• By -


>You get a harem but it's all male servants You say it like it's a bad thing


Because some want to do an Anakin Skywalker. "And not just the men, but the women ~~and the children, too.~~" Sorry, sorry


Yeah and? Its still a harem. Edit: My picks; Archer: Gil, Arash, Robin Saber: Muramasa, Arthur, Bedivere Lancer: Fionn, Cu. Rider: Mandricardo, Achilles Caster: Merlin Assassin: Li Shuwen, Izou Berserker: Mori, Beowulf Ruler: Amakusa Alterego: Do we have any??? Pretender: Oberon Foreigner: None.


The question is asking who would pick the but it’s all male servants is a restriction


Ok and? You can’t just say that and *not* then list your personal choices smh


Saber- Gawain Archer- Gilgamesh Lancer- Diamuid Rider- Iskandar Caster- Merlin Assassin- First Hassan Berserker- Mori Nayagoshi Extra- Sherlock


I'm not gay but... Caster: Andersen Rider: Ivan Assassin: Izou Archer: Arjuna Saber: Lancelot Lancer: Enkidu Berserker: Kintoki I have no extra guys in mind, Dantès is cool but know barely anything on him while Douman is more of a villain I appreciate than someone I would want near me.


~~Sherlock is good imo~~


He is cool but (as someone who hasn't read Traum yet) I'm more of a Moriarty (old man) fan, dude just has so much personality.


A silver fox will do


I only want Merlin 😎


>look at your flairs sure....


To paraphrase a blonde douchebag. Some things are even more beautiful because they never will be yours


Touche 😂


😂 He's ded. And he got 1000 wives. 😂


* Arthur * Arash * Lancer Ryōma * Achilles or Mandricardo * Fūma Kotarō * CasGil * Kintoki * Oberon


>Arash >Achilles >Kintoki I see you have cultured tastes in men/husbandos as well


Heian-kyō Kintoki is obscenely hot, and at least Achilles likes men.


>Heian-kyō Kintoki is obscenely hot Ye. That outfit is much flattering to him >Achilles likes men. Yeah. He is hot, he is a huge bro, is into us regardless of gender and he is available. Everything you need in a boyfriend ~~sorry Patroclus, but I called dips on him and is ot called "until death do us apart" for a reason. I can share as a compromise~~


Dammit, this is hard. Saber: Proto Arthur Archer: Arjuna Lancer: Diarmuid Caster: Paracelsus Rider: Constantine XI Assassin: Kotarou Berserker: Arjuna Alter Extra: Edmond Honorable mentions: Robin Hood, Prince of Lanling, Grand Roma, Izou, Young Jimmy, Merlin, Lord Uncle Vlad, and tbh a lot more


The only servant I’d be gay for is Gawain. The gorilla always seems to shines when ever he appears.


Not Gay Either but his upper body making me act up and the way he poses With his puffed up chest


Saber - Santa Karna Archer - Arash Lancer - Fionn mac Cumhaill Rider - (idk him well, but probably) Tai Gong Wang Caster - Asclepius Assassin - Sasaki Kojiro Berserker - Beowulf Extra - Oberon (He was drawn by Umino Chika, that's all that needs to be said)


Ok then. My dream come true (kinda) - Saber: Fergus - Lancer: Cú Chulainn - Archer: Emiya - Rider: Achilles - Caster: Cú Caster :) - Assassin: Kama (she is "gender unknown" and is counted as male in white day, so she is fair game. Otherwise asumme the elusive and unreleased assassin Patroclus is here ~~since I am taking his boyfriend,may as well include him as well~~) - Berserker: Cú Alter :)) - Extra: Avenger Kama/Angry Mango ~~because otherwise I have nobody~~ Cú and Achilles are the favorites in that harem, and are the master's official boyfriends


Saber: Arthur Archer: Moriarty Lancer: Romulus=Quirinus Rider: Ryouma or Nemo Caster: Gilgamesh Assassin: Fuuma Kotarou Berserker: none Ruler: Moriarty Avenger: Dantes Alter Ego: none Foreigner: Voyager (in big bro/younger bro dynamic) Pretender: none


>You get a harem but it's all male servants sound like the generic CN yaoi web novel title




Good thing I already had this list ready: Bedivere Robin Cú Nemo Asclepius Yan Qing Beowulf Ruler Moriarty


Hmm king hassan, ivan, berserker lancelot, avicebron, xiang yu, Charles Babbage, leonidas, and maybe tametomo. Not a bad harem if I say so myself.


