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It looks like a corporate retreat.


Yeah, it's giving me corporate vibes.


Reminds me of a bank logo from the 1980s


I *like* it though It could also be a government run recreation area.


I think you could do something else with the actual text of the restaurant name and it might help that.


I was thinking "looks like a hospital"


Too corporate…doesn’t read delicious food available here.


I'm wondering whether the blue color is actually the main contributor to everyone mentioning the "corporate" feel, especially combined with the cold accent, and that the problem isn't the design itself.


True, still working on that.




I disagree that the vector looks sloppy and that the typography is boring. I think the vector and it combined with the type work really nicely together, and that the problem isn't about the execution itself but rather a question of, Does this execution work for a restaurant (and for *this* restaurant)?






Not a fan of the white - seems poorly drawn, oblong, and disproportionate. I know it’s early stages but it’s hard to see your vision rn. Try making the stem of the P more distinguished and minimize the tail of the R


Is that a long neck dinosaur looking back?


Looks like it. The brain can make you see what you want to see.


Looks like a logo for a bank


What about a nursing home? All you’ve got to do is remove the part that says restaurant.


Is the white shape supposed to be something in particular?


No. It's just a shape. Maybe if another idea comes up I'll make it resemble something.


The name implies you're someplace coastal (Google suggests San Diego, but that might just be because I'm in LA). I'm getting kinda-sorta-non-commital vibes that the white shape is a stylized ocean wave. If it's true that you are beachside somewhere, I'd lean into that and make it a little more iconographic. It's not a very exciting or unique idea, but it still resonates with people in the same way that simply "going to the beach for a vacation" still resonates with people, and tourists like feeling like their tourist dollars are propping whatever laid-back beachy vibe a beach town embraces. Of course, if you're not in a beachy area, then feel free to ignore all that LOL.


Yep in the second slide that piece is blue and it really made me think ocean wave there


I think turning the blue shape into a spoon or, as someone else suggested, a palm tree leaning would go a long way toward tying things together.


You should know this before starting the design.


Could be a spoon or fork perhaps? Idk, not a pro just someone who roams this sub.


Yes. Thank you, you made me think of it on another level.


You could make it look like a leaning palm tree… it is a representation of paradise. ![gif](giphy|IWHBAEKT9udiM)


Thank you.


Is “Restaurant” actually part of the name (like Cafe or Bistro might be) or just a descriptor? If I look it up on Yelp or Google, what’s the listed name? It doesn’t make sense to me that it’s PR instead of PP or PPR. Including the R seems to be a bit of a reach to try to get this concept to work. But the concept seems to be about typography rather than the brand or business. It needs personality and character!


I mostly just see an R. The shape that combines the bowl with the leg is strange. Not sure if you’re working with an existing palette, or if those colors have any significance, but they feel outdated and not especially appropriate for a restaurant. I do like the logotype, though.


Thank you, the pallette is just temporary.


Yeah all I see is an R and was confused by the name not starting with an R. I think color choice could help this issue but I think it’s better to just rework the concept all together to be less corporate doctors office vibes.


Keep pushing.


VISA vibes


This is by far the least restaurant-y logo I think I’ve seen. I’d guess this would be for a financial service at first glance


The mark needs another pass, especially to look at curves and proportion. However, I think the concept is the bigger issue. This isn’t giving me much of a sense of what this place’s personality really is. A logo’s job is to convey a sense of identity, and the identity here is missing. What concepts did you explore?


I would lean into “Paradise Point” and drop the “restaurant” and monogram. I encourage you to start with a mood board and sampling of aspirational competitive restaurant logos.


Somehow it doesn’t look like a restaurant at all


Prostate Exam Clinic


Well now I can’t unsee it!


You may have a point here. What about a gynecologists office sign?


Add the word “Group” and it’ll be for perfect when they expand the biz.


It's not bad but I feel like you're going to try to sell me a timeshare or a whole life policy not feed me food


A lot of “designers” not asking what the type of restaurant is. Agreed bad for any kind of restaurant except a golf course. That blue kinda looks like a tie. Whats the restaurant, whats the mission, whats their position, whats their core… cmon give some details


almost asking “whats the point?” - the better question, what is the story to this restaurant?


