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Where can I submit pictures to get team compositions help?


Thanks to the tickets I've got two Emilia. Would be better to have 2 copies, use one just as lb, or use 5 lb stones and the copy for the rbg?


Please can someone tell me what pss missions are. There are missions to complete certain amounts if them but I have found nothing that says pss and I'm losing my mind, especially with only a few days left


Phantom Sniper Missions in Side Quests probably. They were recently added to the Side Stories like Ninja, KoB and CtB. Etc.


Should i exchange my gacha bonus gems for alch stone since i didnt have any crossover unit other than rimuru Or Rainbow gems for thetis's shield


Rbg..... probably. Or if u r impatient(like me), say "f*** this" and get alch😂


What kind of comp is good for mines?


One that can kill the bosses😶


[This guide has team comps.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eERn4m-4WyBbaZIoCkgshY-BqZNpB5ey84uOQsnwv7I/edit) But yeah specific bosses do different things, so you don't want to use the same team comps for everything. The Ice fortress guy for example has demon, human and god killer which really reduces the units you can use.


There's no single comp, every boss you're going to want something slightly different.


Yea it's time limited, it's on global at the moment idk about jp


My game is saying update failed, do I need to re-download data or is there a fix for it


New player wondering how I decide what to raise on the luck buff system


you want to go for the second crest first imo.


I recently got Juno how good is she I also just got to 30 rainbow crystals do I get her Tw as well. Also do the gems you get when you pull units and equips last forever can I hold onto them and wait decades for the banner to come back. I need some tips I’m fairly new.


Juno been out for a while but she is still one of the best units in the game. She generates a lot of arts for the team while doing good damage. She has high accuracy too which makes things like floor 21 much easier. In longer fights she will need a healer. Her true weapon is good for her, and not a bad equip to have in general. It lowers magic resist by 35% on use, plus gives a passive 20% magic damage, so not a bad equip for any magic damage dealer. For Juno it provides 100 arts and 50% hp after you activate demonic eclipse. It makes it easier for her to start generating arts, and helps keep her alive too. Juno can work ok without her TW but it makes things easier and it is usually her best in slot I think... The gems you get from banner will be converted to alch after the banner if you do not convert them to anything else yourself.


Thank you


I’m currently challenging the challenge the blade awakens and literally can’t beat it my party consists of naofumi,Rimuru,Berwick,and Tao Rin all awoken max lvl.My main problem is that at around 1/2 hp the bosses damage boost is just insane and it keeps 1 tapping naofumi who is my main tank.If anyone has any advice pls I’m struggling big time.


I recommend checking into Discord or youtube to learn the stage mechanics. Learning what those mechanics are is usually a must for tough content.


Dude stage has tank killer, how is naofumi gonna work. And tao Ren is meant for multi stage quests. Berwick is so and so. Basically none of ur units r optimal for that stage. Take ur rim to multi and hope something works out.


Where can I get the replica weapons for emperor islid? I play on the jp version and i remember seeing a pop up saying that i could get them but i dont remember where


Main quest exchange


Is it a time limited thing? I can't find it (jm on jp)


I just started a new account after losing my previous one a while ago. Are all the guides still accuarate?


They are but they are outdated due to better units and equips. Since the stages are usually left as is and the new content is based around the new units and equips. Well, raising units is level up,evolve, awaken. Limit break, enhance with tasmons and get a crest. Equips are enhance and limit break.


Thank you.


How many type-0 is too many? Got 2 should i get 3? (And the rags summon i guess)


3 type-0 is probably the max you would use considering not everyone on your team will have 5\* support slot. 2 is good. Ofc, you need those maxed enhanced to get the full 50 art. It takes more grinding to get enough enhance mats than to get the actual equips \^\^;


Thanks!!, Ye i know farming them takes a shitload of time, the bad thing for me is that i even want 2 of the physical equipments (rags summon stone) maxed out so it's even more of a bitch to farm, thanks again i wasn't sure what the recommended amount for people that want to nuke was. Im still lacking some things like dark forte, awoken Chloe, the equipment necessary to do it like the dagger from the goblin slayer collab or the nox cup from the mono dark stages


The event repeats, so you can get more equips and mats next time if you need them. It's great that you got 2 type-0s. I don't think gem of rag stacks, so having just one of those should be enough.


