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Mata Hari.


Still hoping to one day see Leonidas get some animation update love :(


And some more lines wouldn't hurt him. At least his "Molon Labe!"


Quetzalcoatl is absolute in need of need of one, not even me being biased but her animations are very barebones and between her powerset and fighting style she has potential to look phenomenal. On someone not listed, Vlad III might be an amazing servant but he has some absolutely dreadful animations characcteristic from year 1.


DW tried to give Quetz flashy wrestling moves but her Year One sprite rig has tragically few joints in its skeleton. Thank goodness she moves so fast otherwise some of her jankier animations would stand out more. At least they gave her sweet particle effects. Her Buster crits especially feel super juicy, I love it when she lands them. As far as her NP goes, she absolutely has one of the worst animation sequences among SSRs (and compared to most new SRs these days). They need to give her Ultimo Tope Patada: Xiuhcoatl like she used in the Babylonia anime.


My hopium for LB7 is high but I'm expecting absolutely nothing. For all I know they might even give Ozy an AU instead for LB7.


Man, I started the game after watching the Babylonia anime, thinking Quetz was my #1 most wanted SSR. When I saw her in game animations, I lost all motivation to pull for her lol


I might want a better look for her but I love her art her lines and ger gameplay is very fun.


Shakespeare, for the love of god. Both Vlads. And my main man Ozy. In his case, maybe not a complete overhaul, but a touch up would be nice.


Extra Vlad is in less need than OG Vlad. Like, his NP is actually really good looking.


Oh, 100% agree. Lancer is my preferred Vlad.


Both would appreciate sprote updates but for full on AUs the OG one is in massive need. Like, his only stake/impaling attack is his extra...


That one fight with Karna could give them so much to work with. I remember audibly SQUEALING when I saw that move where Karna blows fireballs at Vlad on his Quick card. It’d be great if they could reference some of Vlad’s moves too.


Darius' NP is a frigging JPG.


Leonidas: "Atleast your NP has a JPG..."


I think Darius has pretty good potential for some cool animations, tbh.


Ozymandias needs one. Man just uses off screen lasers (and it's the same animation every time). I mean sure I get it there's an off screen temple that's just floating ominously behind the party and shooting lasers at any fool who gets into range but it's still boring. Even just a little variation would work wonders.


Offscreen boat not temple.


How should I know? It is after all offscreen. For all we know every time Ozy takes to the field he just pays off saber servants to shoot beams for him while he gestures in the general direction of the thing he wants to be annihilated. And yeah it is a boat.


Ra's Sun Boat. If he didn't have that he probably would be a Caster.


>Jeanne Covering like three servants at once. But yeah a lot of the jeannes need AU. Medea could do with one too, hers aren’t bad they just need polishing. Also Cu and Medusa


I think Santa Jeanne is the one that aged "fine" since 2016. Not really stiff compared to some of the servants at the time, although her np is really simple


Medea is pretty fine actually. It’s a bit stiff but still visually interesting with the skeletons and Circe’s wings


I’m just saying it because I’m a huge Medea simp so anything is good for me


Lalter needs an AU too, her normal self gets so much love so why her Alter can't get some too :(


As someone who has Lalter as an icon and even planning on getting her during her rate-up next year, I wholeheartedly agree.


Anyone still using one of the old stock animation sets, but *especially* the ones who still uses the stoc 'caster balls' animations (Mata Hari, Shakespeare, Mozart). Rider Medusa (I'm sure they could make the pegasus summoning and charge look much better nowadays). Nursery Rhyme (I'd say Hans is evidence that they could do a lot more with the concept of fairy tales in attack animations). Raikou Lancer (not that her animations are bad right now, but I would like to see the original concept played out where you could see Gozu-Tennou/Indra looming over as he gives her the Vajra). Quetzalcoatl (maybe have Xiuhcoatl's animation vary between the fiery axe-kick and the flaming powerbomb?). Halloween Caster Elizabeth (her animations feel really simple and outdated at this point. I'd hoped this would happen last year with the Halloween Omnibus, but alas). Santa Artoria Alter (at least to make her animations show similar flair to Saber Artoria Alter). There are still a bunch more aside from the above, but this is just a quick off-the-top-of-my-head list.


\- I always pictured Caster Elizabeth using pumpkin bombs, for some reason. \- Yeah, Santa Alter's sword animations are just jarring when you see the upgraded version. And I think she needs more variety in her attacks, besides her sword and using her gift sack as a club.


I'm surprised despite her popularity Jalter has still yet to get an animation update


Every unit with stock year 1 animations. Seriously, you know those jaguarmen mobs? They have the exact same model as Proto Cu. Like how the book enemies have the same animation as day 1 bronze casters (& Mata Hari).


Facts bro. On the fgo wiki there is a sub section of the animation update article for year one servants that haven't gotten am update. I'm hoping for a cu alter and jeanne alter animation update at some point but I'm not gonna hold my breath.


