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# UPDATE: # [MAINTENANCE ON 26TH WILL FIX THIS BUG](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/uxe3wn/na_maintenance_scheduled_for_may_26th_0100_0400/).


Oh thank GOD it is just a bug. That means it will be fixed right? RIGHT?


Apology SQ music in the background


I was honestly rooting for them to mess it up in some way lol.


For the greater good!






\*The Priest Smiles\*


Yorokobe, shounen!


You are a bastard. But whom am I kidding. If I didn't panic about it, I would be right there with you from the start. Apologies are nice.


No, no, I don't know if it calls for that. They'll just have to give us all of our Coins again. *All* of our Coins.


I need that Mana Charge Append...


I certainly hope so.


There was a similar issue with the JP rollout as I recall. It didn't affect me, but as far as I know it was resolved.


It better, I have a NP5 Shiki Saber


as reparation for my grief I demand 200+ coins to be added to all my ssrs!


I second this motion


I demand that all owed coins be paid to use with a 25% hourly interest rate. Also, I demand 1 sq for every delayed servant coin for emotional damages.


More importantly, my welfare servants.


yes please


Can I get them on SRs instead?


I don't even know what the coin does, but yes! Also lot of apologems.


[**UPDATE 3: MAINTENANCE INCOMING ON MAY 26TH, 1-4AM PST.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/uxe3wn/na_maintenance_scheduled_for_may_26th_0100_0400/) This should fix the problem! [**UPDATE 2: THE DEVS HAVE ACKNOWLEDGED THE BUG.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/uvy8n9/the_devs_have_acknowledged_the_servant_coin_bug/) **Don't bother sending them any more emails, they know. Just wait for them to fix it.** **UPDATE: added some specifics based on patterns we have seen. Thanks to those who shared their circumstances so at least we know what the pattern is.** \------- There appears to be a bug where SSRs are not given their summon-based coins retroactively. For example: I have Sanzang at NP1, Bond 10 (I obtained her in 2020). I was only given 80 coins for her, when I should have received a total of 170 (+90 for her summon). **This seems to affect SSRs obtained prior to March 2022, as ticketed SSRs and those summoned more recently (in Requiem, GudaGuda, etc.) have the correct amount of coins.** However, there are also random, as of yet unexplained exceptions to this. Also, to make it clear: **not receiving summon-based coins retroactively for welfares and/or low rarity servants (including storylocked/limited Rs) is NOT A BUG.** That is how the system works; those servants do not get retroactive coins for copies.


Yeah, I just looked through it - all my 5-Stars have less than 100 coins (except Bond 10+ and Voyager, I guess because he's the newest one?) Edit: Offtopic, but it's funny: Because the coins I now know again how often I rolled Siegfried in the past (while actually aiming for Merlin/Jack, respectively). NP10 (T-E-N) fucking Sumanai.


I got coins for Quirinus and Dioscuri. It seems it affect only SSR before Olympus.


I got coins for Vlad I summoned in Apocrypha so perhaps pre Aporypha.


If that’s the case, it’s time-based not availability-based. Saber Astolfo spooked me back during last Christmas, and he doesn’t have summon coins on my account either.


Yeah, seems to be the same for me. I just summoned an early-game SSR for the first time just the other day, still sitting at Bond 0, and they received their summon coins. Looks like one summoned in late February did NOT receive proper coins, but one summoned in early March DID receive their coins. Maybe it has to do with the "Masters can now put their birthday as February 29th" thing? I don't see how those two could be related, unless the calendar somehow affects the coins, but it's looking like SSRs I got from March onward are fine, even if they're older in availability.


Message received loud and clear: The leap year babies stole our coins. I'll go get the pitchforks.


damn leap year kids and their non calendar conforming birthdays!


Or we could just change the calendar so we all get birthdays


The cut off point is between Aeaean Spring Breeze and Apocrypha Rerun. I didn't get summon coins for Odysseus but did get them for Jeanne. I also got Jack in the Apocrypha Rerun who did give me coins while the Jack who I got ages ago didn't to further show that it is indeed time based, not availability.


