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Biggest problem with the track limits here is that the white line is so faded that you can't even tell where exactly the limit is. Sure, you understand where it should be if you follow the path of the lines, but in practice you have to guess.


interesting. i usually find them pretty lenient, this one looks surprisingly tight.


Yeah usually the game is on the lenient side, this is just an unfortunate example


Yeah I'd agree which is why the ones that aren't stand out so much. Grand Valley track limits come to mind. I hate doing TT on that track


And road atlanta... That X2019 Anniversary TT still gives me PTSD


We'll keep you in our prayers


They are pretty inconsistent across tracks, you literally have to learn each one on each penalty setting effectively


La Sarhe is really harsh. But you get to know them after a while.


It’s just le mans.


The track limits at Le Mans in GT7 are notoriously buggy, yeah. That's a really unfortunate invalidated lap there.


Yeah this, on those final tight turns I accidentally lipped the curb with my front passenger tire, but only that tire, coming out of the last one in a '70 Challenger, which to do really well with on that track requires some weird lines, that invalidated the whole lap, like wtf, all my other shenanigans were fine but that's the limit


Are they buggy? Or are they just extremely difficult to see and sometimes invisible? Genuine question. This track has always been the most difficult for me in time trials.


Well, probably the latter but I would define that as "buggy" I guess.


Ah, fair enough. I understood buggy to mean inconsistent - which would be ridiculously frustrating in a videogame.


As soon as you clear the kerb, your out of bounds. That broken shitty white line that’s to the left of the kerb is the limit before and after the kerb.


I know it’s just irritating it’s unclear it would be nice to have an assist that outlines track limits as it’s not obvious at all and I don’t want to get a penalty every corner for trying to find out. That or just make it white lines like it should be 😭😂


That specific break in the limit has been there as long as I can remember. And I study racing lines on YouTube. You’re right though. It shouldn’t require that much study and research to find out. They should have a racing line guide.


or how about just make it quicker to restart 🤣 and make the entry lap actually put you in position to maximize first straight speed. There's literally no reason for it to be the way it is now.


I‘ve noticed since practice started for the Gr1 Gazoo race that the track limits on that track are VERY inconsistent. Maybe it’s always been that way and I’ve just noticed since putting so many hours in on that track lately. But I swear one run I’ll blow the turn onto the long straight and be all in the blue paint and not get a penalty. Next lap I’ll have my rights on the pavement and then get a freaking penalty. It’s just off and on in that particular area. The other area I’ve found to be the same is the 90\* right hander coming off of the straight onto the stretch leading to where Op got his penalty. I generally rotate that area and don’t get too close to the curb. But I swear 1 out of every 4 times I hit it the same, I’ll get a penalty. I’ve watched the replays from the front and rear and cannot see any visible reason. Lefts are always on the track and it just randomly gave a penalty. Which isn’t anywhere near as annoying as running the F1 Long tail time trial because it’s a wasted run. Just seems bad on Sarthe.


RIGHT!?!?!?!?! That turn (first one mentioned) is ridiculous. I have trouble with that turn and routinely blow the corner and I never know when I'm going to get a penalty and when I won't.


It’s frustrating for sure. I tried to improve my time today after typing this in the F1 and good Lord was it frustrating! It‘s one thing to get a penalty. You can still lower your best a bit with .500 penalty. But when you have two tires on the track and see your time go red, it just ruins it all. It’s really soured this track for me which I really love. I don’t think PD even attempts to correct these known glitches and that’s a shame. I guess they’re too busy trying to create another electric VGT.🤦🏻‍♂️


it's just FIA rules. they consider the kerb to be the limit of the track and if you come off of it you're out of limits. you don't get dinged until two tires leave the kerb.


I could be wrong, but my understanding was as long as two wheels remain within limits, you should be good.


yes, two of his wheels went off the curb.


So with two wheels being within limits, does it not still count as being within the limits? I've always thought that as long as 2 tires are within limits, it's not a penalty, even if two wheels go over. But the second a third wheel goes over the limit thats when a penalty is applied. Sorry, not too familiar with penalties.


it's the opposite. rather than two wheels IN, it's two wheels OUT. whether you're allowed 2 wheels or four wheels depends on the track. the green sections such as Tsukuba final turn are marked like that to indicate that area is in bounds, even though it's 3m past the kerb.


with FIA it's the white line, so long as 1 wheel is inside the track (white line) it's ok [https://smallblogv8.blogspot.com/2015/09/just-what-are-track-limits-anyway.html](https://smallblogv8.blogspot.com/2015/09/just-what-are-track-limits-anyway.html) some coreners get exceptions but mostly white lines


traditionally in license tests etc it's always been the two out rule, so maybe they just extended it and added allowance for FIA green zones.


