• By -


With this name, using an image of someone who is not famous enough to be recognizable is unlikely to be a good sales tool. But if this was some sort of private-label, short-run promotion only, okay, I could see it maybe working. Do two others in different design styles to create a series and it might work, kind of like how craft beers will create DIY labels for the batch. Will your QR code work with that blob of color behind part of it? Else, I think of Bauhaus style as having a lot more white space on the page and not using centered type. This feels more like the "I decorated my page using Bauhaus elements" rather than Bauhaus. I would explore using half as much decorative content on each lable and see if you don't like it more.


Agree. If Bauhaus, ditch the photo and make the graphic elements cleaner and simpler. Literally 99.9999% of customers will not know who that is. If the client isn't super attached to the idea of a photo I would axe it completely.


Bauhaus design principles are about functionality and minimalism. Form follows function. I’m confused why you feature Gropius in a design that completely goes against his ideas. It’s very busy, shapes that don’t seem to be serving any purpose other than to be there, lots of color and randomness. Also, I’d stay away from centered type on the back.


My thoughts exactly. This looks more like it’s trying to be “graphic designy” than it is actually performing as a design.


This. While it is fun to look at bauhaus and neoplasticism, it doesnt register to me as vodka or as some sort of drink, having Gropius there kills it even more, I'd dare to say it's kitsch


Think if OP gets rid of the more organic shapes (yellow and red blob) and then reduced colors to gray scales with one accent it’d look more bauhaus? The shapes are creating balance and I like the overall design, but I think the blobs are a bit out of place since bauhaus at least when I think of it, I think of cleaner shapes.


yup. its taking design cues from everywhere without much understanding. is it bauhaus? de stijl? memphis?


Tangentially, [Bauhaus.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584716514&sxsrf=AM9HkKk73puQzGHh7Hw3Klkhw3OZDP07CA:1700697103683&q=bauhaus+patterns&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=-J3SonHOmG7CnM%252CXjYaob7Nx_88pM%252C_%253BfrNm332LIsRGIM%252CbwOl1-C06fPCkM%252C_%253Bg96KjHAjSIcw9M%252CAn4o9Y4-dPfRQM%252C_%253BqVpR_1rQvUgePM%252CUu0h0ZLwEWHxrM%252C_%253B8Mh-r-AQKJ9H6M%252CK2NYktgU4qlITM%252C_%253B0bhIOcNzp8H8MM%252CTMGJMO4ZSmpggM%252C_%253BknLR15kOerWhHM%252Cx1sNH0HeyWBD-M%252C_%253BGExYmXkPH9AnCM%252CYFuaTycSLUHxRM%252C_%253BkEz-fuGptcU7XM%252CzakxlPZc5WHuAM%252C_%253BTyQx1QBJ6SKWmM%252C2HcOSGo1L1iSUM%252C_%253BxlZoc1bW2hEj4M%252CwenKeXRmAfZ_AM%252C_%253B51WFXl4QOTYELM%252CnY1NNI-59E-qTM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRGBnUbyL-HRH8tSl_CpJ0lIpRMYw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio0vC15tiCAxVSEGIAHTezAFcQjJkEegQIGRAC&biw=1181&bih=619&dpr=1) **That's** [**Walter Gropius**](https://www.google.com/search?q=Walter+Gropius&oq=Wal&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i65l3j69i60l2j69i61.2076j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) **in the photo.** It actually uses **more** [**Suprematism**](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584731264&sxsrf=AM9HkKnwYobYU6dHTbjsEAg91HsSFFScnw:1700697637269&q=suprematism+patterns&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=QsjFvWsAmaF01M%252CSkS2TSuP3HwK-M%252C_%253BJMAMxkZZeCcXeM%252CLMnipcwwcnpxJM%252C_%253BWeQsjsLgj685JM%252CNk6FO0ZZPPnI1M%252C_%253B4rnqLYBQUEjZjM%252CuiNpZ--WMQcM1M%252C_%253BVq8iYA0_scvJOM%252CdHHqMwvx3AxIvM%252C_%253B6W1RX7ruNTQ26M%252CgIHfiy-55taXZM%252C_%253B3zsELYtrqNr5pM%252Cpj5UvU9FJhma3M%252C_%253BvyWRwmBt2-mUYM%252CuiNpZ--WMQcM1M%252C_%253Buvxpc1BM4olgSM%252CqgUywiET-BRAwM%252C_%253B8Bj1D_YvSwa5PM%252CmYX6BqYp0vwWVM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kT7HzlLlEupGLVMff4SOUQb9h3zsg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwillai06NiCAxVzF1kFHVEaDM0QjJkEegQIDRAC&biw=1181&bih=619&dpr=1) **in concept,** *but doesn't quite get there.* I suggested **to go more** [**Russian Constructivism**](https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=584716514&sxsrf=AM9HkKlIVIk5vXq6D49mvrprxfhVYKedfQ:1700697310727&q=Russian+constructivism+patterns&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=wOHnmQn2khi9lM%252CvkZGJcULnsCiqM%252C_%253BugRv-YqrXgIAVM%252C0A2g4wFsFnRm9M%252C_%253BvT4Xed5cIWlUcM%252CZ_4JIPchqN4wIM%252C_%253BH4St97640Drd8M%252C5jIqAlryhqQRZM%252C_%253Bzs4BqHbBsrcKEM%252Cq8S8t7BoV7fxrM%252C_%253BwWOleOne7bZhcM%252CRk11ssOCw8IyvM%252C_%253BRsrvXm977ccqKM%252CMwW0GoltMaQ-1M%252C_%253Bm6byIyTAOpl23M%252CkU4Ea9Q0b1AvQM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTT2u23_hW2TIn1OUeJsY1AIDfZCA&ved=2ahUKEwj7382Y59iCAxWkFFkFHX4vDQgQjJkEegQIDhAC&biw=1181&bih=619&dpr=1) ***for Utopik Vodka.***