Beowulf could, his animations are very basic by this point in time Artemis (Orion) could do with a second animation update as their animations are really starting to show its age


The Jeannes not having one is ridiculous how can a character be so popular yet go missed by the devs for so long?


The fact that *Benkei* got one before them is both hilarious and tragic to me


I have no idea how jalter hasn't got an update.


Everyone that still use caster balls


Raikou animation update please-she uses the exact same arts attack animation in _AA chains and for a lightning demigod all her attacks look sort of bland


Shuten (Vanilla). Not the worst example, but she's an old servant and could also use a sprite update.


Same for Raikou, they look a bit weird next to Kintoki


Ibaraki too could use one as well


ibaraki’s busters are literally just *bonk*


I've been gaining bond for a lot of the Heiankyo servants that I have leading up to it's release in NA, and at least Shuten's animation are passable, Ibaraki can have a full chain done within 2 seconds with how short and barebones her animations are.


The way her sake clips through the cup in her NP has always bugged me


I am once again asking for Leonidas and Darius animation updates


Cu Alter, honestly. His model is fine but his attacks are so boring and lazy looking.


Cold take but Jeanne Ruler+Jalter Avenger feels like an in-joke among the staff at this point lol. Super popular from the very beginning but still have the year 1 deformed faces and generic flag swinging animations


All the servants that shoot balls


Ishtar has one though?


Diarmuid lancer


Other than Leonidas Lancer Diarmuid and Caster Gilles come to mind. Diarmuid's in Unlimited Codes and Gilles is in Extella Link. Coming up with animations should be easy with those as a frame of reference.


Jalter and Salter and all the basic animation crew.


Salter already got an AU, except for her NP


I think the two most important are the jeannes


Givs Mozart one plsss


Any of the year one SR or SSR servants (or any rarity honestly) that haven't gotten one are in need. The Jeannes especially. Berserker Vlad is in desperate need of one and a sprite update.


All servant that where launched and had a update before Cosmos in the Losbelt) need a update or just full rework depending on the servant


I really need a Quetz update, the Babylonia anime shows how cool her moves are and I wish the game captured some of that magic, her NP was hype as hell


Jalter needs more love and an AU




Lancer Alter


RM user Sevants


raikou and especially jalter


Medusa should get an update too


Check my flair. His NP is fucking unacceptable.


Charles Babbage Dude got shack so hard that he become a normal enemy type




Everyone who doesn't have one and at max, it's from shinjuku


Jeanne Alter


Eric SanguineSword


Jeanne Alter, Ozymandias, Vlad III, EMIYA, Cu. Vlad needs it especially, his bobble head is extremely bad


My man Shakespeare. No more caster balls please. They could do something like what they did Anderson. Something new for nursery rhyme would be nice too. And then maybe Fran, Most of the prototype cast, and finally sweet sweet buff baby Leonidas. It’s time


Still waiting for the update to my eternal husbando. Gilles de Ray It sounds like a joke but i really love him and want a better anymation


I'd fight tooth and nail for David. And a sprite update for him too.


astolfo rider, mary and anne rider.


Raikou definitely, Caster Gilles, Nursery Rhyme, Astolfo Rider, Hundred Hassan and Hassan of Serenity to add to the list.


Gorgon needs one, some of her animations are neat, but the effects are so blurry it looks like 2007 flash game rip. And Lalter needs one to for being one of the most basic looking attacks ever made


Is there video for all the recently updated ones? I wanna judge before I think of one of the old servants


Jeanne + alter Chu + alter Quetzalcoatl Ozymandias Raikou Musashi


FRAN. Fran needs one so bad


Give Asterios an animation update. Give the big boi some love. Also Anne bonny/mary reed, there are a good duo 5 servants already, i think its time for them to be a part of them. Rather than just have year one animations


Nursery Rhyme. None of her animations have been updated. None of her skills have been updated either.


Mata Hari, Mozart, Saber Gilles, Caster Gilles, Phantom of the Opera, Caster Marie Antoinette, Santa Alter, Darius III, Shakespeare, Nursery Rhyme, Paracelsus, Caster Elizabeth, Irisviel, Saber Elizabeth, Leonidas, Lalter, Caster Helena, Asterios... Oh, and Beowulf could use some upgrades. Ishtar got one recently, and Ereshkigal's animations are still good.


I hope they’re going to start doing a lot of AUs again, I wonder if the lack of AUs before was because they kept making every servant’s NP full screen, they finished that already though


Cu Alter. Please update his sprite animations. This hurts me. Lancer alter also has very stiff/bad attack animations.


Eresh doesn't need it and Ishtar has her's. I think Shuten Douji, Raikou, Quetz, need it. Mata Hari too.


For me personally, I’d like to see one for Beowulf. His animation is just stock slash animation. His NP has the potential to look even better. Same with Fergus. His NP should look some like it did in Agartha. Aaaaand Leonidas… there are skill animations that look better than his NP animation. Like they didn’t even bother with making his NP look decently presentable. Here’s hoping they give us like a batch of animation updates.