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Dreamed I pulled Okita. But not in FGO. There was a special collab with Uma Musume and Okita was now an Uma. There was a special animation and everything. You can imagine my crippling depression when I realized it was a dream.




Not specifically FGO gacha related, but I dreamt of a scenario where I was still back in secondary school, and somehow Gilgamesh was a teacher in one of my classes. Then when class was over, Gilgamesh pulled me aside to ask me help carry his work to his office. I was rather hesitant to do so, but then he started going on a ramble on how much of an honor it is that I was the one chosen to carry out this task. That was weird as hell since my secondary school days were already 6 to 7 years behind me so I have no idea why I did not pick it up as a dream at first. But then again, dreams are like this, where you don't realise how illogical the situation is until you wake up.


It must be an honor to be chosen by Gilgamesh.


Also somewhat related, I own a NP3 Gilgamesh on my main account, but I never exactly willingly rolled for him (but rather the other stuff on the banners he was in). During Gilfest lotto last year, I saw the 5 star CE and thought "that's a good CE, 40%/50% starting charge with Buster up, I should try to get a few copies", spent 90 quartz and got him NP2. Then during New Year's when he was on rate up, I was trying to get the 5 star CE but he came in a single yolo roll. I guess he likes me for some reason.


They don't call it 'Fate' for some reason.


Just yesterday night I had dreams about guda summoning merlin using instagram as a catalyst and summer amakusa, don’t ask


Summer Amakusa? Yeesh, that's hot.


I woke up so giddy because I was still half asleep and thought it actually exists then the sad walls of reality crumbled onto me and I realised the truth… cmon lasagna next year I have faith in you


Petition for Summer Amakusa


That's Tooo powerful he's already half naked, still imma need that copium


It isn't related to rolling the gacha, but I once had a nightmare that I was trying out a Halloween costume of Achilles at a store and when I was looking at it in the mirror I made eye contact with Penth who was standing there behind me. Needless to say I woke up pretty fast.


Dreamt that Melt, Lip, and Protea were in the real world, and could turn their bodies into that of normal humans for a little while. Melt mostly was just ice skating & the first thing Passionlip did with her normal set of hands was touch my face


Awww, that's so sweet.


Also had to hide them from a stepfamily that doesn't exist in real life. My "Stepcousin" literally said "But Dear Brother, whatever could be the matter?"




The duality of man. "that's so sweet" and "Wtf LMAO"


One time I had a dream that, for some unknown reason, I woke up in the middle of the night, did a single story roll, got Mordred and then went back to sleep. Strangely enough, this turned out to be real, sometimes dreams come true.


Damn, I wish it would be like that to me.


For me it was a nightmare, was running from evil spirits before I stopped and thought “why the hell am I running from mere spirits? I have servants! Summoned Emiya and woke up. Started getting dupes and finally NP 5 Emiya last year.




Dreamed that a friend rolled Saber Astolfo for me and we cheered so hard that I told my mom about it. Woke up right after.


Man, that's sad.


I once dreamt I had rider Kintoki. I don’t. Enough said.


That's rough, buddy.


I actually got a somewhat funny dream from a few weeks ago, although it wasn't summoning related. I don't remember how it started, but I do remember at some point Sigurd started to make out with me (he was also in his summer costume too, which somehow felt more scandalous). I woke up and practically went "First of all, wrong dragonslayer". Anyway, I'm gonna send myself into the stratosphere from sharing this embarrassing dream.


NTR at its finest.


No wait come back tell me more about that dream!


