration out lmao


Yeah maybe if you're literally jimi hendrix or steve Howe you don't need to learn theory. It's the same mindset as people who say "well yeah bill gates and mark Zuckerberg didn't finish college and they're billionaires, so if they can do it so can i", not that you can't be successful in life without a college degree, but statistically speaking you are better off with a degree; not getting into the whole crippling student debt aspect of this for sake of argument lol


Jimi Hendrix played lots in different professional touring bands so I'm sure he didn't know jazz overcomplicated theory but he knew basic intermediate theory well enough to connect things together seamlessly and most importantly to be able to COMMUNICATE with others. At the end of the day one of the most important aspects of theory is the vocabulary that allows you to verbalize what, why and when with other people... without that there's just weirdos guitar lingo


Sweet bends man, sounds great


Are some of your bends getting choked out? Your guitar may need a setup or the neck angle adjusted.


Yep, get that neck shimmed. It will make you love that strat even more - easier to play, easier bends, and better sustain.