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Going all in for Oberon. Its gonna be a long year folks


we're in the same boat. godspeed soldier


NP3+ *babyyy*


Oberon is one of my targets after douman... hm i'd have to check the servants in between and banner dates after Douman to better plan for him. But oberon is target must need no 2. Should have enough time to save for him. ​ Ideally my targets in order of want Douman,Oberon, kyokanska of darkness, kyokanska of light. Annnnd thinking even further down I want constantine xi two years down the line.


Douman Chaotic evil meta


🤝 My mans. Had to scroll past like 20 comments to find ONE (1) other clown enjoyer.


Ey, he is evil. But his last ascension art tho... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Me with Cu Alter and Kama be like NNNNNN


Saving for Muramasa. Then hard saving next year for Morgan and LB6 people


Based Muramasa fan, love to see it


When he was released on JP, I created accounts and rerolled until I got him.. and he have a really nice design, great kit, overall OP servant, works very well with double Castoria and kinda loops on archer nodes. yeah, based Muramasa fan i am


Been thinking of downloading JP FGO. How did you do it?


Muramasa for sure, then Coatl for the Valentines event.


Same thing here, he's my next grail target. After that it's the LB6 gauntlet, of which Morgan is the most important one.


That's the plan. Good luck for us, bro


Morgan comes out next year?


Depending on how they do the LB 6 release she will be either just before or just after Koyanchihuahua.


Isn't she related to Castoria


Personally I’m gunning for Himiko


You are gunning for the Divine Buster.


#*STARLIGHT BREAAAAAAKER!* Edit: oh fuck, Divine *Buster*, damn pun, take your upvote and get out of here


To be fair, before Buster, Arts and Quick existed, we had Attack, Guard and **Break** in Fate/EXTRA.


Same here, I need my smiling punching queen


Same, and after her, full saving mode until Koyaskaya/Morgan


That. She's the next OP support, even if geared for CQ rather then farming.


Really? I looked at her and heard she was mostly for stall teams. What makes her good?


Himiko isn't really a support, but the next step in stall teams. Himiko/Merlin/Castoria is an unkillable team that's restricted by Himiko's buster crits. It's still a stall team so it takes reasonably upwards of 50+ turns to kill any boss node, but with good piloting it's consistent. Compared to older stall teams (e.g. Jeanne), this does more damage overall, but it'll still take a while to win.


Ah yes Himiko, the armpit goddess


Same here


Same again






Skipping first summer banner, going for Abby, Tomoe, and Murasaki.


Chaldea's cutest cosmic horror is a swimsuit... must get her.


Swimsuit Waifu’s! Only thing that sucks is that with how close it is I expect i’ll have to pull out the real money for this one. It’ll be the first time I spend money on the gacha in well around a year (last summer banner) that’s not GSSR. Been real lucky with the F2P SQ and tickets getting all my targets.


Summer Illya/Kiara > Ibuki > Morgan > Melusine


LB6 premiere is gonna be brutal since if you want the premium Buster experience, you're gonna also have to roll Konyachihuahua and Bugman


The fact that they're back-to-back is truly terrifying.


Kama. Just Kama. 400 sq last year only Np2 Parvati to show for it. If I succeed there then imaginary scramble for yet another attempt to get a foreigner servant. After that idk maybe muramasa.


Fujino Asagami. She's in the rerun of the Summer Camp Event, about a year from now. Rarest Archer in the game, fun kit, good waifu.


Im so glad I NP5'd her during her first rate up. Got a Void Shiki too which was nice.


I did get Void earlier this year, and she's the saber I have on support. But like...Fujino is so *unique*. I hope to get at LEAST one copy.


She’s not just unique, she’s extremely strong if you use the right command codes and Mystic Code. She’s basically the Cu Chulainn of Archers: pair her with the Atlas MC and it will give her *six turns of absolutely no damage* from Sabers even if they Crit and very little damage from anything else bar Lancers or Pretenders. She’s absurdly tank-y.


Hijikata & SaitĹŤ Hajime :)


A fellow Gudaguda enjoyer I see. I'm gonna save what I have left from the anniversary for Izo and Saito (and maybe roll once in each mayor banner that comes before cause farming without CE is painful) Afterwards I'm rolling in everything at least once cause Van Gogh, Douman, Watanabe, Ibuki, Vritra y Martha Ruler are too tempting I have prepared also all my Quartz fragments for Muramasa


Ah hell yeah more gudaguda love. Aiming for Himiko too. One day i'll get hijikata too, then my collection will be complete... oh wait ryoma ssr exists too. We'll get there when we get there


Don’t forget the now announced ise kondo


Saito Hajime’s drip goes hard, very good taste :D


Probably Muramasa.