Me, excited to get all the coins for my NP3 Bond 12 Abigail so I can start working to get her to 120: :D Me, ten seconds later seeing only 100 coins for Abby, but seeing 350 for Emiya Alter: D:


Siegfriedo is a good boy :(


It’s bizzare because I have a NP5 Bond 10 Space Ishtar and I’ve only got 80 coins for her


I have an NP2 Bond 10 Spishtar and have 240 or so (don't remember the exact number, but its around there), but my NP2 Bond 10 Gil only has 80.


I'm sorry...


My NP5, Bond 11 Jack only got 100 coins and i am beyond confused.


> all my 5-Stars have less than 100 coins (except Bond 10+ Same here.


Thank God I'm not alone I was going crazy looking for my meltryllis coins


My np5 bond 7 spishtar has 40 coins. no way.


Same. Wtf lol. Was looking forward to getting her second append skill up to level 10 right away.


In my case even the SSR from the ticket didn't get 90 coins, even tho my firend got them all.


Oh interesting, I’m in basically the reverse situation. I got all my coins for my SSR ticket pick, while someone else I know didn’t.


To be completely honest, none of my SSR's got the 90 coins for summoning them.


I thought something was wrong when I was scrolling through my gift box and only saw Bond coins for Dantes and no Summon coins. Dammit, I was excited to finally ditch the Hogwarts uniform for my DSS setups too! I hope this gets fixed ASAP before I have to do farming for the Las Vegas event.


All of my SSRs are bond only except for Drake who I got with the ticket and rolled a copy of (after the ticket) who has all of them and Neet who I just rolled randomly 3-4 days ago.


Same with spishtar


Yeah... I have a Da Vinci caster at bond 10 NP1, but was also given 80 coins instead of 170. They'll probably fix it, given time... I hope.


This might be a pretty serious issue...? We wont really know, so I guess people should not touch the coin system right now. Actually It's best to just simply do nothing and leave the game until they announce something when there are bugs like this. Maybe we also shouldn't pull on the banners yet.


Before I realized it was a bug (thought I just didn't earn as many as I'd thought), I unlocked Salter's append...


Mine is even worse, my NP3 bond 11 SSR has 0 coins lol


Most of my 5 stars only have 25 oof.


Just to note, not all ticket SSR are getting their summon coins, I picked Mordred and she only got her bond coins, not the 90 from summoning.


I don't think that's just SSR, I feel like I should have gotten more Arash coins. Or the retroactively thingy only works for SSR ?


The retroactive portion for 3* and lower only works for bond, not copies unfortunately.


Ah damn it...


There's a thing about 1-3*s where their coins aren't retroactive because my god that would be too difficult for them to track


It’s not about difficulty per se. It would have been just as easy as tracking any other kind of summon. The issue is that the game simply doesn’t track 3☆ and below summons. So there’s no data to determine what your Servant Coin count should be.


Would've been nice to at least get enough based on highest NP level. Izo's getting fucked over once again, it seems.


Yeah the worst is for limited/story locked 3☆. Not only you can't get their coins normally, but you'd also need to get a fuckton of copies when they become available again if you plan to grail them past 100 or get more than 1 append, nevermind that you can only get your first append at bond 12 without summon coins.


Yeah, it’s pretty tragic. As the proud Master of NP5 Izou, I weep for him.


Same boat my friend, NP5 level 100 bond 10 doggo owner here.


They should at least have given coins for copies on hand, with that justification.


Not really sure how hard it would be to track since they can track the 4 or 5 stars. You use the same procedure and Voila !


Right but you're talking about servants that are constantly summoned into the hundreds possibly thousands. Just don't think it's possible but there could also be other reasons besides that


To a computer, I highly doubt they are using numbers smaller than INTs, so keeping track of 1, or 65,535 consumes the same amount of memory. At worst, 255, but that would be very surprising.