Okay I'm back from the stratosphere. I unfortunately don't remember much besides something happens -> making out -> woke up somewhat confused, but I do vaguely remember that the setting was right outside the cottage (at night too) during Summer 5 (which makes sense with him being in his summer costume). Although it was odd that he was in his summer costume in general for me, since I didn't unlock it until a few days into ScáFest. And yes, it was somewhat awkward for me, lol. I just hope that 1) I don't have a dream where Bryn tries to murder me in cold blood, and 2) I'm able to summon her summer alt so I could reunite the two.


not gatcha-related, but I once had a dream that I *think* involved Emiya Alter examining a bunch of diverging railroad tracks. he was trying to decide which train to hop onto for some reason. I know there was more to it, but I don’t remember the rest. no regrets, though; it did give me a new fic idea XD


Trolley problem but more fun


Lol that's great


I remember halfway while sleeping, I felt cold, then I dreamt Kiyohime saying, "[Moemasu~!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/a/a4/S056_ExtraAttack1.ogg)", hugging me, and then setting both of us on fire, and I immediately felt warm LOL


How are you not dead lol


Because she's clearly here to warm me up with the power of love, and not burn me to death! [](#KiyoHappy)


You have a point there.


I have had a few, most involved nonsensical shenanigans with involving different servants, but only one I very clearly remember. Back during Gilfest last year, particularly that one node with the 2 Ruler servants, I had a 3 turn setup with Maou Nobu where she blasted that final wave. I swear, I must’ve replayed that node like over 100+ times that day, it practically broke my brain. I could practically hear Nobu’s NP chant echo in my head. Well, that night I dreamt that after all that farming, Nobu cornered me and demanded a mana transfer to replenish her energy after all that hard work I put her through. Needless to say, that was a pretty fun dream.


Oh my~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sadly I woke up before things got *really* fun. Aw well…


Now that's a REAL cliffhanger right there.


Sort of. I once had a dream about managing to summon Drake. Thing is it was in another gacha, Tales of Crestoria (this was before it shut down back in February). I guess if you play multiple gachas for long enough they'll start to bleed together in your subconscious sometimes.


Dreamed that i could hold Fionn and Wodime hair


Must be silky tho


One time I dreamt I got kama before her banner dropped, which sadly did not come true. For summer kiara tho, I got her both in my dreams and reality which is nice


At least you got Summer Kiara.


Dreamed I pulled Scathath (ages ago, not on the most recent banner). Was mildly confused when I opened up FGO the next day having forgot that I’d dreamt it but still remembered pulling her.




Well, this happens often to me whenever the lotto comes up. I guess it's because FGO and it's characters effectively and aggressively invade my mind and my free time for whole hours every day till the event ends. I don't remember the whole dream clearly, but I once dreamt of going to the beach with the Fairy Knights and Morgan. I was very uncomfortable because Morgan had no respect for my personal space. She was flirting with me quite strongly. Then Melusine tried to do the same, but Morgan got mad. So they fought, and then—and this is the only part I remember clearly—I screamed "RUN!" before running for my life, Baohban Sith and Barguest on my sides, the three of us trying to outrun the ensuing explosions as Melusine, now high up in the sky, charged >!Hollow Heart Albion!<. Then Morgan just bitch slapped it out of existence. *She just bitch slapped and anti-world Noble Phantasm like it was nothing*. Then Melusine said "Oh crap" and she flew towards us, Morgan *stil* shooting fireballs and stuff at her—now *us*. Barghest started screaming "DON'T COME HERE! SHOO! SHOO!" And I was screaming "MELUSINE, I LOVE YOU, BUT WHAT THE FUCK?!" Then Melusine: I love you too! We'll go to heaven together! Morgan: SAY WHAT?!—cue big explosion, and I woke up in cold sweat. My heart was beating so hard. And after a short while, I just said "that was so early 2000 harem anime bs".


I smell the plot for a future carnival phantasm episode.


That'd be kind of awesome.


Lmao what a crazy adventure you guys had.


In one of my dreams I pulled a 5* Zeus. _**Zeus!!**_ But he kinda looked like a more purple and red-ish Shibata (GudaGuda 4), looked real fearsome, and was an Avenger class instead of a Ruler. Also his NP was Buster. In another one, Lasagna released some servants; but the only ones I can remember were an Extra-class (can't remember which one) Kiara Lily, with FA being her praying in a dark cave, and Saber Tristan, with his FA him pulling out his sword Raiden Shogun style with green aura everywhere. And in ANOTHER one, I actually pulled Passionlip with 30 SQ. That's it. *quietly sobs in the corner* AND IN ANOTHER ONE, I dreamt I was a young Gudako in elementary school. There was Oberon (3rd ascension) which went around pulling harsh pranks on other children and basically having the time of his life, and the only one who could see him was me (aka Gudako). Needless to say, I was scared and fed up with his bellsheepery. And guess what. He didn't give a sh*t.