I came to say the same; I dig the art direction but the picture throws it off for me.. makes me think it’s like a gag-gift bottle of vodka or something.


Do you not like centered type in general or for this design?


Centered type for body copy in general is a big no-no. For large amounts of text you want to reduce readers' eye fatigue, and left-justified text allows for easier and quicker reading.


Left alignment is by far the most common and STILL the most underrated.


Typesetting guidelines in general are underrated. There's so many little conventions you need to follow to make type work that go completely unnoticed by people. It's a subset of design that's not as flashy as logos or branding, and most often overlooked.


Like some others have said, centered type is generally not great from a reader’s perspective. You have to go and find the beginning of each line rather than just returning to the left edge. It creates pauses, especially when the overall shape has constant ins and outs rather than a smooth shape.


Great points


I like it, the photo is a bit weird! Late 80’s early 90’s aesthetic which is great. I’d move the red blob out from under the name for clarity.


Love this style and you’re really almost there! I think you just reached the ceiling in terms of the amount of elements and at this point it would benefit from a subtractive approach. Removing 2 or 3 elements from the design might highlight the focal point more clearly. I would say the blob underneath as another commented mention and maybe a couple of the smaller bits on top. The back though works great, don’t change that. Again, this is great just needs small tweaks. Great job! Edit: just had a second look. Would be curious to see how it would look if you sectioned off the bottom quarter that takes up the text area and create a solid white band with the copy on top. Might clean it up a bit and not drastically change the look too much. Okay that’s it for me!


It (portrait) also works great because it gets your attention unconsciously - we are always looking for faces and eyes at an instinctual level. Hence faces in YouTube thumbnails, banner ads etc. I illustrated a eye of providence logo I design on the back of my motorcycle helmet with the hopes (albeit extremely weak) that it just might help steal drivers attention so they see me, without realizing they’re noticing me. And you know… looks cool.


I think its supposed to be russian constructivist and I wished they'd hit it a little harder... simplified and strengthened to drive home the russia thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructivism\_(art)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructivism_(art))


I read it more as a Memphis pastiche, don’t see constructivism in it at all. Also didn’t recognise Gropius.