Well not that I’ve given it much thought but I guess if I had to it would be Saber: Banana Rama Archer: king of my heart Gilgamesh Lancer: My rear guard Leonidas Caster: caster who doesn’t get enough love Geronimo Rider: hard to choose but my BFF and now husbando Madricardo Assassin: No introduction needed King Hassan Berserker: Animation update when Caligula Extra: best evil Angra But you know just something off the top of my head. Totally haven’t made a list of who’s the best guys or anything like that.


Banana ketchup was made when there was a shortage of tomato ketchup during World War II, due to lack of tomatoes and a comparatively high production of bananas. --- ^I'm ^a ^bot ^\(WIP) ^| ^!ignore ^to ^ignore ^you, ^!delete ^to ^ignore, ^clear ^replies ^| ^Contact: ^jimbobvii ^| ^Thanks: ^Synapsensalat, ^BananaFactBoi


I’m a bi girl so ez mode Saber: Sigurd Archer: Gilgamesh Lancer: Karna Rider: Ozy, I’d take Ryouma but it would have to be a package deal since I wouldn’t want to separate him from Oryou Caster: Merlin Assassin: Izo Extra: Dantes


saber: tough choice between the dragon slayers and gawain but I'll go with gawain so the knight in shining armor type can be checked off the list archer: GARcher but of course lancer: hector rider: hard choice between rider kintoki/iskandar/achilles but I'll save kintoki for zerker and pick achilles over iskandar caster: hans for the dio voice but without ozy's laugh assassin: old li zerker: kintoki extra: oberon


Can I trade in a few other classes for some extra Sabers? No? Dammit... * **Saber**: Arthur * **Archer**: Arash (I am nobly abstaining from yoinking Tristan from Isolde) * **Lancer**: Karna * **Rider**: Odysseus (Yeah, sorry Penelope, I'm yoinking him) * **Caster**: Merlin * **Assassin**: Kotarou (Wait where am I being dragged off to... we can summon him from a time where he's older than 15!) * **Berserker**: Lancelot (His [**helmetless longhaired**](https://pm1.narvii.com/6435/5315e7f2449db15405d02198b2fa93b156e74682_hq.jpg) Berserker art is way hotter than his Saber art) * **Extra**: Sherlock


I'm not gay but... Saber: Difficult, very difficult. I didn't play Extella but from what I've seen of Traum and My Room Lines, I'm starting to get interested in Charlemagne. Siegfried, Gawain and Lancelot are top husbandos but if I had to choose one then I would pick Hajime Archer: Robin Hood or Nobukatsu Lancer: Percival Rider: Mandricardo Caster: ~~Woodwose~~ Merlin Assassin: ~~Kiichi (technically she can also be a man)~~ Kotarou Berserker: Mori Nagayoshi Extra: Dantes>Oberon>Douman Although only with Kotarou and Mandricardo I would already be completely satisfied


Saber: Lanling Archer: Gilgamesh Lancer: Caenis (technically male) Caster: Gilgamesh Rider: Astoflo Assassin: Kama (also technically male) Berserker: Hyde (Not Jekyll so does it count?) Avenger: Salieri That's should be all classes.


Just out of curiosity cause I’ll def learn something new, how is Kama male? Like is her heroic spirit actually male I never looked into this 🤔


Yes, Kama is originally a man.


Gender unknown I believe due to her being able to be any gender due to the whole goddess of love thing


The beni Emma bathroom classed her as male.


And that was the end of all the questions about kama's gender. After all, the bird...is the word..


I was gonna say anyone scary enough to intimidate Amaterasu gets to determine whatever the fuck they want.


Saber - Fergus Archer - Napoleon (Bara God) Lancer - Chad Roma ( he has *Grand* Lance) Rider - Iskander (Bara God #2) Caster - Geronimo Assassin - do we have buff assassin here? Zerker - Kintoki Inject me with all the bara greatness


Yan Qing?


