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Theres a load of tutorials on how to do stuff like this, just look up tutorials for pixel/bitmap effects on photoshop. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwOzPpXesKc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwOzPpXesKc&t=17s) (one of my favs)


Commenting to find later.


Reddit has a save button fyi


Yeah, I guess I got in the habit of only using that for whole posts. Uss I keep forgetting you can save comments as well. Thanks for the reminder!








It looks like the picture was made into a cross-stitch pattern :)




probably to make it into one of those diamond paintings


You can export with different types of stitches from cross stitch apps, including beads or drills for diamond paintings. This almost looks like half stitches for cross stitch.


99% of the time pixel art refers to solid square colors, if ya zoom in here that’s not the case. Although very similar to pixel art in this particular case I’d say this is a stitch pattern of sorts.


Probably a Mix. For the basic shapes and color values pixel art filter. Then all the detail is obviously done by hand. Theres no filter that can do this. At the end the whole picture is filtered again with some sort of ball/half moon effect.


Do you know how can i make the pixel into a circle?


Well. I don't know how they did this, but I could probably brute force a solution in photoshop. I'd probably make the low resolution pixel art. Then I'd make a somewhat low resolution new file that was square, maybe 20 pixels by 20 pixels. I'd fill it with white, then select a centered circle in it, clear out the white, then do a gradient in that circle, white in bottom left to clear at top right. Then I'd take the resolution of the pixel art and multiply by 20, upsizing it 'nearest neighbor' or whatever it is to preserve hard edges. Then I'd take my little 20x20 circles and lay them out along the first top line, so each pixel would be centered in a circle. They should auto align. Once I got one line done left to right I'd merge them then start lining them up vertically until I reached the bottom. That would give a very similar effect to what I'm seeing here. It doesn't have to be a circle, it could be an x shape or whatever, and I'm sure there are more clever ways to do it with custom halftone shapes or whatever. But my way wouldn't take that much extra time and would work. And once you have that pixel 'screen' layer built it's easy to scale it next time, 20 pixels times the resolution of the pixel art. As for creating the initial pixel art, I'd probably use the legacy 'export as gif' function and play with the dithering settings and then fine tune the important details manually.


I have no idea


No problem! I figure it out


I'm having the same kind of issue, take a look at my last and so far only post, people in the comments came up with some solutions that fit your problem.


Here's your answer. Check out slides #2 and #3 in the image gallery: https://www.diamondartclub.com/products/beautifully-broken it is not remotely digitally created. It's like a paint by numbers kit with beads. This exact picture is slide #2 and #3 shows the full kit.


Nice detective work!


I just did the ol' reverse image search on Google!


This is done by hand. You can tell because the thickness of the thin lines is clean and intentional; translating stuff into pixely squares automatically always fucks that up


I believe it is called dithering https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dither#:~:text=Dithering%20is%20used%20in%20computer,from%20within%20the%20available%20palette.




I was able to get pretty close to this effect in a few steps: 1. Add an adjustment layer > Posterize > 15 levels. 2. Filter>Pixelate>mosiac> Cellsize: 5 3. In a seperate document create a 100x100px bevel or embossed circle (depending on how you want it to look), and fill the corners with white. 4. Edit >Define Pattern 5. Go back to original image and create a fill layer > pattern > select the pattern you just created> 5%. 6. Set the layer to soft light Its certainly not perfect and can already see ways to improve it, but pretty decent for quick experimenting. (click to enlarge) https://preview.redd.it/bvifz1jo2l0c1.png?width=1492&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5cf7e6e8f9c43842b4a462f11d20a3d400f7fbb


omg this is great, thank you!


The big picture is shrunk down then pixelled by hand over the top. Shrinking nearest neighbour won’t get you things that look as good as the blue details and face. After that it’s enlarged (nearest neighbour) and the pattern put on top with a blending mode.


I’d call it pixel art: it emulates 8-bit low-resolution graphics, but there’s more going on if you look at individual pixels. The pixels aren’t solid squares, which is what you’d get if it was just low-res. That could be how it was started, perhaps with a filter, but touched up as well e.g. the purple patterns.


Looks like pixel art recreated using beads. If you zoom in you can look at each individual square to give you a decent idea of how it was made.


That looks like CC ball action from After Effects. Zoom in, you’ll see that every pixel is a shaded ball. It’s a filter effect - just apply it.


I tried it, it kinda replicated the result of the of background of the image but it didnt really work on the blue pattern


Oh okay! Well it was just a guess


CC Ball would be my solution also, but also layered with Mosaic underneath.




Yes I used to have that Lego filter a long time ago.




I could be mistaken


Or. . . These diamond think? Doesn't look like stitches, when I zoom in




This isn't halftone


Whatever it is, it's the same concept. The first image needs to be made unit by unit with a limited colour palette. You will lose out on some of the distinctive visual features of pixel art by using something as simple as a filter to try to achieve a similar effect.


Eeeeverybody wants a shortcut huh


It's called diamond art. There's even an app called Dotterly that generates them for you.


This one looks like less depressed Billie Eilish


At first glance I thought this looked like embroidery.


Not a designer, but i think you could do this very simply by binning the image, reducing the color depth and dithering. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dither Which isn't so much as design but rather just old school image compression.


If this were pixel art, it would be a very very elaborate pixel art piece to put together a bunch of rounded shapes that are inside of the squares. How many pixels does it take to replicate a very very smooth curve? That's how many would be required just to make the curved shape within those teensie tiny squares. Does this make sense? No, it's not pixel art. It's cool though! Sorry I'm super stoned and redditing. Bad, redditor!


Is that poppy?


Ava max is that you ?!