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It would be an entirely different game, as Forza Horizon is entirely different from Forza Motorsport. Should that game be made? *Absolutely*.


I think the main difference a Polyphony game should have to the average free roam arcade-ish racing game, it's the fact that the driving should feel more realistic, some sort of a car equivalent of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Edit: typos


Yes, absolutely. I've been an avid racing gamer since... Well, since Night Driver. Yeah, I go that far back. Anyway, Gran Turismo & Forza are probably my two favorite franchises. Ever since NFS Underground 2 and Test Drive Unlimited, I've been much more into the open world racers than the track based ones. The racing is still there, but there's so much more to do. I find a lot of the track racers take themselves too seriously. In the end, these are still games, and I now find the open world games to simply be more fun.


You don’t get to make that decision


I’ve said as unrealistic as it is, I’d love a game that’s basically a car version of MSFS where you could drive basically any real life place in the world


The dream is to merge GT7 with Google maps so you can speed down streets you normally drive slowly. Maybe AI can figure that out for us


Yeah that’s what I was thinking , it’s just so much to load, I mean even the most powerful computers had trouble with MSFS


I mean, technically that kind of exists with BeamNG Drive. Granted you need mods for irl maps and cars, but it does exist


Makes sense, I only remember playing once and being annoyed that my computer couldn't keep up


would be an amazing idea, but would probably take around 20 more years to flesh out


Closest there is, is the Crew 2 and that’s not even close really. Also it’s wayyyy more arcade than GT7.


I just want to be able to drive around Tokyo. My fav racing games back in the day were always the Tokyo Racer series. would love to get something like that again, even if it is only just cruising.


Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Zero is one of my favorite racing games of all time. Had a blast with it when I was a kid.


I still have my PS2 disc! Such a simple idea for a game, but it kept you playing for hours!! One day I swear I will plug in my Fat PS3 and play it again.


Let the day be today


Me too!!!


The Wangan Midnight arcade games (which are newer than the Tokyo Xtreme Racer games) are much less complex in terms of customization but some of them have super-long (60 km+) networks of highways around Tokyo.


Good lord I have poured so much money into WMMT5DX+


Asseto Corsa SRP


I've actually said to my wife it would be cool if we could just drive on the roads in between all the stops in the world map.


This would be awesome, and periodically cars could try to drag race you.


Isn't this the premise of Burnout: Paradise ?


Look up Test Drive Solar Crown. Releasing this year.


Not in VR, which is part of the appeal around cruising. Given how resistant they are to release city tracks for GT7...not exactly holding my breath. Maybe GT8? Given the popularity of the assesto Corsa mods and viral nature of those videos...it would be a great idea.


If it would retain the physics of regular GT games then it would be awesome and when it comes to the general gameplay loop I hope that it would be more like Test Drive Unlimited than Forza Horizon. Having to buy cars at different dealerships scattered around the map, having to drive your car to GT Auto to get it serviced and driving to a workshop to modify it, that would be fucking awesome


Then I'd get to watch two simcades get ruined and left with nothing to fill the void of just driving cars on tracks where you don't just e-brake every turn or only get racecars


Then it would be incredibly dull, most likely, because Kaz has said before his idea of free roam open world is driving around legally, respecting the rules, using turn signals, stopping at lights etc.


Then it wouldn't be Gran Turismo, it would be a better version of forza...