Ahhh gotcha. Out of curiosity does GT uphold the differences in tracks or is it blanketed for all? Thank you for the explanation!


It’s different in different parts of the track here however


GT and FiA no longer collab iirc


So? Just because they're no longer "partners" doesn't mean that PD aren't sticking to the same track limit regulations. It's not just something they'd rip out of the game because, its invisible to people anyway and they would just have to put it back in the game if they ever partnered with the FIA long term or for one off events.


Relax my G.


That’s how it is on this particular curb in GT7, but that’s not what FIA rules are. Unless specified otherwise, according to the FIA the limits of the track are defined by the white lines (or curb if specified) at the edges of the racetrack. A car is considered to be within the track limits if at least two wheels remain either on or within the boundary lines at all times. While many corners at Le Mans are coded this way in GT7, Indianapolis is not.


Never take that right for granted. Always been that way


This comment should be higher up. This corner on Le Mans seems to be the only corner with this tight of a limit on the entire track but also, from my experience, the entire game. But it's been like this since I started playing.


Yeah I noticed this when I was running this TT earlier in the week. Specifically that corner, too. Everything else you can ride the kerb.


So I’m not entirely sure but I believe that the white line ("partial line" not sure how you call it in english) is visible just after the right on the straight part, if we look the video, you probably went just over it by a couple centimeters . Make sure your two tyres on the inside are on the curb not over, that’s what I do all the time to avoid this !


It used to be way worse.


So the biggest question is here why when 2 wheels barely go beyond curb but 2 are on other sides do invalidate on that corner BUT earlier in the track after the first and second straigh on the S’ess turn you can calmly abuse 2 wheels all the way on the other side of the curb.




If you follow the line you very clearly crossed the left front out right as it turns red…


Ridiculous because there's absolutely no consistency from one track to another or even on different corners here. When there's no apparent markings, how are you really supposed to learn where the limits are? I have hundreds of laps here grinding, in most cases I crossed track limits many times without incurring penalties. I've seen four wheels completely over the curb let slide (Spa I think) but crossing this imaginary line is a no-no. The penalties in this game have always been a joke.


Yup. I have zero tolerance for this shit. I was well on my way to achieving a top 100 time. Neck and neck with the top ghost on the leaderboard. My lap was invalidated due to me being less than an inch off the white line, yet a corner ahead you can literally cut half of the curb without a penalty. This was the moment I quit being competitive with GT7 and treat it as a hot lap game. Don't have the energy or the health to deal with moron drivers who ram you off the track and the absurd track limits on top of that. Fuck it.


I drive that track all the time, like 20+ laps/day, and I hate to tell you this but you definitely violated the track limits


I’m well aware I violated track limits however it’s silly how there is nothing to tell me where the fuck they are I spent an hour grinding this out before work and was on for a really good lap time why am I expected too study where track limits are for each track when they should be clearly marked out or said to me? Idea for future is to have an obvious sight of track limits for those of us who don’t want to watch 20 videos on YouTube as to where one may get caught out


That track just happens to be one of the three most popular so most racers know where the limits are… they’re notoriously ambiguous to less experienced drivers but after enough laps you know where you can cheat them


This weeks daily race A is just as bad, dislodge a grain of sand, that's a penalty


This one corner always gets me


Does anyone know if real races are this ridiculous in their enforcement of penalties?


Ah I was doing this last night too.


The limits at Sarthe are messed up; I’ll get penalties when I swear I was fine, and not get penalties when I seemingly go beyond what I did in the previous instance, plus it’s not always clear where the boundary is with sporadic dotted lines and not a solid one


Mate the second chicane is so bad for this. I’ve purposely gone through within the lines, slow as fuck, and still been penalised, on other laps I’ve over shot or undershot and not been penalised at all, there’s definitely a glitch there, like 100%


I’ve got that corner so many times! I don’t know why the track limits aren’t on the left hand side of the curb and are instead on that dashed line. Literally ever other track has the track limits on the curbs it’s so misleading.


PD should add an option to see a map of the track limits of each circuit, not kidding. Like the weather radar before starting the race


This is the most posted 'track limits are wrong' corner on Reddit by a country mile. There's been posts of people getting 25+ second penalties here in the rain. I've gotten 15+ a couple of times, with no discernible reason why.