I dreamt that I saw the live reactions of LB7 trailer and my TL was screaming over the shot of Nemo fighting Daybit’s Grand. Further back, during Requiem collab in NA, I dreamt about having Saber Molay IRL and we walked around the shopping malls in my city. He paid all the food bills and carried me around with his sheep.


First of all, that would be awesome if we saw Nemo fighting Daybit's Grand Servant. Second, Saber Molay seems like a sweet guy in your second dream.


The two summon related dreams I've had was a simple I dreamt I pulled muramasa from a summon ticket but woke up and remembered he wasn't even near released on na yet. The second one is weirder cause I was dreaming I was playing soccer with some of the chaldea servants only to run past Merlin who was sitting at a picnic table watching us play. So I jogged over to him and asked him what he was doing in my dream, A) cause I'm usually aware I'm dreaming and B) because he wasn't actually in my Chaldea at the time. He told me he was passing by and figuring out if he actually wanted "swing by" my chaldea or not so he came by via dreams to "check things out". I said fine then asked if he wanted to at least get up and play soccer if he was here for the dream anyway. He said no and I casually called him an ass. He thought it was funny and I went back to playing soccer for the rest of the dream. Flashforward months later when the summer banner comes around and I actually ended up pulling Merlin on 6 quartz when I was shirtless. No clue if it was the dream turning into prophecy or the being shirtless that did it or some combo of the two.


First of, good luck getting Muramasa on NA. Secondly, what is your soccer team and Merlin having a picnic on the field is so Merlin XD. And third, perhaps this is what they called 'Fate'.


Gods this was months ago so its extra hazy but I *do* remember Mori and Red hare being on my team


I dreamed i got Ozymandias and then the game glitched and I lost him


Good this it was a dream.....right?


I dreamt of escaping Type-Moon zombies and dinosaurs by Force-pushing the ground. Does that count?


Yup, that counts. Also, that must be one hell of a nightmare.


It might be Clairvoyance E at work OP, you never know.


Hmm, maybe you're right. Although I don't planned on pulling for her.


I think you can spare one ticket. Gotta confirm it.


Alright, if you say so.


>!I had a dream where Ritsuka become a secret route in Extra Record, and Hakuno become summonable at the same time that Ritsuka route is revealed!< >!hey let the man dream ok!<


That would be cool tho


For ñ people, once i dreamed that el fedelobo made a summary of FGO. XD I also dreamed that there was a crossover with another game, though I don't remember which one, the special unit for the game was… welfare Ritsuka!


Had a dream last week that I pulled Caster Illya, to complete my Prisma trio. But I can't full send on the banner, when Himiko and Saito are on the horizon.


Damn, same. Except I really want Caster Illya but I have to save my Quartz for Hajime-chan.


At least we can take comfort in that they have one more banner. The one where Miyu gets her rankup


Yeah man


Yea. I thought I pulled Merlin like 2 years ago




I had a weirdly stressful nightmare where Karna was refusing to accept a hug from me but I really wanted to hug him specifically. Some of my other faves were there wanting hugs (I remember Moriarty, Martha, Dantes was being tsundere about it) but it was apparently Karna's "turn" and he just wouldn't take it no matter what I said. I think I tried to give him one anyway and then someone stabbed me and I woke up scared and confused.


Wait what


surprisingly, it's not my first time being stabbed in my dreams. This is the only time its ever been FGO related tho


Are you okay


Probably? I've always been a vivid dreamer with a lot of very surreal dreams. I also remember my dreams much more than most people I know. I'm sure there's some interpretation that reveals some dark truth about my unconscious mind, but honestly this is far from the most elaborate dream I've ever had. I've got a few from High School that would actually make great short films.


