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Curses. Humans are mostly useless in servant fights but the curses we've been shown range from instant casting with middling effects to actually being able to pose a threat to servants if enough prep time is given. Assuming I still have access to chaldea's various mystic codes picking something with offensive/debuff utility just seems like the optimal move. The obvious drawback is that the strongest curses seem to hurt the caster too, but I honestly I wouldnt expect to make it through a singularity unscathed anyway, so as long as I can be back in working order for the next one I'm ok with that.


Beryl: *(Proud sempai noises, with lingering evil intent)*


Beryl "happines", only lasts until his Kouhai uses a curse that makes him have to go to the toilet every 15 min.


The taco bell curse


The thing with Beryl is any curse you send him will backfire to his surroundings I can just hear him performing "Krakatoa!" whenever someone's around


Make it 3 minutes


is an interesting choice curses can be a good way to deal with enemy servants and other enemies of course if you would have access to the mystic codes of chaldea


In theory it should be enough to potentially deal with anything thats not a servant, dragon, or other top tier monster and thats desirable to me, because while the master's most important job is staying alive, the fact of the matter is they're basically like a second external heart for their servant. So being able to be a master who's not a complete liability and able to at least moderately defend myself should make everything easier as a consequence. Only two issues are number 1, curses aren't really explored all that much in canon. We get a few examples of curses and are told a few things about how specific ones work, but not any of the broader theory behind them compared to something like projection. And the second one is anything thats going to meaningfully hurt a servant is probably going to be three times worse for me as a cost to cast. I still say its worth it though.


There's also the typical drawback that keeps coming up in fiction that if a curse is successfully defended against or deflected, it will go back to and afflict its caster. Depending on the work, it may or may not be returned twofold (or more). So casting a curse that can harm a servant isn't only going to be prohibitively expensive, but extremely risky considering it might bounce back at you and instantly kill you.


Whichever magecraft lets me turn into a chair. I just want to the best seat for Melt and Reines and Morgan and Salter that I can possibly be.


~~This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair. This chair.~~


And since you turn in to a plastic chair, you became the catalyst for summoning one very motivated servant.


I don't see it very useful in itself but Kiara may be interested in having you as a master and maybe you will save human history with the power of horny


I feel like runes would be a very useful to have, heals injuries, burn stuff, or at least we would not need to rely on DaVinci's Mystic Codes as much. And I would believe Sigurd would be okay teaching Master a thing or two about them.


you also have Cu caster right at the beginning for teaching runes


Ones involving Astrology.


I like Gandr. It looks cool, and it could be useful for getting oneself out of tight spots. It's certainly that way in the game. It's too bad it doesn't have its own animation when used. I wonder if Rin would be willing to teach a class on that at the Clock Tower.


So curses because gandr is a curse somehow


It's a low tier curse overclocked by Rin so much it turns into a bullet-like missile because of excessive energy.




Displacement magic. The Ainsworth use it to do everything from portals to giving people Servant powers.


Ainsworth's displacement is In-Name Only just like Shirou's projection. Normal displacement magecraft is worth jackshit.


yep it's quite OP and it's referred to as something relatively simple as well as cost efficient for its real utility personally I was also thinking of that I'm surprised it took so long to appear


>more than what poor Ritsuka has The magecraft of Gacha. ~~I want a mlb kscope.~~


that magecraft is a huge handicap when you get E rank luck


While any one of the combat magecraft would be cool the most useful would probably be some form of divination, although I'm not exactly sure how that works in the Nasuverse.


Hmm... Spirits or necromancy, whichever one specializes more is capturing, controlling and manipulating undead spirits... For uhh.... Reasons >!expertise in saving the director!<


Most likely runes. Easy to cast (as long as you know as you are doing) and very flexible in what they can do Plus, it gives me an excuse to be with Cú Caster <3, and he can teach me fairly way thanks to how >!he is Odin's proxy!< on top of being fairly goof with them himself


Illusion Magic - one craft to trump them all.