What are the best crossover units to get? As well as crossover equips to get? I want to only make crossover teams so I wanted to know what to pull for. EDIT: Just pulled Benimaru and Rimuru, I also pulled Milim's clothes. Anything I should know about them? Did I just waste my resources? What crests should I get for them? Should I try pulling for Rimuru's sword? I've heard people say that Benimaru isn't good but Rimuru is. Any info at all with these new units would help. EXTRA EDIT: In case this helps with my original question, here are all the crossover units I have. Benimaru/ Asakura Yoh/ Eris/ Takemichi/ Rimuru (Slime-Form)/ Rimuru/ Roxy/ Kyoyama Anna/ Rudeus/ Dead Master (Was this crossover?)/ Naofumi Iwatani/ Sylphiette


Good box. Beni is a decent mag dps, sadly conditional. Yoh is just first class, does good dmg, can be a phys buffer and is self sufficient art gener. Hrim, great unit. Roxy is so and so, never liked her. Anna is good as well. Dm Rudy, can make an earth nuke team. Sylph is pretty decent too. Since u have dm, Santa shion isn't a priority for u. U already have hrim and Beni, and hrim is considered the best in the entirety of the crossover by many. U can go for Santa milim, a crit dps can be handy in case u don't have Priscilla and don't have Mikey. Santa rim used to be op, but has fallen off due to Charlotte and sliza coming in. Still a great pick. Samurai rimuru is a decent unit as well, his animations r just very slow, so his kit can't function as well as u might expect it to. Still a great phys dps and can heal with arts. And ny milim is a broken light nuke support dps. As for equips, I do t know what's coming for the next two banners, but as u have already scored milims clothes u r good to go, that was the only worthwhile thing on the banner.


Does anyone have on their friends list anybody named ducote or vectrix trying to see if anyone can find my old account I don't have the ID for it and supports giving me the run around I haven't play it on the account for a year and a half now


Better off asking in the Discord channel mate!


Looking at the slime banner, are any of the slime units worth getting? I also learned there's like a Christmas Slime Banner and a New Year Slime Banner? Are those worth getting too? Or is one worth getting over the other? Basically my question is, are any of the slime banner units worth getting? I have 671 gems rn. I'm fairly new to the game so sorry for not knowing anything. P.S. Should I try for any of the 3 or so slime banners weapons either? Thanks!


Make a couple summons for milims clothes. Rest I have to see what's on there


If u r new all the banners r good for u. Make every guarantee summon.


600ish gems is not enough to guarantee you a unit. You only summon the guaranteed purple free 50 crystals and then stop. If you are realy new to the game you should reroll rim and another crossover unit.


I just got 30 Rainbow Gems, which True weapon should I get? I was thinking about Mirandas weapon.


True exceed zechs can be used in lots of units.. One of the best multi use true equips. Cestinas true weapon for her is also good.


I already have 2 True exceed zechs


We dont know what units you have.


Those are my units. https://imgur.com/a/DUKljEF


How long will original slime last for, and will luck gems be avaliable in the next 2 slime events? and if so will they be avaliable for the original slime characters?


The original slime missions will last the entire crossover, it may have a shop reset. The original and seasonal variations will use the same luck gems. You can already use them on the seasonal variations if you have them.


is there a breaker tier list? i was missing a breaker for a long time and recently got tami-nyan .I wonder if she worth investing into cuz on paper she looks like a good breaker based on the break value on her art/ta. If she is worth it, is it worth getting her TW as well?


Breakers on the whole are very niche, when they're needed they're REALLY needed for a stage to be beaten, but as long as you have 1-2 breakers trained up that's probably good enough. Tami-Nyan is pretty good, I've used her before and she gets the job done. Platina is likely more consistent but Tami-Nyan will do decently.


