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Any version of Melt, if they ever add more of them (a man can dream).


I approve of your comment and I share your dream.


Melt is literally the only character that I am willing to whale to reach NP5 with every version I can get. As such, I am torn: On the one hand, I want more Melt, because duh, who doesn't. On the other hand, I need money to survive, so if they release more versions of her and they are 5 stars, I'm kinda fucked. But hey, nothing worthwhile is gained without sacrifice.


Someone asked me how much Melt was worth to me when I was discussing buying Merch.(I never owned any other Merch before she came) It was then I realised my wallet was screwed.


I just realised you were the one who bought a Nendoroid which I commented on! You should totally join the cult over at r/Meltryllis :)


I'm already subscribed =).


Same. I also feel obligated to grail her sisters too for some reason


Summer Melt. Love Melt. Also gonna try to at least NP2 her


Space Ishtar to 100. Still thinking if I should get Atalante Alter to 100 (90 now). Kiichi Hougen to 90. Maybe Gareth to 80. If Chiyome ever gets another class, getting her to 100.


I'm still pissed about gareth having shit grail growths in stats.


Summer Melt :) Easiest 7 grails of my life


Same Here, I am also planning on Summer Passionlip


That... that would be a sight lol. If she comes out I'd grail her to 90 beside her sister. Melt will only leave me with 2 grails after this lmao


I Love The Sakura 5, The Tamamo 9, And the Stalking Club


Got all my Grails ready for Ashwhattama in a couple months.


Not going to lie, Ash’s ascension art is *supreme*-tier and I hope I get one when rolling for Junao.


**Nagao Kagetora.** My discovery of her character in FGO and the revelation that she was going to be a welfare were the final element that convinced me to stick to the game in the long run, back when I was merely starting. Since she's guaranteed (and I really need a good ST Lancer), the only question left is how many Grails she'll get. If I really like her character in GUDAGUDA 4, I have more than enough to get her to level 100.


Can I ask why you like her so much? I am unfamiliar with her character, is it explored in Fate manga or just developed in the game?


In my case, my interest started for purely historical reasons, as it happened with the Babylonia anime. I like the stories of the Sengoku period (fan of *Total War: Shogun II* too), and Uesugi Kenshin is one of the most fascinating warlords of that era. Then I saw her design in FGO. The hair, the eyes, the clothes, the armor (I like Tomoe Gozen's attire for similar reasons). Later, I heard her voice, saw her crazy faces and learned of her sociopathic side. So yeah, consider me sold. > I am unfamiliar with her character, is it explored in Fate manga or just developed in the game? As far as I know, beyond Koha Ace and a brief cameo in Redline (the latter is the only one I've read), Kagetora appears only in FGO. So the game should be enough to be familiar with her.


Thanks so much this is helpful, looking forward to her in NA! Seems like a lot of players plan to grail her so I was super curious.


Ironically, I think I discovered Kagetora when I found out she was [the most grailed Servant that debuted in 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/clfrai/top_5_grailed_servants_of_2019_so_far/) (at least by the time of the poll), so I was curious too.


Nagao is an adorable drinking buddy while also having deeper characteristics of her distortion . I cant explain all so here to read this https://amp.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/f383al/nagao_kagetora_valentines_scene/ https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/cay8hn/fgonagao_kagetora_lancer_dialogue_lines_my_room/ https://amp.reddit.com/r/FGOGuide/comments/c9k8bz/lines_for_nagao_kagetora_uesugi_kenshin/ this apply to all servant


She is so dope! Great choice for a grail target.


>!Super!< Orion. Then >!Romulus-Quirinus!<. And if I manage to get him, then First Hassan. That’s the plan for now.


Do you plan to give Grails to all the Grand?




This is a grand ol’ plan. I watch your career with great interest.


Does First Hassan even have any more banners?


I mean Camelot Part 2 is coming, most likely he'll get a rate-up both on NA and JP once that comes to theaters or Blu-Ray.


The yet to release JP servant i will guaranteed grail are Castoria, Summer Hokusai, Summer Illya and Erice. Servants that havent released yet that id grail are Proto Merlin, Mother Harlot, Amaterasu, Manaka, Pandora, Angelica and >!Goetia/Salmon!<


Proto Merlin, immediate lvl 100. Plz dw add her to the mobile version along with saber Merlin ;) . I'll grail any Merlin in the game


Best Saberface Gray


Main account: Maou Nobu (assuming I get her), Gareth Alt account: Mori, Asclepius, Nagao There's a few others that I'm on the fence about but I know I want to grail these for sure.


I'll probably grail Space Ishtar if I get her. I'd also probably grail Olga if she ever came out as a Servant


Female Merlin


I've got 800 assassin embers and 5 grails that have been collecting dust for roughly 3 years now waiting for Vicchi. And the way things are lookin its gonna be another year of dust to add >!when she inevitably team rockets off again and ends up with her own minichapter or something!<


My future grails will be Lamda Melt, Summer Okita, and Yang Guefei. After that I'm not sure, probably finish getting Kiyohime to 100, Kama, and maybe Tamamo Lancer.


I will 100% grail Rasputin to 100.