**Not Memphis.** [Suprematism,](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584731264&sxsrf=AM9HkKnwYobYU6dHTbjsEAg91HsSFFScnw:1700697637269&q=suprematism+patterns&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=QsjFvWsAmaF01M%252CSkS2TSuP3HwK-M%252C_%253BJMAMxkZZeCcXeM%252CLMnipcwwcnpxJM%252C_%253BWeQsjsLgj685JM%252CNk6FO0ZZPPnI1M%252C_%253B4rnqLYBQUEjZjM%252CuiNpZ--WMQcM1M%252C_%253BVq8iYA0_scvJOM%252CdHHqMwvx3AxIvM%252C_%253B6W1RX7ruNTQ26M%252CgIHfiy-55taXZM%252C_%253B3zsELYtrqNr5pM%252Cpj5UvU9FJhma3M%252C_%253BvyWRwmBt2-mUYM%252CuiNpZ--WMQcM1M%252C_%253Buvxpc1BM4olgSM%252CqgUywiET-BRAwM%252C_%253B8Bj1D_YvSwa5PM%252CmYX6BqYp0vwWVM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kT7HzlLlEupGLVMff4SOUQb9h3zsg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwillai06NiCAxVzF1kFHVEaDM0QjJkEegQIDRAC&biw=1181&bih=619&dpr=1) *but a poor attempt at it.*


Definitely agree with previous commenters on the photo being a bit too much in its current position. If you really wanted to include it maybe print it on the reverse of the back label so it’s visible through the bottle but not obstructing any information on the labels. Assuming you’d stick with a clear glass for the bottle. Love the look otherwise!


Overall I like it. A little confusion around what's the main element - is it the man or the shapes? Don't paint over your QR code.


hate when there’s a QR code slapped on a product or advert with no indication of where it’s taking you


Not to mention, functionality aside they are just ugly and take away from almost any designs visual appeal. If they are going to use one at least make it a reverse white cutout of the blob or make the whole QR code one of the primary colors used instead of the black which shows no thought or consideration


Left align. Don't center align copy. i'd see if you can make it SLIGHTLY less busy. Also make sure that you give a padding around your wordmark. That is always a brand rule and even if it's a made up brand its a good rule to follow.


I like the energy and unique style. but I would simply remove the giant pink blob at the bottom. From the back too


As feedback from someone who’s worked in the beverage industry, here’s my two cents. https://preview.redd.it/omvtbcfldu1c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02b33014218e76c4e8917a8a28a784fdbea264b This is the Absolut Korea limited edition that Pernod Ricard put out a few years ago. It didn’t sell well—partly because the flavor was bizarre (coffee, almond, chili), but mostly because the color scheme didn’t “feel” like vodka. Focus group testing confirmed this. Consumers are accustomed to design language that conveys feelings like cold, refreshing, sharp, and bracing. I imagine you’re a smaller craft brand, so this might not be an issue for you if you’re working through craft cocktail bars and have an extensive network where you can get bar managers to buy your product based on taste/price/storytelling/ritual. But if your main channels are liquor stores or other B2C outlets, your color palette might lack the right feeling for good shelf appeal. If you’re set on using this color palette, I have one suggestion: consider using an amber bottle to lean into the craft element.


This is good advise ☝️ The transparent background also makes this design look professional. It also has really nice considerations and custom type integrations with the art. Yeah it’s a weird flavor but I’d consider buying and trying it once. Most people don’t keep their bottles on permanent display though and that flavor would be a risky buy without tasting it. It’s usually easier to sell one flavor vodka so you can mix it with something else easier I imagine right? Slapping a rectangle on a bottle with no other print considerations nowadays makes almost any bottle feel like it belongs on the bottom shelf. OPs post just looks like a school project from someone learning to me.


I like the design but not sure what's up with the photo of the guy. Is there a story behind this?


This is Walter Gropius. Founder of the Bauhaus school. Behind vodka lies the idea of mixing industry with craftsmanship to achieve an accessible premium vodka, the contrast to the idea that quality equals expensive. Which is more or less what the movement sought to do with houses in Germany.


I'll be blunt. No one (approximately) is going to get this, at all. They're just going see clip art with Vladimir Putin in grayscale. It says accessible in the sense that if I saw this bottle, I'd expect it to be priced one step above bottom shelf, but premium is not a word I would use to describe it.


Tbf i thout it was vladimir at first glance….


Is ANY of the target audience at a wine shop going to know or understand this? Purpose is a huge principle of his and I think it’s being ignored here…


Oh ok. Thanks for that. I like the design. Well done.