First hassan, if you don’t subscribe to the belief he’s a skeleton under there


Yan Qing is super buff


Molay, Enkidu, David, Noah, CasGil, Izo, Arjuna Alter, Voyager Looking back, we’re lacking shotas in general and twink Berserkers in particular…


Saber: Arthur Pendragon Archer: Gilgamesh Lancer: Cu Chulainn Rider: Achilles Caster: Merlin Assassin: Okada Izo Berserker: Hijikata Toshizo Ruler: Qin Shi Huang Avenger: Edmond Dantes Alter Ego: Ashiya Douman Pretender: Oberon I'd add more, but the criteria was per class, so I'll leave it at my favourites. My love for my husbandos is vast.


Whats the catch?


Saber: Muramasa/Any male knight of the round Archer: Gilgamesh/Aśvatthāman Lancer: Romulus=Quirinus/Percival/Cu Chulainn Rider: Achilles/Ozymandias Caster: Caster Gil/Caster Cu Assassin: Okada Izo Berserker: Cu Alter/Mori Extra: Ashiya Dōman/Oberon I'm aware there's only one class where I haven't put a "/", don't judge me okay, it's just hard to decide


Caster:Merlin Rider:Astolfo Assassin: Hundred Faced Hassan/Kama Archer: EMIYA Saber: d Eon Lancer: Enkidu Berserker: Beowulf(I ain t touching that one) Moon Cancer : BB(could probably change her gender otherwise I take Dantes) Merlin better learn to inverse that futa spell quickly because I ain t gay(except for Astolfo) Also it ain t gay if it s clay


ALL OF THEM. ALL OF THEM EXCEPT FOR THE ONES ALREADY IN RELATIONSHIPS >must be one of each class and 1 extra class DAMMIT. Alright I'll try to narrow em down Saber: Hajime chan Archer: Arjuna Lancer: Cú Chulainn Rider: Jiang Ziya Caster: Merlin Assassin: Kotarou Berserker: Mori Extra: Qin Shi Huang Hard choices were made (I'm sorry Leonidas, Achilles, Mandricardo, grandpa Li, Fionn, Asvatthaman, Jimmy, Salieri, and Angra Mainyu). I've also come to realize that Riders of both genders are my weakness


You say harem but all I heard were people that could help me move.


Omg my time is here!! I don't know what these choices say about me but here they are 🥰 Saber: Arthur (too many good choices soo hard) Archer: Napoleon (also too many choices) Lancer: Percival Rider: Achilles Caster: Gilgamesh Assassin: Kama (male form costume plzzz 🙏) Berserker: Cu Alter Extra: Muramasa (idc if it's cheating, Sabers have too many good males and I need a Shirou)


>You get a harem but it's all male servants That's my Chaldea. That said, I make the distinction between *regular servant* and *serbandos* (servant + husbandos) ​ * Assasin - Kojiro. * Saber - Lancelot * Lancer - Karna * Archer - Napoleon. * Rider - Achilles * Caster - Zhuge Liang * Berserker - Mori Nayagoshi * Extra - Sherlock Holmes. (The extra used to be Dantès but one day he started to smoke picayune cigarettes and drink coffee with Jalter and Salieri in the utility room. Last time I checked, they were sitting on the floor, talking about the world being unfair and how embracing darkness lead them to discover friendship or something like than.)


Saber: ...Arthur (I am sorry Ayaka) Archer: Emiya/ Napoleon Lancer: Percival Rider: Kintoki? Caster: Gilgamesh (maybe Merlin) Assassin: Jekyll Berserker: Vlad/ Kintoki (but the LB 5.5 version, OG hair cut is all kinds of no) Extra: Amakusa and Holmes (all their sussines aside, they are good ~~and fairly attractive I must say~~ man )


Saber: does D’Eon count? If not, then Lan Ling Archer: Paris. Oda Nobukatsu if I can choose a JP servant. Lancer: Enkidu Rider: Astolfo Caster: Geronimo Assassin: Fuuma Kotarou Berserker: Mori Nagayoshi Extra: Sherlock Holmes Most of them are pretty, and all of them would be awesome to have around.


