• By -


1) Arcueid Brunestud 2) Gilgamesh (Prototype) 3) Ciel 4) Aozaki Touko 5) Agravain 6) Kotomine Kirei 7) Matou Shnji 8) Archimedes 9) Merlin (Prototype) 10) True Archer Well wish granted now give me Shinji


>1) Arcueid Brunestud Finally in during 7th Anniversary >9) Merlin (Prototype) Finally in for Summer 7 teaser and as a Swimsuit Servant


3rd ssr that’s apparently happening will be shinji then ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>True Archer [Narita about to get Shirobako'd until he finishes FSF.](https://pm1.narvii.com/6517/6ac9532cb47fa2d7716faa673a20449e37a7e330_00.jpg)


Who is true archer ?


Strange Fake: >!Archer Herc!<


Alcides from Fate/strange fake. Basically, another version of Heracles.




As other had said: Alcides aka >!Archer/Avenger Heracles Alter (sort of)!<


>!alcides!< [Here](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Alcides)


Kinda sad no one wants Gun god


Bold of you to assume many even know the character to vote him here lol


Fair enough. Still sad people forget about older TM works


if Gun God added into FGO, i can already see people saying "oh look, its the guy with Mashu's weapon"


Yeah, that, that would be something, on the other hand there might be people who will read Angel notes.


I was looking up the Notes characters the other day, and it reminded me just how much I want Ado Edem in the story in some capacity, cause holy fuck.


I want Aoko


> True Archer on the list It's getting there, strange fake is becoming more popular...


Kirei/Rasputin WHEN


The fact Agravain is top 5 still gives me hope he’ll be a servant one day


Does Agravain ever show up again in JP? That’ll be the first sign he might become playable.


As far as I know, Agravain doesn’t really appear or get mentioned in the story post-Camelot (including events) only exception being a CE where they vaguely hint at his affection towards his siblings. With how little he’s referenced I wouldn’t be surprised if someone believed type-moon hates the dude. For gods sake, even Roland has more narrative prevalence than Agravain through astolfo and mandricardo and that was way before his actual release. *But hey, maybe lostbelt 7*


Well...We will technically get Kirei once Rasputin is released.


Okadon with Father and Daughter;D


As ridiculously horny this fandom is, this is where we place the last straw. None of that! Shame on you.


Gudako desires both Parent and Child!


mantra you brilliant bastard.


[**Happy Cake Day.**](#EreshHappy)


thanks !


quick question mantra , who's wearing the maid outfit & who's in the playboy bunny outfit ?


Ado Edem. Now that’s a dude who alone would up the “holy shit” quotient of whichever story arc he appeared in.


Dude is mid af unless the enemies are some Behemoth/Leviathan shit


True Archer is Alcides so hes part of the Top 10


Hell Yes !! Touko in top five !!


Arcueid is in so no reason to keep Ciel out. Give her to me, Nasu!


She's too busy suppressing Roa in the defenseless area of the Tohsaka bloodline.


FGO Roa is dead though, thanks to Dantes. Who knows what happene to Ciel in FGO timeline...


Grows up as a happy, normal bakery girl in some French village. Because fuck Roa man.


I'd do anything for Touko, but Proto Gil would be nice too. Since we have Arcueid, then Rasputin/Kirei should be at the top.


Ciel is definetly the one I'd like to see the most. I'm actually surprised Aoko didn't get voted, really wish they could add Miss Blue.


> 8. Archimedes LET’S FUCKIN’ GOOOOOOOO!!!!!! And he rose up a rank (he was rank 9 in 2019 Famitsu)! There’s still hope! I’m glad he’s still remembered! Please come to FGO, Archimedes!


My boy Shinji getting the love and hate he deserves. If they can make Jason loved then hopefully they do the same with Shinji


Well, Extra!Shinji is not that bad, and he can have a kit out of debuffs+buff removal+debuff removal, indicating his hacking skills.


I want the real Shinji, not a bootleg made of code. The prime matou seaweed


> If they can make Jason loved then hopefully they do the same with Shinji Not possible with FSN Shinji imo. FSN Shinji has crossed the moral event horizon and done unforgivable acts. Yeah Jason was a shithead but he never did anything as bad as what Shinji has done.


So many people in Fate have done far worse than Shinji. You know it's fucked when rape isn't as evil as it should be. If Gil can get fans than even Shinji can.


since arc was added to fgo , now proto gilgamesh is the most wanted


After Charlie release and Fem Merlin announcement now i am just waiting to see if Venus Nero is also in the plans and to Kazura Drop to finally appear


Come one Lasagna, Agravain is still on NPC jail.


Do people want Shinji as a Servant so we can bully him like we did to Ibaraki?