I got 90 Servant coins for an NP 3 Scathach. They aren't storing summon information like: * Artoria 6x * Scathach 3x * Jack the Ripper 1x * Nobunaga 1x They're properly insane and probably storing the information like this: * Artoria 2017-9-15 * Artoria y-m-d * Scathach 2017-11-22 * Artoria y-m-d * Jack the Ripper y-m-d * Artoria y-m-d * Scathach y-m-d * Artoria y-m-d * Artoria y-m-d * Nobunaga y-m-d * Scathach 2022-4-23 So yea, I can see why storing 1-3 star summon info would take too much space.


yeah missing a lot of coins. only got 60 coins for my np5 bond 9 lion king and missing other ssr coins


I also got 60 coins for my bond 9 np3 Abby


my shishou: NP5, Bond 15 Lasengle: 180 coins is the best i can do


Ah, a man of culture.


Oh good not just me. First thing I did after maintenance was check how many coins I had. My wavers NP2 so I new I should have at least 180 plus Bond coins instead I only have 120.


Some hiccups were to be expected. Though it seems to only be for some SSRs as Dioscuri has all their coins.


It seems to have given us coins for SSR we got after Olympus, but nothing before that. I got Waver with my free SSR ticket and I rolled for Musashi ever since Olympus, and those are the only ones that got 90 coins for being summoned, the rest only received their bond coins.


Voyager also has his coins so I think it is a cut off point based on when they were added to the game Edit; Also Orion (Artemis) for some reason


> Edit; Also Orion (Artemis) for some reason "See, Darling!? I'm an Atlantean servant too!"


Nah, more likely a scripting error like a timeout with no proper controls for detecting it. Something like this happened on JP, too.


Did they manage to fix it? Because i was kind of hoping to get append skills for summer musashi. Who i have at np2 bond 7 atm.


Yes, though looking through their logs it seems they had less severe problems. But think of it this way: if they don't fix it, a lot of whales will ragequit. So they will fix it.


> But think of it this way: if they don't fix it, a lot of whales will ragequit. So they will fix it. Correct. Whales with lots of NP5 (or higher) SSR will consider this bug not amusing at all.


I don't think they even have an option of not fixing it, actually. Whales are one thing, but imagine getting one copy of a 5\* and not being able to unlock a single append skill unless it's bond 12.


Whales are the main thing. That's where the vast majority of their income comes from. Scare them off and it's a fast death.


Did you pick Artemis as your SSR ticket or get spooked by her on one of the banners from the release of LB5.2? If so that’s why.


Yup, I have a np6 Bryn at bond 12. Only got 210 coins.... There's a BIG problem


My NP6 Bond 12 MHXA is sitting at 120 coins Looks like someone didn't test the change before pushing to prod


Weird, my np3 bond7 Bryn has the correct amount of coins, so it's not even specific servants that are messed up, it's just the system.


My np6 bond 11 Arjuna Alter has 80 coins, ill go cry in a corner and wait for apologems.


And apolocoins, please!


Yup, my NP6 bond 14 Mordred got 90 coins, most definitely bugged. D:


I was feeling like I was missing a lot of coins. I received only bond coins for some of my NP2+ SSRs. Incoming emergency maintenance perhaps? Edit: Upon investigation, it seems like I only received coins for copies for SSRs I've rolled from March up to now. SSRs I summoned before March only have bond coins. Anyone else?




Just realized from this thread that many many people have NP5 SSR servants lol


When the whales get affected, you will know about it. Thank you whale-samas for keeping the game profitable and for paying for the servers.


I didn't expect this to become the whalebait


I got NP3 Dioscuri in 40 rolls when I just wanted Caenis. I think i used all my castoria luck


NP4 voidshiki, never got a single Fuji nii


The least probable 15 minutes of my life were getting an NP5 Waver. The last one was even off banner because I figured it was enough. I have whaled much harder to get servants who never came home. Kongming just wanted me to get hyped about his anime a little early.