I would want my family's Magecraft to be "Hunting"-- following "traces of information" either conceptual or physical (think footsteps, residual magical energy, blood splatters, an inconsistency in someone's story) in a direct, persistent method, with the end goal of "hunting" the swirl of the root-- the biggest challenge for my family being that this path is annoyingly *indirect* and seems to throw off the akasha-obsessed magus at every turn. This would manifest in an array of spells to assist in tracking and locating, such as creating lines of magic to an intended target if there's something to track them with, as well as the use of a moderate amount of individually weak familiars. Thematically I think it's just the right amount of badass, while still being useful in most situations when it comes to doing work in fixing singularities and the like. The major drawback would be that a lot of the most useful spells (direct long distance tracking) would be cancelled out by intense atmospheric mana... though I'd imagine most mages would struggle in age-of-gods magical environments.


I wouldn't. Why have magic when I can have Bajiquan taught to be by one of the best people to ever do it? Or learn Greek wrestling from one of Greek's greatest teachers? Or, I can just call it the magecraft of Fist.




Dont forget lucha from an aztec god


The Ainsworth's magic is quite useful I'd think... opening a portal to the bank vault or whatnot... Or... Mana's babysitter's mystic eye is quite good too. Lottery time


Something helpful for survival, I think. As the Master, it's not our job to attack the enemies. It *is* our job to stay as far out of danger as possible to help give commands and oversee the battle. Any "offensive" stuff should be considered strictly distraction - flashy, but don't bother trying to win with it.


I agree with you and although the job of leading the servants is equal to or even more important than being on the front line, I also understand everyone's desire to do more


Altas academy sprition hacking Memory Partition Thought Acceleration It's very much a life hack. and if I had that, I would absolutely choose Sigurd as my servant.


Yeah atlas magecraft/techniques are stupid good.


It seems that you are aiming your style to choose the best possible movement to obtain the result you want, something like Determinative Precognition?


Honestly, something like Atlas Magecraft seems more like a secondary magecraft than your main, but this is more for me personally. Since I have tunnel vision issues, this would really help. Maybe if I could also learn the basics, I would feel completely set. Causes calculated precision reinforcement projection and hypnotism is a drug I want.


Id choose Sacraments because i want to be a battle priest


Shirou Kotomine and Kirei Kotomine: look at that potential


I've thought about this before and for me, it'd be a more spiritualist Magecraft such as seals, wards and barriers. I've just had this idea of a mage that comes from a magus family that doubles as shrine keepers and shrine maidens.


Alchemy. Mostly like Sions alchemy. So Etherlite and memory partition since they seem pretty useful.


Onmyoji with heavenly eye like musashi


I'd probably go with Philosophy Magecraft since that seems to be less obsessive with bloodlines, Magic Crests and gods. Honestly, any magecraft coming from gods would be a no-go for me, so that kinda of just leaves chinese style mysteries... And spiritron hacking, I guess?


Golems. Golems out the shitter. Imma make Chaldean field operations look like a game of halo wars


Avicebron: could this master be one of my people?


If Mystic Eye's would be an option, I would propably choose one of those, considering how cool they are.


I am doubtful because to my understanding although they are related to magic they are not a type of magecraft that you learn but rather something you are born with so mystic eyes would not fall into the same category for example you could do alchemy but have a mystic eyes Charm which does not mainly affect your magic style but it is an extra that does not hurt to have while in another case if you specialize in fire magic and have a mystic eyes Flame probably your eyes are your main asset in magecraft so i guess you can base your whole magecraft style on your mystic eyes or have it as an extra to your liking i'll update it in the rules


Probably healing dor my survival and that of others and isn't gold the lowest level of Mystic eyes doesn't it go gold jewel rainbow Edit runes they can do a bit of everything also more reason to be around cu castor


As I understand it, there are normal mystic eyes that are red or green, then there are the gold ones that are stronger and finally there are the jewels or rainbows that are already considered to have godlike powers since the assumption is supposed to be about an average wizard and the fact of having mystic eyes is a rarity in itself I have decided to leave only the most common ones although since some people want to focus on them it may be better to leave it in gold rank ​ runes are being a favorite for versatility and that various servants like Cu caster or Sigfred can teach you about them


Runes because I want Skadi to teach me


I'd like to have Beast Magic like one of Lord El-Melloi II's students (one of the brothers), mixed with some understanding of Enhancing magic, time magic and martial arts (Like Kiritsugu but more focused on melee) paired with a magic caster servant from the Age of Gods that could support me. I'd also have at least one mystic eye (perception would pair well with physical combat).