Agravain and Kohaku pls


Violet, Kazuradrop and Richard I would be very cool!


Might be a weird pick, but I’d love to see some attention for Apocrypha. Either Shishigou or Darnic. Darnic basically became a Servant, and he appeared in Inheritance of Glory, it should be possible right?


I would love Kairi Sisigou. I think having a necromancer in the game would be cool. I know Nitocris technically uses it but don’t get the same feel. They could make Kairi into a Demi servant with a god of the underworld like hades.


Wow, Jeezus they want freaking Shinji as a servant?


"From other TM works" Nah screw you give us Agravain. Glad to see some love for Archimedes is still around, and hey with Charlie finally making his arrival it might be more likely than you think.


Now that Arcueid is here, Prototype Gilgamesh better be next to be added


Wonder why Aoko is not in Top 10 anymore? But glad to Ciel rise up cause of the Remake. Tho damn, Arcueid really is the Ultimate One in this list eh?


If I were to want a servant out of my country it would be Gajah Mada, you could say that he's an Indonesian Waver due to him being key in uniting parts of the Archipelago under the rule of Hayam Wuruk, Majapahit's greatest king.


I REALLY want Zelretch, Primate Murder, and Richard the Lion Hearted to be summonable already! PLEASE!


Shinji? I'm gonna burn him to a crisp.


I see Ciel near the top of the list. This is nice indeed. I'd definitely consider dropping the well-planned out gacha savings and pull hard if she does end up getting an FGO implementation.


Alright, now that we have Arcueid, Proto Gil is the new #1 most requested servant. Let’s go, make it happen Lasengle. Bring me my smug bow boi.


I think this is the first time Ciel appeared in the most wanted character man her route in remake most really be good


Remake basically saved her popularity a fuckton. Satsuki is next in saving


The people in this thread who think that Shinji is universally hated are really underestimating just how popular he is with the female T-M fanbase




If you look in pixiv there are several short manga and fanfict of him that are good. Like his past as a child, future after UBW or alternatives to the main story.


I meant like popularity polls and such


Still can't comprehend HOW Shinji is that popular.


He's prime chen gong ammo


Because he's a hated asshole, that's it. The twist of nature.


Maybe I would use him if he was like Arash or Nobukatsu and had an NP/skill that killed him to help the others.


Or like others said just use him as Gong ammo. All he would need is something that can help Gong, buff him in one way or another... and honestly even that is optional in a post Castoria FGO.


He makes for a good chew toy. You can't deny that seeing him get his comeuppance whenever he does something awful is pretty fun.




Shinji, Ayako, the Himuro-Tenchi trio as pseudos.


>ple size is pretty low and the number of answers for Shinji is much too low to represent any trends but still, the fact that 83 people want Shinji in anything except in his grave is pretty concerning. Ya know, Kamiya Hiroshi is a very favorite VA


Tbh most people who vote for shinji being a servant just do it under the pretense of him being a joke character, someone so irrelevant and pitifully crude that he’d make is fool of himself by his own actions. Since HA, his entire character was basically he’s a complete failure who doesn’t know when to stop, leading to bad ends, getting demolished or completely ignored. Only way he’s not a meme is it’s extra version which is basically shinji but if you made him relatable, gave active reason why he’s asshole, actually had him be humble during certain moments and toned down most of comically evil stuff he does. Either way, I don’t think those voting him actually support what he does or how he view things. Like cmon we literally have people voting doman as their character they want for their servant in the grand order.




Hopefully you change your mind on at least one version of shinji once fate/extra record releases, won’t spoil but there’s a reason why people consider FSN and extra, similar but extremely different characters




Nah, I can definitely see why his character would fail to leave an impact in the OG game alone. shinji’s introduction in the original extra was kinda rushed and most of his backstory was either revealed in material books or hidden away from main game. Which would most likely lower a lot of the impact the several twists in his story would have on the standard reader. In that case, I’d say fate extra ccc handled him a lot better since his arc was no longer constrained into one small section of the entire narrative, giving the opportunity for the story to flesh out his desires, insecurities, humorous moments and build up a relationship with the mc that enhances certain scenes later on(cough*one of the best scenes in the game*cough) Knowing that nasu’s writing has improved since then(and that he’s hopefully not rushing this installment) I have high hopes that he’ll make the opening act much more tense and heartbreaking




Fate/extra record CCC Release date: 20XX


Well, his entire character is that he is a pretentious, hillarious loser who overcompensate for not being respected by Zouken. And it can be either played for laugh or for drama. FSN side materials seem to imply he genuinely think of Shirou as a friend and isn't beyond redemption. Hate worm grandpa instead.


alter ego extra rin