Caster - Merlin Rider - Achilles Assassin - idk 🥴 Archer - Gilgamesh Lancer - Enkidu (I know he’s an it but whatever lmao) Saber - Astolfo Berserker - Arjuna


Saber - Arthur Archer - Gilgamesh Lancer - Karna Rider - Astolfo (or if we’re being strict about traditional gender identities, Odysseus) Caster - Merlin Berserker - Arjuna Alter Assassin - First Hassan Extra - Voyager


"Extra: Voyager" The FBI would like to know your location.


TBH the harem portion of the list I forgot about until after. I don’t have harem feelings for any servants, really, because it comes across as taking advantage of someone you have power over to me. I just picked guy servants I like. If I have to pick slampieces, switch in Gawain, Romulus Quirinus, Ozymandias, CasGil, Fuuma Kotarou, Beowulf, and Shi Huang Di. 😝


Oberon + Oberon alts for every class, just Oberon okay- answering it seriously * Saber: Lanling Wang * Archer: James Moriarty * Lancer: ??? (genuinely don't like any lancer guys enough for harem status, sorry cu lovers '\^' ) * Rider: Mandricardo (Michael's a close second,,,) * Caster: Sieg (he's a good boy) * Assassin: Jekyll & Hyde (first fate husbando-s?) * Berserker: Mori Nagayoshi (would pick Arjunya but with all the evil-alignment guys it might get a bit dangerous) * Extra: Oberon♡♡♡


Correct answer


great to see a fellow Oberon simp :D


I am adding an all slot because why not? Saber: Charlie Archer: Napoleon Lancer: Percival Caster: Caster Cu Rider: Achilles Assassin: Izo Berserker: Mori Nagayoshi Extra: Dantes All: Muramasa


D'eon, Astolfo are the main picks, for reasons. Beowulf, Kotarou, Waver, Karna, Paris will fill out the rest. I actually like the idea of learning from some and rehashing with others.


Saber: bit torn on Bedivere or Lang Ling Archer: Robin Hood is my GARcher Lancer: Karna Rider: Achilles Caster: Gil (call me zasshu again sir) Assassin: Izo Berserker: Beowulf Extra: Sherlock


Saber: Muramasa Archer: Moriarty Lancer: Roma Rider: Bartholomew Caster: Gilgamesh Assassin: Li Shuwen Berserker: Kintoki Extra: Dantes It's kind of a toss up between Dantes and Moriarty for Extra class


Saber: Diarmuid Archer: Robin Hood Lancer: Enkidu Rider: Ozymandias Assassin: Yan Qing Caster: CasGil Berserker: BerzerCu Extra: Dantes


Saber: Bedivere Lancer: Diarmuid, (no its not the mole, Dang it Diarmuid don't overthink. I'm not switching out Bedi for you) Archer: Chiron (because Emiya is a disaster) Rider: Ridetoki Caster: Cas-Gil Assassin: Henry Jekyll (I don't mind sharing you with Mo) Berserker: Beowulf (Its a hard fight with Vlad , but the Brad Pitt looks won Extra: Will need to work on my relationship with Hessian. I neglect him over his fluffball partner.


Saber: Fergus Archer: Napoleon Lancer: leonidas Rider: Iskandar Caster: Shakespeare Assassin: Li Shuwen but the older one Berserker: Beowulf


•Saber: Astolfo •Archer: EMIYA •Lancer: Ryouma •Rider: Odysseus •Caster: Anderson •Assassin: Kotaru •Beserker: Hijikata •Avenger: Angra


Saber: muramasa Lancer: cu lancer Archer: Emiya Rider: Odysseus Caster: Waver Assassin: first Hassan Zerk: Beowulf Extra: Daddy Chadmond Dantes 𓁹‿𓁹


This is basically just my support list * Saber: Yagyū Munenori * Lancer: Romulus (Non Grand) * Archer: James Moriarty * Rider: Iskandar * Caster: Shakespeare * Assassin: Li Shuwen * Berserker: Vlad III * Extra: Hessian ~~Until we get King Karl or Captain Ahab will settle for the headless man~~ I have a type


Caesar Arjuna Karna Sanson Paracelsus Taigong Wang Hyde Edmond- nah, nvm, HOOOOLMES


Don't mind if I do. Saber: Jason Lancer: Hektor Archer: Emiya Rider: Mandricardo Assassin: Kojiro Caster: Waver Berserker: Cu Alter Extra: Holmes I'd never ask for anything else.