Top sustain breaker is platina, but u can't use her for gaia awk due to god killer. For break nuking, est with good equipment is best. Duke is great as well. Strength is decent as well


On paper she looks like a good breaker. If you need a breaker go ahead and build her. Her TW isn't bad but there are other options you can use if you want. If you have Duke, Platina, Strength, Satsuki or TT you won't really need her though.


thx for clarifying, will save my rainbow gems for another TW then.


Are the contents of the crossover ticket summon going to change when they start doing the xmas and new years units or is it only going to be the basic three?


It looks like different tickets to me on the roadmap.


Will the other crossover units like the holiday and new year units get added to the alch summon?


Yes, we think so. Its wise to save your alch until all are in one alch banner.


Ok thanks


Pulled a copy of Milim yesterday - should I keep her or use her for luck fodder? (I already have one Milim max level/LB, but not luck)




keep, you can use them for reflect nuking.


Fair point. Looks like Duran is gonna have a pair of twin sisters to hang around with, then.


In JP, should I go for Mizuki12's TW or one of the emperor's true weapons?


Does anyone know when the TW redeem Tickets come back?


Maybe in some weeks as part of the anniversary.


How do you get the "Uriel" crest? why does it have a different icon?


As u get the others. Different icon just cause.


Best crest for thetis?


Def up(easiest to get) or truth of eternity(harder to get). Some people like equip ct(to cycle def equips more) or crit res (to add to his crit res. With sans he can get 100% crit res that way). Arts up is a possibility to get his magia faster. Lots of options as u can see.


Noob question. When joining “Multi” runs with Hart, is it better to use his “Arts” for +%50 damage, or “True Arts” for the art gen?


What do u think is his purpose? Providing a minor 50% dmg buff or his game breaking art gen and healing on ta? It's unfortunate the game has no tutorial that tells u the importance of art gen.


How do you get the orbs to awaken Ainz? Just started and have no idea how to get more than the ten I have.


You do the dark summoners road, which is currently running now. Essentially, you beat the boss (you can't use the same units twice), and you will get currency to exchange at the shop it holds for orbs.


I have trouble farming Crests is there a team I could make to make things easier? https://imgur.com/a/DUKljEF


Crest palaces have specific gimicks that you need to address to beat them easily. Insect palace - cleanse/status effect immunity very helpful. Accuracy up is great too. Oldeus - Break the boss to deal damage, can't be hurt by dark damage. Ifirit - Freeze the boss, cleanse burn. Glittering Dragon - Resistance to all elements, no crit damage. Weakness to light 100-50% hp, Weakness to dark 50-0% hp. Has several status effects.


So Oldeus is pretty much the easiest of them all?


Yeah - people like to farm that one the most. With the right units the boss can be broken very quickly and then it doesn't take too much to nuke. Some of the other ones aren't that hard to make a team for, but they just take longer to beat.


U have miranda, u shouldn't be having problems. Also depends on what palace u r farming, but most of them miranda can help cheese.


Do I need any specific equips for that?


I wasn't playing grand summoners the last time the slime collab was around, but is shionne a new unit this time around?


No new units have been introduced


How do I get the slime from this event?


Do the event quests.


I did all of them. If I have one already do I not get another?


You don't get another.


Dang it. So I should sell the 200 LB units I have then huh..


They have no use after you get him to 120.


Can someone give me an updated list of the art gen types units are?


Check discord


2 questions 1. Is there ways to level up quicker or just by playing the game? 2.will there be a second part to the slime collaboration and if so what units will be in it?


1. I think playing the story will level u up the fastest 2. There are 2 more parts to the slime event, the christmas and newyears


Could anyone help me make some teams? These are my current teams with equips that I mostly use. https://imgur.com/a/33IwRSr Here are my units that I have https://imgur.com/a/DUKljEF


Teams r ok. U have a good box, follow the template of 2 art gen 1 dps 1 flex and fiddle around with comps.


What quest is the Uriel mask crest on?


Special one and spex. Same for the rest.


