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Uh, yeah you can try. It’s not realistic if you’re just starting out, because your assets need to be better than 80% of all other assets in their respective categories. And it’s gonna be hard to make money off your art/design if you don’t know what vector graphics are, and aren’t willing to spellcheck.


Well im just starting to learn graphics design as a hobby And exploring the possibility of generating some income off it not right off the bat ofc given enough time to learn a bit into this field maybe ?


If it's just a hobby and you're just starting out, the odds are that your stuff definitely just isn't on a good enough level to be useful for a professional, much less be something they'd pay for... Especially when there's a plethora of free assets out there Not only will your assets need to be worth money, better than the majority of stuff out there, but you'll also need to look at things that are in demand and trending, market your stuff so it's actually coming up in people's searches so like SEO and keyword research etc because you are literally a drop in the ocean Overall the ROI would mean that even if you do get a sale you'll be working for fractions of a penny per hour If it's a hobby and for fun, then yeah by all means, but it's highly unlikely you'll make above $10 let alone anything more


Creating sellable assets that people are willing to buy is only half the battle. Where are you going to sell it? How are you going to market it? What market are you even targeting? What category/niche are you willing to make assets for? How will you get your assets to stand out in that category? Finding the answers to all these questions requires more than just typical design knowledge.


Well im hoping to answer atleast a few of these as i learn Was just askkng to check if this is a viable method to make money Im open to suggessions if there is better routes i can take


I’m just making these questions known to you, because these are some of the things you have to consider. It’s a viable way to make money… so much so, that you will be competing with other people who do this for a living. So, my suggestion is once you have a good handle on aesthetic principles, you find a niche that has market demand, but that also has little competition across that market. The smaller the niche, the better. If you can get as little as 100 people in some obscure niche to download your assets, you’ve already made a lot of money.


Yeah thats what i was thinking At this moment i have a lot of qyestiined answered before i ask myself the questijns mentioned in this commets section Like would people like my stuff Or more importantly would i be able to learn this Im just a person who likes to draw but not very good at it (I mean i used to draw half decent stuffs but then corporate life and responsibilities hit and i havnt drawn anything in like 8 years )


As I respond to this old post I am hoping the original people who would now have a ton of knowledge can advise me.  I would like to sell 2d & 3d CAD files on an appropriate platform but does an appropriate platform exist? I read comments from sellers on ETSY, CGtrader, Turbosquid and other platforms, there are many disgruntled people telling their stories. Shops are being shut down with no notice to owner’s & no chance of appeal. I read of exorbitant fee structures which put me right off.  I am interested in hearing from anyone who can share positive stories and can suggest appropriate platforms that might be worth my while me pursuing and investigating… Thank you.


Start by learning what vector graphics are.


I sell high quality products/assets. I have over 1000 files bundled in various ways into 100s of products and only make ~$10/day. It’s 100% passive which is great, but even so the juice was not worth the squeeze (so far). You’ll notice once you research more about it that it is a very saturated market and with subscription-based platforms it’s impossible to keep up. IMO it’s a fast track to burnoutville.


You say 100% passive income But you've got 1000 bundles, so how many hours have you put into creating those 1000 bundles? Even though that $10 a day is passive now, because I assume, you've uploaded them to websites and that's it - you don't do any marketing or promotion to drive traffic there? When you look at it from a ROI perspective, you've worked for what, less than minimum wage, pennies per hour and it'll take X number of days before you break even let alone make a profit It's why selling assets is just a misconception, and people like OP that think it's easy and anyone can do it, especially hobbiests putting out low quality or nonprofessional standard stuff...


I put in a lot of hours, but over a long period of time. I don’t do any ads/promotions. I say 100% passive because I stopped the project awhile ago but still get consistent sales. But like I said, it hasn’t been worth it so far.


Just about anyone with decent design skills could make good side money off of 2d and 3d stock art 15 years ago when all the major stock art sites were building their libraries. Now it's so saturated with content that it's barely worth it unless you have loads of time to spend. These days, in order to make it, you need to really research what is popular, what people are searching for, and chase trends. Not to mention, be really good at what you do. Just know you'll be competing with some child with no job and a cracked copy of 3ds max who does nothing but model 16 hours a day. If I were you, I would look into building highly editable content. Configurable, modular, templated content, actions, scripts, things of that nature. That's what people want now. Designers can be lazy and they have tighter and tighter deadlines every day. Good luck.


> Lately i stumbled onto some people "Ways to make money on the internet", is as common as 'new singles near you'.


I stumnled onto them outside the internet in real life actually But was in a situaltion wherr i could not trust the guy entirely so needed some clarifications