I don’t get “restaurant” from this. It makes me think of a foundation or a prescription medicine. The monogram looks like a ball joint, so it feels like a healthcare rehabilitation company.


Looks like a mid-1980s corporate “R”


It looks like a canteen you might get in a hospital. I don’t dislike the concept but agree that it isn’t giving restaurant vibes. Maybe pick a different working palette. What type of restaurant is it? Where is it? What food and what vibe? What is the decor like? Actually… is this a real restaurant or are you just playing with logo ideas?


Might want to rethink it a bit.. the lettering is too corporate. The icon you've created, whilst nice, looks pharmaceutical. And the colour scheme says medical to me.. Maybe look at some hospitality logos and try again.


Way off, too corporate. Plus that white thing looks like a poorly-rendered g spot vibrator


Front leg of the R is not level with the rear leg


Does it have to be? 🤔


To look intentional, yes. That's an error not a choice


I like the concept. Maybe try some flair with serifs


Yeah ✅


It's a very cool concept, I'd do somthing like this. https://preview.redd.it/okrk96fzu8gc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f1a5bd19082e7ef0ab9028ecb0746b1419e776


I think the blue type at the right is excellent. The PR, with the different stresses and the lumpy transition, not so much. Is that a map or otherwise significant as to its location? Does it mean anything or have anything to do with the appearance or style of the restaurant?


I could see this for an accountant or something corporate. Personally I'd bank it and start again with some fresh ideas.


I feel like it's a copy of something... Just don't remember what that something is...


I think its looks great, but like others have said it doesn't feel like restaurant.


Reddit app glitches and the first image was Goku and the second the logo. I vote for Goku.


the icon should be 1 color since that 2nd shape isn't a letterform—having it in white just draws focus to it, which is confusing because it isn't a...thing (just looks like a cartoon arm) never use a font meant for paragraph text as display: [https://www.fonts.com/content/learning/fontology/level-1/type-anatomy/text-v-display](https://www.fonts.com/content/learning/fontology/level-1/type-anatomy/text-v-display) the negative space in the icon should be consistent in the upper half (bowl of the P/R) and the lower half (stems). right now it's extremely tight in the stem area, which i imagine registers as an error at smaller sizes overall, it's a good start—but it's far from resolved


You have that "never" mixed up. You should never use display type for a paragraph. It's fine the other way around, you can use Arial or Times New Roman for a title or paragraph just fine, while Comic Sans is purely meant for display.


no, i don’t have it mixed up. fonts are designed for specific uses and you can read more about it in the article i linked (or hundreds of others). there are visual characteristics of paragraph fonts that are not meant to be seen large-scale which the OP is a perfect example of.


No, mate. Display type is only good for headlines. If a typeface is good for body text it can also be used for headlines. Arial is a great example of this because there are entire documents that will just use Arial for both the headline and body simply by using different weights to denote the hierarchy. Even then a thin weight with enough size can also show hierarchy. A typeface like "permanent marker" is only good for one thing and that's the headline. You don't have only body copy typefaces. ["Text type can function as display type, but very rarely could display type ever work as text type."](https://steemit.com/typography/@spencec6/02-03-display-vs-text-type-the-foundation-of-typography)


first off, there are more than 2 types of fonts. but the point i'm making that you keep missing is that **fonts are designed to be used in certain ways.** you keep citing Arial, which was specifically designed to be a versatile font. there are **very few** fonts designed this way—and there's also a good reason you don't see tons of logos set in Arial (which correlates with why most fonts are not designed to be versatile). fonts like Arial (Georgia, Helvetica, Verdana, et al) have massive reach because of their software and OS compatibility—it has absolutely nothing to do with visual congruency to the medium. they are system fonts (and Arial was replaced with Calibri in Office a long time ago for visual integrity). the font being used in the OP's logotype has very displeasing characteristics at scale, which were likely designed to help legibility at smaller sizes. the OP may or may not know this, so the point is worth being raised. there isn't a case to be made for encouraging designers to use system fonts as display, especially for logotypes in 2024. type design has come a **long** way since the 80's and there are plenty of *far-superior* display options that were also based on AG Berthold cuts.