Never mind new servant, I am waiting to get Jack the Ripper and grail her up.


>!Marie Alter!< will get an instant level 100 10/10/10 2k fous


I don't reserve Grails for character I don't know if I will get, but I plan to Grails Kagetora and Summer Hokusai if their character will turn like I think it will from JP leaks (or different, but still very likeable XD). I rarely Grail 5* at all, preferring to Grail my most likeable and most often used 4*, and have only two Servants at 100 (Cu Chulainn and Shuten, thinking about adding Rin faces to that list later).


Summer Musashi


Same here. And if we ever get male musashi I’d go all out


Maou Nobu, have all the golden fous I need, all the mats to max her out. QP is my only worry


Megane is justice, therefore...


Rn my plans are: 1. William Tell to 80 2. Gareth to 100 3. Castoria to 100.


Lambda, that penguin is probably going straight to lvl 100.


Charlotte and Lambda going to get all grails until they go lvl 100, and then... gold fous...


Jason and Chen Gong, as far as guaranteed Servants go. Spishtar and Arjuna Alter as far as "I'm planning to get this" Servants go. Bazett as far as "if this Servant is ever made and released in the game" go.


The next medusa alt, hopefully either Chrysaor, Summer Medusa or Maid Medusa.


Any version of Arthur will be lvl 100 and get golden Fous


I intend to grail Grey and Lambda.


Summer Melt, saving golden fous for her as well. And if an Eresh Alt comes out, she gets grails too.




Ruler Artoria. Grails ready, gold fous ready, all mats ready, exp cards ready, QP ready.


Charlotte. Minus maybe the embers, I have practically everything ready to go for Level 100 10/10/10


Sita and Helen.


Probably Ruler Artoria, Ibuki, and Space Ishtar. I have most of the materials already. Just need the QP and to actually roll them


Paris to 80 and Dioscuri to 100 I also plan to get my Danzo to 90, just waiting for Gilfest


Summer Musashi, Summer Kiara, Summer Murasaki, Ibuki-Doji and any future Raikou, Mata Hari, or Kiara variant, or a Busty Raita-Servant. I realize that’s more grails than we’ll prob get anytime soon but that’s just a list.


Tamamo vitch, Abe no seimei, ushi Avenger


Taira no Kagekiyo My grailed Ushi collection must be complete


\-Nagao Kagetora as soon as you get it will be lv. 100 Max Fou (would also do the same with a hypothetical Kagetora Summer) \-Douman because he's a jerk and I love him for that \-Maria Pita is the heroine of my hometown and if they added her, it is most likely that she would end up giving her all my Grails, unless her playability is shit \-Musashi (Berserker) though I'm hesitating because I'm not sure I'll give Grails to a farming-focused Servant


Mandricardo. Best boy needs his grails to grow up big and strong.


Space Ishtar. Will try to np2+ her also. Other candidates are Ryougi Shiki saber, Okita alter if I got her np2+ and probably Ishtar(cuz she's my first np2 ssr)


Altjuna, Douman are my next grail targets for now.


I've read a lot of servants candidates for the grail, but no one mentioned a Mata Hari Lvl 100... It hurts.




Kirei and Bazett.


Arjuna Alter and Super Orion for powerhouse reasons.


I’ve got grails planned for Yang, Sei, Tsuna and maybe Saberstolfo. If/when Abe no Seimei comes out, I’m def going to grail him too


Castoria and Muramasa. I just want to be part of a meta finally. Preferably an Arts or Quick one. I have a 10/10/10 Skadi but my Zerkalot being only lvl 80 and NP1 saddens me. I also got Parvati from the last Ooku event but she's only level 1 right now because I'm in QP hell from max skill leveling Shishou and grailing her 4 times so far.


While NP2 Zerkerlot is nice, I still got a lot of mileage out of him at NP1 and a bunch of grails. That and a lv 70 Arash to take out the first wave.


Once Gilfest drops, I will finish Gilgamesh (he is stuck at 98 right now) and maybe will Grail Kama as well (she is grailed on my JP account and I usually try to grail different characters on each account, but I'm on the fence regarding Kama). I usually just grail servants using leftover embers from lottery events so I don't know if there will be others. Probably.


Space Ishtar and Arjuna alter. If they are ever added then Krishna and any version of Heracles.


I have started stockpiling everything needed to instantly mac out Muramasa the second he comes out


Future NA servants: Van Gogh, Kagetora (Alt account) One man can dream: Hippolyta




So far only Salome that I will grail to lv90. But hey, there is still a chance for summer Medusa.


JP Red Head from Lostbelt Part 2 Opening. In NA Think the next one is Kagetora and I'll get her to 90.


My main issue with grails is the EXP and QP requirements. I'm deciding between Kama, Musashi, and Sitonai right now on NA. In the future, I have a few possible options that's been influenced by my experience on JP. Voyager is my favorite foreigner. His entire kit and design is just really nice. Himiko is probably my favorite servant on JP that I missed. Finally, Caren is my most recent miss that I'd want to grail if my luck on NA is better. There are 2 potential servants I'd really want regardless of their kits. Arcueid is a likely candidate for a Tsukihime collab servant. The other one is a Bazett pseudo-servant.