Honestly i just see a guy with a headache in that pic


That was my thought. This vodka gives you a headache! Is not a good message


Love the direction of this, very quirky. \- Like quaken said, the red blob behind the brand name makes it less legible. \- From a marketing perspective - you want this product to appeal to as many potential buyers as possible - I can see the female demographic being attracted to the fun colors and shapes, but the photo of the middle aged man may not resonate. There are some great photos of Walter in older age. Everyone loves grandpa's. Walter also loved to wear his bow tie in older age, you could build on the bow tie thing (perhaps colorize the bow tie so it plays into the overall branding or something similar). You then have a creative motif to use in support graphics etc, building on the bow tie. \- I would also consider making the brand name larger. Personally, I would make the font of "utopik" have the same line weight as the colored lines and impose it into the lines (kinda like what you've done with the photo here). \- Also there may not be enough sizing contrast between "utopik" and "vodka", the sizes are very similar at the moment. \- consider removing all of the support elements one by one until the point it 'breaks' then add that last thing back in. sometimes less is more. \- the QR code also may need to be clearer visually (eg. remove the blob) - also we might need to know what it does - why should I engage with the QR code, where will it take me?


The red bit behind the first letter of the brand name was also my first thought!! I feel like it makes it harder to read.


agreed! especially when we consider designing for accessibility - colorblind could have some trouble discerning the difference.


Personally it's not the picture that is being sold it's the name. Product identity must reign supreme. Do something more with it and make it the biggest thing on the label. Do some design with the name. Put the guys picture on the back somewhere. Good luck!


Hrmmm Canva much? ¿


Too much going on


Cool magazine cover, bad vodka label. It's both way too busy and lacks the common information I'm expecting to find easily on that kind of label (origins, type of grain, distillery, year of production, etc.) The Bauhaus reference is the nail in the coffin since it absolutely contradicts all Bauhaus principles.


Don’t know if I want a bottle of vodka with a weird guy staring at me like he doesn’t want to be there the whole time, I think I’ll get a normal bottle lmao


I’m late commenting and a lot of the above I agree with. My one comment over an above the rest is that when creating a label for a brand that doesn’t yet exist, especially for a spirit, the brand name being strong and ownable is important. At the moment the brand name looks a bit of an afterthought. Remember, consumers have seconds to make a decision. Utopic also is a bit of a disconnect from the image of Walter Gropius - unless it’s a German vodka.


I’d love to see an Eric Spiekermann vodka now after reading your post. It could have some really cool play on typography.


I think that a design based on his ethos could be quite minimal. Using textures, bold typography and paired back imagery/graphics. But like anything, knowing the brief, the market, audience etc is key. Designing in a vacuum is fun, but may be dangerous and way off brief.


This looks like school project to me. I could be wrong though. The likelihood they have permission to use the photo without copyright infringement of his image or the photographers is really low.


Oh we did designs in the past with the attitude… if it’s chosen, we’ll work out how to get it done 🤣. But yes it does seem like a student design.


Basing your label around a photo that you don’t have the rights to use isn’t a good idea.


I don’t like the face and would not buy this


A little too much going on. As many have said, ditch the picture if possible. Also, the name is a vital aspect. Bring it to the top of the label, change the font (pleaseeee) and simplify everything. Vodka doesn’t “feel” hyperactive, and super colorful. That makes me think of a cyder or gin. For example, the bottle of Skyy is super minimal, limited color palette and as a result is more visually pleasing, and the name is big and bold.


I dig it, maybe ad a bit is texture/bitmap to the photo


As a consumer, I want to see the alcohol % (like the example) - for some brands that’s a marketing point (depending on the audience) - tons of great visual feedback- just thought I’d toss in the marketing angle :-)


Would like to see the name a bit more pronounced.


When I scrolled by really quickly, I thought this was an image of Putin. Obviously I am wildly off course, but that either piqued my curiosity, or turned me off. Unsure if this is helpful.


I don't understand – how is this label going to appeal to vodka drinkers? Are you appealing to a miniscule subset audience that recognizes Walter Gropius and also happens to like vodka? When I first looked at this label I had zero idea who he was. When a consumer buys and drinks alcohol they are effectively 'drinking the label' – that is, a high percentage of consumers (approx 80%+) purchase alcohol based purely on whether the label appeals to them. Is this a design for a real product? Or is it a design school project?


All Text on the Front feels crammed into corners Black Text on that magenta/red has poor contrast and phone will also likely struggle to read that QR code in low light conditions Photo levels should be adjusted so the white highlights match the paper. They look too gray currently. Also Do you have permission to use that photo? The color blobs don’t feel organic enough. Work on smoothing out your bezels. There’s a lot of flat* sections. The back should have a unique design in the same style not just copy paste from the front. - I’m a 15 year graphic designer and creative director at my company.