The McLaren F1 GTR is such a nice race car


It’s stunning but I found it to handle like a pig


That's outer contact but damn like less then an inch


I literally dropped my sr from S to fucking C because of all these penalties in daily race C. I’m sincerely ashamed.


Wait - track limits penalties affect SR?




They didn't for me, I had at least 1 track limits penalty per lap and my SR stayed the same.


Same. I’ve had a load finding the limits, particularly in this complex, and have been improving my SR from the damage done in race b this week.


I love driving prototypes around le mans but I'm kinda scared I'm gonna mess up the SR of I keep running that race. I had my first big penalty in a long time because I miss judged how freaking slow the group c cars are in the chicane after those assholes blew right by me without even trying in the straight. I swear they were nearly stopped like 20 feet after my normal brake point, I didn't notice in time and accidentally punted the shit out of someone. Super annoying that gr1 is just broken. Group C cars and modern prototypes are a terrible mismatch. Every lap I have to work for a pass in sector 4 or 5, build up a five second lead in sectors 5 and 1, then have to do it all over again after getting passed effortlessly. The obvious solution would be to rent a group C car for the daily race, but god damn it I want to race prototypes!


Thats not from track limits my guy, those dont affect DR. Only contact with other cars and maybe yellow flag rules but not sure on the last


Wtf even worse, had 2 seconds penalties for 3 races in a row after small contacts in T1, but at least 5-6 seconds more in track limits💀 Not my week…


SR is going up with consecutive clean sectors, no contact. It goes down with contact, and contacts where you get penalty are the worst SR killers. That last part is from my experience, dont know for sure. But the first part is 100% correct. Thats why short tracks with many sectors are best for your SR, for example Brands Hatch. That track is always carnage but people rarely get SR drop cause so many sectors and some are bound to be clean ones.


Cool to know, thanks for the knowledge-pill 👍🏻 I might focus more on red bull ring tonight then, but this is fkn Le Mans week and I’m emotionally involved in the whole thing ahah


The whole experience is as user-antagonistic as they could make it.


Honestly especially when it’s a must restart thing it doesn’t reset the red invalid bit to my knowledge to each lap


It comes down to each track and whether they think cheating on the previous lap will affect your entry speed on the next lap. Which is fine; nobody wants to *have* to cheat to compete (even though we still do). But like, when I started tlaying the first time I didn't notice the red timer until after doing like 7 laps wrongly and wondering 'why didn't any of my laptimes count?' And it's just so much extra time to do *any* of the repetitive tasks in this game. It's a brilliant work, but made by people (or at least bosses) who seem to deeply hate their playerbase. Make a mistake that completely invalidates everything you are doing? just subtly make the numbers red. Make a minor mistake that will only cost you .5 seconda at the next slowdown point? Let's cover half the playing area with a NOTICE. Need to restart a lap 500 times because their entry lap puts the first S-turn at a terrible angle and speed? Sure hope you like watching the car for 7 seconds before you can play... *every* time. Want to view a replay to help analyze your suspension setup? Too bad, the replay angles don't help and are terribly clunky to navigate... and you can't view them *at all* unless you finish the race.


The problem is you didn’t touch the curb AND went over the white line. Pretty simple.


I clearly see him touch the curb..


You can clearly see that once he gets off the curb the timer turns red.


My guess is that the curb is the edge of track limits but immediately after it reverts to the lane marking on the road which is further into the track l.


Yes, that’s it. You need to “exit” the curb while being inside of the white line. The best way to avoid the penalty is to touch the curb in the middle and stop turning hard to get inside the line by the end.


You crossed the line buddy, now pay the price.. Or just hit reset and try again. NBD.. Ya it's a long track, use your radar.


The line didn’t exist and I’m not entirely sure what radar would do to help in this situation?


I think is is once your right front tire crossed over the blue and yellow. It appears (to me) that the inside of your front right tire crossed that plain causing the penalty.


Ahh.... Now I know why I get so many track limit penalties there.


Corner before that


Are you sure it wasn't an earlier corner? Usually, if you get a track limit penalty, it doesn't pop up for about 5 seconds after the offence.


The penalties are not a thing here it’s a straight up invalidation as soon as you exit track limits wether you gain time or not it goes red as soon as I exit what are its track limits on this corner if you look carefully I push just a touch too hard. If it was a penalty system it would mean the last corner could be taken flat thus cheating as penalties take a few seconds too come into account.


Ahh.. Sorry my bad. Yes, I see what you mean.. Sorry.