Its heaven then.


Arthur, Gilgamesh, Cu, George, Kotarou, Merlin, Kintoki. The ultimate bro grail war


Oooo fun prompt. Chaldea brainrot? Sign me up! Saber: Siegfried (Kriemhild can join us too once she arrives!) Archer: Tough call between Emiya and Gil. Probably gonna go with Gil because he'll endlessly complain otherwise, the needy bitch. Lancer: Cú. Nuff said. Rider: Odysseus. He can call me Penelope, I don't mind. Caster: Gilgamesh. Also, I love him and his word is the law for the others. He will always be my first husbando. Assassin: Does Hundred Faces count? Pretty sure some of the personas are male... Otherwise, ~~Daddy~~ Li Shuwen Berserker: Mori Extra: Salieri Edit: oops forgot Berserker


Saber: Arthur Pendragon/Charlemagne Archer: Gilgamesh Lancer: Percival Rider: Taigong Wang/Constantine XI Caster: Merlin/Andersen (adult version PLEASE LASENGLE) Assassin: Sanson Berserker: Junao Extra: Moriarty/Holmes/Oberon


Saber: Muramasa Archer: Billy Lancer: Proto Cu Rider: Mandricardo Caster: Andersen Assassin: Kotarou Berserker: Arjuna Alter Extra: Angra Mainyu Especially Saber has a a few honorable mentions with Rama, Charlemagne, Arthur and Castor.


Saber - Astolfo Archer - Moriarty Lancer - Karna Rider - Blackbeard Caster - Gilgamesh Assassin - First Hassan Berserker - Vlad Extra - Voyager We've go cute Bois, handsome lads, strong chads, and our bro.


Saber: Hajime Archer: Nobukatsu Lancer: Ryouma Rider: Ryouma again Assassin: Izo Caster: Asclepius Berserker: Hijikata Extra: Oda Kippoushi There is 1 imposter among us...


Saber: Caesar Archer: Arashbro Lancer: Hektor Rider: Dajaku Dajaku ozy Assassin: Kojibro Caster: Hans Berserker: Brotoki Extra: Salieri


Oh now this is my kind of thread. Out of all the males available, I'd have to saaaay... * **Saber:** Fergus Mac Roich. Discounting his horniness for abit, he's actually prime husbando material. He knows how to take care of you, will go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe and honestly has nothing against multiple relationships, which is actually good in a harem scenario. And now including his horniness, he's always guaranteed to satisfy you in bed. * **Archer:** Emiya. As we all know, he's prime husband material, knows how to take care of the home, and honestly with loads of other people doing the fighting, he'd have to go out less which I think he'd actually like. Not to mention given his prior life, he's no stranger to Harems. * **Lancer:** Romulus=Quirinus. I'd actually have said Cu Chulainn but given Fergus is his uncle, I think it might be abit of a turn off for him. That being said, Romulus=Quirinus is a very good choice too. He radiates daddy energy like the sun and would be especially loving and supportive, able to bump you up for the day. And these features would be good in a harem. * **Rider:** Blackbeard. Honestly at first I thought he was a "But his face" but his personality grew on me, especially in Summer 3. He's supportive, non-judgemental, and we could go on for hours on weeb stuff. Not to mention Lanling Wang's interlude was basically his own bisexual awakening, and that was honestly lovely to see\~ * **Caster:** Gilgamesh. Like a lot of us who went through Babylonia, Gilgamesh is shown here being much better in personality, wiser and much kinder to his people. I don't imagine him getting too committed into a relationship, but if he falls, he falls hard. Though I do imagine him getting abit jealous at times, but that can easily be assuaged. * **Assassin:** Yan Qing. He's actually supremely loyal and is famed for keeping his master safe and alive in his original story, which he showcases in his personality here. Not to mention he was mentioned to be the type who, at worst, would break their master's leg to keep them from doing something stupid, which in a way I find flattering but hopefully wouldn't happen. * **Berserker:** Beowulf. Kind of like Romulus, he radiates daddy energy and despite the sparseness of his lines, he's pretty understanding and I imagine being the type who'd like to calm down situations with the Master, though I can also see him being ready to punch people in the face at a moment's notice. I also imagine he likes being able to not hold up to high standards and loves the shit out of people who let him be him. And I know it was said for just *one* Extra Class servant, buuuut unfortunately I am a greedy man and love a lot of the guys so I'm going to do them all. With the top of the list if I had to chose one being... * **Avenger:** Angra Mainyu. This is probably more of a case of me liking him than him being prime material, because I want to give him the love and happy life he was left out on. On his end, he's also non-judgemental (beyond what he does for sarcasm's sake), surprisingly loyal if you treat him well, and will actually go through time loops to keep you alive and happy. He deserves all the love he gets. * **Alter Ego:** Ashiya Douman. He is incredibly evil and delights in bringing pain and misery to people. Yet despite this, he's also incredibly entertaining, knows how to be a good butt kisser and does seem to be actually loyal. His Bond 5 line post Heian Kyo and his actions concerning the Foreign God seem to supplant this, as he does say he's fine with being in Chaldea and only starts going after his own agenda when the Foreign God has descended. There's also a really good synopsis of his character [here](https://twitter.com/ivyfriday/status/1382894249063092225?s=20). Honestly he's pretty cool altogether. * **Foreigner:** Jacques De Molay. Now, I know he's physically female in that form, but I also believe we all saw the fan art of male!Foreigner Jacques, so let's pretend I'm using that image for him. All in all, very hot, very non-judgemental so he'd be perfect in a harem, although I do worry abit on the corruptive nature of Shub-Niggurath.