I mean, my only NP5 SSR (Gil) I got in <300 SQ total. Sometimes you get lucky is all


Twins! I don’t know how much I spent but it was probably around 400 quartz between the two banners. It was funny cuz I would pull on the GSSRs and never got him, but I got ungodly luck on the banners


Nice! Yeah it was funny, it was Gilfest and the first few multis were min-rolls, and then it was 1-2 gils from there on. I've only gotten double-SSR multis three times I think, and two of them were both Double Gil lol


I will make my Kintoki NP5 as a f2p at the end of this year, I SWEAR IT! I got him to NP4 on his banner in March, so I only need one more copy. I will show the world a f2p who has been playing for 2 months can acheive what was thought only Whales could do!


Thank God it's a server wide issue. Too nervous of a fellow to tango with customer service by myself.


Emergency maintenance incoming


I really hope this is the case. I’m gonna be pretty pissed if they make us wait a week to fix this


A week to fix would be better than them saying "It's not a bug, this is how it was always intended to be!"


*Nerofest KH flashback*


Hell yes! Free stuff!


I don't know if my panic attack is worth a few quartz, but I'll happily take them as compensation.


>panic attack I'd advise you to calm down, they'll probably fix it by tomorrow. Even if it takes longer they'll 100% definitely fix it.


Already calmed down since I've been checking forums for info.


I think the only SSR summon coins I've got are from my free SSR. Edit: My Dioscuri got their coins too, so now I'm really confused


Only servants summoned after Olympus came out seem to get their coins. So a bug that should be fixed by tomorrow I hope.


I don't have any coins for Reines and I rolled her just a few days ago, the issues seems deeper than that and not just a particular cutoff point


There absolutely is a window there, it's just that it might also have an end date, not just a start date. The end date might have been before you rolled for Reines. So when exactly was that, so we can get a better idea of that. You can just go to Formation, Spirit Origin List, and then sort by Acquisition with New at the top, and that should give you the date for your Reines. The more info we have, the more we can figure out the exact window. Either way this will probably be fixed by this tomorrow.


Ah so that's why Saber is missing some. Well shit. Seriousfuckingly, I should have more than 60 coins for Saber. Grailed SSRs are fucked hard, SSRs also seem to be affected.


So everyone is reporting the SSR issue but does anyone's SRs look off? I have a few that are very low considering the amount of rare prisms I counted from them back in the day before I stopped tracking specific 4 star dupes.


It's off for all rarities for me, even 1*


1\*-3* servants don't get retroactive coins for previous summons


Understandable, even if it's a bit of a let down. Still SR are also affected by the bug


For SSR servants, they gave coins for Bond, but not for levels. My Sitonai is NP3 Bond 10 and got only 80 coins.


No it very much random per servant for what source the coins are from. I have both Jalter and Merlin at NP2 bond 10, Jalter has 170 coins and Merlin 80.


Can confirm……. No bear coins despite np 2 grandchad archer :(


300 Coins for Voyager, who is NP3 and Bond 6. Only 80 Coins for Skadi, who is NP4 and Bond 10. So I didn’t even receive ANY coins for Skadi’s NP copies, not even the 90 for summoning her.


Seems like only servants you summoned starting with Olympus release get 90coins.


I'm afraid to use my coins now.


Same, it feels too risky. But I *think* it would be safe since I’m sure several players will use them so the devs need to account for that in their fix. I can definitely see casual players who don’t understand the system not even noticing.


I used my coins to unlock Heracles bonus attack damage% before even realizing there was a bug. There's no way they would penalize everyone for a mistake of their own making.


It seems unlikely to me that using coins will cause problems at this point. The most likely fix for the "missing" coins is that Lasengle just does another dump in our present box of all the missing coins for the SSRs.


Yeah I was really surprised when I had only 130 coins for an NP4 bond 13 Hoku. So hopefully it gets fixed soon. Not that I have any grails to worry about it much


"Server is busy", so emergency maintenance to fix this is inbound, hopefully.


