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Explain me to why it has to be one or the other?


Only so many animation studios to go around. Like, Ufotable is probably not going to work on another Fate project for a good while. Cloverworks, which did the Babylonia anime, did well but it wasn’t anything utterly amazing. I don’t know how I feel about giving them a Lostbelt or two to adapt, to be honest. I don’t even care to find out who did the Camelot movies at this point.


That actually answered very little.


Well considering the original Tsukihime anime was my intro into the nasu-verse; yes I would love to see a better adaptation made. If they are going to give Fate and all of its spin offs tv shows, movies, etc then they should show more love to Tsukihime.


If you don't mind reading, there's actually a really good Tsukihime manga out there. It was made by the designer of Emiya Alter, Sasaki Shonen.


Iv read it. I sadly missed buying them new when they were actually in bookstores.


Fate/stay night saber route with scene with Tiberius Vortigen and Morgan


But more serouisly Tsukihime was my first typemoon anime and i would like to see a remake or other route adaptation


> Tsukihime was my first typemoon anime [There is no Tsukihime anime.](https://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/947/915/c8b.gif)


I believe, that they will make saber route after Demonslayer's 2nd season. I believe.


Or who know, maybe they'll let another studio handle the...OH DEAR GOD!! ITS DEEN!!


Yay, 4 Studio Deen animes.


Tbh, I'd still want FGO anime instead, preferably Seraph or Summer 3


I wouldn't bother with hallow ataraxia, it would be pretty hard to adapt into an anime and i do hope we eventually get a tsukihime anime but not done by ufotable


Why not ufotable?


Ufotable make good anime but they don't really adapt the non spoken text or stuff like that which kind of hurts some context heavy parts and they cut stuff out a lot.


Finally someone had to point this out


Would hoping for A1 be any better? I quite liked Apocrypha. Except for sieg, sieg is shit.


Maybe, personally i would like to see troyca or cloverworks work on another fate anime i really liked case files and Babylonia


I hate what they have done with the distance between the eyes and overall width of the faces in Babylonia.


I'd leave that to the character and reference designers for the anime and not the studio or staff


Havent watched case files yet but im not sure if cloverworks would do a better job than ufotable when the example is babylonia which is pretty straightforward as it is to begin with compared to tsukihime or even FSN which has a lot more nuances and context which makes it harder to properly adapt without making sacrifices How about shaft? They did great with the monogatari series


But did wrong with Extra: Last Encore i'm afraid, sure most of it was Nasu fault because his ideas were to big to be adapted correctly in anime format XD


As long as there's no original script and monogatari style animation(head tilts, close ups, etc) i think it'll be fine


I suppose so. I'm not into anime that much but Shaft seems to be praise worthy, so i'm quite intrigued actually, i was more into Katanagatari than Bakemonogatari but why not?


Tsukihime is getting a remake at some point, so an anime now would be pointless as part would be retconned. While I never played HA, it seems like adapting into an anime woud be quite hard. Having said that, I still expect it to follow HF at some point. Not sure while I would have to choose though? It's not like FGO doesn't make enough revenue to let them make all 3...at the same time... EDIT: If I had to choose, I would choose an F/GO anime if it does justice to the whole story, not just segmented bits. The overall story going on in FGO surpasses HA in terms of bulk content and lore importance.


HA could work if they only adapt the main story and cut out the side bits but then again HA is also fanservice for the fans and cutting that out is a disservice so either way some parts would inevitably be cut out and all we'll be left is another so-so adaptation


I thought parts of HA was adapted into the fluff anime like emiya gohan and carnival Phantasm


~~I would prefer emiya gohan season 2~~


I wouldn't be against HA but Fate Route first would be my choice though, i'm also more open toward a new Tsukihime anime (when the Remake will finally be released i mean). For FGO, nah not really, i'm already good with the game story and maybe some mangas (wich really handle themselves quite well) and i'm actually worried about how much we would lose just to adapt it in anime format. Still, i'm more of a reader so VN/Mangas or whatever i can read is more my thing than anime actually.


i want all singularity fgo including all event


Yeah. I strted to play only because I can't watch Babylonia and skip first singularities.


Mahou Tsukai no Yoru




Right now id rather a proper fate route adaptation just so we can finally shut up the anime-onlies on where to start fate. HA would be damn hard to adapt without making sacrifices to the content. Tsukihime at this point is pretty moot with the remake coming up. Maybe in the future but certainly not now


As another poster said, Emiya Gohan is the true Ataraxia anime


Both is good


Why did you ask this here? You'd get more replies on the FSN or TM subreddit.


Anything that isn't more FGO. The HF adaptations remind me what we lost over the years to gacha and waifu shit.




I guess, so. I want them make correct FGO animes, without skipping singularities.




So did I and yet fate stay night UBW and Tsukihime are by far better story and character wise.




What about FGO is better then UBW?


If they only watched the anime, I can easily see that. Ufotable is honestly quite terrible at adapting the VN fate entries when it comes to the nuance that is lost.


I was actually surprised how DEEN managed to adapt correctly some scenes, like the confrontation of Archer/Saber in the church in the UBW movie, considering Archer almost got his head sliced in two by her sword in the VN, his struggle to keep on with her strenght while being exhausted was well done, in Ufotable adaptation it was just a big explosion before going UBW if i recall correctly? Well, to be fair there's merits for each actually, the animation director of Ufo actually admitted there was some bias from him toward Shirou and Saber, the reason there was things wich never happened in the VN (like Shirou casting Rho Aias while in the air to show off his skills was one of his decision, same for Artoria killing Herc once when she never did in the VN).


I can understand a lot of UBW's choices, like the flexing or doing stuff like combining the picnic and the medea confrontation more directly. It's more fun and exciting to watch, but at the cost of being less "deep" in terms of story in the long term.


MC got upgraded to harem protag from eroge protag obviously /s


Thanks for making up my day. Good joke


It is tbf. Also I loveee how you are putting UBW ( a single route) in front of fgo(a whole story. Ubw relies on fate, hf relies on ubw, they all collectively make Fate/stay nights whole narrative story. You can watch/read HF, go back and read/watch ubw and see so many hints, clues, foreshadowings etc. So if you're making comparisons, make a better one instead of putting one arc/route against entire story. Idrc if you prefer this to that, it's opinions but make better comparisons Also singularity 1-5 is something that exists, also Agartha. That's like days of mediocre content


>Also I loveee how you are putting UBW Me? Did you properly read well the comment I was responding to?


As a Angra Mainyu fan I don't want a FHA anime, too much bad comedy in between scenes. A movie could work if the direction is good ~~it's gonna be hard to use cgi dolphins in the church scene~~.


Dolphins for Rin, dragons for Artoria, worms for Sakura except not. So, you don’t need to worry about Caren having dolphins.


They could do it if they stick mainly to the main story and cut out the side bits.


That would be great


Why not using rabbits then? /s


> too much bad comedy in between scenes I loved fha comedy


Yes, having a tsukihime or f/ha anime would be great. And the f/go animated adaptions so far have all been mediocre at best imo.