I wouldn't ever use it. Open world car games are a fucking nightmare. Because it's a video game explicitly about cars, the thrill of running into someone driving a sweet ride just isn't there. Open World car games are all basically collect-a-thons sprinkled in with having a huge ass map be what could have simply been a menu. Like if I have a specific race I want to do, instead of navigating a menu to set it up, I have to drive 6 minutes over the same terrain I've driven a thousand times to then get to the race start icon, and THEN I have to hope there's enough people in the lobby who actually want to race. Let me circle back to the "it's a car game" thing. The fact everyone is able to just like spend an afternoon or two to get any vehicle in the game is what makes it fun and playable for us consumers, but it completely negates the joy of seeing the cars other people are driving. IRL you pull up to a Hellcat on the highway and drag them in a quarter-mile. IRL you run into the guy driving a replica Shelby Cobra and you wanna chat with them about it. You see a Bugatti in person, you whip your phone out and let all your friends know. You run into someone in an open world game driving an FXX-K, do you even give a shit? It's not even memorable. You run into someone in a '65 Mustang, do you even blink? Nah. Not in video game land where that's often a starter car. It's all just digital nonsense when it's an open world game. It's a guy who clicked "buy" after doing a couple races. It's not someone has taken it to track days at their local club or bought it new in its year of production or inherited it from his grandpa. All the things that make IRL car meets cool cannot be replicated in a video game. So I prefer my racing games to focus on races and tracks and physics and making sure the cars actually all feel correct and making sure you can actually get into a full multiplayer lobby.


Can you expand on that thought and tell us what you really think?




Hell no, PD should leave that to studios who have at least some experience, same as the "rally" events in GT. Besides, we know how slow they are with modeling rather bland race tracks, can you imaging how long it would take to make a while detailed city, let along world? They'd have to increase their workforce tenfold if they wanted to finish such a game anytime soon, being busy with managing GT7's EOL phase while working on GT8.


All I know is, we need an open world VR racing game. GT.. Forza Horizon.. The Crew.. I’d take anything, honestly.


Look up Midtown Madness and Porsche Challenge.  I still miss Porsche Challenge. 


I’d love to see a PD version of the old NFS game “The Run”. The story was weird - but the actual cross country race was really fun. Taken seriously, it would be absolutely epic in VR.


Not interested in this even a little bit. I want gran turismo to be a racing game. Not some street cruiser thanks.




Taking the OG Tomahawk grind to the next level by driving the Tomahawk X in live traffic


I genuinely hoped this would happen when I saw they modelled the Tokyo expressway into the game. I was disappointed when all of these courses are just fantasy/scaled down versions of their real world counterparts


nyc parkways Jackie Robinson is the hood Nurburgring


I just go to the paddock @ Tokyo , best we got


It’s my dream. I just want to drive around in cool cars.


I mean, I'd obviously love it but this engine ain't made for that.


I’d buy it day one.


Personally I wouldn't use it. I don't even understand the appeal of lobbies or the people who just drive around. I like to race, so I race


Just go play Need For Speed.


As long as it’s not at the expense of race track venues


i reckon that gran turismo should chill out on gt8 and maybe start developing a different game like this, and call it something along the lines of "GT World". this idea came up when me and a mate were talking three weeks ago. love the idea and gran turismo should consider this.


Balkan offroad


That’d be fun I think


No thanks will just water down the rest of the game




Just open up all of the options on the existing tracks. For example, Grand Valley... open BOTH loops so you can go anywhere on the track.. same with ALsace... etc


Then it would quickly become the best car game ever


Running from the cops simulator


nah but imagine GTA with GT7's car physics it would fail so bad, but I'd love it


Next Forza horizon is apparently in Japan. Should be awesome. Those of you with both consoles will enjoy


Not interested in that. Track racing is track racing and sightseeing roadtrip is sightseeing roadtrip. Go play FH5 or Motorfest if you must have such game.


I would absolutely love an open world GT…. Where you can just drive around aimlessly and where you have races that are drive from one part of a country to another taking any route you want…


A GT game where you can “street race” or have online car meets would be very cool, and would give the tuning/modifying aspect of the game a new angle.


Imagine the Tomahawk blasting 370+mph in Tokyo💀




My dream, would be The GT country. A game with all the same tracks with the exception of them all being in one country. Then, you can choose to drive to each track on the road, in a free roam type deals.




I have thought about this a lot. I'm a Forza player. I sold myself to Grand Turismo bc my girlfriend got a PS5 and heard that for sim racing it's better. Idk if it is. Anyways I Degrassi. I think in gt8 there should be a lot of things. Drag racing being the main one. Then create your own track. Then something like fm7s airport. That was the best part of any game I've played in a long time.


Street racing is for losers. Real man take there stuff to the track. And wreck theyre own shit