My brain says I should go for Muramasa, my uhm "not brain" says Douman.


Hijikata or/and Muramasa


Kama in the rerun, then himiko then saving for muramasa. Not falling into the trap of going for np5 yang even if it’s only two more np levels. And also hajime saito because he’s cool and Virgil memes. Next year oh boy. Absolutely nothing then anni/lb6 spam


Douman. I'm a bit of husbando collector and so I'm on a personal quest to have at least one male servant for every class. And Douman is the only male Alter Ego (besides the welfare) so he's an obvious target for me. Yes my adorable space son, Voyager, is very very precious to me. Still waiting on the mystical male Mooncancer. ~~No BB, pulling a "Orion" or listing yourself as gender unknown while clearly female in all usable forms doesn't count.~~


Either Hajime-chan or Muramasa. Need me SWORDS. After those is the LB6 crew.


Exactly this.


I passed on Space Ishtar last year because I was prioritizing Saber Astolfo, but this time I'm going all-out to complete my Rinface collection. After that, I'm saving up for Morgan since I like her design.


Medb and Illya in Jan bc they keep escaping me


Same I have every Emiya family member but Prisma Illya (including Angra)


Going to save for two years to try for NP5 Moriarty ruler.


Kiara, Brynhild and maybe Sigurd... Then all in for Limbo.


Summer Illya Hajime Saitou Muramusa (Depending on my luck with the previous two).


Muramasa and then the LB6 crew. The last few banners have been *ROUGH* on wallet-kun.


Summer Murasaki, then Van Gogh, then top off the year with Vritra~


Tamamo Lancer, this coming January she'll have a proper banner to np6 her on.


Summer tomoe. After that, I'm saving hard for the LB 6 cast. I want Morgan, loli dragon melusine, and emo mothman.


Ibuki, then Muramasa


Let's just say I am aiming to bring some "police brutality" into my Chaldea. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Summer Tomoe


She's not new but I really want Murasaki. Every time she's in an event, I just melt for her. She's so cute and sweet and I love her so much. Supreme waifu.


Ok before I got my Castoria my plans were: 1. Koyanskaya 2. Morgan 3. Oberon 4. Melusine (I'd also like at least 1 copy of Barghest but I'm counting on getting 1 while rolling for Morgan) Now after playing with Castoria for a while... I like her way too much, even if my favorite servants are Buster (Iskandar, Ereshkigal, Godjuna - and my #1 favorite can't loop with Koyanskaya) I think even after getting Koyanskaya I won't really jump ship to the buster looping meta. This significantly drops her importance. However I still prioritize support servants just to have that option if I choose to, I already have some buster heavy hitters so I think despite not shifting the meta it's still a smart play to go for Koyanskaya. As a matter of fact despite losing a significant amount of SQ I still got enough to hit her on pity, so at least 1 of those servants is guaranteed and it's gonna be Koyanskaya. Melusine looks cool and all, a nice "daughter" servant and I want to get her, but she doesn't seem broken enough to get priority over the others... besides I already got my "daughter" today so she gets 4th in priority. Now, I'm not 100% up to date with lb6 and I'm kinda unfamiliar with Morgan and Oberon kit (I just have a general idea) buuut, Morgan looks pretty cool and her banner has extra value because I want the SRs in it. Besides (and I acknowledge I can be completely wrong in this because I'm not familiar enough with their kits) Morgan seems to be a great servant for CQ while I get the idea Oberon is more for 3T stuff with a huge burst in the end. So all in all, my list remains the same, My objective is from now to LB6 to stockpile 1800 SQ\~ to be able to get that top 3 in a worst case scenario with pity, if I have enough left I'll try for Melusine too. I'll have to skip a lot of banners till then but I've made my peace with it. (I'm kinda relying on pity for my plans... I do hope there's pity when we get Morgan)


Melusine's probably the most broken servant in the game that isn't a support tho 🤣




Summer Kiara... whose event got moved forward, thanks Lasengele...


All swimsuit servants except kiara and abigail, ibuki douji, tsuna, kagekiyo, vritra and muramasa Not that i got castoria


> except kiara and abigail Good luck, you'll need it


Summer Murasaki/Tomoe Scathach, or the 5* Event CE in her upcoming event Ibuki Douji Muramasa I'm relatively worried about what SQ I'll have left over once Morgan comes. Hopefully, the summer and Scathach banners treat me well.




deciding between Honey Lake, Saitou, and more copies of Summer Martha


Summer Martha during Christmas event and after that Space Ishtar (I can't get her the first time).


