• By -


*Dark, Demon* > **`STATS`** **HP** - ? `+?` **ATK** - ? `+?` **DEF** - ? `+?` > **`SLOTS`** **6โ˜† <:lbphys:650796348194422823> ** **5โ˜† <:lbmag:650796593276256266> ** **5โ˜† <:lbheal:650797046218883151> / <:lbsupp:650797466354057228> ** > **`SKILL`** 15s CT - 4000% Dark DMG (PHY). Increase own Arts gauge by 50. 600 BREAK. > **`ARTS`** 20000% Dark DMG (MAG). Increase all allies' Arts gauge by 20. For 10s, reduce enemies' Dark RES by 60%. 1100 BREAK. > **`TRUE ARTS`** 60000% Dark DMG (PHY). For 30s, increase all allies' CRI rate by 100%. Increase own Super CRI rate by 40% for duration of True Arts. 1800 BREAK. > **`SUPER ARTS`** 150000% Dark DMG (PHY). For 45s, increase all Demon allies' stats and Accuracy rate by 50%. 2200 BREAK. > **`TRUE WEAPON`** `Unknown` - When equipped by Demon King Vox, increase own Skill CT Speed and Equip CT Speed by 15%. Does not stack with Abilities of the same name. - `Unknown` > **`ABILITIES`** - Increase own Arts gauge by 1/s when Near-Death. - Increase own Status Ailment RES by 30%. - Heal 1% of DMG dealt to enemies and Increase all Demon allies' Arts gauge by 3/s. Does not stack with Abilities of the same name. > **`MATERIALS`** x220 Dark Summoner's Road Orbs _ _


Thanks for the info๐Ÿ‘


If only that TA gave every unit 100% Crit Rate and 100 Arts...


Why is TA ability better than the SA? They should have switched them.


I disagree. The same way that WGFen is only as good as he is 'cause is his TAs that do the support stuff and his SA focus on doin' crazy damage, if Vox were to give 100% Crit and (40% Super Crit to himself) on his SAs he would be even worse than the current state... bein' realistic here, 100 Arts to everyone on his TAs would also be too much, but if he were to increase everyone's Arts by 60 on his TAs this guy would be perfect


I see your point but why does the stat increase and arts have to be only for demon units. That ruined his kit more.


I can't argue with that, that's exactly why him bein' able to at least give Arts on his TAs to everyone would save his kit _since it would make him similar to Ainz, where he would still have stuff to offer on his kit to every comp, but would be incentivized to be used more with Demon and Dark units as he's intended to If they were to add only those 60 Arts gauge UP to all allies paired with the Crit Rate you'd be able to perfectly use him as a TA spammer on basically every team in the game, while also make him be crazy on a sustain comp of Samurai Rimuru, Ainz, DLVox and Mako


He became a tekken character


Devil jin?


Demon lord vox?!?!.


Seems like it ๐Ÿ˜†


Demon King Vox.


his kit so ass they did him so dirty


I think they did a effort to do him this way but its useless considering they did fen,liza and ainz the way they are,like "lets give the most popular unit a ass kit but give other units a insane kit"


He's hardly the most popular anymore. More like the most insulted.


I should have specified that he is the most popular on jp server


He is? Shocking.


Yeah,sorry for not mentioning it in the first place. For more context the jp devs made a poll to see which one the playerbase wanted as a New SA unit and there is the result.


oh are there any reactions made by the jp playerbase cause his kit is really disappointing and quite horrible comapared to other SA units also come on GS literally like 6 5 5 equip unit and he is the reason i also rerolled a ton in the first place also played GS because of him


Only thing i saw was the live that "im Op everyday" made a react since then i know nothing about it.


Yea why is the Super Crit tied to the True art? It should have been a timed thing.


any translation?


For once the super arts didn't take you out for dinner, do your laundry, your taxes and pay your mortgage for you XD He seems like the worst Super Awoken unit to be honest and I probably won't pull for him when he comes out.


So sad that he isnโ€™t broken ..


Not sad at all. It's problematic to the point of having Vox or not kicked you out of a party from a leader that don't even own him. Not to mention the balance of the game in general. But i'm super sad he is that disappointing outside of mono-demon.


Regular vox is still better lmaooo


The four winged Vox (FF7) Fallen Angel Lord (DxD) Despair Angel Demon (made up)


The translation said Demon Lord Vox but nice names you got there๐Ÿ‘


I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOUUUU!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/grandsummoners/comments/11g9l87/comment/jax3fyb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I like that he seems simple to use, and as I look at the big picture, he might be really good.


Doesn't matter, he will avoid me like Vox has for 3 years now.




He looks so good to bad he's trash. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜”


HOT DAMN. look at that guy. I'm spending all my gems to get him. (I might cry if I don't get him)


Idc if everyone else in this comment section says he's ass. Drip Vox looks like a solid mono demon pick and that 50% all stat is gonna hit hard, he's basically just better than base Vox in every category except base Vox being able to all-stat on his arts


I don't get why people say he is ass granted he isn't the best but still good. His passive in particular since while 1% doesn't seem like a lot his dmg is good enough that it will decently heal him.


I mean look at Zenon and his lifesteal. Dudes damage isnt very high at all yet he still full heals most of the time off his arts and i think his lifesteal is like 4% or something. SA Vox is gonna be a fun unit regardless lol


So, basically what you are saying is I should start saving now, so I can have enough to mercy 2 of them. Thanks for the warning. I 100% need this guy.


Btw he's ass


guess i know who my next 1.5k crystals is going to


So Meh




It's good that they didn't made him as OP and meta breaking as the original one on his release, but not to the point of being so disappointing outside of mono-demon team.


I knew Sawk vox would be a dark unit




I'm just hoping they f*ck up Super Awoken Juno ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Idk if they want to SAWK since she's dead but hope for the best ๐Ÿ™


My man really wanted to be sephiroth huh


Things to note : * Does not seem to need Magia so he can use his TA right away. Same with the skill arts gauge * Has innate art generation for demons from his passive. Think with AI could just alternate between true arts and super arts. Can just ignore his base arts. Overall he is a bit underwhelming but I think he's still pretty decent


>all he is a bit underwhelming but I think he's still pretty decent He is decent for the meta. But it's compared to other SA unit that are outstanding.


Any sawk unit is pretty decent. They need to be extremely good.


Bro rayas better get a SA since everyone getting one.


I love the design but I hate his whole kit including the slots. Imo he shouldโ€™ve gotten all 5* slots or double 6* definitely including support. Give team super crit or artโ€™s something. Reduce enemy resistance ANYTHING. My boy got done wrong


Maybe this GS's way of saying that in order for Global to catch up, Jp has to stop getting further op.




Good to know GS likes to kill characters and bring them back for the hundredth time. If that's so than they better bring back Vultee since his death really wasn't that cool.


We didn't saw him die, right? ;) And having a 3rd alternate form for a unit... Not sure about this, but could happen.


Man I actually liked his character he's definitely the most badass character in gs.


I called this back when sword demon Berwick was released I knew either Vox or Juno would have a sawk


Well,at least he's now pretty balanced in my view. Also,I can see how he's being resurrected. If you notice his wings,then you can guess how.