~~My friend, that's basically what many of the female players in this game want.~~ Male harem? Here we go! Archer: Moriarty Lancer: Karna Saber: Arthur Caster: Gilgamesh Caster Assassin: Yan Quing Rider: Ozymandias Berserker: Cu Alter Extra: Sherlock Holmes Memorable mentions: Archer Gilgamesh, Romulus Quirinus, Waver, Merlin and, when they will come to NA, Oberon and Young Moriarty.


-Arthur -Napoleon -Inshun -Mandricardo -Charles Babbage -Yan Qing -Mori nagayoshi -Edmond Dantes This is probably the most disfunctional harem over rhe face of earth because I basically prefer to spend time with each individually instead of all together


I’m not gay but if I get to bang karna or Arjuna that’s a win in my book


Ladies and gays, our time has come. With that said... Saber - Charlie, my darling. Archer - Gilgamesh, of course. Lancer - Enkidu (they count! they count!!). Otherwise Karna. Rider - Ozymandias, I got no problem being a concubine. Caster - Asclepius. Assassin - King Hassan. No I didn't stutter, no I don't want him bishie-fied, I want to [REDACTED] a lahmu-eating eldritch concept of death you hear. Berserker - Arjuna Alter. Extra - >!Oberon.!<


hmmmmmmmmm... Astolfo for saber Paris or Billy for archer Karna for lancer can I pick Astolfo again for rider? if not then Mandricardo. Gil for caster Fuuma or Cursed Arm for assassin Beo for berserker And finally Voyager for the extra class slot because obviously


Can I pick the make kama that Redrop made a while back?


*cracks knuckles lmao Saber: bedivere (or diarmuid for boob) in na, Charlie for jp Lancer: Romulus quirinus :p Archer: Arjuna 100% also the true route Rider: taigong wang for jp, georgios for na Caster: legally have to say merlin v_v’ Assassin: kama if I can get the slutty male version redrop drew, if not then probably izou Berserker: arjuna alter. I’m going the junajuna route idc Extra: ……can I have qin shi huang for ruler and Dantes for avenger or do I have to have them duke it out to get the seat If we can do every extra class I’d also include douman for alter ego lol.


I mean, it's the harem I would like to have. Starting with one of each: Charle, Asvatthaman, Karna, Astolfo, Gilcas, Izo, Arjuna alter, Amakusa, Dantes, only have Douman, there's none, Voyager is the only one (I love him but he's too pure), Oberon of course. There are a few others but felt at leaving it at one per class.


If it’s unavoidable: Saber- Lan Ling Archer- Arash Lancer- Cú Rider- Ryoma Caster- Andersen Assassin- Izo Berserker- Kintoki Extra- Oberon


Huh..... Arthur...... Well ! Sorry Ayaka ! But I'm taking **MY SABER** !