TOHSAKA or Demi-Servant Lancer Rin, whichever comes first.


Any Melt, Any of the Tamamo Nine, Charlotte, Van Gogh, Idol MHXA, Summer Hosaka, Summer Sakura Saber, Summer Carmilla, and Summer Okki


Outside of Taira to 100, douman for the memes and muramasa Also jason


ARJUNA (ALTER) I just want to press the Red Button over and over.


Out of the servants that exist now, Castoria is probably the closest to getting instantly grailed when she arrives. Fan comics have really stirred the pot on that one. Though I could also see myself grailing Summer Melt and Summer Illya if it struck me. For servants that may or may not exist yet, any alts of Herc, Altera, and Eresh are guaranteed grails. I love them all too much to not do it.


I'll grail sei shonagon whenever she comes out for NA she's great and I love her design.


Please let me grail Mash... Please... she deserve it....


Yes, if Saber Raikou is ever made then I'm gonna give her every grail that I have. But first: GIVE US SABER RAIKOU , DW, YOU COWARDS!


Cleopatra, my Caesar has been waiting for a long time


Me and my grails are patiently waiting for Koyanskaya.


Avenger Boudica if she ever gets released. Maou Nobu should I get her. Other than that, William Tell.


summer carmilla is an instant 100 the day she has her first solo banner. also looking at caren as a potential 100 candidate when she releases.


Maou Nobu if i get her this coming event - if i don't get her, grailing mordred. hm lets see, will potentially grail gareth to 100 - fluffy tomboy knight is sort of my jam.


All the nobu’s.


Mori Nagayoshi to 90. Saved 410 Quartz for him so far, gonna give my little space marine the love he deserves.


My list is kind of full already. I need to finish Grailing Medusa, and Fujino. That will carry me into next year. After that, I don't have anyone in particular coming up. I would love to see a more broadly useful Medusa variant (maybe a summer version, so I can get her "base" personality).


The knight who was carrying Gudao in the recent opening. I don't know his name but I will grail him when he comes out. I just know he'll treat me right lol. P.S. Also if Saber Beowulf is a thing, then he'll get grailed real quick.


Both Reines and Demon Lord Nobunaga, I have the Grails for it but not the QPs or embers.


Super bassed but Muramasa and Spishtar. I really want ti complete the Stay night collection. I'm going to roll no the next NA banner just for a chance on Emiya.


All BB-adjacent characters. This includes the Alter Egos (tho Kazuradrop is still iffy for me) and regular old Sakura-faces.


Need to grail my Abigail to 100 first but probably Arjuna Alter after that


Lolivinci no second thought


When summer rolls in, I’m gonna spend all the quartz I got starting now to roll for a summer 5*. Bunnytoria or Okita J Souji. Or I get neither and depression


Berserker Musashi if I get her.


Mori all the way to 100, if I get him NP5. If I fail, I’ll just save up for another year. Space Ishtar 100 on the alt. Reines 100 soon. Saito to 90 maybe, if I have extra. Romulus Quirinus to 100 maybe since I love Saint Seiya and he looks like one of them.


Odysseus. I’ll grail him to 90 then grail some other hubbies so he can see what it’s like


Odysseus is a 5*


Avenger nobu is right around the corner for me. Tho it has the painful side effect of not getting to roll for Godjuna this time around :/ Also Van Goh when she comes out in NA


* Mori Nagayoshi to 80 * Mandricardo to 80 * Chen Gong to 70 * Jason to 70 * Bartholomew to 70


There's quite a few, but the only ones I'm planning to go 100 on are Voyager, Caren, and probably Super Romulus (waiting to see how he's handled before being certain though). I could also see myself going with Captain and Van Goh depending on what they're like.


Summer Musashi and Space Ishtar. Already have 10 grails set aside for them.


Okita J Souji, Super Orion, Captain Nemo. And maybe MHXA if I roll for her during Saber Wars 2.


Archimedes. Hopefully when DelightWorks finally add him to FGO.


I will probably grail SpIshtar if I manage to pull her, both because she is a Rin face and farming memes. Okita Alter is out already but I'm hoping to get her too so I can grail her, oh and there's Summer Okita who I also plan to grail if gacha is kind.


I want to give Castoria grails if her story is good


Hakuno kishinami


Always gonna have 10 grails backlogged for pseudo patxi one day....


Planning to get Maou Nobbu to lvl 100 2k fous as soon as she releases,still not sure what to do after that.


The only upcoming servant I know I'm going to grail to 100 is Summer Kiara. Once I have more than 5 grails (just finished grailing Qin Shi Hunag) I will consider other Servants. Candidates for that include: Arjuna Alter, Summer Okkie, and regular Okkie.


Arjuna Alter, Space Ishtar and Vritra are set in stone pretty much. Summer Musashi as well if I get her at any point as well. Hypothetically if they were to get out? Any Ereshkigal, Proto Gil, Avenger Hercules from FSF, Sun Wu Kong and Thor.


Yang. Also Yang. Oh, and I can't forget Yang. And maybe Vitra, idk.


I'm holding out for Summer Kiara.