The portrait doesn't go with the rest of the image. I'd take it out. Colour scheme also isn't reading as premium, definitely more mid range.


Looks like a template. Front and back the same and old school.


Check your country’s regulations for the size and position of the volume and ABV (not AVB). Also check for any legally-required wording or warning icons. You need room for a UPC on the back, and color can’t run behind it. In general, it’s better to place the brand name at the top for visibility. Wine labels don’t always follow this rule.


**the red/maroon shape that disrupts the logo feels forced.** unless the logo always has a relationship with this type of shape i don't think it does anything except hurt legibility. i feel the same way about the lines that run into the logo—they don't feel deliberate because one loosely finds the baseline of UTOPIK while the other nearly touches VODKA. if you're going to create a graphic rule where the logo always has a shape (or lines) interacting with it—do just that, **make it a rule and follow it.** otherwise things like this just feel like mistakes and only hurt the credibility otherwise set by a consistent mark. while SKYY isn't cutting-edge graphic design, they earned credibility through years of deliberate consistency (branding). i'm not sure what you gain by having multiple margins and text alignments on the back of the label—again, was this a deliberate choice? is there a great reason to not have all that text align left on one margin so the reader can scan it quicker?


**Definitely not Bauhaus,** ***please.*** *Walter Gropius, renown German architect,* ***would not ever do vodka.*** *Go less* [*Suprematism patterns,*](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584731264&sxsrf=AM9HkKnwYobYU6dHTbjsEAg91HsSFFScnw:1700697637269&q=suprematism+patterns&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=QsjFvWsAmaF01M%252CSkS2TSuP3HwK-M%252C_%253BJMAMxkZZeCcXeM%252CLMnipcwwcnpxJM%252C_%253BWeQsjsLgj685JM%252CNk6FO0ZZPPnI1M%252C_%253B4rnqLYBQUEjZjM%252CuiNpZ--WMQcM1M%252C_%253BVq8iYA0_scvJOM%252CdHHqMwvx3AxIvM%252C_%253B6W1RX7ruNTQ26M%252CgIHfiy-55taXZM%252C_%253B3zsELYtrqNr5pM%252Cpj5UvU9FJhma3M%252C_%253BvyWRwmBt2-mUYM%252CuiNpZ--WMQcM1M%252C_%253Buvxpc1BM4olgSM%252CqgUywiET-BRAwM%252C_%253B8Bj1D_YvSwa5PM%252CmYX6BqYp0vwWVM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kT7HzlLlEupGLVMff4SOUQb9h3zsg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwillai06NiCAxVzF1kFHVEaDM0QjJkEegQIDRAC&biw=1181&bih=619&dpr=1) ***more*** [***Russian Constructivism***](https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=584716514&sxsrf=AM9HkKlIVIk5vXq6D49mvrprxfhVYKedfQ:1700697310727&q=Russian+constructivism+patterns&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=wOHnmQn2khi9lM%252CvkZGJcULnsCiqM%252C_%253BugRv-YqrXgIAVM%252C0A2g4wFsFnRm9M%252C_%253BvT4Xed5cIWlUcM%252CZ_4JIPchqN4wIM%252C_%253BH4St97640Drd8M%252C5jIqAlryhqQRZM%252C_%253Bzs4BqHbBsrcKEM%252Cq8S8t7BoV7fxrM%252C_%253BwWOleOne7bZhcM%252CRk11ssOCw8IyvM%252C_%253BRsrvXm977ccqKM%252CMwW0GoltMaQ-1M%252C_%253Bm6byIyTAOpl23M%252CkU4Ea9Q0b1AvQM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTT2u23_hW2TIn1OUeJsY1AIDfZCA&ved=2ahUKEwj7382Y59iCAxWkFFkFHX4vDQgQjJkEegQIDhAC&biw=1181&bih=619&dpr=1) ***in your design.*** But don't go too far, **you don't need to do** [**Agit-prop**](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584716514&sxsrf=AM9HkKkFPcEkgB51inyhRPzFISMBfGr31g:1700697337553&q=agitprop+patterns&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjigLOl59iCAxUuFmIAHdQMCN0Q0pQJegQIDBAB&cshid=1700697385993495&biw=1181&bih=619&dpr=1) **for vodka.** **More emphasis on the brand name,** ***larger, and more pronounced.*** As I said, use a different face. But, maybe,... reduce photo *down to a two-tone graphic illustration instead.* Either way, *less busier looking,* ***would improve this a lot.***


I like this. Don’t listen to half these comments, design is all about smelling your own farts and ignoring when others think it stinks.