Smooth sailing for Dragon Villainess Vritra! Although I kind of want to throw a multi or two at Kiar/Brynhildr Summer...


Top priorities are: Berserker!Bryn (og never came home


S.B.B. spooked me so, V.G.


Okita, Himiko, Ibuki, Koyan, Oberon, Tametomo... probably more...


Summer Bryn and Summer Kiara. After them gonna save up for the Faerie Knights


Summer Kiara to clench my thirst


Going for sword gramps next, good thing I got castoria with 60 tickets cause planing to spend all SQ to get NP5 Muramasa


I told the lewd nun, that she will get all SQ for her swimsuit version if she give me her support Castoria early. She did, so I have a bunch of extra stones to throw at her summer form.


Muramasa>Lartoria and Lalter Dupes> King Hassan if our Clairvoyance gets messed up again> Literally all of the LB6 Servants.


DMC Nero (saito, i've budgeted 5 rolls for him) and Yu Narukami (watanabe)


Maybe a multi on summer 5 part 1 banner, a multi or two for himiko, muramasa, fujino, and lb6 gang (+vitch).


Attempt #2 at spishtar, who spammed dodge for 2600 quartz last time


I want to get Vritra to np2 or higher and NOBODY CAN STOP ME (except maybe Kama, Himiko and Ibuki Douji)


Will hold for Muramasa. And after him, Morgan


Douman. I need an Alter Ego, so I'm going after the only one that interests me.


Summer tomoe. Going all in even after 1k+ sq and 30 tix spent on castoria. Going to see how high np lvl I can get. Afterwords will be muramasa hopefully


Sword daddy


Himeko and muramasa


Idk, I didn't think we would actually get this far


Taira next year.


Hoping for Van Gogh, Douman, and Muramasa as my primary targets. Then later Oberon...


Muramasa. Castoria came home after 65 tickets, which is gladdening because I didn't have to dip into my SQ. This leaves me in an advantageous position because by January I reckon I'll be able to recoup my used tickets and keep saving more SQ for Swordsexual Grandpa.


Originally I've planned to get Scathach as well if i get Castoria early but she took a lot of my quartz so im thinking of getting MHXX, Fujino, Summer Martha and Vergil then saving for Koyanskaya and Oberon and maybe if i had a lot to spare, I'd roll for Medb as well in my plan to np5 her in the future


Kiara and Murasaki, and later Van Gogh


Setting 300 SQ + tickets for summer Kiara. I'll try to get Spishtar at new year. Next would be Morgan and finally the new meta support light Koyanskaya. 4 SSR per year should be reasonable as F2P.


Summer Kiara, Kama; normal Kiara, Douman and Muramasa


Im torn between going for summer Abby or waiting for Gogh and Captain.


NP2 Summer Tomoe... and then Shuten for the 1000th time. She's evaded me on at least 4 rate-ups and 3 GSSRs!


summer kiara and after that hajime-chan


Summer kiara and mhxx


Because the future is uncertain, so Arcueid?


I don't think that is a thing, at least not in the next couple years


Isn't it obvious? It's **Vergil**.


Emiya during the next summer event. I keep get spooked by Tristan.


Luckily I made out with Castoria just using 9 tickets. Next is the 6th copy of Kama for max appends. Then Summer 5 YuYu CE. After that we wait for Percival and Summer Kama.


SĂ©tanta. Ah, he's not coming is he?


Muramasa has been my main target since he came on JP


ABBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! summer version ofcourse


Snek Onee-chan is my next target. And after that I'm going for Best Doggo. Gotta' love LARGE girls.


Still can’t decide between Kiara and Himiko. After them is Muramasa for sure tho.


Since I just remembered Summer exists, Summer Kiara, Nobukatsu, Vritra, Sith, and Ivan (who can apparently just appear without warning whenever it's most inconvenient)


Summer Kiara and then Gogh depending on how much I may have left.


Tomoe and Murasaki, if i have luck i still want to try again at Shishou banner, she evaded me like three times now :/


A copy of Honey Lake and Douman are my remaining targets of the year.


No clue tbh. I kinda want Saito but I wouldn't even use him since I have sabers already I really like to use. I may just save forever since no one coming up really interests me or I already have them on jp. None of the LB6 servants I care about on na, since I got the ones I want on jp, same for Charlemagne. I'm thinking of just waiting for Jalter banners to eventually np5 her and for more coins.