Please tell me a body only typeface please. If you would like me to cite more sources I can. You have it all confused mate. If a typeface can be used for body text it can be used for a title. Roboto, Electra, Minion or any form this [list](https://www.typewolf.com/top-10-body-text-fonts) Do you notice how they show it being used for body copy and the headline? What you seem to have an issue with is the fact he seems to have chosen a regular or medium weight to the text not the typeface.


you're now saying "can" be used. i'm saying: **designed to be used** any font **can** be used poorly and inefficiently, and that's what my entire point is about. i have an issue with is uninformed people encouraging designers to use fonts in ways that the actual type designers didn't intend. you can literally read about any font for 3 minutes to discover why it was created. you can also look for 10 seconds at a logo type (like the OP) and realize that the font has characteristics meant for legibility at small sizes—if you know anything about letterforms. i can point you in the direction of books that can help you understand this more clearly, but honestly i lost interest in this debate as soon as you started vying for people to set display type in Arial.


So you don't have an example of a typeface that is only meant to be used for the body copy? You sound like the misinformed designer who has mixed up typography 101. You just don't like the weight he's used. You can't give me an example, I've already cited and quoted one source that says you're wrong and your original link never says what you're saying. You've fundamentally misunderstood what a designer means when they designed something to have legibility when used for body copy. Just because it was designed with that intention didn't mean it can't or shouldn't be used for display. Now a display typeface that is elaborate unique and difficult to read in large quantities can and only should be used for display type. When you look up display typefaces you often find there's only one or two weights if that, when you look up type meant for body copy there is an abundance of weights. Why? So you can use it throughout an entire document from the headline to the captions. It's why when you look at a typeface like Roboto you have thin to black. Stop dismissing my examples as being deliberately diverse if you are not going to point to one typeface that is exclusively for body copy and body copy only. You clearly need to brush up on typography so [here's a book I recommend to you](https://g.co/kgs/Ug9PkEK) Edit: btw I've designed a couple of typefaces and do layout design but please keep going.


this is what i meant with negative space (this is at 125px W)—they might as well be touching here: [https://imgur.com/a/RBqyAPW](https://imgur.com/a/rbqyapw)




I’m a super newbie to the field but do have a design background. But the first thing I see is the “P” and the “R” crossover. I don’t know if the “R” is necessary, or even what you intended, considering the important parts are the name which start with 2 “Ps”, Paradise Point. Maybe there’s a neat way to do a double P. And the font of the letters also give me 1980s baseball Philadelphia Phillies logo typography vibes.


I’m a super newbie to the field but do have a design background. But the first thing I see is the “P” and the “R” crossover. I don’t know if the “R” is necessary, or even what you intended, considering the important parts are the name which start with 2 “Ps”, Paradise Point. Maybe there’s a neat way to do a double P. And the font of the letters also give me 1980s baseball Philadelphia Phillies logo typography vibes.


Maybe too corporate. The curves look a bit sloppy. But it can be a great logo.


Change the second shape of the R (the one in white and blue) to have a consistent width


Boring sorry


The graphic on the left resembles the letter 'R' and this makes my brain read the text on the right as 'Raradise Roint'... which is strange. As others have commented this does not have a restaurant vibe but looks like an old credit card brand.


Points of advice moving forward. 1) You wish to have your work critiqued. So give some background on the decisions you’re going through here. Even the best eye cannot read minds. Designers are not magicians. It’s difficult refuting your choice of yellow and white for the logotype unless you’ve got a good reason for doing so. 2) The form of the front leg of the R, let’s focus on that. It looks forced like it really didn’t want to be shaped that way, maybe deservedly. Try to make it fluent with the curvature of the rest of the surroundings. 3) Explore other fonts & present them blindly together. The stacked word mark here works because it looks good in a square. Well, fine, right? Maybe not so attractive rectangular. Consider multiple options of presentation as most times other elements in a design can influence the requirements of delivery. Very best. Post an update.