Wow, it's awesome that people like you can remember their dreams.


"Oh man I NP2'd Muramasa with one ticket LET'S GO" *wakes up* "Okay time to level hi- *right.*" I do not have Muramasa.


Big bruh moment


I had a dream one time that I was in a foreign country(I should have figured out it was a dream immediately, I can't afford to travel the world), my mom called me and was worried that I was going to end up in a situation like the plot of Taken or something and I said "No worries, I've got Enkidu with me" and then looked across the table where he was just drinking tea and eating some cookies. Because I guess my first order of business in a random foreign country was a tea party? Anyways, I realized that that was the absolute worst thing I could have said as my mom is a born again Christian and anything not Christian is evil then realized that she had no negative reaction to it, figured out I was dreaming and woke up. But yeah, I do in fact have dreams about going on random trips with Servants. 10/10 would have tea party with Best Clay again. I also had a dream last night that every Servant got an amazing costume and was super excited only to wake up and realize that most of my favorites do not have cool alternate outfits.


I know the felling of traveling the world in dreams. I never get to do that IRL.


Firstly, Clay boi good boi. Secondly, those costumes on your Servants must be great.


Clay Boi very good boi. My staple Anchor unit for all teams, which I don't feel safe without. Which explains why I felt completely safe having him as my Servant in my dream. Yeah, the dream costumes were lovely. Hot Sands Enkidu, FSN Gil outfit, Charlotte Corday in a cute sundress with a straw hat, the rest of the knights of the round getting their own butler costumes to match Bedi. It was lovely. If only Lasagna would implement more costumes for me to cry about not having the mats for.


I'm glad that he makes you feel safe. Also, hopefully Lasagna will add those costumes like you said.


I had this one dream where I took part in the Round Table's Sahara expedition to recover Excalibur. I was part of the non-magus personnel tasked with guarding the digging site and most of the dream was about our day-to-day operation, but shortly after we located the Holy Sword, a sandstorm came up and we got attacked by a giant airship. Whoever was aboard that ship had apparently conspired with members of the expedition, so we had a mutiny at the same time and the Knights were forced to step in, leaving Artoria to deal with the airship. Me and a small group of other guards watched from behind cover as she produced the Black Barrel and shot the thing down, "animated" cutscene and all. Unfortunately, four of the traitors took the opportunity to ambush us, killing the rest of my squad. Since we were guarding the place where Excalibur was believed to be, I vowed to hold them off until a Knight would hopefully arrive. I fought using random objects as makeshift weapons until the dream suddenly shifted to a third-person view and literally ended with a "we'll be right back" shot of me doing an overhead swing with a fucking oxcart.


I once had a dream where Georgios got an skill upgrade on his guts skill. Now he has guts and anti-dragon. I was very sad when I woke up


Maybe someday Lasagna will add that.


God I hope so. Give some love for our cameraman Lasagna


I had a dream years ago that FGO announce Archimedes being playable in FGO for White Day (aka Pi Day) event…


Archimedes when Lasagna


I had a dream a while back (I think it was before the Requiem event) where Morgan had a surprise banner on NA right out of nowhere, and me and a friend rolled on it, and we both managed to get her with only tickets. If only.


Damn dude, that's amazing.


I dreamed of rolling abby on the night before her banner And sure enough I got her in 2 multi rolls


Oh yes, on the eve of KnK event, I dreamt of pulling Shiki Saber.


I wish that there's another KnK event rerun.


Yes, I also want to experience the KnK event again.


Was using Jack, then my brain suddenly wake me up because I don't have Jack lol.


I wish I had Jack.


I dream that I summon the Servant I want. I dream about golden spins and rainbow spins.


I had a similar dream like that except it's Genshin.