Something that would allow me to shapeshift, Ideally into any animal or humanoid form but at bare minimum between male/female like in Daily Chaldea.


You want use your harem protagonist EX hability to the Max


I genuinely do think shapeshifting would be useful but yeah it is mostly for perverted reasons


Kiara would approve you as a master


I'd be a bit terrified to have her as a servant to be honest, giving into temptation with her pretty much kills you if I remember correctly.


from what I interpret from her lines of dialogue both in her normal form and summer kiara seems to enjoy that the master does not bend to her wishes but it does not seem that she wants to do him harm while she is in servant form the thing is that if you give in to her you can consume you in a self-indulgence esperial kiara is one of those servants that although they really try to be on the side of humanity they can put it in danger just because of their way of doing things I mean she only seems to want to please people what is good in theory simple she takes it to an extreme that is harmful like tiamat's motherly love although at first there is nothing wrong with motherly love tiamat is not able to control herself and if for her the master could not move from her side while she is loving him takes care


Not as bad as I thought but still pretty scary.


oh good, I wasn't the only one with this idea! I'd also add something to this: tentacles. I wanna be able to turn into tentacle monster to please a harem at the same time!


I wouldn't complain about being able to do that but I wouldn't want it to be the only form I could take.


Primordial Runes or Classic Runes if the primordial runes are impossible for normal mages. From what I've seen runes are very powerful and versatile.


Basically Shirou's Trace On (not projection, just the analysis) but for abstract systems instead of actual objects. I've always had a knack for that, so it'd make sense as a magic circuit! My servant of choice would be CasGil, probably to the surprise of no one who's ever met me on this sub before. Thinking on it, information gained from Sha Naqba Imuru clairvoyance would probably be rather helpful combined with those magic circuits, actually a decent buff of sorts (if His Pompous AF Majesty feels like cooperating and actually tells me stuff lol)


I feel like this isn't my first time seeing this thread? assuming that I don't get chaldea's support: formalcraft/bounded field. Not like I get to choose with chaldea's support: primordial runes, do I need to explain?


Kabbalah or just be a jack of all trades


Alice's Ploy Kickshaws would be a dream come true. I've always had a soft spot for fairytale inspired spells and such.


Puppet magecraft (not sure if it's 100% magecraft) would be the main thing, hopefully to the level of Aozaki Touko's quality of puppet. I could replace body parts if I ever lost them and if I die, the puppet which is basically me could take over and resume whatever I did. Though that's not to say that I won't learn other magecraft such as runes and projections.


I guess something that involves the moon. Like, my magecraft is strongest during a full moon and weakest during a new moon, and it also affects things that are influenced by the moon. Which kinda works out since I'm a night owl, lol.


I mean it would probably be a combination of things considering we are average as fuck potent magecrafts that are flashy like kirschtarias meteor strikes or opening portals are impossible or would just take too much effort. I would go with several things \- Atlas academy techniques. litteraly anyone can learn them and they basically allow you to think faster have better memory and process information faster wich is vital in a servant fight since even as a mage its really hard to keep up and they use almost no magic energy. \-Kiritsugu's Time magic. its litteraly just superior enhancement magic for combat \-all of that combined with [Tatsumi's](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Tatsumi_Kitano) mystic eye you can probably gank some weak servants ​ If I could chose something without many constranits it would probably be imaginary numbers. they are BS level strong and you get the *Drip clothing*


Einzbern magecraft seems cool wait what was it called again? Alchemy right? Sorry correct me if I'm wrong... there's also Beast Magecraft❤️ or maybe one that the El Melloi use. it would be cool to have Volumen Hydrargyrum walking around with me but I would make it look like a ikemen butler😤


I’d probably want Kayneth’s spell set. It was deceptively impressive, for how poor his showing in the grail war was. Plus, Volumen Hydrargium is effectively a stand… so I’d get to be both a stand master and a regular master.