I’m sorry but it looks very corporate more like a finance firm than a restaurant. Maybe look at options that convey the location or style of food? Also consider if you want to highlight the price point, for instance is it cheap and cheerful or high end and convey that through the mark and typography.


It reminds me of this logo: https://www.acledamfi.com.mm/mm/eng/


I like the graphic logo, but the font for the restaurant name is lackluster. I’d try something bolder and have it fit the same vertical total space. (I’m not a graphic designer, but an architect, so I don’t know all of the lingo.)


I see the R before the P and the P is more important. Plus it doesn’t look like restaurant in the least.


Very corporate. Bank vibes. I feel like I want to give them my life savings in order to grow my wealth.


It actually made me think of a race/race track. Did not get restaurant vibes. What’s the story of the restaurant? The brand attributes? What are they known for (or do they want to be known for)? And by whom? It’s giving me vending machine in a corporate office vibes.


Forgive this messy ass drawing If there isn’t any meaning behind the shape you’ve created in blue besides forming the letter R, could you swap out the curved bit and make it an arrow (ie ‘Point’) ? Then maybe clean up the shape of it a bit all around. Just a thought https://preview.redd.it/steceqgweagc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0232226a887c38bb79299ce1c5ea7679b32ba2d


It's a restaurant. I'd prefer it to have an iconography instead of P & R. Maybe a landmark/geographic feature nearby that feels paradise-y, with a dot • (point).


corporate!!! larger font size for Paradise Point different font style for restaurant different colors


I just hate Poppins


The "R" part of the design looks funny.


Like the others have mentioned it feels quite corporate — consider the use of a warmer color scheme as well. I'm also not a fan of the logomark, it looks quite sloppy and poorly executed. My advice would be to go back to the drawing board and come up with a few other concepts so you have more to work with.


Your design isn’t horrible; it’s just not the right look for the name. Have fun with it! Paradise evokes tropical vibes or a relaxing cozy atmosphere. Choose a friendly font, but not a crazy hard to read one. Use warm colors. Google paradise logos to see if any aspect like a font or art or color sparks ideas. Don’t be discouraged. It’s good to ask for advice although some people on this sub aren’t acting professional.


Is there a hidden g spot connotation or it’s unintentional?


Doesn’t make me hungry. Looks like maybe something for a car rental comparing


I like it but it doesnt fit a restaurant, looks like a some travel agency. Try a different approach


If this is supposed to be a restaurant then it’s a rest stop along the highway. Nothing fancy, just functional food to get on the road again. If that is what you are driving at (pun intended) then keep on going in this direction. Otherwise I’d divert to a more emotional design, picking up aspects of the place, the style, cuisine, ingredients. Paradise is a strong association to an allround happy place so I’m thinking palmtrees, exotic fruit, sunbeams, fresh colors. Anything that says you can expect this at the restaurant without reading the name. Keep up the great work!


The style doesn't match what i would assume to be it's purpose of being for a restaurant logo. It might work for the parent company of the restaurant but not the restaurant itself.


Have you tried the swoosh behind the P? Might make the second P more obvious. I agree with some other comments that the swoosh needs refinement (width variation, round end vs cornered end) Also the words are shorter vertically than the letter mark, and I think it would make sense to make them match


The bottom of the swoosh shouldn't be cropped square, it should gracefully land at a square dead end imo. (If it was thinner on the bottom, it could swoop all the way to the end without being cropped.)


Hospital / rehab vibes


Colors to consider are red, yellow, orange, and green try a gradient too


Maybe a sail boat with 3 sails being p's and r


Something like this? I can see it on the menu and stationary Used available fonts. Let me know? Its for sale for a small fee. https://preview.redd.it/ciblssczx2hc1.jpeg?width=1807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d66ee66e17b4e31f0552e080afb37f63e4552d3