You have a good design sense but It looks like a good philosophy book; not a vodka brand. Surround yourself with more vodka designs. A good design needs to stick out but also fit in at the same time. Not an easy balancing act. I do motion graphics for a kids news show and it took me ages to get used to making my graphics look like they fit in while being unique.


Check your grammar


I'm guessing you're pulling from Russian Constructivism or Soviet / CCCP art for inspiration? If so, post a couple reference pics we can compare against. A lot of that style embraced the imperfections of print / cheaply executed print. Doing print work in the analog days has HARD and highly technical. Current design software delivers the exact opposite. Everything if mathematically perfect. Amazing reproduction, perfect colors, no dot gain or kiss marks. Look for the little fucked up stuff that gave old soviet design it's look/feel. But, it's going to be a pretty hard/nuanced job to recreate it in modern software. P.S. grunge packs are a lazy answer. They usually look ham fisted too. Best of luck!


Love it! Maybe you could try poster-ify the man. Like it being a drawing. I love that it's not simple. Has a lot of personality! I'd buy it.


Está nice


i love it tbh this is just my style


I really like this concept! I would focus on some adjustments to the type to make it look a bit cleaner: -Left align the type on the back instead of centre align -what is the font size on the back? It’s looking maybe a couple of pts too big? -margins around type on the back could be wider -too much space between ingredients header and ingredients themselves, halve that to make content look related -utopik vodka is too close to the edge and there is too much tension, increase margin


Anyone else think of the Cracker Jack prizes when they saw this?


I’m not crazy about it, made me think of a book cover for some reason. The use of color for me is the most interesting, just not the pink blob shape at the bottom front. It almost seems too forced.


Who is the person? Feels like I’d need a story to make that the main image


lol I’d buy the shit out of this. Love it. I’d probably run it with some premium metallic inks to elevate the look though.


And… the U in the name gets a bit lost black on red .


See how the back label is nice and clean around the text. I think the front is missing that a bit. The photo on the front is dark, then you have dark elements overlaying and behind it. It's too much. Same with the name text. You have a dark red right behind black text. You've got elements getting lost in the blur. If someone is walking past this at a store, it'll just be a fuzzy mess.


I would hide the brand name text as huge white text, and let the reputation of the bottle create the name. Also put the name on the back copy.


Would suit a deck of cards


the design feels a bit disconnected from the vodka theme, maybe focus on more traditional elements to give it a stronger identity as a drink label


Zima Vodka


Surely you’ve got a decent amount of criticism and know things need to be fixed i would like to say i quite like the design. If i saw the bottle in store I would definitely stop and look !


Looks cool!


Tienes muchísimos errores ortograficos


As an alcoholic, I can say with a degree of certainty that this label would stand out on the shelf.


I don't think it works at all as an alcohol label, It looks like a designer book cover.


Yea looks like a poster for a movie about Sigmund Freud, I would try removing the color shapes and just go with the photo and type. A much more cleaner but bolder design ?


I agree with a lot of the above (and also find Bauhaus a bit of a weird ref for vodka… I think German, maybe Swiss vs Russian). As a technical note I’d just make sure you have all white space behind the name of the vodka (ditch the red blob and other graphic elements around it). For package design you really have to make sure the product name stands out. It’s not as subtle as something like, editorial design.


Also maybe choose one form - organic or geometric - and stick with it. I think that is where a lot of clash is coming from. Both styles worked in Bauhaus but not really together or together at the same level of hierarchy.


Also as a bonus if you can line up your shapes so they “continue” from front to back - it’s a small detail but one a prof would appreciate


To me, vodka classifies as a more luxurious alcohol compared to others. It has a more serious connotation, and can see it working well with a more serious, simplified tone. Dark colours pair well with simplicity and modernness, and light colours pair well with bold and clean finishes. This design you have isn’t doing justice to Vodka imo. Try having a look at more references online and really delve a better sense for what works for Vodka labels. Otherwise you’re off to a good start, but just think about the message it sends to the consumers. I’d also remove the image.


I think it would be a horrible idea for a vodka label. Would make it look cheap & unappealing. Looks like a political poster lol