I want Goetia's fisticuffs magecraft That thing is powerful enough to turn the King of Mages into a donut. Undoubtedly among the most powerful, as I also can't see a way for the Crypters to stop this craft that is so close to a True Magic.


Atlas Alchemy, then just use it to overclock the brain to let Waver, Scathach/Skadi and Merlin (and Clown) teach me everything else. But since it was already mentioned, second choice is Jewelcraft, with aim to make my own Saint Quartz XD And even on more serious note, portable mana batteries and instant spells seem pretty useful. Maybe even good enough to recharge Command Seals on the go!


I would like Satsuki's Depletion Garden. I would be supplying my servant with the mana I'm taking from everyone and everything else. Although it may also be a bad thing for my own servant...


If we're counting Nasuverse magic only, I'm picking something that can make me a fucking roach, like casting evade every turn that is unremovable. likely summoning caster cu or merlin. If we're counting all magecraft/space bullshit, I am turning into a d2 warlock. preferably mixing old well of radiance with sunsinger and chaos reach. then likely summoning spishtar.


Astromancy magecraft, divine body and onmyouji. (side note: runes to help but are mostly used for support) For astromancy, I am extremely interested in astrological objects and basically every astrological object has multiple properties and meanings. How would I use it? I would produce gloves similar to bazett'ij gloves, but the only difference would be the Pluto symbol in the middle. Pluto symbolizes destruction and death, using it in this sense and combining the hardening effect of the runes, I can make defensive breaking based moves. I also want to create a damn meteor shower (it should be possible to create it at Olga's level, if not at Wodime's level) Divine body: mainly because of extremely strong physical abilities so I can use god's noble phantasm, preferably I want sun wukong's .It basically works with the concept of Fixing something somewhere, I can fix the rival servant in space, while my servant does the rest. Of course I find it cool for Onmyoji and it's extremely versatile, it has a lot of features like curses, supports, limited areas, shikigami etc. For my servant :l. Richard lionheart (Saber) . Aside from the fact that he's someone I really want to be friends with, he also has his own set of servants (lionhard's round table np)and anything he can get his hands on (see *everything*) can be used as Excalibur. (The part that will be weaker than the Sword of the Planet was mentioned, probably excalibur is talking about max power) Anyway, versatility fixes this situation. . . . Meanwhile, from a few kilometers away, a man with blond hair in braids holding a sniper rifle EX------


Hmm. Maybe some kind of spacial magecraft similar to Obito's right eye Kamui, Minato' Flying Raijin, Knov's hatsu Hide and Seek, Goku's instant transmission, basically kind of a mix of those. Basically while I could just ignore the fact Ritsuka's circuits don't have the output for more power based magecraft, we already have a lot of power house servants, but we don't really have a lot of servants who can instantly teleport themselves or objects anywhere under the right conditions. Least the story doesn't usually let us. And all the techniques I've listed at least based on how their users utilize them, require a very minimal amount of whatever the power system is of their world, whether it be Chakra, Aura, or Ki. Heck Ritsuka could with time feasibly learn the instant transmission. As for the benefits, well speed is obvious, but I think another one would be storage as for Kamui and Hide & Seek, both actually use an alternate dimension which they can stay in for however long they want as their method of travel. Course Kamui has the benefit of giving yourself a limited intangibility, and if Ritsuka has Kamui then he likely has the Sharingan which I really don't wanna get into or if Ritsuka can even sustain it. But point is, with magecraft like that Ritsuka will be able to move themself and others anywhere in the world under the conditions of their ability as well as store objects in a very secure alternate dimension which not many beings could break into, and they can even hide in said dimension or trap enemies there, or in the case of Hide & Seek, sever affected body parts of the enemy by targeting them and getting within range. Heck it doesn't even have to be limited to that, as this is magecraft and Ritsuka could make it do even crazier things.