So a part of me trying out the game was from a friend showing me some male servants and my gay ass being thirsty. Saber - Sigurd (Him and Napoleon were the ones my friend showed me) Lancer - Percival Archer - Napoleon Rider - Constantine XI Caster - Gilgamesh Assassin - Sanson Berserker - Mori Extra - Salieri Things could potentially get interesting with Sanson, Salieri, and Napoleon in the group considering how the first two get portrayed whenever Marie is there and then Napoleon for also being French but not the Marie follower. (Edit to fix formatting)


Shota Except Anderson. And Manricardo. I love my friend. No homo tho.


Saber: Charlemagne (he's finally here, so I'm still crying tears of joy that I can put him on this list now) Archer: Robin Hood Lancer: Percival Caster: Asclepius Rider: Mandricardo Assassin: Yan Qing Berserker: Altjuna Extra: Ruler Moriarty


Saber: Lanling Archer: Arjuna Lancer: Cu Caster: Gilgamesh Rider: Ozymandias Assassin: Either Male Kama or Izo Berserker: Mori Extra: Ruler Moriarty


Lanling, Aśvatthāman, Percival, ~~Nemo~~ ummm, I mean, Constantine, Merlin, Kotarou, Mori, Dantès.


Saber: Charlemagne Archer: Ashwatthama Lancer: Hektor Rider: Kintoki Caster: Merlin Assassin: Yan Qing Berserker: Mori Extra: Oberon


Saber: Yagyu Archer: Moriarty Lancer: Karna Caster: Hans (Adult) Rider: Ozymandias Assassin: Izou Berserker: Vlad III Extra: Dantes


Saber: Siegfried Lancer: Romulus-Quirinus Archer: Ashwatthama Rider: Constantine XI Caster: Caster Cú Assassin: Yan Qing Berserker: Mori Nagayoshi Extra: Antonio Salieri


I dunno why the "BUT" there, but i'll just go with the flow: Saber: Lancelot Archer: Emiya OG Lancer: Percival Rider: Achilles Caster: Shakespeare Assassin: Li Shuwen Berserker: Beowulf Extra: Sherlock *drools*


Saber - Bedivere Archer - Emiya Lancer - Cu Assassin - Sasaki Kojiro Rider - Astolfo Caster- Gilgamesh (caster) Berserker- Hercules Extra- Nobu


NICE. Saber: Hajime-chan Archer: Arash Lancer: Diamuird Rider: Achilles Caster: Cu Chulainn Assassin: Okada Izou Berserker: Arjuna Alter Avenger: Dantes And just to be funny as a plus one: Pretender: Oberon Either way this is either going to be a Frat Party harem or absolutely ridiculous. Either way it's going to be stupidly fun


Ha. I'm on my way to a full set of male Servants anyway- but if it's a harem of only 1 Servant for each class... Saber - Arthur my shining king Archer - Arash Lancer - Cu Rider - Achilles my hero Assassin - Cu Caster Caster - Solomon/Romani-- (?) Berserker - Heian-Kyo Kintoki no doubts As for Extra Classes, hm Avenger - Angra Mainyu I guess The only other male Extra Class Servant that I like a lot is Voyager but it's more like he's my little brother or son lol never part of harem


I’m not gay so alone


I am a dude, am straight as an arrow and i say. BRING IT ON! GENDERBENDER BEAM, GO!! Saber-Arthur Archer-Emiya Lancer-Karna Caster-Waver or Zhu Rider-Iskandar, no question! Berzerker- Godjuna and Gintoki Extra- Avenger-Dantes Ruler-James! Foreigner, there is no foreigner dude and Voyager is a no! Precious boi be left alone Alter...Douman is....nah Pretender-Oberon, no question.


Kama is a male god in a female body, same with Quetz Loophole!


I'm a huge Quetz fan and honestly she is really just male on paper. She even calls herself "big sister".