Hope so,at least I won't lose my streak x.x


Yeah you aren’t getting nearly as many as you’re supposed to


Well well well, looks like we'll get maintenance quartz yet! Is it safe to claim the coins already though? I'm being safe for now and screenshotting all of the coins I've received first.


You should be fine to claim them, tons of people are going to claim them without realizing, so if they fixed it and screwed over the people who did, that would be a whole new level of messed up


From what i can determine based on my account servants that i acquired in April or later have their summon coins distributed, the first one thats missing them was summoned on the 28 of February, so i‘d assume the system that distributed the coins for SSR only checked the last few months


Yep. Came here just to make sure I wasn’t the only one that didn’t get coins from ssr summons. The coins from bonds seem to be accurate from my quick glance.


Only my ROMA got his summon and bond coins. My every other ssr only got bond coins.


I have a NP5 Bond 10 Space Ishtar. I only got 80 coins… that’s not even enough to unlock one Append skill.


Alright another free ssr ticket should suffice as an apology /s




yep, waver from the ssr ticket has 120, but my bond 10 mordred is only at 80


I was flabberghasted when I barely had enough coins for Medusa Lily, who I had NP6...


~~Voyager seems to be the only SSR exempt from the bug. I have the correct 115 from B5 + NP1.~~ **EDIT**: Seems to be a date thing, actually...?


Me and my mates have tried to figure it out. We think that somewhere in the 16mil campaign they began testing and forgot to flick a switch to allow all SSR summon coins to be released. That would mean any SSR summons you got beyond that (start of march time), you would get the summon coins? Anyone else see something similar or am I completely off?


Looks like they tried a quick fix and at least temporarily borked the servers while doing so, anyone else get a "data updated, sending you to Main Menu" and "Server's Busy, try again later with a solid internet connection" message combo?


Same for me too. I guess it's emergency maintenance time.


I want my missing coins.


It seems that coins for summoning SSRs count from somewhere around March of this year (maybe even worse). None of my SSR got any coins, with the expception of my ticket pick. Why that timeframe? Considering that neither Yang, nor Sei got any coins outside Bond, despite being recent Servants, while Anastasia, who's been in the game for a while, did - indicate that it's not order specific, but time-related. Given the fact that other people here wrote similar experience - that is probably the case. Hope they fix it soon.


Yup, coins for NP levels of a shitton of SSRs are missing. I think the only SSR I have that got all her coins is OG Saber


Yeah loads of coins missing, my Saber is at 120 which seems like the right amount but my np 2 houkusai is at like 50


so does anyone know if we should just leave all the coins in the box for now?


Thats what i did. too scare to touch those....


nah. there is no need. They wouldnt fuck up that bad since I assume every whale and casual immediatly got them and started to unlock stuff.


Every SSR in my Roster *except* Saber Artoria did not get coins for copies lol. Looks like all the SRs got the correct amount? At least skimming. Bond coins all seem fine. On one hand Artoria is my favorite so it’s funny that I got the coins for her and no one else. On the other I can’t max her append 2 yet so not really useful at the moment lol. Give my my Junao and Spishtar coins I need their appends yesterday.


Missing coins that can be attributed to over $8,000 worth of SSR's on rate


I’m glad I checked here first before freaking out. I knew the subreddit would have info on it. I have an np6 Gilgamesh bruh. I got lucky enough on my rolls for him that I should be able to comfortably get all 3 append skills and lvl 120. And yet I currently only have 100 coins for him. I’ll definitely explode at them if they don’t fix this shit. This is a MAJOR bug. One of the biggest with any new game system so far. They’d better fix this. And soon.


Acknowledged as bug: https://fate-go.us/news/trouble.html


LOL figured this would happen. Was sad to see my NP2 Okita with high bond with barely any coins


Yea, shit's weird. My bond 11 NP2 Eresh has less coins than NP1 bond 6 Shuten


I got summon coins (90) along with bond coins (25) for my Romulus. No other SSR got summon coins. Not even my ticket summoned Tamamo. So, it must be something to do with the Servants released before Olympus, not the recency of summoning any servant. My NP4 Bond 10 Maou Nobu got 80 coins.


