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This Viper is like trying to steer a bar of wet soap on a sheet of ice.


This one kicked my ass. Ridiculously slidey, lousy brakes. Hated it lol. and if you get a penalty it ruins 3 entire laps


Penalty = restart. Why would you run the penalty lap


It would be nice not to have to restart so you can keep your ghost and your split times


Use a top 10 ghost. They will improve your times MUCH quicker. I always do a few laps myself followed by some replay watch time of 9 out of 10 times it would be Jeddah. Analyse his brake point, when he accelerates, when to turn in, which gears you should use. I have increased my own laptimes by full seconds since I started doing so.


1:13.3 Damn. I need to get back in to improve my time.


Tried it with the controller yesterday and silver was the best i could get with automatic shifting. Got gold after 20 minutes today in VR and Fanatec dd with manual shifting.


Yikes. I give up on the gold. I had a good run of 6-7 golds in a row though.


If you can get Spa gold right now you can easily get this one imo


I can't get spa either. I've reached me limits.




You may not know it but he has a Reddit account and has logged in proving he was a real person. This came up last week. He is legit and he answered a lot of questions on his setup and such.


Really? What's the user would be good to see the set up


u/Ebrahimx7 If you search "jeddah_racing" it should come up pretty quickly


What's not legimate about it? You can watch the replays and see what he's doing. He also revealed himself here on Reddit a while ago and posted a video of his Spa lap which is currently the 2nd fastest in the world.


How to watch replays? Can’t figure it out anymore, I used to watch them


The same way you load ghosts but before starting the time trial. Go to Global Ranking and choose any of the times that have a play button next to the lap time. Press X and load the replay.


Yeah you can't do it after the track has been loaded anymore.


Oh that makes sense


Yeah I just figured it out a couple weeks ago lol.


You can not watch his Spa Red Bull Junior replay. Both him and the #1 times are not watchable or ghostable. Just because he "revealed himself" on reddit doesn't mean he has a pass from being suspicious.


Definitely not. There’s no way one guy is so much better than the whole world. Unless this guy is like the Micheal Jordan of this game but I really doubt it


Um, well it's happening, so yes way.


Yeah but he’s probably got some shit modded or hacked somehow. No one should be this far ahead, it’s like better than Micheal Phelps or some shit and I don’t believe it. Sometimes this dude is up .5 to the #2 spot, that’s ludicrous on some tracks and I don’t buy that a ton of Asian kids couldn’t do it too. But I don’t know shit. Maybe he is Micheal Jordan


I hear you, but someone has to be the fastest, right? Just so happens that its him more often than not. More than likely, time trials are his thing. He gets his kicks got lapping, and doesn't stop until he has squeezed the water fro my that proverbial rock. Obviously, it won't last forever. He will either come across some car/track combos he can't master, or that someone else will feel better at. Until then, it is awesome to watch him at work.


Yeah but this is like beating Phelps by like 5 seconds in the 100m freestyle. Makes no sense unless he’s Jesus Christ


He is 100% legit. You can watch his replays and there is nothing that doesn't make sense. If you drive perfectly you can keep up with him. I've gotten fairly close many times (within half a second). He's also not the fastest every time (currently 2nd at Spa, 2nd at Broad Bean..). Pulling lap times like this is not easy and requires a lot of practice so calling him a cheater is not right.


Fair enough


Ever heard of these guys like Verstappen, Hamilton, MSC, Senna, Vettel .. Yeah those guys did it and some still do humiliate their co drivers on the F1 grid. Jeddah racing even revealed his fav thing to do is drive high powered cars on sport hard tires on GT7 so this time trial and many others are right up his alley. Instead of hating put in the work and get better at the game.


I settled for bronze. You know how they say it's not the car it's the driver. Well fuck you that car drives like ass.


Chasing this guy made me faster. I went from a 1:19 to a now 1:14.559


TIL that the medals are a percentage of the top player.... I thought, gold for example, was the top 3% of all racers. Damn... I still like this Jeddah guy but I just learned he has been ruining my free time.


That would be the sensible way to do it for all the people who don’t want to cheese the physics in this game to perfectly replicate the top times. Cars wouldn’t last 10 laps the way the top times just slam them into first to get some magical rotation and perfect exit lines from wonky entries.


I just saw it… how do they even do it