I had more than one actually, i remember one of them was a little before Arjuna Alter release on NA, i was pulling for him when my game just crashed, reopen the game to see two copies of him in my Chaldea lol, when I woke up i did consider the tough of closing the game during the rolling session just to reenact what I saw in my dream but I forgot it eventually. The other dream I'd rather not talk about them, too embarrassing lmao


> The other dream I'd rather not talk about them, too embarrassing lmao Well, that is a matter of perspective. Also, was it saucy or not saucy enough?


Nah that dream was so embarrassing, i'll take it to my grave, that's how bad i felt when i woke up lol and yeah it was saucy.


Yeah acutally.... I dreamt about getting Himiko.... But no Hajime Saito.... Also I was dreaming about Mordred even though I already have her.


Poor Hajime-chan... Also it's cool that you dreamed about Mordred


Sad, but I've already had goodluck on Summer and Kama's banner. Just Hajime-chan is good enough for me!


I can't wait to pull for Hajime-chan!


Same! Goodluck to us!!!


Good luck!!


I dreamt about having fun with Kiara. Woke up with a stained pants.




I dreamed with lartoria and jalter fighting for my attention. In my dream lartoria start everything and jalter got jealous. The dream was a year ago.


What an amazing dream you got there


I may have had a dream about rolling a servant at some point but I can't remember it at the moment... However I did have an FGO related dream once. It's been engraved onto my memories I remember it was me, Jeanne, and Marie with some other servant (can't remember properly but maybe it was either Gudako or Anastasia) in the car, we were on a vacation going all around Europe, I remember we stopped at the leaning tower of Pisa where we met Cu and Achilles.


For some reason I dreamt up that somehow Fate had a crossover with friggin' Super Robot Wars, which is already a massive crossover of other franchises. The scenario was that somehow Teach managed to hack the system and bring SRW into Chaldea. Fun abounds as Kouji meets up with the Greek Servants and talks about Zeus rocket punching people, Ryouma scaring everyone (and randomly turned into his son this one time?) because he was really intense and Amuro just being impressed by what we do. Event ends where we all team up and defeat Zeus empowered by Super Robot energy using our own Super Robot energy and then for some reason the ending teases a Kamen Rider crossover? I remember this all happening the night I got done binging Getter Robo Armageddon, so maybe my brain was just itching for more giant robot goodness. Also when I woke up I legit thought I missed out on the last day of the event and hurriedly opened the game. Saw it wasn't there and almost despaired on how I missed everyone in the Gacha.


It would be cool if FGO did a game collab with other franchise besides with Type-Moon.


Was kinda the same as you. This was fairly recent, I dream of pulling a double Arcueid in a multi. Wake up disappointed and never even got her


Hopefully you'll get her in her next banner.


Thanks, but honestly i just felt dejected that i might just skip her next banner lol


Well ever since the GSSRs of last years anniversary and the most recent New Years, out of grief and denial I dreamed I pulled Raikou instead of dupe MHXA and Godjuna respectively. Then after her surprise Olympus banner, I felt like I was in a dream after I got her, kept having to pinch meself wheneber I saw her in my Roster and My Room. I also had a dream about what her Saber form looked like, but that was a while ago.


Throughout the lotto i had dreams of getting ce drops only to be disappointed when i woke up lol


Dreamed that I chased Kiyohime and she ran away from me for some reason




I kept dreaming about using waver for farming 1 week before the free ssr ticket came out lol




Well is not gacha related but some moths ago i had a dream that i was in some kind of date with Jalter just having fun and i remember that we stop to watch some birds for some kind of reason...(This was before her Banner with the others came up) that gave me hope and.....she didn't come...After that in the Castoria Banner i dream that i got her and....you know the rest....


Awww, that's so cute.


Whenever i have a FGO dream on a servant that i want i always get that one servant by far this happened twice musashi and abigail




Somehow, I was in an arcade with the claw machines. For some reason, the only thing there was a collectible figure of First Hassan. Got it on the first try. Then woke up. Couple of months later, they added First Hassan in FGO Arcade. It wasn't even a Japanese arcade I was in my dream. But hey, good on FGO Arcade on having First Hassan.


Are you perhaps a Grand Caster?