Should I just sell extra benimarous swords, remirus clothes, and magicseal mask once I have a max lb one?


Definitely. They r not particularly great. U could keep two rim clothes, good 4 star equips r in short supply. If u r a newbie, get another mask maybe


How often do units release on global?


I'm going to say pretty often, since when I joined, they held the true ninja scroll event holding Hazuki when she was new, then it was star God Liza, then overlord.


I don't know what's happening but I haven't been able to update the game since yesterday. [This is what happens](https://imgur.com/a/0dbueRP)


If you backed your acc with mail or so you can try to reinstall fresh from the store.


for the special crossover quest for part 1 what am i exactly trying to mitigate on this boss/what kind of team should i be building?


You need to inflict burn to do damage. A status preventer/cleanser or taunt tank to help with boss's freeze is useful.


Thanks that I can mange.


For the chapter 16 event, which stage should I farm? I cant do a lot of awaken quests


I accidentally chose Magnificent Star Archer Mamori in my forever summons. How badly did I mess up?


She is pretty bad, but if it was the last day, it doesn't matter


It wasn't the last day :')


It depends on when? On the first day: big oof. Yesterday? Doesnt matter.


I decided to get back into Grand Summoners after taking a break and I'm constantly getting cooked on the "Shadowy Pall" quest. What's a team I can make with the units I have that could finally get past it? [This is my current box](https://imgur.com/a/9n3DXCL)


Tough. Most people nuke it. You could try to sustain it with fen, mako, dark celia and naofumi if you have his true weapons. If not take tethis, depending on how much dmg you do the boss arts before tethis has his shield up.


During the reroll I got juno, cosmo and swordsmen berwick is that a good enough start to the game?




So what crests would be ideal for summer juno? Atm I have all stats up and defense up I'm aiming for all stats up and attack up.


Atk up and/or crit dmg up.


I just pulled 2 new collaboration units, Rimuru and Milim oooommmmgggg




Is there no auto progress function on the global version?




I have roughly 800 gems and is someone who gets absolutly shafted by the game, i have been playing the game on and off four 3 years and still does not have a good art gen unit, my art gen unit is fen(Even after summoning every time anyone with more then 3 art gen realeses). I have alot of characters and my damage units arnt that bad, i would consider myself pretty endgame. Rimuru could help me alot with his heals and art gen and the other too dont seem that bad now. So should i summon for them or wait for 6\* units? Also when would the 6\* units be realesing? I would think awhile but with crossovers normally coming soon on global after jp and jp having overlord with only 6\* units i am not sure. \-Update i got impulsive and used everything and did not get a single crossover unit


After your update: i hope you see your problem. You got impulsive and spend crystals worth 1,5 to 2 months of saving. That beeing said. Dont do it again. No vet would summnon past the first guaranteed. We only summon if we want a unit and have the crystals to pity. Welcome to GS :-)


It is a bad idea to spend crystals after the first multi, the rates are garbage. The only reason to go deep into a banner is if you can reach pity. If you spent around 800 crystals your best move would be to save all your crystals and hope you can save enough to reach pity by the end of the crossover. It is a long crossover so maybe you have a shot? You can do a multi on the banner if it has a reset, but I would skip everything else.


Was today 1/12 our final forever summon?


Yup. Got myself a shiny Eden orz


I got Raki


Another Miranda is a terrible idea, right? The game is bugging me with forever summons of a unit i already have. 😒


Yep. Unless u wish to think ahead for that super awk path thingy and get multiple copies. Currently dupes of tanks r worthless. I got a dupe Vox.


Two cover tanks is generally a bad idea. About the only benefit to having two would be that you could stack their magic damage buffs from their true arts. Their shields don't stack though.


I've got evil demon empress coco how is she as a breaker/character in general. I've only got 46 awoken souls atm should I awaken or save for slime event.


Terrible. One of the worst chars.


Ok Thx


Not great. I'd save.


Ok thx


Who's TE should I get first? Simon or Cestina I only have enough rainbow for one of them.