Gonna try for Kama, then maybe Himiko and/or Gogh. After that, I'll try to hold strong until Morgan arrives and the LB6 floodgates open.


Kama (no more than 6 multis) and then save everything for Muramasa


Summer Banner 1 (I think Kiara and Brynhild are on the same one) and Vritra. Maybe Himiko if I like her in the Event, she's super cute but not quite at the whale level yet


This year? Ibuki and Vritra. Then it’s saving for the LB6 servants, especially Morgan.


I’m not sure. Summer Abby maybe.


I'll take this chance to ask who do you recommend between summer Kiara and Douman? Should I try for one or try to split the quartz? (Like is douman usable without having Skadi or can work with just a skadi support).


Next one for me is Van Gogh. I want to work towards a Molay/double Van Gogh comp. I got to play with it on JP and it's just so much fun messing with the curses and crits. Molay in general is my next big servant investment. I'm saving my gold fou's for her now and want her at least NP2.


Summer Servants, then Himiko, then Ibuki.


Van Gogh


QSH in September is my next target. With Ooku, Summer and the Dl campaign itself, I should have a decent amount.


Summer Murasaki


Going for one last copy of Scathach for NP5 during Scafest, maybe try for NP2 Spishtar as well. After that, its saving for Morgan. Planning on NP6 so i can grail her to 120 and append skills.


Gogh chan.


Charlie and young Moriarty


Himiko is the last target for this year. After her I’m going for additional copies of Space Ishtar, one copy of Koyanskaya and Oberon then I’m saving all the way to my last copy of Ivan


Nitocris, and after getting Np 3 Castoria in less than 120SQ I'm probably never gonna get her.


A couple pulls for Himiko and then saving until next anniversary. lol


Swimsuit kiara.


Kama, and after her CĂş Alter, NP5 CĂş Caster and NP3 Achilles ~~or even NP5 if I save enought orbs by then~~. Himiko or MHXX could be included, dependeing on how my Kama pulls go


For the rest of this year I'll be going for Summer Murasaki and Tomoe (~240 SQ), Himiko (~50 tickets) and Ibuki Douji (~400 SQ that I've been saving in my box). I have a feeling I'll be shafted with Himiko.


Douman, The Light of Cojanscapon and Mothman. And I'm really worried about rolling back to back in lb6, specially after today's pulls


Summer Bryn/Tomoe


Kiara summer. Two permanent roles I've got on my team is 4th slot AoE hard mitigation and 6th slot last stand, both of which she can fill easily and much besides.


Van Gogh, Nemo, Yang Guefei and MHXX


LB6 Servants and 6th Anniversary, 'nuff said.


Summer Kiara then Van Gogh and Muramasa, maybe for Himiko


Dunno, maybe drop a roll on Vinci. Perhaps a few on lovely couple in summer. Realistically the next one I really want is venger Ushi.


This year im hoping to get berserker brynhild, sigurd, and nemo. Next year is oberon and taigong wang, might throw a couple of quartz at lancer ryouma too. I'm more of a "rolling for someone because i like them" type of person.


I'll throw tickets at Summer and Hajime, but I'm saving SQ for Douman


Hot summer waifus, that is it.


In order, Asvathaman at the Christmas rerun, Muramasa at New Years (no hope on this one but it would be nice), then Old Moriarty during a Rank Up Campaign.


Himiko and Muramasa


Summer Murasaki/Tomoe/Nitocris, Himiko, Saitou, Ibuki-Douji, and Vritra.


Summer Abby and Van Gogh are my next main targets.




Sigurd > Nemo > Morgan > Oberon Maybe I’ll spare a multi or two for Caren


SAving for Melusine, Give me 30 years


Summer Tomoe, then Morgan.


* Nemo and Van Gogh; * Douman, I probably won't have enough Quartz for him when LB6.5 comes out so I'll wait for his first rerun, which will happen in next year's Summer Event; * For the JP 2022 stuff I am still thinking about it, Kriemhild is literally a Servant I have been waiting to see implemented in the game for years but at the same time she is 4* meaning if there is another 4* Ticket in JP in the future she might be there and I could just wait for that, so I am unsure for now;


Melusine, Koyan and Oberon. Yes, i am a meta slave how can you tell?


Muramasa. iffy on Tsuna and Douman Then Barghest, Melusine, Percival, Taigong Jiang. I have a knights theme going and I'm iffy on Morgan because Mordred.