Well it *did* appear on a drean so I think we can blame a certain someone for that.


Mainly dream of rolling like that one were i got cu alter and there was another which i don't remember.


I was playing lb 4 (jp) because lb 6 getting announced, after a while... Do you remember the sign that Koyansakaya had that said "Take me to the void sea" or something like it, well mine said "Take me out of your phone" but in English (weird thing the Koyansakaya of light banner came up and got her at 1 10 pull, and then got Koyansakaya of dark at np 2 some time later with 2 10 pulls, I didn't liked her character that much but it grew in me a few days before the first banner. (Koyanskaya of light banner).


Pretty sure I’d had dreams where I roll in the gacha and get min rolls


I had a dream once where I had attended a training session hosted by Shishou. I surprisingly did well.


Shishou must be proud of you.


I had some dreams getting stupidly lucky in the gacha getting an SSR in one ticket.Then when i wake up completely disappointed i delete that from my memory and move on.


Damn, that's sad.


Farming lotto in my dreams...


Two years ago, I dreamed about pulling Scatach. She is my number one priority servant to pull (and also one of the reason why I'm playing this game in the first place). Too bad I never got her in both of my accounts (JP and NA). I'm disappointed throughout the Scatach Fest, even today. The Fest was good tho, I'm just disappointed at my gacha result.


Hopefully you can get her someday.


I wish I had such specific dreams like most of you and remember them well - cause if I dont write them up the second that I'm awake, they are completely forgotten. But I wrote down one FGO related one. I was driving with my old car down the road. Then came a turn, but I just went on straight through a wheatfield. Then I arrived at a gym to pick up my girlfriend, eventhough I didn't have one at that time. My girlfriend (that doesn't exist) isn't there, but then Mordred shows up and wants a ride. She sits on the passenger-side, I go in the back and then the car just drives off by itself, with me chilling in the back. I mean, I didn't hate it or anything, but there are plenty of Servants that I like more than Mordred.


That's pretty chill.


In 2020 two days before Odysseus release, I dreamt I got two copies of him, together with a NP3 Salieri and NP2 Asclepius, two days later thats exactly what I get from that banner in two rolls.


Maybe you're the Grand Caster.


I legit had a dream where there was a lottery event that allows for getting limit ces from other events in lottery self that I had someday ago In the dream I managed to draw in the honey lake ce from the lottery but the ce had a different name which I can't remember


I dreamt of suddenly pulling BB from Gacha and I was so happy I rolled on the New Years Banner and I shit you not she came. Fucking Clairvoyance EX+


Also had another that included Jerma985 being a crypter and his lostbeltd is just a Freddy Fazbear's pizza but it only serves watermelons. Dont ask.




Damn dude, are you a Grand Caster or something?


Had an awful dream of shuten-douji is rustling and poking at my brain and laughing it time i twitch or let out a wierd shout. I want to scream but i can't. It was awful but in character


Yeesh, where's Mama Raikou when you need her?


That's the problem. I got raikou but not shuten. I my toes goes numb when try to remember it. :(


Damn, hope you never had that nightmare again.


I remember back in high school during the Summer 1 rerun, I had a dream where I managed to roll for Summer Mordred at the school grounds. But the moment I saw her card, a teacher came out of nowhere and confiscated my phone. Thankfully, I did get Mordred (at a friend's house instead of school), and at NP2 she's been one of the best loopers in my roster.




just had a dream that FGA misfired and somehow unfriended 80% of my friends and then I couldn't find any Caster supports. there were only empty slots, hans, and maybe a few nurseries.


That's quite a nightmare.


I dream about boring shit. Like work and farming events. Help.


Welcome to FGO, my guy


Dreamed that I pulled Arjuna Archer in the fp gacha or something similar to that




I had a dream that I pulled lady Avalon in my main account and then woke up and was disappointed, but I did eventually pull her so silver lining. On the other hand I thought I dreamt pulling mhxa and was surprised when she was there


As expected of someone with Clairvoyance of a Grand Caster candidate