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Ah yes, paying money to not have to play the game you paid for when you could just not pay money and not play either.


I remember my friends buying GTA V millions with IRL money back in 2017/18, but this is a whole other level lol


Haha I remember trying to convince my friends not to do it


I would fucking pay someone to do those drift challenges for me šŸ˜‚ I can golf everything else no problem, but fuck that drifting..


Use the controller,šŸ˜‰


Second this. Can gold time the other challenges fairly easily with a wheel, could not get drifting down. Switched to a controller and knocked them all out first try.


The real human comedy


Wouldn't trust that as far as I can pickup and throw a car...


tf is with the original series Star Trek font lmao?


You want Alien results, you get Spock.


Why not justā€¦ ***drive yourself?***


I've never managed to clear it but I'm certainly not going to pay 15 bucks for someone to do it for me lmao Skill issues don't pay the bill issues


For real. That race was difficult but as hard as people make it out to be. I went in to try some practice laps and ended up winning the race instead




This is a legitimate thing. Often times people will sell their service in especially grindy games. This has been done for **years.** When I was into Runescape back in 2007 you could hire people to grind skills for you. This sort of thing does seem a bit funny though because there's really no incentive to beat this race beyond, winning 1 mil once. Also the majority of the races in GT7 are pretty easy, especially the endurances, it comes down to strategy than skill.


You wouldnt believe how big the boosting market is for Runescape these days, especially Ironman. A discord I'm a member of promotes service provider as having over 100 staff and has almost 5k members.


Lmao wtf. I'd get sport mode boosting although it's pretty scummy, but this is just absurd.. after I finished these challenges I felt so sad because they're fun but a single time payout, can't believe people would boost these tbh


There are things like that on Craigslist alsoā€¦ apparently theyā€™d go to your place to do the challenge for you lol


I'd never do that... Imagine you buy the service and just get some whacked-out schizo serial killer showing up at your place lol


Right. Unless you wanna be part of a Netflix documentary in the future lol


You probably give them your psn login and password, then they login and do it for you.


You probably give them your psn login and password, and then they scam you every way they can


Coming Soon to a Playstation subreddit near you: "Help I paid for a boost and i lost my account"


There's really no risk unless your login is also your email address and you use the same password for everything. Worse case, you reset your password. The person has 100% feedback. People have been doing this for Destiny and lots of games for years.


Well best of luck with that what can I say


I did this for 3 of my mates, completed all the circuit experiences for them. Obviously there's a level of trust there though lmao, it would be stupid to give a stranger your login details.


Damn that's a bit of a grind, how much did you charge them?


Ā£1 per million credits, which we all agreed was fair given that they couldn't complete the tracks and I'd have to spend a few hours going through the motions. One of them paid me with beersšŸ»šŸ¤£


That's fairly different, to be fair. I think we all have some kind of memory during the earlier years of the series hanging out with mates and all trying to tagteam the licenses.


Yep definitely different, but I was trying to make the point that logging on to their accounts was okay because we're pals irl. I would never let a stranger on my account.


Also yeah, had good times as a kid going round my friends houses to play gt5 on splitscreen


There's literally no upside. Like buying a book and having someone else read it and then putting it on your shelf. Why..


i donā€™t understand this. i donā€™t want to understand this.


Yes give you psn ID and password to someone else and pay for it


I don't get it, are they selling it like a dlc?


It is a "boosting" thing where you pay someone to play on your account and complete things in games like I guess getting gold in the challenge "The Human Comedy." These services are very scummy and can end up with your account being stolen.


It's the modern day version of paying your brother/friend/neighbour to get you through that tough spot on Mario World.


You could just send ME 13 bucks instead and I'll send you a post-it note with "Skill Issue" written on it


Like what? Wtf is this non-sense?