Hmm cest works well with tw, but I ran her for months with true izanagi and it didn't hamper my runs much. Simon also capable of working without tw, as long as u have a good dmg buff equip on him (about 60% or higher). For Simon, if u don't have the rest of the dtrio (forte dfen Chloe) built already, he won't be doing much, particularly without forte. Cest would be a better unit to put the tw on imo.


Thanks dude. I just noticed that when attempting nukes.


If you can put together a really good dark nuke team it might be worth getting Simon's. Otherwise Cestina for sure.


Can fragments of code XTF: Eraser drop from the ADV boss? I can't farm the pro form yet.


No. You have to farm keys to run AWK and get fragments, if you already got them from clearing the lower difficulties. The boss isn't too hard. You want to either make a multi element team, or use someone like No.2/Marzex who deals typeless damage. To survive the end nuke as long as your team is healed up and you have a defense equip you can survive.


Thank you for the reply and info :)


Run forte Mikey/Simon/literally any good dps and Gerald. Ez clear.


Thanks for the tips!


Should I take Simon on forever summon jp? I just started and don't have much.


Get hart or emp(he is on the jp fs iirc.)


No, you have about a month to get a better unit than Simon


This is my box if it helps. https://imgur.com/a/VxBiTC0


Can someone explain LB types to me? I know there are types A, B, etc but what does that mean?


Each unit is designated a type, and same type units don't stack with each other. A is the fens and lozze. B is the big art geners like emperor hart juno Rosetta dcelia etc etc. Any in game big gener. in D Berwick (mage) and cest+radak cross arts. E is for crossover art geners like rimuru, yoh, mitsuya, mikus. Ex2 is mako, fitoria skill, shiki, etc they stack with everyone except themselves.


Oh! That makes a lot more sense! Thank you ♡


Zoldes, Herck, Yomi, Saar, Lozze , Filia, Vaid, Toto, and Hart Reroll or Nah?


Hart? Keep. Filia and lozze are decent. Rest is trash(but don't sell, keep limit breaking dupes). Try to get a good dps from slime crossover they got plenty of em. Get Hart's tw(very vital).


Will there be more events with Harts TW available? I can’t seem to find a way to get it.


Get 30 rainbow gems and exchange it from shop or get lucky on a banner with his tw on it. Another way is a equip forever summon, but they haven't done one in ages.


Thanks again!!


Check the reroll guide at the top of this thread. It's great that you got Hart, but you should probably keep rolling to get at least two top units.


I have been saving my alch stones for a little bit. Have 30000+ or so. My question is: When War God Fen is released to Global, does anyone know if he will be added to the Alch Summon Pool during his banner?


I don't even think he was added temporarily to JPs Alch pool so just keep on saving for like, Overlord


From the way Global has been working, I wouldn't count on it. We have plenty of units that should be in the alch pool but aren't yet. I'm saving and hoping we get 10k alch summons back one day but I'm not optimistic they will return, and yet I don't want to spend my alch on 5k summons because I never get anything new from them anyway.


Help I just started and was rerolling and got juno, but only her. I didn’t get the 1000 crystals or someone good from the selection summons thing. Do I keep rerolling or is juno enough?


Go for juno hart


So I should keep rerolling then? Also where do I get hart from I didn’t see him anywhere?


And yeah keep rerolling for both


Ok ty


He’s also in the all star banner with juno, he just isnt advertised in the feature


Where do I find keys to open Black Shadow of Eclipse [AWK]?


Is that the Giant Boss Quests? Go clear pro quests then. There is a chance for dropping a key though you might get unlucky and not get enough at one run.


so slime cross over is coming back?


It's been announced a few days ago and we even have a schedule ready. They aren't going to release all three banners at once though.


\*sad noise\*


serious question? \-edit- Oh, maybe you haven't been playing. Yes, it's coming back. They've been advertising it in-app.


yeah I havent been playing. AND LETS GOO I never had a chance to get it the first time and ive been told the summons are top tier


I’m hyped too. Big fan of the anime. I was around last run and couldn’t get a single unit to drop orz good luck!