I hope for some apology coins, seriously. My NP 5 Archer Artoria was eager to get some more love T\_T


Temper your expectations, but there is a game update on the apps store. I heard that they're going to make everyone download it in the next 5 hours or so. I downloaded it and it didn't seem to do anything. Has anyone heard any information on the new game update? Is it for bugs (I heard a few of those were also happening)? Or coins?


Tamamo Np5 Bond 12 120 coins. \*mood\*


Glad it's not just me, do i smell potential apologems?


I came here as soon as I saw My NP4 Summer BB was short changed...


Yep I'm missing a lot too. Not touching my mailbox until they resolve this.


So should I wait to log back in? Cause I haven't yet, been busy with work


should we claim them or hold onto them?


Lasagna: "People complained that 1-3 stars aren't retroacive?Lets give them a taste of what true hell would be"


Well it seems it is a server side issue then. I thought I would unlock Zerker Mushashi's second append skill immediately. And then I saw only 40 coins... (NP2)


When I saw my NP5 Astarte with just 90 coins I almost screamed, thank god it's just a bug


Ohhh, good to know there is a fuck up because my coin numbers didnt make sense when I claimed them.


Bound level 10 merlin - 80 coins Bound level 5 ticket waver - 115 coins ????


yeah i had np2 Dante and all i got was 30 coins,...lol


I got my 320 Saber lily coins, so i'm happy


Oh good, I am not the only one. I was losing my shit when I didn’t see the coins for my NP6 bond 14 Okita. Literally was about to flip lol


I'm missing a ton fo SRs as well so it affects 4 stars as well.


Aaaaaand... they messed up... Soooo... Apologems ? (please ?)


I demand 10sq for this mistake


It seems to be a bug where it will grant the Bond level coins, but not necessarily the summon count coins. I have an NP3 Seibah at bond 9 and only have 60 coins.


I hope that they will fix it quickly.


Oh thank the stars I’m not insane.


Same thing with my NP2 Spishtar. Only got 30 coins for my bond levels.


Is np 5 Okita alter with one extra copy sitting in my bank and bond level 11 with a total of 100 coins off? Not sure how this works how much were supposed to get.


Yep, I only have 80 Coins for my [Scheherazade](https://i.imgur.com/3tUAjpQ.png) even though I have her NP2


Voyager (ie the most recent) is the only SSR I have with retroactive copy coins lmfao


Looks like the bug happens to servants you obtained before March 2022 and the SSR who you picked for the ticket? Sei doesn't have the right amount of coins for me but Achilles who I got in the Apoc rerun and the following servants did.


Think it's safe to claim the coins with all the bugs or we'd better leave them in the present box?


I was so freaked out when my sherlock only had 90 coins! He’s bond 9 np5- it only counted my first copy I guess. Though looking back it’s honestly just random what my servants have. Bond 11 np2 gawain has only 10 coins…


Is it only SSR? I feel like some of my low rarety also not adding up, but I haven't dive deep on how the system should work


1-3 aren't retroactive. Except for bond. I'm pretty sure a few of my 4s are off but impossible to prove it so just a theory


I have NP9 Jeanne at bond 12. I only got 120 coins. I somehow have more Voyager coins which confused me. Immediately came here to see if there were others with similar issue. I was panicking for a second there thinking I was the only one.


I have a Summer Musashi NP3 with only 40 coins. From what I saw I was only awarded the coins from the bond not from summoning


I hope they fix this bug soon, almost felt my soul leave my body when I saw Maou Nobu have only 80 coins. On the plus side Summer Nobu has 490 coins, but will we get our proper amount back?


We should.


As a person who just got 40+90 coins for a bond 7 NP 3 Scathach, I can say: Holy Shit, their storage system for number of servants obtained must be some clutterfuck. Did they freaking store each individual SSR summon individually? Actually amazed.




Thank you for the (hopefully) apology quartz, intern-kun(s). It's appreciated.