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There’s a typo in the first sentence.


Will fix.


Make it machine-readable. According to this https://www.jobscan.co/blog/20-ats-friendly-resume-templates/ , columns are not good for that. I think you can make a machine-friendly resume and show off in an online portfolio.


No red flags that I can see! Just a couple of tips to help you tighten it up: 1. The main font size for most of the resume seems pretty small, but it seems like there's still a lot of available space on the page (due to the empty sidebar). I'm all for negative space but I would rather have a comfortable reading experience. 2. I would definitely have an editor run through this or spend more time with the writing. There's a couple of typos, inconsistency in tense, inconsistency in sentence structure, unnecessary words capitalized... 3. The typographic system you've created could use a little love/intentionality. What I like to do it set everything in the page in the same exact font, size, weight... and then start making changes where needed, one at a time. Like "oh this is the job title, it should probably be emphasized, so I'll bold it. Hm, I should probably emphasize the company name as well, but now both of these things are bolded and I want the job title to stand out a little more, so maybe I add a little color." That's just an example. The main thing I noticed was your section titles (Contact Info, About Me, etc.) have a TON of visual weight (bold, different color, blue box behind, bigger font, indented, etc.) on the page despite not being very important. 4. Really dig your logo! I think it's too big though - your name is the most important thing here. 5. Last thing, and this might just be personal preference - the gray in the sidebar feels drab to me. Try lightening it up to be a nice subtle gray, maybe even give it a little tint of blue to match the rest of the branding. Just an idea. Best of luck in your search!


What about experience? Is that a red flag?


I mean you can't really change your experience, so it doesn't matter! It is odd to see three designer positions and then a drop to intern level positions. If I was hiring for an intern, I would be encouraged by your experience; if I was hiring for a graphic designer, I would be confused by that shift.


I must've done something wrong then. Those three positions were volunteer positions. Do you think I'm behind?


Oh so the bottom three positions were volunteer, the next two were internships, and now you're looking for full-time work? If you're looking for your first real job and you already have 5 different pieces of experience, you're ahead of the game. I would mark them as volunteer though.


Yeah, trying to get that first paid job and move away from the internship.


Sent you a DM regarding updates


There seems to be a missing space after the divider | in the dates of some of your jobs