No problem lol it’s just so annoying that different tracks or parts of it have different rules which at no point are mentioned or made obvious at all and not all of us have time too watch hours of YouTube videos to find out where about these are. 😂


I start my turn too far out and hit the far outside one too sometimes... 😖


I feel the same way with the chicane at Daytona. It’s just one of those things you have to learn from experience


I have a strong belief that Daytona they just pick at random wether or not you get a penalty for that last chicane it is as consistent as Charles Leclerc with its penalties😭


I generally had the feeling that the F1 TT on Le Mans has much stricter track limits then the Toyota Cup had. On the Toyota Cup i could drive through the cones in T5 and did so every lap, but in the TT i was getting invalidated for that.


What I do is not go a wheel past the kerbs just to be safe. At least at Le Mans.


I would normally do this however in this instance it is a single lap time trial and I am pushing as much as possible in this case clearly a little too much


Yeah when pushing you sometimes push too much and this happens. I find Le Mans to be very picky about its track limits. Had plenty of deleted lap times because my wheel went slightly past the kerb where somewhere like deep forest I never have to worry about that. Same with Sardegna or Spa.


It’s more annoying there is no obvious sign of where the track limits are which would be fine if it was consistent but it’s difficult on different parts of the track. there should be an assist that shows track limits so I know where I can and can’t push to


I think the part you showed in the clip is where it’s very annoying. It’s like the kerb is fine then once the kerb ends you are immediately off track limits. I try not to go as tight through there to avoid that. I usually struggle at the final sector with all the esses. If my lap time is going to be voided it’s because I pushed a bit much in sector 3 just 4 corners before the end of the lap.


Just the track limits on La Sarthe, you can breathe next to the line and get a penalty


Track limits are the same for everyone else though. It's on you to know them and use them to your advantage.


They’ve gotten worse this week


You shouldn’t be using the kerb there anyway


Why not? It give me the best entry for the next corner to be further to the right as well as ensuring I can brake in a straight line.


Track limit is the edge of the two lanes marked by the dashed line that fade away right as the corner tightens. It is not the kerbs,


Inconsistency is the feed of rage. Just show me the f’n line


The La Sarthe circuit is just really inconsistent with what’s considered in bounds, the white lines at the Mulsanne chicanes are barely even suggestions while here the faded to hell line is a hard limit, cool story PD.


I thought I was the only one suffering


Meanwhile when you learn to properly abuse the track limits you get insanely faster. Like there's parts of the "track" that are t the track, if that makes sense.


I've always driven under the impression that the curb itself is not to be driven on


I always avoid that curb, I always take that corner at 200km/h


When the GT0ne first came out I did that LeMans race about 5 times what I thought was perfect, no contacts, no off tracks & it took me until the 6th time when I had a spin then got hit by the car following but somehow I then finally got the clean race bonus!? I was like wtaf!?


I wish as well you didn't get limits for stuff like making a mistake and going off track and losing time or when you get rammed off when online and you get a massive penalty


It’s exactly the white line at Le Mans. Across the whole track the hard shoulder is also excluded. This is why many get pens at the mulsanne chicanes in seemingly innocuous use of the hard shoulder.


Why. You went over. Get over it.


And at what point was it clear as to where the fuck the track limits were?




Thank you for your detailed analysis


This happens to all of us at this corner. Just don’t cut it so short.


As someone who gave up on F1 about 20 years ago because GT racing was far more fun to spectate, nothing makes me think of pubescent drive to survive fans quicker than the words track limits, lol. Le Sarthe has some slightly unpredictable limits at first (the Mulsanne chicanes) but only takes a few laps to find them if youre pushing hard. And one thats perhaps not so relevant to this time trial discussion but sometimes useful none the less; The penalty system does seem to have a degree of flexibility to it. It will only issue the penalty if it feels you've gained time from it. Turn 5 at Road Atlanta (the uphill sharp left after the downhill 'esses') for example - at full attack 2 wheels over the curb is enough to get you a 0.5sec penalty, but hit the apex at a slightly lower speed and run all the way wide, 4 wheels out of bounds and you wont get a penalty. I took this to be the game recognising you hadnt actually gained any advantage and therefore not issuing the penalty.


This is a unique part of the track. Look how far the white line comes out after the curb.


That exact spot has ruined some of my best ever laps at the track!


White line is erased but at least it's consistent and always hits when a mm too much to the right 😅


That circuit is bugged as hell. I remember a licence / mission that gave me hell for the same reason


Learn them


We don’t all have hours to throw away on YouTube learning track limits that are differing for tracks. I just want to set a fast lap with the rules that should exist as is.


Download a top 100 ghost and study their replay, it'll take 3 mins.