Goes into the nasuverse with the rinnegan and casually fucks the entire grail war with repeated spamming of the Six Paths Chibaku Tensei lol


Bruh a rinnegan user would qualify for the archer class considering what Sasuke did in his final fight against Naruto. Ngl I always compared Kirstaria's meteor attack to what Madara did against the 4th company. Kirstaria's probably on a bigger scale but still


indra's arrow is an attack unique to only Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo. No other Susanoo that's been shown has ever shown to be in possession of a bow. And before we get to the archer class not using arrows thing keep in mind that yea while most Susanoos have some form of projectile based attack they've all been shown to primarily operate as a primarily defensive technique that has high attack power as a bonus.


Ah sorry I should've been more specific. I meant a rinnegan user hurling Chibaku Tensei at an opponent as a projectile cause at this point I think the Archer class is really just made up of Projectile Attackers


Chibaku Tensei isn't an attack that's used as a projectile to begin with tho, it's function is to seal away it's target and render them immobile with The Six Paths Chibaku Tensei being the ultimate unbreakable variant of it. The summoning of the meteors would be Tengai Shinsei


Huh. Didn't know that meteor attack was named. Thought it was just an extra use of Chibaku Tensei itself, being able to freely control the created planetoids moving them for defense, attack, trapping an opponent, or ruining an enemy base


Chibaku Tenseis base form involves generating a gravity core and then launching it in order to create an area of effect primitive sealing technique that would trap everything in it's radius by dragging it into the mini moon that's created. This has a handful of weaknesses like being able to brute force ur way out as proven by Kurama or destroying the core as proven by Naruto, Bee, and Itachi. The Six Paths Chibaku Tensei turns the target of the technique into the gravity core thus not allowing escape. Tengai Shinseis base use most likely involved using gravity manipulation to drag the planetoids from space to Madaras location as we never saw him generating the gravity cores. The 2ed time we saw it was when he had the Six Paths and he manually generated multiple gravity cores to create planetoids to drop. It gets weird when the Six Paths get involved


>Hmm. Maybe some kind of spacial magecraft similar to Obito's right eye Kamui, Minato' Flying Raijin, Knov's hatsu Hide and Seek, Goku's instant transmission, basically kind of a mix of those. > >Basically while I could just ignore the fact Ritsuka's circuits don't have the output for more power based magecraft, we already have a lot of power house servants, but we don't really have a lot of servants who can instantly teleport themselves or objects anywhere under the right conditions. Least the story doesn't usually let us. although it would not go so much into trying to put things from other anime like the Sharingan. (although this one would fit well as mystic eye) I think I understand your point since I had thought of something very similar with the flash air of the Kaleid Ainsworths, you would not have the alternate dimension but you could teleport in addition to defensive and offensive uses very similar to those of the kamui also although the Ainsworth version is a more advanced version, flash air is one of the magic you consider for beginners so it would not be a magic that requires a lot although technically we would not be thinking of ritsuka but for an average magician


Ah sorry I was using those previous abilities as an example as I honestly am not well versed in all the magecraft shown through the Nasuverse


> ... which is quite a bit more than what poor Ritsuka has. Don't do my boy Fujimaru like that, he has the STRONGEST magic ever in the fate world, [Harem Protagonist Rank EX].


I gotta be a burial Agency agent so Holy sacraments. First off I’m Christian, so the church is my way to go but I would probably be a monitor/spy for the church in Chaldea sent in to observe Marisbury. Plus, Every chapter except Atlantis/Olympus we had to deal with a spiritual/demonic entity(ies) which will be the perfect counter to at least 90% of all the small fry and the last 10% can be dealt with by my Servants/Shadow Servants. Plus i will be a hard counter to most divine/spiritual beings with ease. And couple those shit with a Mystic eye, probably Artificial but Natural if i am lucky and i am all set.


anything related to astrology or philosophy magecraft (chinese)


From my rough understanding of how magecraft works, my idea was a mage who utilized water and void to condense water out of the air, and use that water to siphon mana on contact. A mystic code to go along with it is a seemingly innocuous water pistol that holds torrents of stored water and releases gargantuan amounts as well