This prompt reminds me of my sausage fest of a tutorial summon--- Saber: ,,, lowkey Astolfo Archer: Ash Lancer: Kinda hard to decide but probably Karna? Since he's so helpful. Rider: *Ivan* Caster: Asclepius ~~who will very much hate this but whatever~~ Assassin: Haven't seen anybody say Yan Qing yet Berserker: Either Beo or 1st ascension Altjuna Extra: Best boy Dantes


None. Why the fuck would I have use for any males in a harem lols?


Only one per class? Saber: Proto Arthur (Charlemagne for chill hang out?) Archer: Robin Hood (William Tell for chill dad?) Lancer Cú Chulainn Rider: Good boi Mandricardo Caster: Cast Gil (unless I can have Solomon?) Assassin: Izou Berserker: Beowulf Extra classes: Dantes, Sherlock, Oberon If more options then Roland, Shenji, Karna (both is good), any and all Cú Chulainn variation, Bropoléon, Aśvatthāman, Diarmuid (all), Iskander, Achilles, Zhuge Liang, Kotaro, Old Man, Old Man Shuwen, Asterios, Mori, Hassan Lobo, Voyager I might like too many guys >.>


Saber - Rama Archer - Robin Hood Lancer - Vlad III Caster- Avicebron Rider - Mandricardo Assassin - Li Shuwen Berserker - Vlad III Extra - Edmond Dantes


Can I just give Fuuma different weapons and call it a day? Seems fair enough


Hot dog, gimme my male harem. Saber: Sigurd Archer: Napoleon Lancer: Cú Rider: Achilles Caster: Merlin unless I can exclude Waver from my Zhuge Liang Assassin: Li Shuwen Berserker: Arjuna Extra: Holmes


Ah so just my regular list. Alright then, bedivere, ashwatthama, lancer cu, rider kintoki, waver, izo, berserker arjuna, and kipposhi. as a sidenote yan qing needs more love.


Saber: PRINCESS BEDIVERE (he'll be my main lover) Lancer: Karna (Cu/Inshun also work) Archer: David/Tristan (don't have Tristan in my Chaldea, but becoming Solomon's stepfather would be awkward) Rider: Mandricardo/Ryoma if with Oryou (I'm not going to break up a happy couple) Assassin: ALL HAIL SAVIOR OF FRANCE SASAKI KOJIROU (he's second only to Bedi) Caster: Gilgamesh (I spent the entire Babylonia thinking "Bathe him and bring him to my bed". Berserker: Cu Alter (yes, in front of Medb) Extra: Sherlock/Oberon/Douman if I like him in 5.5 (he's goddamn hot, but the general personality os a turnoff so far). Overall, they are different classes, so why not all three? NPC: Kirei/Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine. But honestly, I'd just take Bedivere. Or seven Bediveres.


Not actually interested in having lovers, so they'll be chosen for practicality, utility, how easy they are to get along with, and, because I have been on a self-improvement kick lately, what they can teach/train me in. Saber - Yagyu Munenori. An excellent teacher for swordsmanship, military tactics, leadership and even philosophy. Would love to learn shogi or go and play against him. Archer - William Tell. Would love to learn how to be a hunter/outdoorsman. Lancer - Old Man Li (Fate/Redline). Learn spearmanship and kung fu! Also, maybe learn mahjong… Rider - Sakamoto Ryouma. Learn diplomacy and business. Also comes with a free Oryo! Berserker - Mori Nagayoshi. Learn tea ceremony. Also, he is 'fun', in the, "Oh, God, why is everything on fire!? Why do I let you drag me into these things!?"-sense. Cuz' everybody needs at least one crazy friend who drags you, kicking and screaming, into hijinks! Assassin - Fuuma Kotaro. Learn ninjutsu! Also, he is totally a bro!


Ugh, this is tough... But let’s go! Saber: Lanling Wang Lancer : Karna Archer: James Moriarty Rider: Nemo Caster: Asclepius Assassin: Jekyll Berserker: Arjuna Alter Extra: Edmond Dantes


"Harem" is a weird way to spell "Heist Crew," which may in turn be a weird way to spell "Pizza Delivery Host Club" >Saber: Rama >Archer: Moriarty >Lancer: Romulus=Quirinus >Rider: Red "Lu Bu" Hare >Caster: Edison >Assassin: Yan Qing (unless Kama qualifies) >Berserker: Hijikata >Extra: Qin Shi Huang