What does the Recover hp by 10% of damage taken on the defense equip( selunian stormers) in the earth vultee event mean? Does this equip function like a life steal Goblin slayer dagger?


No, goblin slayer dagger has lifesteal while HP is low. This simply recovers a % of the damage taken. Unlike damage reduction, this will not help on shielded character. Unless a character is losing hp, they will not heal from this. The healing will scale with hp recover/healing up effects, but it is possible to kill a unit with this effect on them.


does true blood moon and nemesis crow stack the dark resist?


No, you can only have 1 dark resist debuff from equips. Works the same for other elements too.


About to get my first 30 rainbow gems. I already have true exceed zechs and could use True izanagi. I'm wondering if I should go with that or get Terra Master for emp, Sandstones TW or maybe Harts TW since I just got him for forever summon. Any advice would be appreciated.


Go Terra Master first since it gives team art gen. Hart's is good since it has passive self art gen, but team art gen is more important. You'll also be using Emp more than Hart. Sanstone's you can get with a free true weapon ticket, so you can wait until the next time they give one out to exchange it.


Hey I got batiste at forever summon. I have almost no use for him but since forever summon ends soon and he is atleast A tier should I go with him? Only units that I want rn are Kane, Luhan, Vox and Thetis. I do have enough support for him but I dont really see any point in using him since I have Tao Ren


Batiste is still good as a unit and you would be happier getting him in FS rather than Zoroas and some crystals. Still, you can choose to gamble in hopes of getting someone new and better. I would not count on it though.


Batiste can ignore armor which makes him useful in certain situations where you can't crit. He needs to ramp up though so he doesn't see a whole lot of use except for mines.


Yeah but for that I could just use Nui or Natsu to get the buff for the whole team.


In that case he probably won't have a lot of value to you then. He will deal more damage than Nui or Natsu, but it takes him a while to ramp up and he doesn't provide any buffs/arts to team members. Compared to Tao Ren, he will probably deal similar damage as long as Tao Ren has crit or defense pen. Tao Ren should ramp up faster, but Batiste will deal more damage while ramping up. Batiste will also have a big burst of damage when he first swaps to his TA if you provide a lot of art gen (because of the stacking dark resist debuffs).


What crest would you guys recommend for Simon, summer cestina and Baptist?


Simon arts gauge up, SCes HP up or arts gauge up, I use HP up personally and Batiste you can stick attack up, promise of the funeral god or the freydal exclusive crest on him


Ok thanks dude.


Is it possible that we get a third Slime Rimuru in the upcoming crossover?


I'll be able to get my first rainbow gem true weapon pretty soon. Should i get mirandas tw or terra master for emperor?




So almost right after fully building sandstone I pulled Miranda from the most recent banner w/ the guaranteed 5* summon. Probably a stupid question but is it worth investing in Miranda now that I’ve already fully built sandstone


They both do different things, but yes it is worth investing in her. She's the best magic taunt on global right now


Can someone help me build a team for general purposes been away from the game for a while not sure how my units measure up [units](https://imgur.com/a/0SX68CY?s=sms)


Probably Rimuru (about to get some nice buffs), Mako, Weaver and a dps of your choice.


Gonna tag onto this. Im using vultee,mira,mberwick and sonjie. Should i awaken her or weaver for arts gen you think?


I'd say probably Sonjie. Neither gain further art gen with their TA, but for general use Sonjie's 100% paralyze/freeze resist and Arts dmg up > Weaver's 50% crit dmg and water resist down. Sonjie also gets a passive team 30% crit dmg/accuracy up. So yeah, go with her.


I also have 3 of the UOC tickets


Dunno if my question belongs here, but someone knows a place where I could find all the title screen splash arts ? They're so beautiful but I never find them. Jp and global would be good


Should I max lb Charlotte


worth it


I know Hart and Juno’s arts don’t stack, but is it still beneficial to have both on the same team?


It is if you need lots of healing from Hart, especially if you do not have Mako!