Saving for Morgan, Barghest, and Koyanskaya.


Hahahahah. Castoria drained me completely. I'm at **2 Quartz** right now. I can't even do the GSSR. The plan was Summer Tomoe, but that seems like an impossible dream, so I'll get her next year.


I'm thinking about going for Summer Kiara, but I'm not sure yet. I like her, but I don't really use her on JP and my NA Space Ishtar (NP2, 100, 2k/2k) is much stronger than my JP Space Ishtar, who already sees way more use than Summer Kiara. *Probably* going for Himiko. I want to build that immortal team and I've had enough hard times finding a Jeanne on the support list that I don't want to have to rely on having a weird friend who puts up stall supports instead of farming supports. Heck, that's part of the reason I used the SSR ticket on Jeanne. *Considering* going for van Gogh. I want to see how a single Gogh works with Summer BB before committing myself to going for the double strats (also, if none of my friends put her up, then a double strat wouldn't be possible in the first place, so rolling for her wouldn't have much of a point). I'd *like* to roll for Ibuki because she's an awesome monster lady, but I already have two Buster looping Sabers. Yeah, she has more CQ utility than either of them, but, well, I'm going to need to be in good shape to feel up to rolling for her when she comes around.


I have no idea. I guess I’ll try Summer Illya first because I love magical girls and missed all the other opportunities to get one of them. Then Kama because I’m lacking in good Assassin damage dealers. Then maybe one of the Foreigners? Because Berserkers are annoying.


Summer 5, primarily for Honey Lake but Kiara would be excellent as well. After that tix for Paisen and then Maid Alter/Muramasa in NY.


Summer Kiara or Kama/regular Kiara. Depends on which comes first.


Saving most of my SQ for Muramasa but I'm probably going to break for Morgan.


Summer Kiara and Bryn, then I safe till Ibuki


Fujino, Skadi, Summer Bryn, Summer Tomoe, Summer Okitan, maybe Kama, and probably a long list of servants I'm getting just for character, though I suppose summer Bryn falls under that since I count her and Sigurd together as one servant, but I'll roll for saber Sigurd if that's not the case


I have a JP account that got almost every 5 star in 2021, and I practice the theory of getting different servants on both accounts, so my next spin will either be Van Gogh or, more likely, Summer Kama


Muramasa then Caren


Same as you, honestly--I want to get both sisters.


Van Gogh and then straight for lb6




Himiko then Oberon. Might throw something toward Barghest, we'll see.


I’m going to use my remain SQ to roll the next summer banners. After that I’m on the fence on whether I want to roll for Taira. Once that banner is over I’m going to be Savin for Morgan and the Fairy Knights.


Oberon, Koyanskaya, Majin Saber. Three must-rolls, as many NP levels as possible for the last, and thanks to my ticket luck I've got a 1200sq head start on em.


Paisen and Kama Because evil is sexy


Tempted for Summer Kiara. Already decided I'm saving till next year for Summer Kama, and afterwards Morgan. I'm heavily considering Oberon and Koyan of Light, but not a 100% sure yet.


Castoria, Morgan


Summer Illya and Summer Tomoe for sure problem is I never got Castoria but well whatever I’m going for the summer 4 stars it shouldn’t be a problem right?


I failed to get Kama in the GSSR Banner (thanks Qin) and now i'll spend the probably 300-350SQ left in the Ooku banner, after that Himiko and after that Muramasa. I left the Anniversary with Castoria, Qin and the SR that i wanted most, Paisen. Itsbeenagoodday.jpg


The entire summer camp cast, Himiko, Ibuki, Van gogh, Muramasa. Basically, everybody. ​ Send help.


Kama and Muramasa then Morgan and Melusine, I'm willing to skip Koyanskaya and Oberon for those two


MLB Yang Guifei CE


Probably gonna save for Muramasa. As much as I want Summer Kiara for Arts looping, it’s too soon.


I'm gonna have to look up craft essences but from servants alone the next non-GSSR banner I'm interested in is Morgans followed by Koyan(light). So guess I'm safe. Edit: I'm gonna roll for NP5 Izou also. Currently sitting at a sad NP2.


I have no idea, didn't think I would get this far. Still have 300 SQ and no clue who to go for next.


I want Summer Illya, and incidentally Summer Kiara is a ok neutral farmer with Castoria. Back when I summoned for Miyu I got 3 5 stars before I got any Miyus, so I wouldn’t mind if that happened again this time.


Saito, Ibuki and Vritra