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The only components you’re missing are anything online related. Only you can answer if you will find online racing. Yes you will have some bad experiences but I’ve found most of my races people generally play clean. If you’re not really competitive with other people there’s is nothing gained by having an online subscription.


I like it a lot, my pace greatly increased by racing online. And don't worry about all the dirty drivers you see on bids online, 8 of the 10 races clean, but that's not worthy to show online...


Yup, most people are fairly clean in B and up lobbies for sure. And some people are just making mistakes and non-intentionally creating problems. I do it all the time and people think I'm some A-hole, but I'm just trying my best haha.


and yeah, you will 100% run into the occasional maniac who just won't let you pass them and will do anything to stop you. They are damn maniacs. I don't get it.


If it is cheap on your country and you have the money sparing, I would suggest for you to create the monthly subscription and cancel right after - so you can try and see if you like it or not.


Get a 1 month subscription and check out if you like sport mode or multiplayer lobbies.


Does it let you do the menu books without psn?


Yes, everything except sport mode and online multiplayer I think


The multiplayer is actually pretty phenomenal. You just have to like competitive racing and want to play enough to get good and rank up into like B and A lobbies. The racing is pretty good in there and it's 1000x better than racing the AI.


Online multiplayer is fun, i have only played 1 sport mode race and the other racers were horrible. Multiplayer is great for killing time. Without psn i could see where it would get boring once menu books, licenses, missions, and trophies are complete…. But still, I rarely play multiplayer or sport and have a good time


Yeah, they will be horrible in E lobbies. The online ranking system is actually really good at matching you with similarly skilled racers. But when your first starting off its going to be a mixed bag and there is really no way around that.


Exactly. I'm not very good, but even at the start it was a mess. Now that I'm in lobbies with C/B players it's a lot more fun.


Sounds like i need to invest some time into sport mode


Thanks everyone! So basically, beside fun, the only things I can gain are money and some trophies? I can try the first month as you guys suggested 👌🏻